Monday, August 24, 2015

Dave's Testimony 9/12/15

Hi! My name's Dave! Our God is so Great! His ways are so much different and higher than our ways. He knows every expectation we have of what He will do for us even within our hope in Him, He will do in His way. His Timing. He provides every irony we hope to discover in life! He lets good win over death. His Word is pure seven times over. By the Word of God I'm helpless to save me BUT GOD Who is rich in mercy made me alive in Him to be made over Holy being first born again born from God. Here I stand. I stand totally undeserving of all that follows BUT GOD in His mercy and mighty grace at the Cross graciously forgives and grants Eternal life. At the Cross, "Upon which the Prince of Glory Died," at the Cross where I first saw the light I learned my sin and that it (that sinning) was coming from Adam's sin and I am just as guilty as he and there the burden of my heart rolled away as Jesus completely took my sins away as I asked Him to. All those sins were forsaken. At an Altar at a Gospel Bible believing Assembly of God Church Alter I walked to, knelt, and gave my heart to Jesus Christ Face to face like Jesus called every disciple that followed Him. Inside Jesus came into my heart and I was saved. The Savior won. The Account was settled. It's Paid in full! I gave up surrender to Him. I submitted to Him. Christ came in. He keeps a Godly inheritance for me as a result and as all the saints have (the called out ones) and It's in Christ reserved in Heaven for the day of reckoning where our faith will come forth as pure gold and the perdition of ungodly men. And with every foot I step upon I'm singing every day 'til the day and evening is through in happiness. And then I sleep and dwell in safety with the peace of fellowship with God re: forgiveness of sin permeates. "Be ye Holy for I Am Holy," Peter in scripture describes God's Character: Holy. Sanctification follows justification or right standing. I met Jesus as a son in sonship in salvation at the calling of my heart by God's call on the road to Galilee to see the Savior specially at the Church Altar. Spending quality time with Him is my focused goal. That Altar and The Savior and Lord, Jesus are IN me actually in my spirit and I am New. I am His Holy Temple. I found the Hidden treasure of Christ in the field He was in and am selling everything to buy that field for that which is Hidden in the field. There were precious moments saying yes to Christ Who is the way, the truth, the life. For the Bible proclaims there is no access to God but by Jesus to Father God. He Who has the 'goods,' Jesus, wanted my friendship courting it as it was at the crossroads of Calvary and worldly road where the two ways meet. Satan too was standing there and he said come this way, lots and lots of pleasures I will give to you today. But I said no. There's Jesus here and see what He offers me. "Down here my sins forgiven," "Up there a home in Heaven." I was given the cost of discipleship to pay to follow and I paid it. I plucked down my rights that moment and reminded daily to do the same as God gave grace to repentance and faith. I hope to be a good 'landowner' of God's love and grace and steward thereof. I became a child of God and was given the Holy Spirit. I was broken and in God's sight I was penitent potentially. I heard that God is love and now I really would want to hear it because I see it with the eyes of my heart enlightened and lifted gentle by His Mighty Holy Presence. There's Jesus here. I'm on His side here with Him and His Presence never leaves nor forsakes. His love never fails and never gives up and never runs out on me. He is Commander-in-Chief of the Lord's Army and to Him I bow down low. See what He offers me, down here my sins forgiven, up there a home in Heaven in prism color, as said before and a zesty abundant life here. Praise God that's the way for me. I have come to Jesus Christ and the cross to have my sins forgiven and further on to go beyond the Empty Tomb in aim where He can be more to me in Resurrection and life in a newness, but also crucified life in acts of self-denial daily to obey Him Galatians 2:20. I'm being awakened to emerging zeal in joy of the Lord by His Resurrection move in my life always. Jesus is humble and lowly in heart and I have found in Him tranquility with God even His rest in my soul from my coming to Him (Hebrews 4). His yoke I'm finding is easy and burden, light. I'm denying self taking up my cross by faith and following, and what He cares to add for the journey, He adds. I'm a sinner that is, I undeserving was once on my way oblivious to righteousness living selfishly bound in sin but now am saved hoping in Him as one who found Christ and He found me. I'm home in the Lord. I deny myself, take up my cross, and follow Christ The living Word as one born again death dying to personal rights or living in Him dead or dying a death to my rights, ambitions, will, desires, wants, and living lives resurrected yet crucified for the self life to be off the throne and puts the Lord Jesus on continuously. I want godly passion in me such as love for the Lord, praying, serving, praise, and worship, etc.. So I serve The Lord God Jehovah Elohim in a sense of Awe and Zealous Wonder and Holiness first as Moses who was asked in the desert to take off his sandals, 'for this is holy ground,' God said, and Moses saw that God is Holy. And like Christ also requested and asked each disciple if He could wash their feet with the towel with which He was girded and then washed the feet of each of the disciples a day or two before His Cross Death (and my thanks in gratefulness.) And as a shepherd inspects and cares for his sheep often so this separation God put down about the Holy and the profane proved to me God was Holy, Powerful, Loving, Gracious, Tender, Merciful, Compassionate, Gentle, Righteous and Perfect and His words convinced me to come His way to Him. He gave me natural life but coming of New out of it a supernatural Redeemed Life coming consistently continually more from the natural so that I'm obtaining identity in the Son in spiritual living. I am thankful for God's Holiness though it's God's Elohim's Alone. It's a Holiness without which no man shall see God scripture says. A Holy God speaks my name like He did Moses and I answer Henani in Hebrew 'here am I' though I'm a sinner born from Adam's helpless race who sinned in my own way also and was unworthy of blessing. I was dead in sins, rebellious, doing dead works in rebellion but God had mercy on me (even like of all penitent sinners who are penitent before God) being penitent in God's sight and through His Mercy He took my sins away by Christ's Cross Works. Since second birth He called me justified forgiven regenerated but most of all a son of His in Christ made into His relationship of intimacy with God Himself and of His Power making me of His Nature in New Covenant Newness making me alive from the dead to Him seating me in heavenly places in Christ near Him so now. I am identifying with Him a New Nature New Creation, saved FROM sin in trusting Christ's Atonement. Holiness becomes humility actively being lived out in essence surrendering my actions, attitudes and priorities from that prostrate position before Him so I, through Jesus like the pure in heart shall see God by grace through faith in His willing and His doing. His Holiness becomes sponsored in His love. I can weep God's tears, be a man of prayer, pray God's prayers, dream God's dreams as I'm a joy-filled Born again believer and Christian now, a little Christ gratefully saved individual hid with Christ in God BY THE GRACE OF GOD because of the Finished Work of Christ at Calvary. And I seek those things which are above where Christ sits with His help. With an Eternal vantage point I'm in love for God, in grace, and in mercy from Him obeying God and Christ's still small voice. Like the consecrated priesthood of Aaron of old who looked ahead to Messiah I have Christ's Blood applied symbolically to the right ear, the right thumb of the right hand, and the right big toe of the right foot where I go where Jesus wants. Whithersoever Christ goes I go. To remind me that The Holy Spirit is applied at Salvation Oil is anointed over the Blood. In Salvation humbly I'm prompted to give thanks to God for being His son and being called His child, for He is my Abba Daddy Father. I'm obeying the Holy Spirit having heard or heeded His call to Salvation. He has created Covenant Relationship with me to have with Him on His godly terms and I'm on Holy ground taking off my sandals in grace and of consuming fire in His Spirit and Water Baptism waters of The Holy Spirit. His corrections I'm receiving by His Spirit or His minor adjustment to me from Him is in faith to faith glory to glory. I'm receptive teachable to ministry. Salvation means I'm regenerated by His mercy and Spiritually alive from the dead for He renewed me a corpse of an old man and has adopted me in His Family in a right standing position with God. Justification by faith is His doing at the Cross being a believer beloved bought back (Ransomed) and son tender, precious in His Sight. Historically, geographically, and archaeologically we know and can be assured Christ lived His life and HE'S ALIVE resurrected and His life's records are factual accurate and historically real. I'm innocent now at the cross. I'm ALIVE spiritually in right relation to God as I give acts of self-denial to recognize daily I'm alive to God El Elyon Most High and Jehovah Nissi the Lord our Banner and El Shaddai the God Who is more than enough in the Resurrection at the Empty Tomb. I'm called to by Him and I stay there if Jesus stays. Acknowledging who I am in Christ spiritually in bravery, thankfulness, gratefulness and in contentment in Christ also acknowledging His acts but more I'm realizing Who He is. I'm on a mission from God in good times and through all situations: through tough times and in adversity with His help. Even when suffering wrongfully for Christ's or righteousness sake I'm going through it to continue standing. The Bible calls me blessed when I suffer for Christ's sake unjustly doing the right thing and suffering for it withe Spirit of God on me and thus I'm blessed to be envied. My own faults bring suffering too but the Spirit helps infirmity. I'm in Christ for the long run marathon to be in the end found in Him finishing strong and being in the fire of His cleansing and waters of His Holy Spirit Baptism in the Spirit being totally submerged, submitted, and committed coming up from the waters of Baptism to Him in the fullness of His Death Resurrection Speaking in Tongues. I was Water Baptized at twelve and Baptized in The Spirit with speaking in tongues at fourteen. Ephesians Six Armor of God in His Presence is going before me. I'm living rejoicing in Jesus our Rock, Bulwark, and fortress, and shield, and in the High Tower of His Name. I have a good heritage. He dwelling IN & through me is doing righteous acts before all people (Christ doing the right things in and through me as I obey Galatians 2:20.) Jesus is my imputed Righteousness Romans 6:1. I'll have no other Savior I Corinthians 15:58. I'm just not kidding having accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord as a four year old child. I'm free from sin now living out Salvation in newness of living in Him (II Corinthians 5:17) and becoming a slave bond-servant of Christ to Him He making the final decisions of control for all things He making bright and new by His mercy and calling the shots. My life is in His Ministry receiving from His and giving ministering to God first and others. Idolatry is out, no more for you. I flee. More recently as a Gideon (of twenty years running) I also love the Lord God in this biblical institution (Gideons) and in the love of God outwardly I distribute Bibles handing them out prayerfully to win souls to our Lord. I'm a sinner saved but undone before being saved. I'm humbling myself prostrate before Him all the time recognizing He's in control. Through the Son I'm coming to God daily conversing in awe with Him evermore talking it up with Him that He did what He did: love me. In wonder and awe of His Holy Character of Who He Is, Dying for me on a cross I love Jesus. I came to be aware of being a beggar and able to tell other beggars where to find Bread. The Bread of Life is Jesus Christ. I'm in Christ totally 100% relationship of right standing position before God and my claim is faith in His Blood at our Lord's feet as witness. God is my Source and my all in all and as to this Great Good Shepherd, Who holds me, His lamb in His arms nurtured by Him, He saves me from being dinner or lamb-chop and false teachers Whom I go to to learn when in selfish pride of my own accomplishments that I am nothing and He everything then giving God the glory humbly under His hand, I'm weaned like a child. This Great Good Shepherd Jesus of Nazareth leads me to green pastures of peaceful still water and nutrition, nourishment, nurture, and tranquil water of His peace in standing with Him as I'm glorifying God for His Son's (Jesus Atonement) work being born of God anew! I was once a transgressor as I said in rebellion, a child of God's wrath (Eph. 2:1-4 says wrath) dead in sins but of one whom God says of this one," saved." God is being Merciful and I want to bring glory to Him. His command is to glorify Him in everything. I am that sinner Dave as sin has disappeared yet it had that rule at one time which overwhelmed me and being that it dwelt in me before but the sweet Christ has defeated it and Jesus Christ has taken over. Christ offered the Father His Righteous Blood Christ having ascended to the Throne after His Death and gave me my (hupernikao more than a conqueror) attitude which is becoming like Christ in a package of Christ's righteousness imparted to me replacing my sin with His perfect righteousness. It's even like He handing a "train ticket" so to speak in affliction, adversity that I will have in readiness as my mind and heart, and future potential which are all placed in His will held tight in His hands meaning I can draw from the well of salvation as my sins are taken away as far as the east is from the west to deal with all challenges!!! I can trust Him to go with me anywhere He can keep me. His "train ticket" is like He going with me anyplace in His Name. He's provided and supplied His Word and His Voice. In becoming daily more like Christ He's become my victory and triumph in surrender of my rights to His will. Daily Sanctification is that I will walk with Him and triumph (being led as a lamb to the slaughter Romans 8) through Him and I'm exulting in tribulations (being killed all the day long Romans 8 also) and exulting in joy for the fact of Christ being my Savior over and over and the kicker is from everything worldly. The following scriptures Romans 5:1-9; 6:1-7; 7:23,24,25; 8:1-39; I John 1:8,9,10; Col.3:1-9 apply to my life now and now as I'm found by Jesus Christ saved taking up my cross following Christ. Now my desire is to pray hesitate by looking up in believing gaze to Him, and be men of prayer and brave moral courage to ask Him right while I deny self take up my cross moment by moment yea my personal bundle of aspirations, though altruistic, prayers and goals and to let Christ have the reign over my life if to only follow Christ and leave all behind every last aspect any of it tries to put a hold on me or feel behind. To follow Christ is doing the right things with abandon trusting and follow through and to finish strong and with thorough abandonment to be in openness to Him is my delight. His will is also my delight. Christian belief is mental assent, commitment to, and follow through. The adversary will try to obstruct the follow through. I have put away the old man once and for all. I have boxed him in and forgotten. A Brave and brand spanking new individual New Person is inside me now and I'm outwardly expressing Christ in my world, working (living the Replaced Life, Christ IN me) out in this salvation. I'm learning what it means to be Reconciled, Redeemed, Being Repentant of sin, being ever more slowly (therapuo in Greek) healed now. I personally agree with God about everything He's saying in His Word and profusely agree with it. I am saved to a right standing position with my Creator. With Him I'm in great superior advantage by position of favor to intimate relationship with Him, though undeserving, but I will to walk and abide in Christ The Vine freely accepting His Gift of Himself and to reflect a fortuitous state in Christ of favor and love and to be an example of "grace" and to grasp God's heart and to be in a blessed renewal of the mind. I'll forever be His and a beaming shining light and bright reflection of His and am humbling myself under God's mighty hand always under-girded by Himself empathizing in the beloved. I'm accepted in and by Him and so accept one another empathizing rather than sympathizing. Sympathy is powerful in writing a card limited to the written word. Empathy or feeling their feel brings relief to others edifying them building them up but sympathizing makes one stand aloof. Empathy is healing (therapuo) diversely ministering to them. He loved me while still a sinner and it's good to know God's assigned purpose for me will not be thwarted in life here for I will not be conformed to this world. That's God command and promise. Truly it is by my God alone remolding me into Christ's image from faith to faith in Him staying attached to Him, with He reigning o'r me that I am choosing to be transformed to Him and lifting high Christ's Name and ever higher trusting. Obedient to Christ with results evident, He has changed me I know He's faithful to me. I walk toward Him and Heaven's spectra of color onward. With all the believing and committing to Him I have for Him within me for Him, I am submitted, surrendered, and I reverence and praise Him and by His Royal law am compelled to love others selflessly by showing them an accepting unconditional hand of fellowship in interest shown of fierce empathy for their welfare by His grace. I'm waiting on God patiently in 'spleen being turned into' compassion, moods from Him to help someone else to the salvation 'life-jacket' in Jesus Christ we celebrate together gathered in unity in His Name, He doing the saving. Rejoice, We have been redeemed! Having presented my body to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ according to Romans 12:1,2 I'm studying to be approved a workman not needing to be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth from His intervention being evident even I in Him being convicted of being a joy-filled Christian! I rely on Holy Spirit ministry fullness for the next step (Greek parapeteoo,) with the cadence. I am attached to Him enjoying His touch in other words abiding and God is for me. I'm for God's glorifying Jesus alone in my ministry and not myself! Let Jesus decide who gets credit or glory! I like being unsung and among Church family fairly given a fair shake but in love worshiping. He's worthy to be glorified as I'm preferring others without discrimination and without partiality hopefully so for their good and spiritual significance of infinite worth and value only expressed in Christ! As for stuff, I give it all up by grace for Christ! I want to look to the interests of others to love them unconditionally and phileo love. I lay all my dead works apart from Christ down and on the dung heap and if there are any left, burn them completely. Triumphing in the cross and Empty Tomb to a new height in His Word daily I'm raised up only to worship God alone only as I'm humbly in this world but not of it forsaking all worldliness I leave it all behind to follow Jesus trusting. As ways I have been observant of that as I was raised as a child I decided myself were correct and walk in them I'm an Assembly of God adherant. I'm not forsaking the good path nor the eagle's wing's flight care system of God but gathering together in Christ's Name with the saints as the scripture declares and we do more and more as that Day approaches but also provoke others to love and good deeds too. God's mercies towards myself inspire me in my spleen to show others compassion. God is calling us to have compassionate hearts. If I by grace can make lovingly that connection that of seeing others like God sees them I will be happy. I by His grace want as well to obtain high heavenward the pressing for the prize in Christ of Gentle Kindness Tenderly in attitude and action Christ Jesus intended that I gain and perform. Freely you received, freely give. My desire is seeing His face someday in Heaven especially glorifying God all along the way. In my journey down here I'm shining my light with everything I have within me in Jesus's love because He's the Light even the Father of Lights with Whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning! After all is ended and completed I am an unprofitable slave having done that which was my duty to do. I shall see God on good ground now and someday up there in Heaven one hundred fold in glorified abundance but first doing what I can do here with all my might. This is my appointment with God coming in judgment. I'm His now confessing these Bible facts in Christ just mentioned gathering together with His People in Jesus' Name where He is in the midst that He can make of us of one heart unified speaking the truth in love to all glorifying the Heavenly Father with one mind or mouth. He lights a fire, my cleansing purifying burning fire of Holy Laughter even zeal of consuming flame like Moses at the burning bush did not consume. I honestly profess I don't know how to pray but I know that Jesus shows me the plan daily one step at a time and prays for me. I want to get my hands and feet dirty for God as He says to get busy. However I just need my feet washed and my whole body will be washed when a wash at day's end. I want to serve up cups lifted to others of cold refreshing water any of which will not lose their reward. Through the Holy Spirit's Fullness I'm ready to lay my crown before Him should He call me to. I can receive Christ, Who is a righteous man or prophet in His name of a prophet or righteous man and receive a reward. He first loved me and now as I love Him I'm falling in love with Him over and over again and I want to sit at His feet to widely broadly time-wise spend quality time with Him. God is love. He will not break a first broken reed further nor quench a smoldering wick. By that love agape let us serve one another and build each other up but don't get tangled up by other's yokes. His yoke is easy His burden light. Ask, seek, knock for everyone who asks, knocks, and seeks finds. I'm praying for open doors and utterances to be a witness to make clear the Gospel through more suffering for Christ and I'm in Christ studying fervent in white hot zeal to obey God's call and seek His will to be a bold witness of proclaiming His Message the Gospel (Carrusso in Greek meaning 'to bring down a great message') and be one in Him of Christ Jesus alone with one mind and mouth in His Body homotheumadan in Greek. Win disciples to Christ. Be a witness. It's Good News. When necessary use words. And pray like Charles Finney. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God often and He will lift you up in due time. Worship Him in due time meaning every moment and even in down time worship in spirit and truth realizing anything is possible with God positively believing He is Able anything being possible with God glorifying Him as well as giving constant glory continually to Him! I'm purifying myself of all filthiness of flesh and spirit (by the Holy Spirit) in the Holiness of God! Transliteration II Cor. 7:1 He is with you always to the end of the world so endure to the end though hated or loved for Jesus Christ. Http:// Http:// Http://

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