Monday, June 20, 2011

Why The Blood Of Jesus Christ Must Be Applied To Oneself!

Jesus told many parables about life and the
Kingdom while He walked the planet 2000 years it's been. He said it's better to
be rich toward God than wise in your own conceit. Woe in fact to him who is
proud in possessions and not wealthy toward God. Scripture says, "If the
righteous scarcely be saved what will become of the ungodly and unrighteous? I
believe Him. What better way would there be for God to reveal to us He has a
will and a purposeful way than to walk in our shoes and become one of us. He
exaggerated the point in that one respect by becoming a baby and risking our
circumstances too. He chose a way to intertwine in our ways of life by showing
us what God is like totally. God heals people and does good to them which is
what Jesus did. Jesus also invited us to a feast or supper someday to be given
in His Honor. When He expanded His circle of influence & ministry He would
teach the Kingdom. Many would be drawn and listen and really hear. Some went
along for the ride flew the coop. He preached, "repent, for the God you think you know is here
in His Government (Kingdom.)" But instead of great signs performing like putting down the Romans He
was crucified. It was a sarcastic laugh Satan and his hordes had as this happened as Friday's
here....BUT SUNDAY'S A COMING!!! And three days later He Arose triumphant/victorious. He even
went so far as to insure the stone that held Him in the Tomb was rolled away so
we could get inside. Most of all proving it did occur, his disciples risked life and limb and
everything to get the Message of the GOOD NEWS out: "He Is Not Here, He Is
Risen!" It spread all over the world and turned the world upside down. Countless numbers of Christians would be docile as the lions of the Coliseum would ravage them. They had a
peaceful look and smile that devastated Nero. They indeed knew God had spoken.
Do we? Scripture says, unshakeable things will remain but right now the shakable
is being shaken. Are we slow to believe God raises the dead? or that the Blood of Jesus can save anybody from sin? God is not willing that any should perish for He has no
pleasure in the death of the wicked but only when they repent. "All things are
possible," Jesus said, "to him who believes." Jesus says, in the dramatic
present, "Let him who has ears to hear, really hear what the Holy Spirit is
saying to the Churches." John 14:6 says and Jesus says, "I am the way, the
truth, and the Life, no man cometh to Father but by Me." Is it going to matter
in 'the long run' if we are rich toward God? You betcha! We need to read Acts
2:38b again. It says, " Repent and be Baptized everyone one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ
for the Remission of sins and you will receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit."
It's worthy to be a born again believer because we get to go to Heaven but for now on earth we sit right in the Heavenlies
and become a bondslave to serve God and in Heaven we'll rule and reign with Christ someday. We need not listen
to the world calling us bad names but wholly lean on Jesus' Name and be born again.
People get ready Jesus is coming soon. God looks with mercy (Lovingkindness
Hebrew: chesed) and compassion on us because of what Christ has Done. His
finished work for us at the Cross has wrought victory over the world, sin, and
satan. "Sell what you have, buy alms, give to the poor, deny yourself, take up
your cross and follow Me," Jesus is saying to believers. Provide for yourselves bags that wax
not old Eternal in the Heavens and lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven.
Even a cup of cold water given in the name of a disciple will not lose its
reward. By grace from God alone we make it because our good works are like
filthy rags. It's by His mercy an Abundant Life In Christ is possible. Like the energizer bunny, that
Life of Christ within keeps going, and going, and going in perseverance. Read the Bible, pray, and
tell someone you love them; attend a Bible believing Church. Make it your home
or extended family! Love God and your neighbor! Follow Jesus!

Dave Candel

Bethel Assembly Of God Church Web

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