Papa O my Papa! Abba! Daddy! These are endearing terms for one's inmost intimate relationship with their Father or for many their Heavenly Father! I encourage you to get to know Your Creator Who is Your Redeemer/Savior/King/Master/God! There are many names for God in the Bible revealing Who He Is in a Unique Righteous Holy Manner. Having made our universe with intelligent design and personally handcrafted his unique-among-all creation, mankind, He rested on the Seventh Day. Man was made a little lower than the angels for a time. He is though higher than animals in that He is free in His will to choose morally and spiritually at times with great specificity. But we know and science tells us man and woman came from one couple or one single ancestor-ancient.
We could say, matter and energy are conserved but science has told us that the atom can be split like in a hydrogen bomb. And so as it says in the books of Peter in the Bible, "the elements shall melt with fervent heat," and, "so, what manner of men ought we to be in all holiness and righteousness looking for the day of His (Messiah) coming."
By spreading the good news of Adam's helpless race finding a way of Salvation through the "Second Adam," we see how important a gravity God puts on His Kingdom being reverenced and His Son obeyed, Jesus, which His Name also means Joshua. We're hastening His Coming again as we honor His Logos, (being a bondslave of Him,) or Living Word, God dwelt among us, Immanual, God in flesh form: Jesus Christ. We come to see God's not angry with mankind because Jesus has won the victory; And He is victorious in rising from the dead and has specially called out His Saints from this world who through faith by grace please and obey Him. Do you think it strange that God raises the dead? However it's a narrow way God has made to Heaven (in Christ) crossing the great Gulf between man and Himself the Bible and Jesus say. The way to Hell is broad (wide) & paved with good intentions and one might argue they're good enough (for Heaven) without "being saved." But Jesus did meet all the requirements to be our perfect Lamb of God, and do you think God would go to all this trouble if it weren't right or needed? He obeyed God perfect, died on a Cross as predicted by Him, Arose from the dead, proving that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and that in John's Gospel, "all who are taught of the Father," come to Him! No one can make it to attain God's Standard of Holiness or Righteousness then. The only answer is Christ within: in the body, soul, heart, mind, and spiritual lifestyle. Will you this very hour confirm this before God on yourself His favor, by accepting the Gift of His Son's Sacrifice for the Blood taking away, the Redemption, of your sins, because He loves you!? You admit first you need it because you're sinful and only deserve hell. Heaven awaits! But after that, realize it's all of grace & so then show that you're thankful and grateful He did this (save you) by living for Him. Deny Yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him (Jesus Christ.) All the angels rejoice in Heaven because you did that. Claim the Holy Spirit to invest inside you to give you the pledge of Heaven, repent, and praise and love the Lord Your God with everything inside in a lifetime of Worship for its about Him not us!! Choose Life, choose the Son for your discipleship and Heaven as your purpose, and live with the awareness of the Son of God inside and your identity in Him, His righto life, His manner of life in living it in merciful kindness ministering, His lowly, His Death for our sins, His burial, His Resurrection, Ascension, Exaltation, and Supremacy over all things, so that we might be called His "brothers." And through you uniquely and through Corporately functioning with unction in Body of Christ, the Good News of the Gospel can be proclaimed and glorified and magnified with a corporate Voice in the Body of Christ, to lift up Christ. And like the blind man healed by Jesus in the book of John says, "all I know is once I was blind, now I see." Jesus changes lives. It start with the forgiveness of sins and the Blood that covers you. God is love I John 4:16.
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