Healing, Salvation, Blessing from Our God And To Enjoy Him And Glorify Him Forever!
4/18/2016 Gayle Erwin's - The Nature Of Jesus 2- Youtube
Made whole diesothesan means to be made whole through and through. A complete restoration takes place within the person. The person is complettely cured, spiritually and inwardly, as well as physically and outwardly.
The above healing is what Christ did for some sick folk at Genesserat in Matthew 14:34-36, and He most assuredly can do the same for you in Redemption and "Thereapuo" healing in Christ's Salvation Atonement which is by His Blood for Jesus's Sake! Diesothesean is the Greek word for wholeness in verse thirty six and is only mentioned in this place as this Greek word.
Let nothing be unreal in honest Abe you but in much thought honestly before God let nothing be less real but altogether more real as time goes on than this abundant life in Him. Gaining Christ and Heaven in coming to the Savior you get them both when you have the Savior Jesus Christ (Lambano, Greek received; Another word is: laid hold of.) You OBTAIN ABUNDANT LIFE REAL LIFE full of emotions in the Born Again Salvation experience in the Savior receiving Him becoming His disciple following HIM! "Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of the Father's Throne. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory." Colossians 3:1-4. Imagine that by the possibility of coming to Christ authentically leaving all behind even of personal importance and plans in reversing course to come follow our Lord admitting to being a sinner, and actually committing to BELIEVING in the crucified /Resurrected Christ of these and other scriptures like these because through the Holy Ghost being placed within you, you can through a move of God in a congregational hymn sing and or sermon service or church meeting even through a personal witnessing tool obtain through the Blood of Christ, Salvation. It's "a friendship even a relationship with God of peace through choosing (God has chosen you in Christ) to be 'in Christ.' You will be on the road to abundant life in The Gospel Message of Salvation from God following through to be Adopted, a part of Christ's Family!! You obtain peace with God, a tranquility between you and Him in this relationship of satisfaction a peace, and a newness of life. Knowing the Living Word, Jesus Christ, as Savior from sin and King of your life even Lord over everything you're believing on Him, His Atoning Work to make you right with God. The Bible (A Literal Greek Translation being read) reading of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John tells the story of Jesus and His ministry of three and a half years. As you're internalizing it you're introduced to the Divine Living Exalted Word, JESUS Who is Christ (Messiah,) and you're saved as you receive heart knowledge from the Holy Spirit as to New Testament Christian Testimony of Who Christ was and is. It's not a bunch of mislead people, rituals, rules, nor even regulations (some wrongly presume laws or "rules" of the Bible are falsely assumed to be for society's knitting together of people or some explanation of "all that's unknown." But so in following Christ humbly instead your own sense of importance and plans leaving aside you're knowing God simply through the Son and His Person and Work better progressively in personal experiential knowledge by experience (Epignoskgo) all the time. You're getting to know God personally through God's Son in His Resurrected Presence in your heart and life and perceiving Holy Ghost Holy Spirit living unto Holiness in your lifestyle through His Nature Corinthians 3:2,3! It's living the Jesus Style humbly outright! God does breathe in you wind (Theoneoustos in Greek) of the Spirit of God and the Seed of the Word of God. Guided by Him and led of Him, The Savior Jesus won't leave you helpless nor leave you as orphan but all facts being as they are He will not dissapoint nor fail you at all nor let you down in any way! This has been my experiance and testimony. He grants wisdom to those who ask (so ask). So without faith it's impossible to please Him. And as soul-winners He rewards the diligent in our searching for the lost and we getting them and us with them TO HIM, Jesus Hebrews 11:6. Those God has prepared their hearts for a testifying from us will hear like in Jesus's day for they gladly heard His word.
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