Sunday, June 26, 2011

Are You Saved?

Do You Know, "Ye Must Be Born Again!"?

In a good sense it's supernatural, our fellowship with God. We trust in the Holy Spirit and His empowerment for the Christ's faith to be sanctified, filled full of God. The River of Life is in the Holy Spirit animating
within who leads us though we be in a desert, and trusting God shows what's inside to the world. We become a tree others can find shade in for Jesus' Names sake having the Kingdom in our midst or rule of Christ within.

If this is strange language to you:

Do you know you must be born of God, born of the Spirit of fullness of Truth, love, peace, and joy? It's found in a relationship with God! Read the four Gospels and picture the Savior speaking just to you! Listen like you were really thirsty because those that stumble on the Truth Who is a Person, Jesus, never fall! They get saved and are kept in the Father's hand where no one can touch them!

Imagine the Word of God is His love letter to you and that His Son Jesus doesn't condemn you but wants you to go and sin no more. Can you? If you're honest you'll ask Jesus in to save you knowing you can't live it in your sinful self. And wholly lean on Jesus pray to be saved and to encounter Jesus authentically! You'll find satisfaction being a friend of God who can call Him Father! Follow the Son Who gave His life for you!

Bethel -- A Church that cares! Dave

Friday, June 24, 2011

Is It, "Your Best Life Now" or "Bondslaves, Suffering For Jesus?"

God Has Plans Greater For Us Than To Try To Make Our Lives More Happy & Cozy

Jesus is the Son of God and came from Heaven to earth to save our souls, develop our character, and to see us through to refined gold assuming we've been born again. Refined gold speaks of a spotless character not money. He did not come to baptize us in bad vinegar. We need to smile more and be glad and rejoice much more in Jesus.

Jesus by the way fulfilled over three hundred prophecies about Messiah. Given in the Bible these writings definitely tell us God is in control. Religion is man's attempts to get to God and based on man's thoughts not especially God's thoughts. Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. Jesus in His authenticity is God reaching down to man in love in a relationship of Blood Covenant. Early Indians in America would slice a blade across their hands to show they were in league or blood brothers with other tribes. In the Bible something similiar is started by God Himself with a man called Abraham in Chapter 15-17 of Genesis.

The Bible is God's final authority in everything being verbal plenary supplied inerrant and infallible in inspiration and matters relating to God. Before Abraham God had a verbal speech Covenant with sacrifices with Adam, Seth, Noah, Enoch, and then by the time of Abraham, a Covenant He ratified that was related and unified with man with God and God was the propounder or first party to start it.

We needed a salvation because of deaths we couldn't overcome and consequences of sins. We couldn't escape death and the consequences of our sin. God gave us Jesus "in the fullness of times," and He is the Savior of the world from sin being He took upon Himself the whole world's sin the scripture says in II Cor 5:21 and He came out the other side: a happening guy! He did this so we might be able to live right aplely put. But live right before God is important. Jesus Himself lived a reverential life to God when He walked here 2000 years ago in obedience.

He lived to about age 30 when He started to minister and heal under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit according to the Bible. He came to send us an anointing too and us to be IN HIM that is immerced or baptized in His Life and Death and Resurrection pleasing God after His Resurrection. The Four New Testament Gospels give a precise accurate description of His Life and Ministry Purpose, to forgive us all of our sins (at His Death primarily,) and that to believe Him is the only way to be saved while He was alive. And get to Heaven and to enter His Kingdom now receiving it also by believing Him is paramount. To follow Him as our all in all is everything then on from the empty Tomb and to worship God and rejoice in what Christ has done for you on the Cross!

After His Resurrection people of God wondered why Jesus didn't restore all things as He said would be on God's agenda. But Jesus said before He died that the Holy Spirit would come if He (Jesus) went away and would be like Jesus in every way (allos in Greek for the same.) The Holy Spirit would magnify Jesus and remind of what He said and the truth (alethia in Greek.) The Restoration would come later (see Revelation 21.) The early Church went about telling of Jesus Resurrection and why that saves us to everybody. The message of the Gospel good news was cutting to the heart as disciple after disciple became a witness that died a martyr's death. But persecution for the stand they took was winning the world upside down. The Holy Spirit was empowering the body of Christ to think and act and 'BE' WITNESSES for Jesus Christ and it shows by attitude and became the underdog David and that slew the Goliath: Nero.

God truly wants to give you a newness of life or in other words an extrordinary life in the realm of influence He's called you to by the Power of the Spirit or empowerment of the Christ's faith. Get saved first. For the Kingdom of God is not a geographic location but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit Romans 14:17. God will accomplish this by His grace. He's called you to a change. God doesn't want anyone lost in other words. Pretty soon there may be no delay by God in longsuffering or tarrying. God chose by the foolishness of PREACHING to save those that believe.

To be saved, and Jesus Himself said the way is narrow and hard to Life and the way to destruction is broad and its gate wide and many go to their consequences therein and are perished, and so we need a faith that sees beyond what others see, a belief of faith IN JESUS that grows (into born of God life: zoe in Greek - the God kind of life.) Jesus spoke about hell as a place to shun and as did the brother of Christ, James, Gehenna but Christ spoke more about hell than anyone in scripture. He said, "You must be saved to enter or see the Kingdom of God: John's Gospel 3:3,5." A God Who lets sinful people have their own way for long wouldn't be very just nor would He be very loving to the victim of a sinner flashing a sword. Sin is lawlessness and transgressing the Law of God which Law was given to us through Moses to show us we fail God (as in The Ten Commandments,) as well as God's Holiness and Love by misdirecting an inner voice, namely the Holy Spirit's voice which can be convicting or commending. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1"

Antionomism is anything goes and every situation, relative to it, no absolutes that is in behavior and attitude action. By this we grieve God who gives the Holy Spirit. We see by these infallible proofs the laws that God puts out there we fail to obey Him (specificly Him,) within the Law (of God given through Moses) even though we might live a ying yang good life. These Ten Commands (or 613) show us a limit on personal avenging of a victim to his/her aggressor. God in essence is saying we need a Savior to save us from our passions for in many ways we have gone way over the line or limit in sinning before God.

If we have ever lied we have sinned before God or if we have ever stealed we have sinned also. Scripture says one sin is as bad as any other and, "miss the Mark in one point, and you've missed (failed) every one of them," (James 2:10.) Thoughts of love turned to lust? hate? murder in the heart? We deserve hell rightly so because God's Law judges such attitude/behavior (See Jesus' words in Matthew 5,6,7,) and God the Judge does as well. For Utopia God created creation of man and woman to live there and to live there requires a "perfection suit." Otherwise as soon as one of us showed up it would be no longer Utopia. We'd stink up the place acting rusde and ugly. Jesus went to Paradise and succeeded. He shows us its all there waiting for us. All others are liars and thieves, "trying to climb up some other way," scripture declares, "into the sheepfold." But Jesus couldn't be kept in a grave. He arose the third day. He was justified, vindicated.

In mercy He Himself now provides the way to Himself and this place Heaven we could not bridge when He sent Himself in the form of Jesus Christ: He lived a pleasing life to God before God pleasing of His Ten Commandments (and the 613 laws) here on earth obedient to death even a cross death pleasing God to the last breath. In His victory His way, we could accept "it is Finished" by the Son and so somehow to reach to the resurrection from the dead (meaning Heaven,) Paul said in Philipians at the Rapture or when we die by knowing Christ inside in a reality of the Spirit. This is the first resurrection. It's a sure promise with conditions as every promise has conditions. He died in weakness a crucifixion death by man's hand (II Corinthians 13:4,) and that was Friday's happenings...but Sunday's a Coming! and He Arose from death and lives by the Power of God in that victorious fashion He alone could adopt us for as sons crying "Abba, Father!" That Resurrection has been the most documented fact of history!

He brought tithes and offering to God which was His Blood to the Throne where God dwelt. His righteousness counted. Access is now there. He has gone through the Heavens and its all there. He had gone to the cross to suffer God's wrath in an eternity in those six hours on the cross. He suffered our punishment full blown of an eternity of eternities in God's Wrath completely and came out the other side intact! He became sin and had the full strength of God's Judgment and Wrath poured out upon Himself just to save us, and make us more than conqueror's, overcomers in this life. Now we can go free from the stall like calves, skipping, leaping: forgiven! Can you not respond in kind firmly to that act one time and once for all believe that Jesus could apply it to you? Saved? Pray about it.

You can have faith to be healed and salvation. You can be assured of Heaven as you follow Jesus on the earth.

By way of Background, There was a way of the Ark of His Presence which had a Mercy Seat surrounded by four cherebim and many seraphim where God dwelt back in the Old Testament. This later became the Temple: Holy of Holies. And then Christ Himself on earth and now Christ is within each believer, by the Holy Spirit who gives life and ministry to each of us!

But you have to be IN Christ to win or gain not earn Eternal Life. In other words, salvation has to be applied to your life and it's a forward gaining stamp of approval that has to see the end of your life proved faithful and in this respect it's a Gift (Bepo in Greek,) by grace lifelong to those that obey by faith through grace (in Greek, Chiro) in fact the obedience of faith Paul spoke of in Romans chapter one and to endure to the end primary. Jesus lived that perfect life perfectly. "I am the way the truth and the life, no man gets to the Father but by Me," Jesus Christ said (John 14:6.)

We need to be born of God or born again Jesus taught (John 3:3,5)! We admit we're sinners and have fallen short of God's glory (and that's in Romans 3:23 to say.) Romans three verse ten says, "There is none righteous, no not one." We fall short on the mercy of God and roll our doubts on Him and accept Christ as our Lord and Savior humbly in a bow before Him. Paul the Apostle said He bowed before God so should we. Be following Christ all the days of our life and meaning it authentically & we will build a sure foundation against the storms to come established on the Laws and Promises of God and have an inheritance we will have prepared for us rooted in God. Jesus is the only way to God. Abide in Him like a Branch to a Vine kept by a Vinedressor, Father God.

God can put us in the eye of the storm in peace in Him. NO other name under Heaven given among men is needed to be saved Acts 4:12. It is my prayer that you will pray fervently earnestly to know God to the point God knows you through Christ and sincerely ask God to be saved through His Blood so you can be ready should He call you home to Heaven (Philippians 3:20-21,) and read the Bible and find Jesus Christ for your life and lifestyle. It's for everyone! It's a new spiritual life not religious nor religion. God promises a new self. God giveth a new heart and new mind. This is in Christ. I was at an age of four when I understood this and asked Him in to be my Savior from sin.

It is made by God so a child can understand and be saved. It has been a better life, a witness for Jesus, since then for me and I have never regretted a moment of it! My aim as is the desire of everyone born again in Christ is to be Christlike and more like Jesus Christ moment by moment by faith and trust which brings obedience to it. To accomplish this is commitment' requiring of us and cooperating with the Voice of God and Spirit of God which we discover by reading the Word and allowing God to work on us as a Potter would clay on a Potter's Wheel. Dave Candel

Bethel Assembly Of God Church

Bethel Assembly Of God Church

Monday, June 20, 2011

Why The Blood Of Jesus Christ Must Be Applied To Oneself!

Jesus told many parables about life and the
Kingdom while He walked the planet 2000 years it's been. He said it's better to
be rich toward God than wise in your own conceit. Woe in fact to him who is
proud in possessions and not wealthy toward God. Scripture says, "If the
righteous scarcely be saved what will become of the ungodly and unrighteous? I
believe Him. What better way would there be for God to reveal to us He has a
will and a purposeful way than to walk in our shoes and become one of us. He
exaggerated the point in that one respect by becoming a baby and risking our
circumstances too. He chose a way to intertwine in our ways of life by showing
us what God is like totally. God heals people and does good to them which is
what Jesus did. Jesus also invited us to a feast or supper someday to be given
in His Honor. When He expanded His circle of influence & ministry He would
teach the Kingdom. Many would be drawn and listen and really hear. Some went
along for the ride flew the coop. He preached, "repent, for the God you think you know is here
in His Government (Kingdom.)" But instead of great signs performing like putting down the Romans He
was crucified. It was a sarcastic laugh Satan and his hordes had as this happened as Friday's
here....BUT SUNDAY'S A COMING!!! And three days later He Arose triumphant/victorious. He even
went so far as to insure the stone that held Him in the Tomb was rolled away so
we could get inside. Most of all proving it did occur, his disciples risked life and limb and
everything to get the Message of the GOOD NEWS out: "He Is Not Here, He Is
Risen!" It spread all over the world and turned the world upside down. Countless numbers of Christians would be docile as the lions of the Coliseum would ravage them. They had a
peaceful look and smile that devastated Nero. They indeed knew God had spoken.
Do we? Scripture says, unshakeable things will remain but right now the shakable
is being shaken. Are we slow to believe God raises the dead? or that the Blood of Jesus can save anybody from sin? God is not willing that any should perish for He has no
pleasure in the death of the wicked but only when they repent. "All things are
possible," Jesus said, "to him who believes." Jesus says, in the dramatic
present, "Let him who has ears to hear, really hear what the Holy Spirit is
saying to the Churches." John 14:6 says and Jesus says, "I am the way, the
truth, and the Life, no man cometh to Father but by Me." Is it going to matter
in 'the long run' if we are rich toward God? You betcha! We need to read Acts
2:38b again. It says, " Repent and be Baptized everyone one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ
for the Remission of sins and you will receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit."
It's worthy to be a born again believer because we get to go to Heaven but for now on earth we sit right in the Heavenlies
and become a bondslave to serve God and in Heaven we'll rule and reign with Christ someday. We need not listen
to the world calling us bad names but wholly lean on Jesus' Name and be born again.
People get ready Jesus is coming soon. God looks with mercy (Lovingkindness
Hebrew: chesed) and compassion on us because of what Christ has Done. His
finished work for us at the Cross has wrought victory over the world, sin, and
satan. "Sell what you have, buy alms, give to the poor, deny yourself, take up
your cross and follow Me," Jesus is saying to believers. Provide for yourselves bags that wax
not old Eternal in the Heavens and lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven.
Even a cup of cold water given in the name of a disciple will not lose its
reward. By grace from God alone we make it because our good works are like
filthy rags. It's by His mercy an Abundant Life In Christ is possible. Like the energizer bunny, that
Life of Christ within keeps going, and going, and going in perseverance. Read the Bible, pray, and
tell someone you love them; attend a Bible believing Church. Make it your home
or extended family! Love God and your neighbor! Follow Jesus!

Dave Candel

Bethel Assembly Of God Church Web

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day

I Had A Godly Father And Dad!!

Thanks Lord for being there for me! How can I say thanks Lord God for the things You have done for me? I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the Name of God. Jesus is the Name above all Names, Beautiful Savior, Glorious Lord, Immanuel, God is with us. When I gave my heart to Christ I knew I'd be accused of being a goody-two-shoes but I determined I'd belong to God no matter what, believe God and His Kingdom, I'd seek even as a lad in Grade School with all my heart.
A Click Away From A Great Church Sermon Podcast!
It says in Hebrews, "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins."
All it takes is a prayer to God and a commitment to Christ can be made to be saved, admitting that you're a sinner, a falling short (of God's glory,) sinner, and confessing God's Redemptive Love, one accepts Christ as individual Savior and Lord from sin. You then follow Him abiding in Him, repenting, bearing fruit, then being a witness for Him after waiting on the Spirit. You reach for the Sceptor which is His, (His Righteousness, His Signet Ring.)
Love God and let Him know that you love Him and tell everyone you know, proclaiming "RELEASE," that "you're free! of this world: of the lust of the eyes, of lust of the flesh, and of the pride of life," because of what Christ has Done. You're not in it for a problem-free life but in a crucified consecration you belong to Jesus more, and more, and you now love God, & hate sin. Have that encounter with Jesus in God. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me unless the Father draw him." Jesus draws all men to Himself as He is lifted high. As born again then we're hungry to do the next right thing. This is background. You get a new heart and newness of life.
Jesus is that Davidic Covenant Keeper, Messiah. He fulfilled the Law by actually keeping it thoroughly by perfect love and obedience. He went beyond obeying to pleasing also Father God. He loved God and His fellow man perfectly. He is therefore able to save all that come unto God by Him seeing He ever lives to make intercession for them. He lives by the power of an indestructible life after His Resurrection. Sin's wage is death but death could not keep Him. (I wonder why, hint hint.)
"Trust him. And when you have done that, you are living the life of grace. No matter what happens to you in the course of that trusting — no matter how many waverings you may have, no matter how many suspicions that you have bought a poke with no pig in it, no matter how much heaviness and sadness your lapses, vices, indispositions, and bratty whining may cause you — you simply believe that Somebody Else,by his death and resurrection, has made it all right, and you just say thank you and shut up." - Robert Capon
Heaven is where God will wipe away all tears from our eyes and God through John goes on to say, "There will be no death, nor crying, nor any pain." "Behold," "I make all things new." "I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end." "I will lead him who is thirsty to living fountains of water." Amen.
Live for Him. Rest your entire weight of self on Him in committment to preserve for that Day of His return. Happy Fathers day!!!! Dave
I'd try to not let my left hand know what my right is doing as Christ said about giving but living it commending my conscience to God and every man's conscience as He gave me ability in expressing the Life from God within giving my life for His service I would do. Being bondslaves to Christ and knowing God at an early age, I tried to tell others about finding Christ inside and what that meant: what He did for me. I heard and felt abuse from Jews and Catholics alike but I looked for common ground, stayed the course, and remembered it's important to talk to God about someone before I talked to someone about God. I wanted to be a disciple of Jesus' in truth not just an outward Christian. I knew God's move and if I got out of the way He could accomplish. I learned the Bible well and was taught all about the characters therein and the story of Redemption: I put my life upon the Rock. I'd be building a good foundation against the storms of life to come. And it has been so.
Righteousness is what I long for. Righteousness is what I need (God's.) Stuff can take a back seat to His Frontseat. Things and possessions just get in the way. Renouncing all for Christ's service even as a child I wanted to tell others what I found in knowing God and it wasn't always easy. My godly parents took me to Church every Sunday Wednesday, and Friday. Twice on Sunday. And I went forward often to the altar to pray. I received there counsel of the Lord: be devoted in heart, soul, mind, and strength with tongue, and count the cost, renounce, and follow Christ. I needed God and I was not a good sinner and I wanted to live for Christ determined.
By grace I've been saved, a certain salvation, and my anchor goes/enters within the veil, holds in me, and that by faith, not of myself nor of any good work or works, I'm saved, lest any boast. It's not about me but what Christ has done in His Finished Work because of Who He is.
Almighty God Most Holy Lord, glorious Almighty God: He is El Elyon (Most High God.) I read tracts or little synopsises of the Gospel and I began to see the plan of God better as a kid. It Seems like we won't soon forget that overdraft of God's Protection (the Cross and what it stands for,) if we do that separating from sin starting as a child which is Divinely important. We need to keep in our minds eye that Price for which we were bought and paid for and emotions will follow we being active and alert in Him: re: our love for God white hot fervent & foremost because this world would try to take that away, re: first love for Christ . We're just pilgrims here, God's peculiar people.
This world has an enemy, the devil and, satan is his other name. He's the prince and power of the air. Martin Luther, it's said, woke from sleep one night and saw Satan at his bed at the feet and quotedly said, "oh, it's you," and went back to sleep. Don't give attention to him nor treat him with disdain but with a healthy respect like a hot stove.
Ephesians says, "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." "Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." Put on the Helmet, Sword, Shield, Belt, Shoes, Breastplate, and Prayer always with all supplication for all saints as that armor of God. We'll reap a harvest if we don't quit or get nervous nor weary in well doing, army. May you see the Savior' Blood applied to your life and find your favor in grace from God, happiness and joy in belonging to Him if you haven't done so already! Amen.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Papa O my Papa! Abba! Daddy! These are endearing terms for one's inmost intimate relationship with their Father or for many their Heavenly Father! I encourage you to get to know Your Creator Who is Your Redeemer/Savior/King/Master/God! There are many names for God in the Bible revealing Who He Is in a Unique Righteous Holy Manner. Having made our universe with intelligent design and personally handcrafted his unique-among-all creation, mankind, He rested on the Seventh Day. Man was made a little lower than the angels for a time. He is though higher than animals in that He is free in His will to choose morally and spiritually at times with great specificity. But we know and science tells us man and woman came from one couple or one single ancestor-ancient.

We could say, matter and energy are conserved but science has told us that the atom can be split like in a hydrogen bomb. And so as it says in the books of Peter in the Bible, "the elements shall melt with fervent heat," and, "so, what manner of men ought we to be in all holiness and righteousness looking for the day of His (Messiah) coming."

By spreading the good news of Adam's helpless race finding a way of Salvation through the "Second Adam," we see how important a gravity God puts on His Kingdom being reverenced and His Son obeyed, Jesus, which His Name also means Joshua. We're hastening His Coming again as we honor His Logos, (being a bondslave of Him,) or Living Word, God dwelt among us, Immanual, God in flesh form: Jesus Christ. We come to see God's not angry with mankind because Jesus has won the victory; And He is victorious in rising from the dead and has specially called out His Saints from this world who through faith by grace please and obey Him. Do you think it strange that God raises the dead? However it's a narrow way God has made to Heaven (in Christ) crossing the great Gulf between man and Himself the Bible and Jesus say. The way to Hell is broad (wide) & paved with good intentions and one might argue they're good enough (for Heaven) without "being saved." But Jesus did meet all the requirements to be our perfect Lamb of God, and do you think God would go to all this trouble if it weren't right or needed? He obeyed God perfect, died on a Cross as predicted by Him, Arose from the dead, proving that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and that in John's Gospel, "all who are taught of the Father," come to Him! No one can make it to attain God's Standard of Holiness or Righteousness then. The only answer is Christ within: in the body, soul, heart, mind, and spiritual lifestyle. Will you this very hour confirm this before God on yourself His favor, by accepting the Gift of His Son's Sacrifice for the Blood taking away, the Redemption, of your sins, because He loves you!? You admit first you need it because you're sinful and only deserve hell. Heaven awaits! But after that, realize it's all of grace & so then show that you're thankful and grateful He did this (save you) by living for Him. Deny Yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him (Jesus Christ.) All the angels rejoice in Heaven because you did that. Claim the Holy Spirit to invest inside you to give you the pledge of Heaven, repent, and praise and love the Lord Your God with everything inside in a lifetime of Worship for its about Him not us!! Choose Life, choose the Son for your discipleship and Heaven as your purpose, and live with the awareness of the Son of God inside and your identity in Him, His righto life, His manner of life in living it in merciful kindness ministering, His lowly, His Death for our sins, His burial, His Resurrection, Ascension, Exaltation, and Supremacy over all things, so that we might be called His "brothers." And through you uniquely and through Corporately functioning with unction in Body of Christ, the Good News of the Gospel can be proclaimed and glorified and magnified with a corporate Voice in the Body of Christ, to lift up Christ. And like the blind man healed by Jesus in the book of John says, "all I know is once I was blind, now I see." Jesus changes lives. It start with the forgiveness of sins and the Blood that covers you. God is love I John 4:16.

Friday, June 10, 2011

You Can Choose Your Destiny; Heaven or Hell

Thanks Lord for being there for me! How can I say thanks Lord God for the things You have done for me? I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the Name of God. Jesus is the Name above all Names, Beautiful Savior, Glorious Lord, Immanuel, God is with us. When I gave my heart to Christ I knew I'd be accused of being a goody-two-shoes but I determined I'd belong to God believe God and His Kingdom I'd seek even as a lad in Grade School with all my heart.

I'd try to not let my left hand know what my right is doing as Christ said about giving but live commending my conscience to God and every man's conscience as He gave me ability in expressing the Life from God within giving my life for His service. Being bondslaves ta Christ and knowing God at an early age, I tried to tell others about finding Christ inside and what that meant. I heard and felt abuse from Jews and Catholics alike but I looked for common ground, stayed the course, and remembered it's important to talk to God about someone before I talked to someone about God. I wanted to be a disciple of Jesus' in truth not just an outward Christian. I knew if I learned the Bible well and was taught all about the characters in it and the story of Redemption thereof I'd be building a good foundation against the storms of life to come. And it has been so.

Righteousness is what I long for. Righteousness is what I need (God's.) Stuff can take a back seat. Things and possessions just get in the way. Renouncing this all for Christ's service even as a child I wanted to tell others what I found in knowing God and it wasn't always easy. My godly parents took me to Church every Sunday and Wednesday. Twice on Sunday. And I went forward often to the altar to pray. I received there counsel from the Lord: be devoted in heart, soul, mind, and tongue, and count the cost. I needed God and I was not a good sinner and I wanted to live for Christ determined.

By grace I've been saved, a certain salvation, and my anchor enters within the veil, holds in me, and that by faith, not of myself nor any good works, lest any boast. It's not about me but what Christ has done in His Finished Work because of Who He is.

Almighty God Most Holy Lord, glorious Almighty God He is. I read tracts or little synopsises of the Gospel and I began to see the plan of God better as a kid. It Seems like we won't soon forget that overdraft of Protection of Who He is (the Cross and what it stands for,) if we do that separating from sin as a child. We need to keep in our minds eye that Price for which we were bought and paid and emotions will follow we being active and alert: re: our love for God white hot fervent & foremost because this world would try to take that away. We're just pilgrims here, God's peculiar people.

This world has an enemy, the devil and, satan is his other name. He's the prince and power of the air.

Ephesians says, "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." "Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." Put on Helmet, Sword, Shield, Belt, Shoes, Breastplate, and Prayer always with all supplication for all saints as that armor. We'll reap a harvest if we don't quit or get nervous in well doing, army. May you see the Savior' Blood applied to your life and find your happiness and joy in belonging to Him if you haven't done so already!
A Click Away From A Great Church Sermon Podcast!

It says in Hebrews, "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins."

All it takes is a prayer to God and commitment to Christ to admit that you're a sinner, a falling short (of God's glory,) sinner, and confessing God's love, one accepts Christ as individual Savior and Lord from sin. You then follow Him abiding in Him, repenting, bearing fruit, then being a witness for Him. You reach for the Sceptor which is His, (His Righteousness.)

Love God and let Him know that you love Him and tell everyone else, proclaiming "release," that "you're free! of this world: the lust if the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life." You're not in it for a problem-free life but in a ballooning crucified consecration to belong to Jesus more, you now love God, hate sin. Have that encounter with Jesus in God. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me unless the Father draw him." Jesus draws all men to Himself as He is lifted high. As born again we're hungry to do the next right thing. This is background.

Jesus is that Davidic Covenant Keeper, Messiah. He fulfilled the Law by actually keeping it thoroughly by love and obedience. He went beyond obeying to be pleasing also the Father God. He loved God and His fellow man perfectly. He is therefore able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by Him seeing He ever lives to make intercession for them. He lives by the power of an indestructible life after His Resurrection. Sin's wage is death but death could not keep Him

! We sit with Him, victors, not victims in the Heavenlies at the Throne.

As perfect Lamb of God sacrifice then, Jesus' Blood was (shed) so we could be free. Now I'm forgiven. Jesus keeps giving and giving. Jesus promises never to leave nor forsake. Love is not love until it goes through a test & until it's pure gold and dross is removed, Christlike. God wants us to choose by faith and our will to belong to Him, but not by force.

It's a Gift, Eternal Life, and we must accept it freely. Make that prayer to know God and obey the Son. Justification happens. You begin to really live like your alive from the dead & wholly alive to God. Your passion changes to righteous. The Holy Spirit is your gift when you do these things. In God's timing all things become beautiful. God is good. "Occupy until I come," Jesus said, on the offensive winnning battles on your knees.

"Trust him. And when you have done that, you are living the life of grace. No matter what happens to you in the course of that trusting — no matter how many waverings you may have, no matter how many suspicions that you have bought a poke with no pig in it, no matter how much heaviness and sadness your lapses, vices, indispositions, and bratty whining may cause you — you simply believe that Somebody Else,by his death and resurrection, has made it all right, and you just say thank you and shut up." - Robert Capon

As we partner together with God, although The Battle Is The Lord', we shall wear a crown bright, shiny should the Lord tarry, because fine linen is the righteous acts of the Saints, (Haggios, in Greek) "called out ones." God wants to be among us Revelation 21 tells. There's a supper of marriage Christ will have over us, His Bride, and we will have robes washed in the Blood of Himself, the Lamb of God. We will lay our Stephanos, wreaths at Jesus feet and worship! He will give rewards and wipe our tears away! Heaven is where God will wipe away all tears from our eyes and He goes on to say, "There will be no death, nor crying, nor any pain." "I make all things new." "I am the beginning and the end." "I will lead him who us thirsty to living fountions of waters." Amen.
Live for Him. DC 6/10/2011

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

We Proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves bondslaves for your sakes!

Thanks Lord for being there for me! How can I say thanks Lord God for the things You have done for me? I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the Name of God. Jesus is the Name above all Names, Beautiful Savior, Glorious Lord, Immanuel, God is with us. When I gave my heart to Christ I knew I'd be accused of being a goody-two-shoes but I determined I'd belong to God believe God and His Kingdom I'd seek even as a lad in Grade School with all my heart.
I'd try to not let my left hand know what my right is doing as Christ said about giving but live commending my conscience to God and every man's conscience as He gave me ability in expressing the Life from God within giving my life for His service. Being bondslaves ta Christ and knowing God at an early age, I tried to tell others about finding Christ inside and what that meant. I heard and felt abuse from Jews and Catholics alike but I looked for common ground, stayed the course, and remembered it's important to talk to God about someone before I talked to someone about God. I wanted to be a disciple of Jesus' in truth not just an outward Christian. I knew if I learned the Bible well and was taught all about the characters in it and the story of Redemption thereof I'd be building a good foundation against the storms of life to come. And it has been so.
Righteousness is what I long for. Righteousness is what I need (God's.) Stuff can take a back seat. Things and possessions just get in the way. Renouncing this all for Christ's service even as a child I wanted to tell others what I found in knowing God and it wasn't always easy. My godly parents took me to Church every Sunday and Wednesday. Twice on Sunday. And I went forward often to the altar to pray. I received there counsel from the Lord: be devoted in heart, soul, mind, and tongue, and count the cost. I needed God and I was not a good sinner and I wanted to live for Christ determined.
By grace I've been saved, a certain salvation, and my anchor enters within the veil, holds in me, and that by faith, not of myself nor any good works, lest any boast. It's not about me but what Christ has done in His Finished Work because of Who He is.
Almighty God Most Holy Lord, glorious Almighty God He is. I read tracts or little synopsises of the Gospel and I began to see the plan of God better as a kid. It Seems like we won't soon forget that overdraft of Protection of Who He is (the Cross and what it stands for,) if we do that separating from sin as a child. We need to keep in our minds eye that Price for which we were bought and paid and emotions will follow we being active and alert: re: our love for God white hot fervent & foremost because this world would try to take that away. We're just pilgrims here, God's peculiar people.
This world has an enemy, the devil and, satan is his other name. He's the prince and power of the air.
Ephesians says, "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." "Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." Put on Helmet, Sword, Shield, Belt, Shoes, Breastplate, and Prayer always with all supplication for all saints as that armor. We'll reap a harvest if we don't quit or get nervous in well doing, army. May you see the Savior' Blood applied to your life and find your happiness and joy in belonging to Him if you haven't done so already!
It says in Hebrews, "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins."
All it takes is a prayer to God and commitment to Christ to admit that you're a sinner, a falling short (of God's glory,) sinner, and confessing God's love, one accepts Christ as individual Savior and Lord from sin. You then follow Him abiding in Him, repenting, bearing fruit, then being a witness for Him. You reach for the Sceptor which is His, (His Righteousness.)
Love God and let Him know that you love Him and tell everyone else, proclaiming "release," that "you're free! of this world: the lust if the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life." You're not in it for a problem-free life but in a ballooning crucified consecration to belong to Jesus more, you now love God, hate sin. Have that encounter with Jesus in God. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me unless the Father draw him." Jesus draws all men to Himself as He is lifted high. As born again we're hungry to do the next right thing. This is background.
Jesus is that Davidic Covenant Keeper, Messiah. He fulfilled the Law by actually keeping it thoroughly by love and obedience. He went beyond obeying to be pleasing also the Father God. He loved God and His fellow man perfectly. He is therefore able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by Him seeing He ever lives to make intercession for them. He lives by the power of an indestructible life after His Resurrection. Sin's wage is death but death could not keep Him! We sit with Him, victors, not victims in the Heavenlies at the Throne.
As perfect Lamb of God sacrifice then, Jesus' Blood was (shed) so we could be free. Now I'm forgiven. Jesus keeps giving and giving. Jesus promises never to leave nor forsake. Love is not love until it goes through a test & until it's pure gold and dross is removed, Christlike. God wants us to choose by faith and our will to belong to Him, but not by force.
It's a Gift, Eternal Life, and we must accept it freely. Make that prayer to know God and obey the Son. Justification happens. You begin to really live like your alive from the dead & wholly alive to God. Your passion changes to righteous. The Holy Spirit is your gift when you do these things. In God's timing all things become beautiful. God is good. "Occupy until I come," Jesus said, on the offensive winnning battles on your knees.
"Trust him. And when you have done that, you are living the life of grace. No matter what happens to you in the course of that trusting — no matter how many waverings you may have, no matter how many suspicions that you have bought a poke with no pig in it, no matter how much heaviness and sadness your lapses, vices, indispositions, and bratty whining may cause you — you simply believe that Somebody Else,by his death and resurrection, has made it all right, and you just say thank you and shut up." - Robert Capon
As we partner together with God, although The Battle Is The Lord', we shall wear a crown bright, shiny should the Lord tarry, because fine linen is the righteous acts of the Saints, (Haggios, in Greek) "called out ones." God wants to be among us Revelation 21 tells. There's a supper of marriage Christ will have over us, His Bride, and we will have robes washed in the Blood of Himself, the Lamb of God. We will lay our Stephanos, wreaths at Jesus feet and worship! He will give rewards and wipe our tears away! DC 6/8/2011
Our Church

Friday, June 03, 2011

There is Healing, Salvation In the Name of Jesus

Bethel Church
Thanks Lord for being there for me! How can I say thanks Lord God for the things You have done for me? I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the Name of God. Jesus is the Name above all Names, Beautiful Savior, Glorious Lord, Immanuel, God is with us. When I gave my heart to Christ I knew I'd be accused of being a goody-two-shoes but I determined I'd belong to God and His Kingdom I'd seek even as a lad in Grade School with all my heart.

I'd try to not let my left hand know what my right is doing as Christ said about giving but live within the confines of the conscience God gave me in giving my life for His service. Bondslaves of Christ and Knowing God at an early age, I tried to tell others about finding Christ inside and what that meant. I heard abuse from Jews and Catholics but I stayed the course and remembered to talk to God about everybody before I talked to anybody about God. I wanted to be a disciple of Jesus' in truth not just an outward Christian. I knew if I learned the Bible well and was taught all about the characters in it and the story of Redemption thereof I'd be building a good foundation against the storms of life to come. And it has been so.

Righteousness is what I long for. Righteousness is what I need (God's.) Stuff can take a back seat. Things and possessions just get in the way. But even as a child I wanted to tell others what I found in knowing God and it wasn't always easy. My godly parents took me to Church every Sunday and Wednesday. Twice on Sunday. And I went forward often to the altar to pray. I needed God and I was not a good sinner and I wanted to live for Christ determined.

By grace I've been saved, a certain salvation, and my anchor enters within the veil, and that by faith, not of myself nor any good works, lest any boast. It's not about me but what Christ has done in His Finished Work because of Who He is.

Almighty God Most Holy Lord, glorious Almighty God He is. I read tracts or little synopsises of the Gospel and I began to see the plan of God better as a kid. Seems like we won't soon forget that overdraft of Who He is (the Cross and what it stands for,) if we do that as a child. We need to keep in our minds eye that Price for which we were bought and paid and emotions will follow we being active and alert: re: our love for God fervent & foremost because this world would try to take that away. This world has an enemy, the devil and, satan is his other name.

Ephesians says, "Be filled with the Spirit." and "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." "Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." Put on Helmet, Sword, Shield, Belt, Shoes, Breastplate, and Prayer always with all supplication for all saints as that armor. May you see the Savior' Blood applied to your life and find your happiness and joy in belonging to Him if you haven't done so already!

It says in Hebrews, "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins." All it takes is a prayer to God and commitment to Christ to admit that you're a sinner, a falling short (of God's glory,) sinner, and confessing God's love, one accepts Christ as individual Savior and Lord from sin. You then follow Him abiding in Him bearing fruit, then being a witness for Him.

Love God and let Him know that you love Him and tell everyone else, proclaiming "release," "you're free! of this world: the lust if the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life." You're not in it for a problem-free life but a hallowed consecration to belong to Jesus more. Have that encounter with Him in God's sight.

Jesus is that Davidic Covenant Keeper, Messiah. He fulfilled the Law by actually keeping it thoroughly by love and obedience. He went beyond obeying to be pleasing also the Father God. He loved God and His fellow man perfectly. He is therefore able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by Him seeing He ever lives to make intercession for them. He lives by the power of an indestructible life after His Resurrection. Sin's wage is death but death could not hold Him! We sit with Him, victors, not victims in the Heavenlies at the Throne.

As perfect Lamb of God sacrifice then, Jesus' Blood was (shed) so we could be free. Now I'm forgiven. Jesus keeps giving and giving. Love is not love until it goes through a test & until it is pure gold and dross is removed. God wants us to choose by faith and our will to belong to Him, but not by force.

It's a Gift, Eternal Life, and we must accept it. Make that prayer to know God and obey the Son. Justification happens. You begin to really live like your alive from the dead. The Holy Spirit is your gift when you do these things. In God's timing all things become beautiful. God is good. "Occupy until I come," Jesus said, on the offensive winnning battles on your knees.

"Trust him. And when you have done that, you are living the life of grace. No matter what happens to you in the course of that trusting — no matter how many waverings you may have, no matter how many suspicions that you have bought a poke with no pig in it, no matter how much heaviness and sadness your lapses, vices, indispositions, and bratty whining may cause you — you simply believe that Somebody Else,by his death and resurrection, has made it all right, and you just say thank you and shut up." - Rob Capon

Dave Candel