Let's actively seek the Lord call upon Him and cry to Him while He may be found earnestly for abstinence from sin and yielding to the Holy Spirit while 'yield not to temptation' is obeyed occurs because to Jesus we surrender even when we get tempted tested or even "devil or demon horde intimidated," or yet afflicted oppressed by a hapless helpless 'seeking whom he may devour' toothless mangy ole lion or even a little minion of his that is suffering decay nonetheless who are no match for Aslan Who is Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Who we spend quality time with further in and further up in the Kingdom of God, as C.S. Lewis says, as we succeed in following after the Spirit. We win. We who are always led in triumph or triumphant array by Him and are hupernikao or more than conquerors through Him Who loved us if we're In Christ after the Spirit 24/7 presenting ourselves as we are to Him are appointed watchmen on the wall. Because sometimes all it takes is whispers from King Jesus or a line from The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis or a God-Theopneustos Inspired Scripture verse excelsior to help all of 'that' 'Ming' trouble with tempts. Right here in River City there is sinning ergo trouble going on. The Lord lifts up a Standard against this sinning tide. Sometimes like Dietrich Bonhoffer we are offered cake to write down names on paper for betrayal of brethren hanging in the balance who are in trials of their own but we refuse forbidden by God to disloyal be. We Brethren are strengthened in Gathering Together in Jesus's Name in Holy hordes!! 1 Peter 1:22 says "Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart." The faith of some bears great fruit even of repentance unto Eternal Life. That faith follow. Knowing we died and were raised with Him and yes Christ is victorious in us overcoming the world and it's all genuine faith if it's God's actual help by intervention supernaturally and no thing we actually prosper from naturally, but Eternally obtain an inheritance and heritage imperishable undefined and unfading, then we know we go through testing victorious through Him. Grace abounds where sin once did. We are from faith to faith glory to glory growing in awareness alertly of Christ's Righteousness within and expressed out of us also. We hold to our confidence boldly. We do good like Eph. 2:10, and as a result intercede for the Salvation of others on the harvest on a small mountain like Hur and Aaron lifting Moses' hands while others fight in the valley below mopping up. Effectual fervent prayer for healing or salvation yields much so ask being seated in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:6) from that vantage point clothed in the robe of Christ's Righteousness in Him and garments of Salvation in Him Isaiah 61:10. Let's be a righteous man or woman praying with fervency and disciple other Families ministering in love and loving labor so Hebrews 6:10 gets a boost. Let's attract other people to Christ as Savior and to follow Him, Lord. When we following through in that, seek just God's Presence not His glory we gain spiritual high ground in a most unconscious way but not by knowing identity of said demons in every air's breath but if it means a soul saved yeah pour on the pneumatic air. The Holy Spirit filling us to fullness is enough. Satan is a defeated foe and he has his head crushed yes demolished by our Lord at Calvary. With a display of defeat in parading him and vanquishing him on video of Eternal film Satan's key to power was destroyed yes shamed by God. Godliness with contentment is great gain in Christ's cause and having right motives and seeing loved one's return to God priceless. Desire is filling as God gives right motive. "I'm being convicted & convinced that "secret service" is more powerful in helping (sometimes) than making sure our light is being seen (If light is needed then shine light bright enough though and be the light, accomplishing everything in love.- dc, but do nothing by bragging.) I believe our works then become spiritual and God takes them and uses them for His glory and our (Body of Christ's) good. Not needing to be seen or known. Definitely a heart issue and that's the realm only God can judge and why Paul was transparent in saying that he didn't even judge himself..." - Quote is from Severe Mercy. Hebrews 6:10. Psalms 37:1-3; I peter 1:22. Scripture DC.
Let's actively seek the Lord call upon Him and cry to Him while He may be found earnestly for abstinence from sin and yielding to the Holy Spirit while 'yield not to temptation' is obeyed occurs because to Jesus we surrender even when we get tempted tested or even "devil or demon horde intimidated," or yet afflicted oppressed by a hapless helpless 'seeking whom he may devour' toothless mangy ole lion or even a little minion of his that is suffering decay nonetheless who are no match for Aslan Who is Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Who we spend quality time with further in and further up in the Kingdom of God, as C.S. Lewis says, as we succeed in following after the Spirit. We win. We who are always led in triumph or triumphant array by Him and are hupernikao or more than conquerors through Him Who loved us if we're In Christ after the Spirit 24/7 presenting ourselves as we are to Him are appointed watchmen on the wall. Because sometimes all it takes is whispers from King Jesus or a line from The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis or a God-Theopneustos Inspired Scripture verse excelsior to help all of 'that' 'Ming' trouble with tempts. Right here in River City there is sinning ergo trouble going on. The Lord lifts up a Standard against this sinning tide. Sometimes like Dietrich Bonhoffer we are offered cake to write down names on paper for betrayal of brethren hanging in the balance who are in trials of their own but we refuse forbidden by God to disloyal be. We Brethren are strengthened in Gathering Together in Jesus's Name in Holy hordes!! 1 Peter 1:22 says "Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart." The faith of some bears great fruit even of repentance unto Eternal Life. That faith follow. Knowing we died and were raised with Him and yes Christ is victorious in us overcoming the world and it's all genuine faith if it's God's actual help by intervention supernaturally and no thing we actually prosper from naturally, but Eternally obtain an inheritance and heritage imperishable undefined and unfading, then we know we go through testing victorious through Him. Grace abounds where sin once did. We are from faith to faith glory to glory growing in awareness alertly of Christ's Righteousness within and expressed out of us also. We hold to our confidence boldly. We do good like Eph. 2:10, and as a result intercede for the Salvation of others on the harvest on a small mountain like Hur and Aaron lifting Moses' hands while others fight in the valley below mopping up. Effectual fervent prayer for healing or salvation yields much so ask being seated in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:6) from that vantage point clothed in the robe of Christ's Righteousness in Him and garments of Salvation in Him Isaiah 61:10. Let's be a righteous man or woman praying with fervency and disciple other Families ministering in love and loving labor so Hebrews 6:10 gets a boost. Let's attract other people to Christ as Savior and to follow Him, Lord. When we following through in that, seek just God's Presence not His glory we gain spiritual high ground in a most unconscious way but not by knowing identity of said demons in every air's breath but if it means a soul saved yeah pour on the pneumatic air. The Holy Spirit filling us to fullness is enough. Satan is a defeated foe and he has his head crushed yes demolished by our Lord at Calvary. With a display of defeat in parading him and vanquishing him on video of Eternal film Satan's key to power was destroyed yes shamed by God. Godliness with contentment is great gain in Christ's cause and having right motives and seeing loved one's return to God priceless. Desire is filling as God gives right motive. "I'm being convicted & convinced that "secret service" is more powerful in helping (sometimes) than making sure our light is being seen (If light is needed then shine light bright enough though and be the light, accomplishing everything in love.- dc, but do nothing by bragging.) I believe our works then become spiritual and God takes them and uses them for His glory and our (Body of Christ's) good. Not needing to be seen or known. Definitely a heart issue and that's the realm only God can judge and why Paul was transparent in saying that he didn't even judge himself..." - Quote is from Severe Mercy. Hebrews 6:10. Psalms 37:1-3; I peter 1:22. Scripture DC.
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