A Few Good Scriptures For Relationship In God And My Testimony 11/17/2015
Made perfectly whole diesothesan means to be made whole through and through. A complete restoration takes place within the person. The person is completely cured, spiritually and inwardly, as well as physically and outwardly The above is what Christ did for some sick folk at Genesserat in Matthew 14:34-36, and He most suredly can do the same for you in Redemption! Diesothesean is the Greek word for whole in verse thirty six. Let nothing be unreal in honesty within you but honestly more really real to life gaining Christ and Heaven and you get them both when you have the Savior Jesus Christ (Lambano, Greek received. Another word is: laid hold of.) You OBTAIN LIFE REAL LIFE in the Born Again life in the Savior following HIM! There are a few scriptures in abiding (Greek, menos,) and some of Salvation. All the verses are in The New American Standard Bible translation that follow. Imagine that by the possibility of leaving all behind in admitting to being a sinner, and actually committing to BELIEVING in the Resurrected Christ of these and other scriptures like these through a move of God have the Holy Ghost being placed within you, you can through a prayer meaningfully intended obtain "friendship to a relationship with God through choosing to be 'in Christ' in God be on the road to an abundant life" in The Gospel Message of Salvation and/or following Christ!! Reading, internalizing, and believing Jesus of The Gospels, (A Literal Greek Translation) Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John you're introduced to the Living Word, JESUS! It's not a bunch of rituals, rules, or regulations in following Christ but God's Son's Resurrected Presence in your heart and life glowing 2 Corinthians 3:2,3! Guided by Him, The Savior won't leave you nor fail you nor let you down. Start a life of faith in the Savior turning your eyes upon Jesus and love God!! Trust Him with all you've got at His Word and acknowledge Him. Acknowledge Him in all you say and do. You can be Saved, Born Again! Remember it's a relationship in and with God by a new and living way entwined to us and granted to us by our Heavenly Father through the Savior's Body not a religion we grasp at. Talk to Him. There's strength in that. Philippians 2 says Jesus thought man-made religion was a viper brood but He was equal to God not thinking that was something to be grasped but was made a servant even to death. Death on the cross meant He was God in our place even at the cross when He was Risen. God will abundantly pardon for we need our sins forgiven taken away white as snow and God will answer prayer for, "we who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us: which we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and stedfast and entering into that which is within the veil;" Hebrews 6:18b,19. 2Cor. 3.Pastor Rich says, "Scripture in Galatians 3:2 asks, "Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law or by the hearing of faith?" It's rhetorical question but the plain answer is by the hearing of faith. Christ is the water at the oasis in our desert. The Person and Work of Christ would fill us even satisfy an Eternal itch. His Person is Who He Is and His Work is the Death in the cross. Fellowship with God is fueled by godly desires and passions in motivations. Pray a prayer something like this: Dear Abba Daddy, God I'm sorry for my sins. I want to repent and turn from them to You! I believe Jesus to be the Way. I humbly accept the Son as my Savior and Lord. In Jesus Name, AMEN. It's an inner life. Character within is created by love for God in passions. Further God ignites those passions with His sparks. Cultivating inner love for God by His placing His Holy Spirit dwelling within we become like Him. Holy Spirit is central to creating desire for Holiness and passions. God gives us one heart and puts His Spirit IN us. It's done for indwelling. He's our sanctuary as well. He's got our place and He keeps us. Modern day idols have to be taken out like worry, and fear. Ez. 11:10-12,13,19-21; 36:25-28. He doesn't change our personality but He does change our passion until we reflect Jesus Christ being changed and transformed into the same image from glory to glory even by the Spirit of our Lord 2 Cor. 3:18. He gives us a soft heart willing to do His will. You can have a lot of externals without having God within so be sure you have the real thing. A spark of His love for us in us will spark a passion in us. We will have new ability to love as He loves. Love has to be connected back to Jesus Christ and being grateful. God cannot be giving us Power if we do not want Character. He can take that love of power out and give us desire to be humble. He can help us love with humility to the point that we wish to be lowest in humility this. Jesus said the greatest would be the servant of all. God wants to bring the corrective power of our passion. When we stray it will convict us and bring us back into great shape." Dave speaking: My goals in trying to be a better Christian is to be more like Christ. And I want to do this without being a bigot, a racist, nor any nature of a hypocrite.
A few good Salvation verses:And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12.
It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all. I Tim. 1:15
For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. John 3:17.
“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. John 15:1-3.
Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brethren, what shall we do?” Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.” And with many other words he solemnly testified and kept on exhorting them, saying, “Be saved!” Acts 2:37-40a.
There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, but of God. St. John 1:9-13b.
For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16.
But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. This is a trustworthy statement; and concerning these things I want you to speak confidently, so that those who have believed God will be careful to engage in good deeds. These things are good and profitable for men. Titus 3:4-8.
And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.
And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. Little children. I John 5:11-13;20,21a.
But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. John 20:31
Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
You must be Born Again. John 3:3,5.
and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him— Colossians 3:10.
“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. John 14:1-3.
Hi! I'm Dave! I love the Lord because He heard my voice and my supplication. "How shall we not all serve the Lord in a foreign land? Even among lions? Yes we should serve there (in captivity) and sing there to Him too." Psalm 137:4 (Dave's Transliteration.) I shall lift the cup up of Salvation and call upon the Name of the Lord. Psalm 116:1,13. Our God is Great, isn't He?! His thoughts and ways are much higher and much greater than our thoughts and ways. "And ..such were some of you: (But God has saved you,) But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God," I Cor. 6:11. I'm obedient to the happening at Calvary to ask Christ in and when I was saved I received Salvation at once. Heaven awaits those born again. The Promise is from Him Everlasting Life for from Everlasting to Everlasting that He is God and we are the obedient one to the faith Romans 1:5. He knows every hair on our head and every expectation we have of what He will do for us like laying up treasure in Heaven understanding Matthew 6:25-34 for Matthew 6:19-24. Even within our hope in Him He will do what He intends in His way and in His timing and He loves us. He's actively working out knitting every single thing that happens together to work for our good Romans 8:28,29. There is no luck just trust in God and go with the flow of the Holy Spirit. He provides everything we need Phillipians 4:19! He lets good win over evil and win over death Revelation 22:21. His Word is pure like gold extra purified or pure seven times like silver refined in an oven seven times Psalms 12:6. He makes me confident in His Voice by His Word of grace in the New Covenant He put in place through His Blood Matthew 26:27,28. By the Word of God I'm helpless to save me BUT GOD Who is rich in mercy forgives forgave me, regenerated me, rooted me in His Son, made me alive in Christ: for me to be made Holy in the future state also should Jesus tarry happen being first born again born but of God Ephesians 2:6-10.
My goal is to imitate Christ as best I can to be a reflection of Him and not to be an imitation but to become an imitator. Imitations are fake but imitators have a chance at likeness Ephesians 5:1,2. Here I stand Romans 5:1. I'm Holy at once at Salvation and over a lifetime too at a High Price, meaning the Work of Calvary continuously continually transforms me into conformity for Christ's image for a whole intimate way II Peter 1:3-11. Jesus said, in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven in reality one must enter through the Door and Gate which is Jesus and be born again John 3:3,5, and in this hearing hear the word of the Kingdom to produce yield growing Matthew 13:1ff. We want to be forever fruit bearing a disciple of the Kingdom of God Galatians 5:22,23. With our love for God response being made sanctified for Heaven a reflection of Christ's image occurs mysteriously so then in the end result we'll hear, "well done, you good and faithful servant, you have been faithful in a few things, I will make you ruler over many things, enter you into the joy of thy Lord." I stand totally undeserving of all this and everything that follows BUT GOD Who is rich in mercy and supremely almighty in strength and under Whose hand I bow and gently humble myself kneeling even prostrate on the floor that He may exalt me in His Due time: He's this way in being mighty a King yet gentle in character and grace at the Cross graciously lovingkind chesed with tenderness and He forgave, thank His wonderful grace and grants us through His Mercy Eternal Heavenly Divine life. An old hymn says, "It is joy unspeakable and full of glory."
As I stand at the Wonderful Wondrous Cross, "Upon which the Prince of Glory Died," and when I survey the wondrous Cross upon which Jesus Christ died where the tears and love of HIM weighed my Savior down and love and sorrow flowed mingled down so let us ponder and worship the reason why He came. He took our place on the cross bearing our penalty. I first saw in the Shadow Chapters of John 13-17 Light and in the wonders of the triclidium table where close intimacy between Jesus and the disciples were God's love, joy, and peace evident and I learned my sin. I learned that it (that the sinning I did from two to three years of age,) was coming from Adam's sinful choice I learned because I was in Adam's seed. And as such I was as wrong before my Creator as he to not think I had personal sins failing in His Sight: I being wrong before God looked by faith at glimmers of hope in the work Christ accomplished FOR me. It was there the burden of my heart rolled away as Jesus Sovereignly made me whole (Greek for made through and through cured, a complete restoration: spiritually and inwardly, physically and outwardly and in every way whole, diesothesan in Greek) by taking my sins away when I asked Him to Matthew 1:21. He made me whole to be the WHOLE person. All those sins were forsaken too because in joy JESUS TOOK them away Acts 3:19. It was as far as the east is from the west they were gone Psalms 103:11-17. He invites us and welcomes us to His Holy Work (in Renewed Natures.) God reached out to mankind and me too after a while (John 17) with offered wholeness and blessing even Salvation. His Holy Work (God's Atonement) is to believe in the Son of God and continue believing John 6:29. Christ is God. He's our water of oasis in the desert. The Promise is from Everlasting to Everlasting Eternal life of Salvation making Him Lord and Savior keeping Jesus Christ within faithfully I being awestruck to obey expecting to do this walk of His talk to the end faithfully of earthly existence. Keep The Living Exalted Word written within by the Spirit of God within and without in spark of passion of love from God and for God 2 Corinthians 3:2,3. Salvation is by faith which is Jesus Christ in you, the hope of glory Colossians 1:27. By heeding His Word the Bible hiding portions in your heart Psalm 119:11 you will escape performing sin habitually, by obeying meticulously the New Covenant. There's a spontaneity to extremely obeying what Christ says. We can have a perfect consciences before God in Christ. Develop sensitive sensibility to the Fragile Voice of the Holy Spirit and extreme obedience to Him in this.
In Faith and Repentence at an Altar at a Gospel believing Bible supporting and believing Assembly of God Church Altar I approached, and walked up front and then walked to the altar furniture, knelt, and gave my heart to Jesus Christ, a sinner undone and Face to face with our Lord and Savior Jesus and like He called every penitent sinner, and student disciple that REALLY actually made committment to follow Him and became disciples of God's Kingdom so did I. Something happened inner as Jesus came into my heart and I was saved. It's a Simple fact: Christ engages us by conquering our hearts in kindness and changes people. He transforms lives. What someone used to do they now don't do no more for they love God. They do the do's with passion leaving no time for the don'ts. Being a Christian should be about what we do rather than what we don't do which it is so often. The Savior won my heart when I got saved. Thank God nonetheless but for the don'ts don't dwell on them but in newness of life and open hearts for The Account is settled long ago at Calvary is the Eternal positional truth. Believe this? The Price is Paid in full and Jesus did it!! I gave up surrender of myself and everything I have to Him and now He's my all in all. I submitted to Him for the character as well. I went after His Call. Whatsoever my hand found to do I did with all my might. Christ wondrously saved me, became my Lord. "If you want to know The Word, hang out with Jesus," Pastor Rich says. God will steer you on the right road, Isaiah 35:8 (my transliteration.) His Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path Psalm 119:105. In our hearts and in His call to march to Mt. Zion, our God keeps a accurate precise real record of everyone saved in the Lamb's Book of life and only those persons whose names that were written in it and kept by Him will go to Heaven. Onward Christian Soldier for the Bible is clear on this in the Book of Revelation chapters 13:8, and 20:15 and Daniel 12:1.
Our Lord, the Savior, The Magnificent Jesus Christ keeps preserved for us a godly inheritance, a bag of Our God's Eternal riches in grace in kindness to us even in rewards if you will securely for us, even for all His saints (the called out ones.) And the inheritance is in Jesus Christ kept reserved in Heaven for the Day of Condemnatory Judgment for unbelievers (The Great White Throne) and Day of Celebration and rejoicing for the believer, (The Judgment Seat (Bema Seat) of Jesus Christ.) We don't claim an inheritance now but we're just stewards. We surrender what we can when we can to His Lordship counting all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Savior and Lord. God puts JESUS Christ, as Lord, to be the King of kings and Lord of lords, and judge of all men. Timothy Keller writes that we are either intending to kill Him or crown Him, when introduced and/or confronted with His Lordship claims or imperatives. We've come to Christ, a living stone, accepted by God, rejected by men, sorrowful over sins committed with a willingness to change and do the right thing, repentant, restored in restitution, changed in thoughts, thought patterns, and thinking, and now in Christ are making an about-face turning difference with regard to sin becoming more aware in the Heavenlies how wealthy in riches of grace of God by God's forgiveness we are if we'll receive forgiveness once and for all at Salvation and we're in the Family, la Familia! Let's walk in Him as we have received Him Colossians says. If it's a Relationship with God concluding intact at the rapture as with death too, at The Marriage Supper of the Lamb we'll rejoice that our names were written there in the Lamb's Book of life with Him for we'll be in great joy no matter the tribulation du jour or trouble of the day even now as then. As we make it to the unutterable weight of glory in Heaven through this veil of tears being overcomers with every footstep a carbon footprint laying upon life's way now we're innocent and firmly listen to this Family, we're innocent as children as we can sing every day a song of worship, praise and thanksgiving 'til the morning and evening is through for we're in joy and/or happiness. For the Blessed Lord in our lives is FOR us and loves us and we're just before Him, as if we had never sinned! Hallelujah! I'm humbled by His mercy, His merciful Majesty, and unique attention. It's all in Christ! As Commander in Chief of The Lord's Armies He has come. We bow in worship and adoration.
I humble myself under the mighty hand of God for showing us and myself how great my forgiveness from Him of sins realized in Salvation is and our mind of Christ we are freely given is, to reveal itself within us, to expose any sin, prosper through us and use our whole lives, and to be IN us flowing as a mighty Niagra of His Presence in our hearts, as His Christ's ambassadors of Reconciliation II Cor. 5:19 as well, justified, minds emptied of ego of all kinds which allows us to know Him intimately. Yes ego destruction is there from Him even the new heart we're given to revealing the disciples of the Kingdom, the princes of the Kingdom of God, and the real sons that are led of God's Spirit Romans 8. We love not our lives to death in this born again Christian life as we deny self, take up our cross and follow Christ loving the Blood of Jesus everywhere applied in I John 1:9 and Romans 5:13; 6:11 and by the Spirit putting the self life to death in mercy and testimony we are given for we're humbly alive to Him. Christ calls each of us to obey Him talking softly or loud on life's journey closely holding to His hand being upon us aware of His hand holding us. We adventure even with extreme obedience with what we would call whole-hearted passionate pleasing of God. We sleep on our pillow in safe peaceful fellowship with God for forgiveness of sin, from God permeates. We count spiritual healing of old habits on a level with physical healing like the Books of Peter says in I Peter 2:21-24. We have a position of right standing not because of rules and regulations but relationships particularly our relationship with God through Christ. Powerfully relational with God, the Bible describes God's Character as Utmost Holy, set apart from all sin and uncleanness and setting apart from sin and uncleanesss within the world on a continual basis.
We are sharers together of His grace and holiness and even someday holiness will be perfect in Heaven. We're sharers as He allows each of us in His Holiness Hebrews 12. We live diligently wanting our utmost for His Highest. Sanctification thus follows justification or right standing with God as a separation unto God of ourselves in every area, making Jesus Lord. He's separating us for His use. My Godly passion and my emotions is to live every day a reflection of Jesus Christ with passion within with He holding the reins calling the shots, Lord. He's separating the Holy from the profane or the Holy from sin in me until I'm definetely more like Him. As a surrendered godly man then I crucify and have crucified my fleshly desires with their affections and lusts that are not proper if indulged in before marriage and further deny myself sin experiencing God's spark to grace to obey His Holy Spirit. We daily want to do our best to please Him claiming His approval and to be alive to God fully thus we perform daily obedience to Christ and not distractions to His High Holy Purpose in and for us which are side trails. Selfishness should rightly diminish in and through us.
Pastor Rich of our Church has a very interesting challenging paragraph on the features of denying self, taking up our cross, and following Christ which follows: "The cross does not mean merely bearing one's particular hardship in life, such as poor health, abuse, unemployment, invalid parents, an unsaved spouse, a wayward child. The cross is always an instrument of death, not just an object to carry or bear. The Christian is to die mentally and actively. He is to deny himself daily. He is to let the mind of Christ, the mind of humbling himself to the point of death, be in him and fill his thoughts every day (Phil. 2:5-8; 2 Cor. 10:3- 5). He is to put his will, his desires, his wants, his ambitions to death. In their stead, he is to follow Jesus and to do His will all day long. Note this is not negative, passive behavior. It takes positive, active behavior to will, to deny self, to take up one's cross, to follow Christ. A person has to act, work, get to it, be diligent, consistent, and enduring in order to die to self.There are several ways the believer dies to self. Romans 6:11-13 spells out the ways as clearly as they can be."
I met Jesus at the crossroads where the two roads met as a broken sinner falling on His neck even falling on the Rock which is Christ, and was changed transformed into a lump of clay or coal to become a son in sonship with Christ in salvation at the calling of my heart to the heart of God from the Word of God passionately by God's Spirit on the road to Galilee. I was Saved a diamond in the ruff. I wanted to see the Savior everywhere and humbly I bowed to the God in Heaven. My life has a spark especially at the Church Altar Christ enthroned in my heart and daily my lifestyle shows. I'm living pleasing Him in His Standard of lifestyle within enthroned. He calls me a son of the Kingdom in the end should I keep in His hand which is my desire great. Pastor Rich Catapano uses Phil. 2:5-8 with II Cor. 10:3-5 very well together as follows:"The cross is always an instrument of death, not just an object to carry or bear. The Christian is to die mentally and actively. He is to deny himself daily. He is to let the mind of Christ, the mind of humbling himself to the point of death, be in him and fill his thoughts every day.." (Phil. 2:5-8; 2 Cor. 10:3- 5). We do well to heed his words and obey the Holy Spirit too in putting to death the self-life and live crucified of the old life ad inifinitum by living in Agape love and lowering ourself to lowest on the rung of the ladder to serve in love potentially actively serving all people walking with our Lord in His mind and heart for the lost, for the hurting, in love prospering and The Holy Spirit! Resurrection living follows! We make JESUS Lord serving Him calling on Him for guidance in things small and large. We let the words of Christ ruminate within us and experience God and fullness. Agape love is obedience motivated by compassion of others in the spleen to (Greek for healing therapeuo) healing and this practically takes on practicality in ministering with time in mercy. Its God's Kindness to remember He leads to Repentence by conviction to us in order to feel what He feels and break our hearts for what breaks His.
Here is a quote from Rev. Rich Catapano, "And the test of a servant is how he responds when you treat him like one. In the Bible people didn't think of themselves as an end in themselves but called to wash each other's feet (specially in the Early Church.) They did.. with an attitude of service, joy, love, and a hand extended by humbling themselves and saying, "Lord however you want me to serve!," says Pastor Rich. "Lord help us to lay aside the me and lay hold of YOU!" No matter how jarred the cardboard cup what's inside comes out Matthew 15:17-19; Eph. 4:24,25 so let's be sweet examples to the flock.
'In the dramatic historical present' flow of the New American Standard Translation Bible the spending quality humungous more mega time with Christ is my and our focused goal at Bethel Assembly of God Church. Fixing our eyes on Jesus among a great cloud of witnesses is also our goal. The Altar of God, & The Savior and Lord: Jesus are IN me, in my spirit and I am New. I'm a new creation. I am His Holy Temple and I'm destined to belong to Him. I have a new mind, a new heart, a new spirit, and new nature from God in me. Seeking God loving Him with the First and Greatest Commandment I would minister to Him firstly and would like to show compassion to people like He does. I WANT to see people as He does and see my life through His eyes in order to love them to the cross. Seeking Christ I seek the Hidden treasure of Christ and Salvation in the field He was in and am selling everything to buy that field for that Who is Hidden in the field the Christ even The Kingdom of Heaven. There are precious moments along the path Christ planned for me at first works of Salvation for Him (see Rev. 2:5, Jesus speaks to the Ephesians Church) saying yes to Christ in sincerity and first love. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. On this hangs all the Law and Prophets. Love your Church well.
Knowing God first means God knows you in a personal sense for you know it too invisibly by faith having coming to Jesus. I've accepted His Son's Sacrificial Death for myself being born again at a public altar. The two words Father God are terms of endearment of intimacy for God for Who He is for He's truly Holy love. Given the cost of discipleship to count up to follow Jesus I surrendered to follow at His feet. In other words I plucked down my desires and rights on the table at that moment and reminded myself moment by moment at the Cross as well as daily anywhere: to do the same violence to my personal rights moment by moment as I did at Salvation at first always because God gave grace to repent and faith to believe and committment. I hope to be a good steward of all I'm given by God and to be a fisher of men. I became a child of God through New Birth and Born Again was given the Holy Spirit. I fell upon the stone which is Jesus and all He stands for by The Holy Spirit's help and in God's sight potentially I was claimed by God sorry for my sins dead as a child of four years old when this happened willing to change meaning repent of sin. I heard that God is love and now I really would want to hear it expressed in a variety of feelings as with then so now in 2015 the year of our Lord because I see it with the eyes of my heart enlightened and lifted gentle by His Mighty Holy Presence. I love the song, "The Love Of God," lyrically.
In addition God's Love lifted me. Now I walk and I talk with the King. I'm on His side here with Him He at the helm of His Gospel ship and His Presence never fails, never leaves nor forsakes. His love never fails, never gives up never lets me down. He is Commander-in-Chief of the Lord's Army and I bow to Him prostrate on the floor. I see what He offers me, down here my sins forgiven, up there a home in Heaven which is in prime prism colors of the spectrum, and a zestful sparky abundant life here. Praise God that's the way for me. I have come to Jesus Christ at the cross and empty tomb to have my sins forgiven and taken away in the Spirit following the Christ. I remain in the general area of the Cross to further go beyond the Empty Tomb to aim where He can be more to me in Resurrection living expressed by and in a brand newness of living. I'm denying myself and taking up my cross and following Christ. I'm crucified with Christ and obeying His Voice in acts of self-denial denying self-interests daily to obey/please Him Galatians 2:20. I'm being romanced by God like Christian in Pilgrim's Progress!
With God's help I'm being awakened to emerge diligently momentarily in HIS righteousness and zeal of joy in the Lord by His Resurrection MOVE in me, in my life always in learning to do radical acts of mercy. I'm learning of Him generosity for He is meek and lowly in heart, REST: in my soul, for I have found in Him tranquility from my coming to Him though a sword is given to me also in my coming to Him (Hebrews 4:1-14). God told Mary in a prophetic word that, "a sword shall pierce your own heart,.." We all each have our own issues like Mary but God knows what's in our hearts and a quick heartily given response to Jesus Christ sincerely given is making that response important. His yoke I'm finding is easy for it's about what's His Cross effects are in us and in combat and challenge and how they affect me and knowing His burden, His confrontation to us for intercession, constraining me to pray, which is light and to crown Him Lord in everything. (Read "Born Crucified", by L.E. Maxwell.) I'm denying myself taking up my cross by faith and following, and am worked on by what He cares to give or take away. No matter the cycle of grief I'm in in surrending to His will, His promise that all things work together for good comes into play.
Having been a sinner repentant as I was once undeserving of any of this broken in trespasses and on my selfish way oblivious to righteous living bound to sin's slavery but now am saved in Hope, walking worthy in His worthiness, and Agapeon, (Greek, love of God.) I am saved now and my hope is fashioned strong in Him as in one who has preciously humbly found Christ and in fact He found me. I'm home in the Lord. In the living exalted Word, Christ, as one born again a contrarian to this world's stinkin' thinking laying a death down, a dying to self rail in this upside down topsy turvy Kingdom of God's ironic humble life, even to prospects for my personal rights. I'm living in Him dead to my rights or dying a death to my own rights, my ambitions, will, desires, wants, and I am leaving them at the door so I can go to the foot of the cross for orders of His like an armed forces serviceman fights for right. For becoming an obedient slave, living crucified yet resurrected and in Him, yet dying profusely to the self-life with all the affections and lusts nailed to it which are further nailed to the wood of the cross in the present moment for the self life of me to be off the throne of my heart and putting on the Lord Jesus on the heart's throne continuously forward I cling to Him. I have a measure of His victory.
I want godly passion to be in me examples of which are: to love the Lord, obeying, praying, serving, praising, and worship, etc. So I serve The Lord God Jehovah Adonai out of a sense of Awe and Wonder as to His Holiness first as Moses who was raised up to deliver Israel in the desert and was told by Jehovah God to take off his sandals, 'for this is Holy ground.' Moses saw that God is Holy in Reverence and Awe. This Holiness to me is like Christ also requesting in the historically dramatic present asking for each disciple individually if He could wash their feet with the towel with which He was girded with hands and then went out of His way (to Power over every thing) to wash dirty feet and washed the feet of each of the disciples a day or two before His Cross Death (and I gratefully give thanks in gratefulness.) This tangable example spiritually showed me His Holiness in example form in His deep penetrating separating from sin each disciple by name in doing such to be just and coming to serve and not to be served indeed but so serving by example, a Ransom for many. And as a shepherd inspects a flock and cares for his sheep every so often and becomes the gate at night for the sheep herd who congregate together in a group in the pen to ward off wolf attacks, so this separation God puts between the Holy and the profane between the Holy and sin even in the care of sheep profoundly by shepherds and Ultimately He the Good Shepherd proved to me God was Compassion, Holy, Righteous, All-Powerful, Love, Gracious, Tender, Merciful, Just, Gentle, and indeed a Totally Perfect Being and His word convinced me to come His way to Him through the Son of God Jesus to the Father. The intricacy of creation's design further confirmed God's existence Psalm 139, 19. Thus I have faith in God, in His Providence to provide for needs. Staying humble under His hand I'm aggressively obeying His eye. Staying focused on Jesus in all things I'm learning of Heavenly Father His will for me and how to confirm it to others. I do just what Jesus says to do from hearing His Still Small Voice. I may fail at times but Jesus lifts me up to press on and crawl directly to the light. Humbly I approach beating my breast, a sinful man, O Lord. But by the Blood and the Spirit I'm free.
In this Christian life also in my actions of thankfulness in response to His grace alone, expression sparks love of God and passion which finds my attitude believing for encouragement of each other fully to shine our light before all men emphazizo (Greek disclosed) in His Light and in His willing and His doing Phil 2:13. This is what God is after, our heart. When He has won our heart He can spark our passions and make them godly ones. This disclosure of God's liquid love when He has won our heart is so He can HEAL our spirits, Greek "therapeuo," progressively. Our perfect spirit's need is for God to come in and make changes to our soul. We are told very importantly to guard our hearts for out of it are the wellsprings of life. That's in Proverbs 4:23. His Holiness becomes sponsored by His love. I can weep God's tears, be a man of prayer, pray God's prayers, dream God's dreams as I'm a joy-filled Born again believer, a little Christian, a little Christ gratefully a saved individual thankfully hid with Christ in God by the power of God BY THE GRACE OF GOD kept because of the Finished Work: This Atonement, of Christ at Calvary. My anchor holds steadfast for I seek those things above where Christ is seated with the Heavenly Father God above at Father's Right hand and I enjoy sitting in the Heavenlies with Him. With an Eternal vantage point I'm in love with God, enjoy unlimited unmerited grace, mercy and favor from Him and am given mercy full and free from Him in obeying God as needed and Christ's Still Small Voice. Like the consecrated priesthood of Levites and Aaron of old who looked ahead to Messiah I have Christ's Blood applied symbolically to the right ear, for understanding and the right thumb of the right hand, for hearing and the right big toe of the right foot (I look back to the Cross) to go. I goes where Jesus wants. Whithersoever Christ goes I go. That's the way it is. To remind me that The Holy Spirit is applied at Salvation Oil is Anointed over the Blood. His Word with passion travels and accomplishes the thing that pleases Him to where He sends it. Isaiah 55:11. My transliteration.
He is my Abba Daddy my good Father and all that is good from Him and of Salvation is from Him (II Corinthians 5:17,18) for it's newness of life from Him and its all of grace for obedience this God's proffering reach outreach hand up to us given is in the Cross and Resurrection and not by works of anyone's nor by ourselves in any stretch of the imagination. We can't earn this position. We can't earn this grace. His right hand got Him the victory. We are humbled and stand AMAZED in the Presence of the Nazarene! I'm standing and kneeling (both) at the Cross humbly urging others to do same willingly obeying the Holy Spirit to heed Christ's Voice having heard or heeded His call to Salvation knowing Why He Died and presently taking a stand for Christ. He has created Covenantial Relationship with me to have Chesed (God's Lovingkindness in Covenant Relationship,) with Him on His theological spiral with me in Christ and I'm on Holy ground in Salvation taking off my sandals before Him in His sight. I'm receiving (Greek lambano) Jesus and walking to lay hold Him everywhere and of to be open in heart present tense to receptivity to increasing teachableness to ministry from Him. Salvation means I'm graciously regenerated and by His mercy am spiritually alive from the dead for He Adopted, Renewed me a corpse of an old man and has positionally been a Father to me in His Family as I'm forgiven in a right standing in God with Him alive. Justification by faith is His doing at the Cross.
I'm on a mission from God in good times and through all situations: even through tough times and in all kinds of adversity of various (Greek, Thilipses, tight almost immovable places) light momentary affliction scripture says, that to make it through with His help to being a victor in Christ, having done all, to stand. These afflictions become eclipsed by glory standng in the Armor of God for I'm whole and blessed to help others to the reconciliation I've found to God through Christ. Even when suffering wrongfully for Christ's or righteousness sake I'm going through it (thilipses)(it shall pass) taking a stand in God's armor continually in perpetuity present moment taking a stand for Christ and His righteousness and for the Name. The Bible calls me blessed when I suffer for Christ's sake unjustly, doing the right thing and suffering for and/or with Christ in the school of prayer with the Spirit of God in me and upon me thus I'm blessed to be envied. My own faults bring suffering too but the Spirit helps with the infirmity (weakness.) We seek His fullness. The goal is to live blameless and with love let Jesus be exalted in you and make Him Lord in everything.
I'm in Christ for this long marathon in this life. I'm being totally submerged, submitted, and submitted committed coming up from the waters of Baptism to Him in the fullness of His Death and Resurrection speaking in other tongues and am enduring persevering longsuffering to possible death for the Name. I was Water Baptized at twelve and Baptized in The Spirit with speaking in other tongues at fourteen. The Armor of God in His Presence is going before me as it's also the Armor of light mostly defensive but our weapon is the Word of God. I'm casting down every thought or imagination or divine argument that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and employing something positive in faith outwitting the devil's scheme, tactic, or flanking maneuver for I'm God's child instead of victim. I'm victor more than a conqueror living victorious rejoicing in Jesus and His Name Who is our Rock, Bulwark, Fortress, Deliverer, and Shield, and in the High Tower of His Name.
He gives a good heritage. He's dwelling IN & through me and His Word dwells richly in me and is The True life replacing my life. I'm doing the will of God in trusting Christ. Galatians 2:20. Like a wild olive shoot grafted into an olive tree Jesus is now my life. Jesus is my imparted imputed infused Righteousness as my name is a part of His Name Romans 6:1. I'll have no other Savior I Corinthians 15:58. I'm just not kidding having accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord as a four year old child through the Holy Spirit. I'm free from sin now working out my Salvation reckoning myself dead to sin Romans 6:13, 11 in a sense of newness of life in Him (II Corinthians 5:17) and being renewed in the spirit of my mind in the likeness of God's likeness and image made in the righteousness and holiness of the truth. I'm becoming a slave bond-servant of Christ to Him He making the final decisions of control in all things because He's Lord. I'm fascinated, bright, shining, and letting my light shine before all men as He transforms my life making changes. I'll someday be His reflection in the mirror by His mercy and grace as He's calling the shots.
More recently as a Gideon (of twenty years a runner) I am looking to have character from Him and love also for those to whom distributing God's Word comes and love the Lord God in this biblical institution (Gideons) and in the love of God outward I distribute Bibles handing them out prayerfully to many a person to win souls to our Lord. I'm a sinner saved but undone before being saved totally loving God. I'm surrendering in Him my willingness to guard my heart (Prov. 4:23) with all diligence and to be humbling myself prostrate before Him all the time recognizing He's in control. Through the Son I'm coming to God daily surrendering willingness conversing in awe with Him evermore talking it up with Him so because that He did what He did: love me at Calvary. I came to be a beggar first but able through His help because of Second Birth Born Again to tell other beggars where to find Bread. The bread is Jesus Christ, Bread of Life. I'm in Christ 100% in relationship of right standing position before God by His Doing and my claim is faith in His Blood because of the inner witness. God is my Source and my all in all and as with this Great Good Shepherd, Who holds me, a lamb in His arms nurtured to be in Him I'm thus in vitality greatly nourished. Sick sheep don't eat. That's why He saves me from being dinner or lamb-chop and/or from false teachers going where food is spiritually and I go to Christ to learn when in selfish pride of my own achievements Who He Is nevertheless who I am: in essence, nothing and He, everything giving God the Highest Widest possible glory submissively under His hand, and I'm decreasing, He increasing. I'm weaned.
People need a power relationship with God not just a religious environment and for some, they wrongfully do it to be without Jesus. Jesus is central. He has to be Mediator. My Enthroning Him in central area in my heart Lord is my best love response. Have the Son inner and you have THE LIFE. By default the opposite is true also. The following scriptures Romans 5:1-9; 6:1-7; 7:23,24,25; 8:1-39; I John 1:8,9,10; Col.3:1-9 apply to my life now as I'm found by Jesus Christ and take up my cross moment by moment yea my personal bundle of aspirations, though some Ill admit, altruistic, nonetheless prayers and goals pressing forward I want to let Christ have the rule and reign over my life and follow Christ near and close and leave all behind yes everything, every last aspect ANY of possessions tries to put a hold on me or make me covet or to feel, left behind.
To follow Christ is doing the steadfast right thing and in Him due diligence to realize my works are finished just as God finished His works the seventh day, because he that enters God's rest has ceased from his own works as He did from His. I want to enter that rest with total absolute abandon, trusting, circumspect, and with confidence from His Spirit, and follow through. To finish strong and with a thorough abandonment to be open in Him I'm doing all His will which is my delight. His will is my delight. To do all His will like David in the Psalms and Samuel I and II wanted desired and was called a man after God's own heart for Doing I want to do as He did. Christian belief is mental assent, commitment to, and follow through. The adversary will try to obstruct the follow through. Satan's name means enemy, adversary. I have put away the old man once and for all. I have boxed him in and he's toast, I've forgotten. A Brave and brand spanking new individual New Person is inside me now and I'm outwardly expressing Christ in my world, working (living the Replaced Life, Christ IN me) out this salvation in Him. I'm learning what it means to be Reconciled, Redeemed, Forgiven, Repenting of sin, being with ever more with careful care held in His hand and fully (therapeuo in Greek) healed.
I have triumphant victory over the schemes of the Enemy being aware of them aptly alertly and just how unfairly deceptively subtle his tactics and lying are and I know Christ in constant warfare for the Salvation of souls. Christ is our Mighty Warrior in the midst and works in fighting his deceptive flanking maneuver to gain Christ but not war him (satan) for Christ defeated him even his minions too by Jesus stepping into the room and he and they falling down paralyzed knocked out good a spectacle before all men so then I won't have to fight he or them either. I'm triumphant overcoming in the Lord from being gummed by ignorance of his diabolical deception and from tiredness from his influence indirect so I'm winning triumph. I individually agree with God about everything He's saying in His Word and profoundly agree with it. I walk in agreement with Him. The battle is truly the Lord's. I'm being renewed in the spirit of my mind to put on the New Self which is renewed Eph. 4:24,25. I put off the old self which is rotting and put on the new self which in the likeness of God Has been created in the righteousness and holiness of the truth. The newness of life, new man, and armor of God we all put on then being believers to triumph over the schemes of the devil or schemes of his minions. The schemes, not the devil himself nor his minion's but the schemes we stand firm against and don't give ground to but drawing a line in the sand, "here and no further," we say, and so we outwit him and them and tire him and them out. With our resist him and them motion he and they flee.
First we submit to God! Then resist spiritual wickedness even in high places. Lift the shield of faith to quench fiery darts. I am saved to take a right stand a right position with my Creator. In the relationship I'm blessed and learning how to worship Him fully with joy, love and peace in spirit and truth. I'm knowing He's FOR ME and I'm always under-girded by His hand and through Him I'm showing mercy to the Body too being empathetic in the beloved. I'm accepted in the beloved and by Him accepted even first so I'm hungry to accept one another contributing to the common good showing compassion as He did me, empathizing rather than sympathizing where I can. Sympathy as such is powerful in writing a card but ultimately limited to the written word. Empathy or feeling other's pain brings relief to others stitching them or binding wounds up, winding bandage and antiseptic edifying them gifting them building them up in love but sympathizing makes one stand aloof. Only God does healing is the ultimate truth. We are little pawns healers and observers but doing the greater works as His collective Body in the world He said we would do. Empathy is performing healing (therapeuo) by the Anointed Christ and me His rep ministering to them in agape! This is spelled T-I-M-E. And love.
I rely on Holy Spirit ministry fullness for the next step (Greek parapeteoo,) within the cadence. I am attached to Him abiding enjoying His touch in other words abiding in the Lord and rejoicing in Him evermore. I'm for God's glorifying Jesus alone in my ministry and NOT myself! Let Jesus decide rewards, credit, or glories! I like being unsung and among Church family fairly given a fair shake but in Him. I want to look to the interests of others caring concerned showing compassion unconditionally and in phileo love. I lay all my dead works apart from Christ down and on the dung heap and if there are any left, burn them immediately. Triumphing in the cross which is God's victory and was shown to be over sin, death, grave, hell, and the devil, and at the Empty Tomb played out which is the ultimate expression of good, I'm an Assembly of God adherant. God's mercies towards myself inspire me in my spleen to show others compassion. Jehovah Elohim Abba is the God of compassion, of all comfort! God is calling us to have compassionate hearts of mercy and do something in social righteousness in Him in love to share the comfort God gives us. If I by grace can make in love Agape, Phileo lovingly that connection that of seeing others like God sees them and cement that and treat them like that way I will be blessed and happy. I by His grace want as well to obtain the desire to be pressing in for the prize in Christ of Gentle Kind Tenderness in chesed (Covenant Lovingkindness) in Christ's godly spiritual human temperament ready and available for use. His Lovingkindness is better than life. Freely you received, freely give.
To Him Who has, more shall be given and he shall have an abundance (of hearing God's words.) The Bible is firmly clear, "God is love." He will not cry out to argue nor cry in the streets to announce Himself nor quench a wick that is smoldering at all but let it kindle as needed. The smallest spark He will encourage. By that love agape let us serve one another and build each other up but don't get tangled up by other's left behavior. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. His yoke is wearable and is big enough for two for He will lead both pushing the plow. Even the ox is there not muzzled strengthened by prayer. Ask, seek, knock for everyone who asks, receives, he who knocks, opens, and he who seeks finds. And I'm praying for open doors with utterances to be a witness to make CLEAR the Gospel individually with more of me BEHIND ALL OUTREACH though there is more suffering for Christ that occurs that way and I'm studying fervently in white hot flames of love to obey God's call in me to fervency and seeking His will reverently and awesomely in wonder to be a mighty bold witness to be proclaiming His Message of the Gospel (Carrusso in Greek meaning 'bringing down a great message') and be one in Him of Christ Jesus alone with one mind and heart, and mouth unified in glorifying Him in His Body (homotheumadan in Greek.)
Win disciples to Christ. Be a witness. It's GOOD NEWS. When necessary use words like John Wesley said. And pray for yours and their salvation like Charles Finney or praying Hyde or the Wesley's, John and Charles. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God often and He will lift you up in His Due time. Worship Him truly meaning every moment give Him overwhelming worth-ship as to His Holy Nature and surrender to His Majesty adoration and give Him His Due honor Due His Name and even in down time worship Him in spirit and truth realizing anything is possible with God. Count your blessings. Positively believe even to a corpse He is Able to do anything, anything being possible with God so glorifying Him you are abiding in Jesus as well as shining your light as in giving constant glory continually to Him! I'm purifying myself of all filthiness of flesh and spirit (by the Holy Spirit) in the Holiness of God! Transliteration Of II Cor. 7:1. He is with us always even to the end of the world never to leave nor forsake us (Mat. 28:20) so persevere to the end though hated or loved for Jesus Christ with you/in ya. Abide in Christ. Commit your way to the Lord trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass Psalm 37:6. In Jesus Name, Amen. Http://www.bethelagny.blogspot.com. Http://www.blogtalkradio.com/davidcandel. Http://www.davvvyc.blogspot.comSubmitted by DAVID CANDEL
For the benefit of the Body of Christ.Dave

Thank you for the post. For more on John Wesley, I would like to invite you to the website for the book series, The Asbury Triptych Series. The trilogy based on the life of Francis Asbury, the young protégé of John Wesley and George Whitefield, opens with the book, Black Country. The opening novel in this three-book series details the amazing movement of Wesley and Whitefield in England and Ireland as well as its life-changing effect on a Great Britain sadly in need of transformation. Black Country also details the Wesleyan movement's effect on the future leader of Christianity in the American colonies, Francis Asbury. The website for the book series is www.francisasburytriptych.com. Please enjoy the numerous articles on the website. Again, thank you, for the post.
Thanks Bro. Al!
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