Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Salvation Once For All.

We have the Holy Spirit placed within us when we get saved. Salvation is believing, honoring, and accepting as yours the Sacrifice and Resurrection of Jesus Christ in Atonement and once for all time. God then being Holy invites us to a Covenant Relationship in lifelong process to be like Christ where He God invites us close and we become near in an attitude of being holy or separated unto Himself in all things. God likes to separate the holy from the profane, the clean from the unclean. In the end He will have His angels separate the wheat from the tares or the sheep from the goats, the sin from the Holy. Endeavor to near stay to God doing the Will of God obeying as you hear the Still Small Voice of Jesus intimately follow. Read your Bible and count the cost to follow Christ and pay it. Adjust yourself in His Presence honoring Him as Holy. Worship God in spirit and in truth with all that is within you. Make sure God has your heart, your allegiance. Freely love Him as He first loved you. Go to gather together with other believers and be the church and encourage others to love and to do good deeds. Turn the Kingdom on its head in denying yourself, taking up your cross, and following Christ and God with all your hearts. Love, power, and disciplined thinking will be confidence as you serve Jesus without shade or any shadow of turning in Him! Be blameless and like the Roman Centurion who had a sick servant left Jesus' side know Christ's word of healing wholeness in provision for you in obedience intact. Endure to the end persevering. God is love. God we honor your repentance.

Monday, July 06, 2015

From, "Knowing God's Love," A Chapter of "Trusting God" Even When Life Hurts By Bridges

Romans 8:35,37 - "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?. . . No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him Who loved us."

From Ch. 9, It seems the more we come to believe in and accept the Sovereignty of God over every event of our lives, the more we are tempted to question His love. We think, "If God is in control of this adversity and can do something about it, why doesn't He? In a 1980's book Rabbi Kushner wrote a book. In it he chose to believe in a God who is good but not Sovereign. Sometimes we are tempted, if only momentarily, to believe in a Sovereign God Who is not good. Satan, whose very first act toward man was to question the goodness of God, will even plant the thought in our minds that God is up in heaven mocking us in our distress. This was in Eden.

But we are not forced to choose between the soverignty and the goodness of God. The Bible affirms both His Sovereignty and His goodness with equal emphasis. References to His goodness and loving-kindness, like His sovereignty, appear on almost every page of scripture. In our struggles with adversity, we dare not malign the goodness of God. As Philip Hughes said, "That He cares not is just as unthinkable as that He can not."

The Apostle John said, "God is love" (I John 4:8). This succinct statement, along with its parallel one, "God is light" (I John 1:5 that is, God is holy) sums up the essential character of God, as revealed to us in the scriptures. Just as it is impossible in the very nature of God for Him to be anything but perfectly holy, so it is impossible for Him to be anything but perfectly good.

Because God is love, it is an essential part of His nature to do good and show mercy to His creatures. Psalm 145 speaks of His "abundant goodness," of His being "rich in love" and "good to all," of having "compassion on all He has made," and of being "loving toward all He has made" (Verses 7:9,17). Even in His role of Judge of rebellious men, He declares, "I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked" (Ezekiel 33:11).

When we are in the midst of adversity and, as it frequently seems to happen, calamity after calamity seems to be surging in upon us, we will be tempted to doubt God's love. Not only do we struggle with our own doubts, but Satan seizes these occasions to whisper accusations against God, such as, "If He loved you He wouldn't have allowed this to happen." Jerry Bridges speaking, "My own experience suggests that Satan attacks us far more in the area of God's love than either His sovereignty or His wisdom.

If God is perfect in His love and abundant in His goodness, how do we take a stand against our own doubts and the temptations of Satan to question the goodness of God? What truths about God do we need to store up in our hearts to use as weapons against temptations to doubt His love?



I John 4:9-10 - This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

John said that God is love, and this is how He showed His love, by sending His Son to die for us. Our greatest need is not freedom from adversity. All the possible calamities that could occur in this life cannot be compared with the absolute calamity of eternal separation from God. Jesus said no earthly joy could compare with the eternal joy of our names written in heaven (see Luke 10:20). In like manner, no earthly adversity can compare with that awful calamity of God's eternal judgment in hell.

So when John said that God showed His love by sending His Son, he was saying God showed His love by meeting our greatest need ---- a need so great that no other need can even come close to it in comparison. If we want proof of God's love for us, then we must look first at the cross where God offered up His Son as a sacrifice for our sins. Calvary is the one objective, absolute,, irrefutable proof of God's love for us.

Any time we are tempted to doubt God's love for us, we should go back to the cross. We should reason somewhat in this fashion: If God loved me enough to give His Son to die for me when I was His enemy, surely He loves me enough to care for me now that am His child. Having loved me to the ultimate extent at the cross, He cannot possible fail to love me in my times of adversity. Having given such a priceless gift as His Son, surely He will also give all else that is consistent with His glory and my good.

Friday, July 03, 2015

For Our Benefit And Eternal Benefit! God Is There! Jehovah-Shammah! His Hand Is Strong! No man is able to pluck us from His Hand!

We need to allow this Book to inform our opinions rather than our opinions to form this Book, The Bible. Where is the healing God wants to give our lives? God's answers are not usually the answers we want to hear. Suffering has a first reason that is for God to get our attention. Dissappointment and tragedies through them God reminds you of your need for Him. He reminds us what He brought us through. Ebenezer - Hitherto has the Lord helped us. God may use them to help us seek Him. In the midst of illnesses God is trying to get at us. To gain the attention of others and the world God will use them. God is over cancer yet He uses it to teach us to trust Him. We may not necessarily need that to trust but God may allow it to get at the Family. The Family may observe how we go through it and that is God's Purpose with a certain sense of meaning even when it becomes an un-shoulderable condition in which we dwell. John chapter nine says this illness (in this case blindness) was not his sin nor anything else but for the glory of God to be known. Suffering we go through or endure is an opportunity to know God better through an open door. Scripture calls us to comfort those who go through affliction the same as we go through in hope or encouragement. Through that comfort and relationship God is going to do something as He does through our direct suffering and pain individually.

Ultimately our pain and suffering are known to Him. He knows these things because He went through them. He's touched because He went through them as a man. He's not unaware or unconcerned but He feels because He allows Himself to be feeling the pain and suffering we go through. He is glorified and there is value in that as we converse and talk to Him about them. It doesn't make Him feel any deeper or broad what we feel but it helps us. Jesus Christ bore in His flesh whatever we carry of injury or ill or deep trials we face. The sinking feeling in our hearts of watching a family member go through something can be indescribable God feels even more profoundly than we. God is not the God of Healing nor is He not a God of healing but He is the God Who Is our Healing. Ultimately His Presence, closeness and proximity changes everything. Situations may stay the same but what is going on in our hearts and minds changes everything because of assurances of Christ's Presence within us changes everything. It allows Him to be a part of everything about what we are going through or that are taking place to us we can remember.

Exodus 26:15. God is re-introducing Himself to the Israelites. They are receiving gifts of the Egyptians and water and manna in the dessert. God in effect will put none of the diseases on you He put on the Egyptians if you will hearken to His Voice and Heed. "I am the Lord your Healer." This is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord your Healer. The God Who is the very thread that has stitched you back together. 67 times healing is mentioned in the Old Testament. Various Psalms Rev. Anthony Catapano has preached have helped our spirit's sight to stretch for greater broader faith!

The LOVE That Drew Salvation's Plan Practically God Wants To Apply To Our Life With His Presence Before You!!!!

July 22, 2015
SALVATION Is A Gift that's Free So Stay Involved Because The Love Of God Is True, Trustworthy, Fantastic, Always there! And we need Jesus to Mediate between Us And God. We Have Grace Through Faith. Therefore Judgment Is Coming, as the axe is already laid to the root of the tree, John the Baptist said. "All things are possible with God. All things are possible to him who believes," said in the dramatic present by Jesus. But Following Jesus Can Productively Gain Eternity But Cost Everything here. So in All The Riches Of Grace You Have, be filled with The Holy Spirit, Listen To Jesus, Obey Him And Don't Look Back. Be In The Wind Of The Holy Spirit. Follow after the Holy Spirit. The Adventure Is Worth It." Breathe in the Grace. Exhale too the grace.

Christ lived a Holy Righteous Spiritual Graceful Strong, but gentle too, super Favor-filled life, then was willing to Die, to be laid down on a Cross and let nails be driven in His wrists and feet literally He having the power to lay His life down and/or to take it up again. But He chose the nails. He Died FOR US ON THE CROSS IN OUR PLACE for the very sins you or I commit or omit and took the fall Publicly like a rose trampled on the ground and thought of you above all. Jesus Suffering then Dying at the cross He became our sin to pay God His Justice and Holiness II Corinthians 5:21 that you might be saved. Christ is the sacrificial Atoning Lamb Who became our sin Resirrected that we might be made the Righteousness of God in Him. You can know Christ and Him crucified in your Salvation from sin. It's from sin to righteousness and from ungodliness to holiness from a burden of sin unworthiness to newness of life and abundant blood washed life. Salvation is God reaching down to man! We can't earn a salvation state, position or favor with God Or touch Him on our own. You hear what I'm talking about? We just receive it like it is the gift that it is through Jesus Christ. We uncover His feet like Ruth to Boaz and enjoy the Shelter of Kinsman Redeemer. We look for daily high points even marks to listen to God hearing to acknowledge Him, His Presence and Gift every day every moment and obey. We give glory to God acknowledging our need too for Him. We need God more and of His Presence as we seek to know God. We need a heart that listens to Him, acknowledges Him in all we say and do that is, God the Father Pleased as He Is with His Son and His Son is (Christ) Saving us, (He having chose the nails and the cross lived a perfect holy righteous life) then that from that individual fact realized on of we being from Adam, and all are from him, you are a sinner of original sin you confessing you fall short of keeping the Law's obedience. Though like him (Adam) a sin-ner as well as by ourselves we are sinners too, from a potential conceived sin in sinful nature realize that we have a heart that is nothing short of a fountain of corruption and pollution and we believe God is love nonetheless. We believe God loved us while we were still sinners. God Saves us by grace through our faith in Him if we put trust in His Son's Finished Work, the Magnificent Majestic Magnified Complete Work of Jesus Christ at Calvary now as we bow at His feet with His help. Trust requires more than faith over time. Credentials don't matter as much as using them properly. Now Today is the Day of Salvation and if we don't harden our hearts as in the day of provocation we can accept His Substitution (our sin for God's Righteousness) and start a Second Birth. We believing with faith personified transact with God petition requesting to be Saved. We come to Jesus for this. Have we ever lied or had a bad thought. Of course then you or I deserve death and hell. Scripture clearly says we have sinned and are guilty required to pay for 'that' sin and all sin you we have done or by omission, act by act thought by thought attitude by attitude or habit by habitual habit. God's Word says He requires the bloodguilt or payment for committed even omitted sin at our hands. But God provided the way out of this present evil world Galations 1:4. Salvation is God's payment, or expiation of our sin. It's a forgiven state and Newness of life, an ethical restart and forgiveness episode of spiritual cleansing (katharzo Greek for catharthis) being born of God by confessing you're a sinner wrong in God's sight before but now receiving grace, mercy, kindness and love from Him and a relish to hunt the devil and schemes of his down when in sight of Christ's Victory over you, you go where God's taking you which you are then in fullness thankfully experiencing: In other words, You give your life to God relinquishing release of mind and surrender of your will and heart to a lifetime lasting relationship with Him at once or at-one-time makeover by God, a spiritual takeover conversion of God's grace by God being allowed in, and of love for God e'n His will, a surrender of your entire life what you do, think, and say, and where you go to where you get God to rub off His character on you so you change metamorphically transformed He making the heart and character change. We submit to let God do the Saving and relent of the mastering of the rest of our entire lives by ourselves by receding relenting surrendering leaving the ultimate mastery of our lives to Him alone. This is Difficult but potentially so in progress. God's Holy Spirit that third person of the Godhead Who transforms you radically, creating the convicting of sinners but for the saved giving a New Nature New Heart by the supernatural renewal of your mind leading you to kneel in heart and life to the Savior and repent of sins at an altar with Christ. We make up our mind not sin that way anymore. We take a captive of every thought remained that's not conformed to the right living, even The Righteousness of Christ in going to the brush arbor wicket gate of decision at Jesus's feet at Calvary committing To God dedicating everything we own and are placing ourselves totally at Calvary where God wants to bind you forever in a stitched up healing, an embrace of forever-kind of fellowship that's good and virtuous and lifestyle that is Holy.

Realizing healing like that of Lydia who was freed of her sins as Paul spoke at the outskirts of Phillipi we liken it to salvation being firmly set in concrete that it's His Righteousness in the cross and Empty Tomb (that side we feed) and that He shows Lovingkindness to us continually even by tribulation we let our limb be healed rather than turned out of the way. The goodness of God leads us to repent which is a change of attitude toward sin involving sorrow for sin and lifestyle change. And in and of Christ's exaltation in our hearts even as at Calvary it takes place intimately knowing God Who gave us Salvation deep inside we believe God doesn't need any help on our part to save us. He invites our compliance with His grace. By grace you, we are saved by faith through grace not of ourselves, nor by works lest any man pride him/herself in their religion to God and therein not pouring contempt on all their pride instead. That this is from God's heart to us the salvation from sin in the past, in present, and future. His unmerited favor in grace is that we want to receive the Salvation Gift God offers whole intact. God rubs off on you His Nature He having Done it all for you but you follow Him from then on nonetheless honoring Him believing what He says by believing Jesus and obeying perfectly toward excellence His Voice for He is worthy. You can have maturity even a newness of life, a newness of life in the victory over sin through the Son, He gives. You can be victor in Christ ministering to our God and others through His victory the love given you and over you and within (to Him and others.) Love like that from God becomes perfected between us from glory to glory and in continual hope in Him through us. Thus the violent take the Kingdom of God by force having really wanting with continual zeal the experience of God's love to the destruction of their own kingdom. You don't need a deep revelation of how sinful you are especially to start this new journey filled life of born again saved living but a revelation of how Jesus alone Who Died for you sinless saves you (Substitutionary Atonement,) to make a believed decision point for Salvation by grace in Jesus Christ at this minute or at somewhere along the line.

Faith in Christ by Grace alone saves you so what should our response look like? We can see from scripture how others respond. We don't just decide to accept Christ. First we approach God humbly and in sin bow in surrender and prostrate falling on our knees and otherwise humble ourselves praying for it as we pray determinedly. Christ's Call is from slavery to sin and to Calvary and to an Empty Tomb resurrection and from Heaven to call us. Christ said that you are a Chosen generation, a royal priesthood then, a holy nation, a peculiar people then on that follow Him as a genuine new believer. Because you are born again and in love with God and laid on an Altar for that you lay that which is you raw on the cross and up on its stilt of Christ's back and take it up and only go where Christ walks, talks, and even lay to spend time with Him in integrity in a new intensity that we follow Christ completely by until He inputs said Finished Work to us in things different possibly in a rabbit trail but obedience. The Holy Spirit is leading us as He always does to an obedience to God in the Spirit through the Savior to deny ourselves take up our cross in Christ and our cross of our own flesh fault and pain and to pull them together follow where the Spirit leads and guides follow intimate listening close to Father Abba. Faith without works is dead but salvation is a faith that works outwardly with God's sanctifying help. With God's help then we determinedly will to listen to God's Voice and live for God by following Jesus Christ a living sacrifice as Romans 12:1 says in us to do in trusting costly obedience. From presenting our bodies a living sacrifice to God outwardly as well inward we prove the wonderful perfect will of God and live a crucified life to the flesh and its aspects and subsequently quality of abundant life in the Spirit renewing our mind in the Word consistantly constantly. We seeing God in us and we loving God back see God seeing us love Him back and we live a 'crucified life IN Christ,' existence in Him be holding Him. We look at the perfect law of liberty too in this way. James says we prosper if we're not forgetful looking into this mirror. God helps us exhibit Holy Spirit deadening expressions in our face reticent to others aware of the devil's schemes when tempted yet a Risen resurrected expression of the Life of Christ spontaneously joyful in His Life, meaning His Death, Burial, and Resurrection, as the Glorified believer's New Self replaced like a walk in the Spirit in joy as in the Scriptures placed within ruminating in them that give life to us so magnificently. For it's His Seed, His Watering, and our will to glorify Christ outwardly in God in all we say and do. We Exalt God glorifying Him. We take the lowest path to serve like surrendering to accomplish service in a committed way despite the exposure to humiliation involved in serving.

Jesus Christ can then dwell in our hearts by faith being we bow ourselves before God in our heart and soul mind being born again ministering to God first from us with a holy glow about us being transformed by His Spirit from darkness to light with His Word planted within. With a deeper conversion too exists, forever lives inside us coming to Him as we are the Holy Spirit leading us on as in Matthew 11:28, "Come unto Me, all you that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." "Come learn of Me for I am meek and humble in heart and you shall find rest for your souls." "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." His Presence makes a difference even becomes so real sheltered in His arms at this place of coming rest in Him. He lifts His countenance upon us and peace just as Jesus Christ prayed on this earth and did what Father above told, followed The Holy Spirit's Anointing all of time. We being anointed with the same Holy Spirit when saved which we get when we become saved born again can follow our Master committed doing the same great works in measure. As He is so are we in this world, our scriptures say I John 4:17. Our relationship with the Holy Spirit is our part and God's. We develop how we relate to the Spirit. "The Spirit teaches how we abide in God and how God abides in us," says Pastor Rich. Christ sits in the chair in Heaven next to the Father's Throne as well He prays interceding that we might be saved and kept right under circumstances😀: obedient in His hand. When He Christ is exalted and lifted up He will draw all men to Himself. God invites us to be pulled into Himself. There in His existence we're ministered to by His Word through His soothing love and in our smitten hearts God leads by His Spirit revealing Jesus even Father God to whomever He wills. Jesus said, "All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.” Luke 10:22. By our unity in the love of God Father Abba wills to reveal to the world the Love and Purpose to having sent the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ for the SALVATION OF SOULS.

God in His Thrice Trinitarion diverse forms is One and is There and reveals His personality to us so in our hearts and in our personalities so that we're enlghtened with Eternal light from the Father and the Son and with the Holy Spirit as they do intercede to their work perpetually interceding. The Holy Spirit is convicting us of right living through purging sinful influences sanctifying you until the end and with God's just Holy Righteousness Standard with His just Judgment too we get to inhabit the world but in sanctuary with God and Hallelujah within and the world gets conviction from The Holy Spirit to get Salvation as we live faithful witnesses. God is showing Jesus Christ in fullness to us and by the Spirit revealed exalted at God's Right Hand, Jesus having gone to the Father, and the Holy Spirit having come down to us that the power of forgiveness supernaturally expressed through us might win souls. Are we listening to God The Father's Voice? Is Jesus leading/guiding us to be telling what He's Done for us and knowing is with us wherever we are? Do we listen to obey the Shepherd's voice and hear with hearing ears what the Spirit is saying to the Churches? Are we witnessing to others the Jesus with Truthful facts? The Trinity as the three in one are with us never to leave. Does that boggle the mind? It should. Live in a way to be real so there is No OK Corral (business as usual,) or masked face but honesty. We must fall in love with Jesus to keep fresh and make what is our relationship and/or walk internal with our Lord God following Christ. We can call upon God our Abba at all times even at any time of need and specially call upon His Name every time we're in need of God totally alone which can be always. Jesus lived, died, was buried, and rose again, and is exalted/glorified IS as told in the scriptures for our Redemption, our Calling, our Chosen profession. This the gospel.

He is the much more grace and the gift by that grace Romans 5:15-21. He makes the difference in our lives, even concrete reality in our weeping tears on our knees praying bearing precious seed sowing and bearing our sheaves with Him being victorious in His Victory if claimed in the time assigned of struggle (for life is a struggle in overcoming IN Jesus) (we showing up at each turn.) Christ is the difference in coming through in Him out from sinful influences for those bound in heartbreak over sin. Thus Father God gives us His Standards to keep and keeps it in us. Straight A's become not some record of exam grade we approach our parents with bi-annually but the Very Righteousness or Holiness Standard God keeps towards us because of Christ's Finished Work when we come to Him truly in this way of His Son's life, Death, burial, Resurrection, exaltation, and glorification because He sees Jesus's perfection in the cross and Resurrection and as we see Him see us we lay hold of Eternal Life. We though having been justified must not taint God's Salvation by saying or living as if we had a part in it. The loving kind grace of God supercedes our puny belief by contrast. We must not only have a love for the facts of the Gospel we must relish them, says Pastor Iannuccilli. Our strength is in the strength of our Lord. Salvation belongs to our God. Is our heart dedicated with the Gospel? And the God of it? Are we believing firmly that Jesus Freed from sin us having Paid It All, all to Him I owe, sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow Isaiah 11:1-10. Importance of enjoying Abundance Eternally is being saved from sin the principle and the sins of action and attitude whether of omission or commission we do: God takes them away as far as the east is from the west at salvation and promises us a newness of life, a Promise of a forever life, time standing still of Providence. That is of multiplied continuance of a reflection of God's Throne in our mirrored lives living obedient to Christ as Lord in experience in heavenly places spiritually of Him our Source enjoying the Kingdom of God and He all in all. So that we obtain fortuitously of Redemption of time in the cross applied to our lives and then character imputed to reflect even character from His, that transfers on us for Eternal seal coming to Him rubbing off on us to be like Him in Heavenlies determined for Eternal minded living. Chrios is another word in Greek for Christ: Providence moments that are benefited from By God doing something miraculous to help us. Literally Christ exalts or Christ's Himself through us: Hence, "redeem the time," "for the days are evil." The Lord surveys us in His watchfulness and sees. He's Jehovah Roi and He knows our need. He provides as Jehovah Jireh. So then we can take a walk in the Savior Risen Resurrected and take the next one at the Cross of Christ all over again.

It's by His finished product of becoming like Christ or Christ's image made perfect in us, the integrity of His character perfected in Heaven someday too and/or transformation possessed by us along the way of life's journey down here until the end result is found within us making us into Christ's image completely like God that rubs off on us until it comes about in Heaven someday seeking the things above now though. We have not attained but we follow. We abide in Christ totally. This is through faith in God through our staying attached to the Vine adherence abiding believing in Christ's Death and Resurrection, and Glorification, Ascension, Exaltation, a faithful Divine Plan believed by you and us lived and obeyed believing keeping us to a hold on His Word according to HOLY Writ with our minds even the Propitiation of God's wrath's end in satisfaction and in and through the Blood. In which we get hupernikao (Romans 8:37 super conquerors to be victorious by God's grace mercy and love, overcomers) to live triumphantly in Him over sin(s) and through the Righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ, we obtain Imputed Imparted Salvation Granted!! Justified! Saved! Determined to live in Jesus Christ praying as He might have at His baptism with John The Baptist present to make it righteous in His righteousness with a mark from Him that we belong to Him. We follow Christ into water baptism. God provides.

Following The Lord in Water Baptism is an obedient signed symboled expression. It's not required though for Salvation. Spiritually we are baptized into Christ's death in water for remission. Obeying Him though, By doing it God will see you mean it. What God Did and does for you will be instantly in your mind as you obey Him. The joy of the Lord is ours in forgiveness of our sins following God and His Son's way so that I mean I can dance for joy and want to break out into song singing and shout for joy (Isaiah 54:1,2) really leave all sin behind truly given up to Him, deny myself, take up my cross and follow Him: live like Jesus is absolutely in control here in a defining fashion and that He, as our Lord, would want to minister to me by His love and power and He does so by its power and I firmly believe He will so I live edified strengthened built up in His Spirit of love, power, and a disciplined mind II Timothy 1:7.

First in coming to and receiving Christ God says to us, "You're Mine." "You belong to Me, you're My Child." Then He says, "I love you, you're Beloved." Thirdly He says, "I am Well Pleased with you." He focuses on Jesus and sees the finish product and all this is as we learn to submit to Him and one another as we spiritually journey in grace. These thoughts belong to the born again child. These are teachings that were from Pastor Rich's dynamic sermons and Lydia who is my Spiritual believed Mother.

That being said we can ever be led of the Spirit to be tested should God want (Luke 4:1), being that we're justified before God through the Blood of Christ, and are His Trophies that can come out of a lifestyle displeasing to Him with a Holy life unto God for His fullness enjoined. We as individuals can become who God says we are in Christ a sacrificial giver of sorts in lifestyle without towers without ego and to do so in the center of God's will, believing the Son, obeying the Son (Romans 5:1; John 3:36,) and free of encumbrances (Acts 2:38; Hebrews 12:1-4.) From dead in trespasses and sins alive to God and dead to sin and sin's influence, alive to God (Ephesians 2:1-5,) and established in righteousness (I Cor. 15:58, Romans 6:1ff) at the Altar of His choosing (the cross) in cloudless rarified air in Jesus Christ the Savior His will to godly gain for myself (Romans 2,3,4,5,6,12)! Isaiah 40 asks, "Who can understand God?" He transcends all of our thoughts. He goes beyond all of our intellectual or soul's comprehension. He is infinite. Every day we can ask God to reveal to us Your Plan! Jesus was much more than a great moral teacher or philosopher. He's God. He Reigns. As C.S. Lewis says, "He's either Liar, Lunatic, or Lord!" To us to obey God to-believe-for-Salvation-through-Christ is to ask for His pardon in Salvation that will fill my soul with love, joy, rightness, and peace in the Holy Ghost. He giving strength by Forgiveness given, even His Pardon From The Sacrificial Atonement even newness of life in me glorifies Him. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus' Name. He ministering to our countenances and spirits daily that one can be transformed even transported into Heavenly attire of Christ's Robe of Righteousness by the Holy Spirit Regeneration soaring into Father God's Throne clothed in Jesus Christ and seated with Christ next to Father God on His Throne and right with God. Justified daily renewed transported mercifully into His Likeness Pardoned and into God's perfect Plan A for our lives all before Christ comes back again Ephesians 1,2,3 we are. Our faith coming forth as pure as inestimable worth and value of gold absolutely pure is for God Who is our life in Christ precious.

Grace is how the using in this occurs by meaning very significantly, "by God's doing." This happens in God's sanctifying. Experiencing Heavenly-tuned up Spiritually Tense Glorified bodies in Heaven is our goal someday Phillipians 3:21; Ephesians 2:6-9. I mean the Heaven of the Bible. Experiencing a consuming hope in Him alone bubbling up in Him transforming us then into somebody of worth and value inestimably (and by evident newness (of life)) in Christ from faith to faith or glory to glory we want. Born again a whole new creature we're not from the past living anymore but unto a lively hope it says in I Peter and we're living in faith in God as our Source. We're at peace with Him in a standing justified of God Himself I Peter 1:1ff. A coming out the cocoon a glorious monarch butterfly from the past instead of a cocooned up meal worm as in John 3:3,5 is us spiritually. Joyfully we have Born again life then that is sometimes tearful and sometimes with new hallelujahs we with new hearts, new spirits, and new minds even glorify God to correctly honor worship of Him in abundant life Ezekiel 36:26; Matthew 5:16. The scriptures say, "the soul that sins shall die," and not the son or daughter for the Parent's sin Ezekiel 18 and 33. God's love in redemption is for the thousandth generation to those that love Him. Jesus Christ Who was given a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world is Substituted our personal Savior and Lord individually. So much for generational sins. This subjective thought is the Good News Gospel found throughout very large areas of the New Testament. Reconciled to God we're replaced real to in godly living even honest, without hypocrisy, (mask) nor OK Corral (business as usual) in existence of abundance of Jesus' grace wealth in spiritual blessings Ephesians 1:3. In fullness of abundant life in forgiveness of all our sins we live a fullness of God's majestic will complete (Ephesians 1:1ff) to Zoe (John 10:10) or in God's kind of living (biblically abundant) (as a person, son, or daughter loving God and even enjoying step by step a walking with God.) The Kingdom of God is the rule and reign of God in the life of the believer.

The Holy Spirit can give conviction to the new believer to fan the flame to repent of sins throughout one's Christian life gently and to bear fruit in keeping with such repentance as scripture's plumb throughout the entirety of a Christian's life. The Holy Spirit gently tugs at us nudging us leading us to confess momentary sin whether simply intentional or abruptly intentional sin and leave them at the cross. God's love supernaturally through the infusing of the Word does the bringing in of a better life, newness of life. We can do nothing by ourselves we believe and so we determine to do nothing from the flesh meaning ourselves, but only abiding in Christ and led of The Holy Spirit to follow after the Holy Spirit where deed and thoughts are not hid from God in Heaven but clear down here as well. We're sinners so we want to do nothing in the flesh anymore. We're saved by faith through grace that we're momentarily set apart for common use by God in what we do in not grieving the Holy Spirit so those works God ordained for each of us personally to do we accomplish (Eph. 2:7,8,9,10) even with a better mood, enhanced technique in better right attitude and a Partaking of God's Nature in each and every one of them sparked with real zeal unto Holy living as we live through Christ within with zeal. We learn to love and appreciate the things God does in our behalf but more than that we love God our Source Who He is, for bringing them to us. Power in witnessing with all His might from Him occurs supernaturally and by continual keeping our head in His word to obey, repenting in mind and action daily living and waking up, we glorify Him without individual credit. Unto every good work fruitful for the Body of Christ's team humbly Revelation 3:3. We believe in a Holiness without which no man shall see God Hebrews 12,13. Salvation must have a name, commitment and repentance to it. There's a time for rewards later personally. Jesus replaces your life with His living through you by the Holy Spirit in Union with Himself Galatians 2:19,21;3:1-3. We who no longer live, yet we died, (surrendered ourselves to God and Jesus giving Christ the power of the nails over us we surrender to Him) yet we live, yet it's Christ living His life through us Galatians 2:20. We're living by faith in the son of Man, son of God, Jesus Christ. God loves you in sending Christ to die for you while you were still sinners John 3:16; Romans 5:8. Thus this is the extant of God's love from Eternity past to Eternity future. Imagine how great His love and joy really are in being accepted in the Beloved Local Family of God Flock and Family Universal in Him and so Adopted and/or Regenerated then on to obedience to God according to the scriptures in the New Testament in lifestyle, a part and parcel of God's Family and Body of believers in unity like 2 Corinthians 1:10; 3:1; and 9:8 say, unto every good work circumspect (not a speck) being Holy and being whole, fully allowing God into every circumstance. No rules nor regulations nor godly of a form but no power but instead LIFE abundant with Christ everlasting life learning submission Acts 15. From sorry and emptiness to glad and fullness and joyful in living where Jesus puts us we submit to Him and His Hand of control Philippians 4:1-19. Rivers of Living Waters flow out of us.

A strong conviction that no sex outside marriage to God's will the greater winner even for the thwarting of my own will to be living out though we believe in, I Corinthians 6:1,9,10,18-20; Acts 15. Ideally we're thinking of the ideal in a spouse spiritually if we haven't married yet but we by faith can accomplish obedience with regard to God's purity. We interpret God's Sovereign Word to mean what He says about His setup of the institution of marriage and optimum design for family Ephesians 4,5, I thess. 4. We can be sensual sexual creatures that don't flutter and spit but instead in praise of God's will rock down the kasbah by intercepting violent spears or missiles that were meant for evil God turns into good. God is for you. As far as it depends on us let us be at peace with all men. Overcome evil with good on every occasion so that it turns into someone's good and not just anone's failure. God is FOR us Romans 8:29-39. He wants us to remove sinful influences. Purity is in the beholder. Who is he that condemns, yea, it's Christ that Died for us and lives. He Who spared not His Son for us, How will He not also with Him freely things. Therefore who is sufficient for such things? But our Adequacy is of God. Love one anotheR then from the heart purely as Christ loved us. We're like that teacher in the Father's heart or eye for our God is instructing us with His eye and for us having a heart perfect towards Him and in our being FOR the salvation of the lost. We can overcome this world and it's pernicious thoughts absorbed really into Christ and by God's Redemptive Transform become God's Minutemen ready to accomplish His will at an available moments notice in the battle on our knees for men's souls.

Read Samuel Chadwick's books which are two. Embrace sinners with God's love in a real loving fashion towards Redemption. A Real spirit of prayer is given to us to intercede for others as is the prayer for other's temporal needs in their dust in Psalm 103 to come to salvation in the will of God the Father by you and I in simple-hearted interest for the Father performing salvation Who knows our frame that we are dust (this scripture from Sister Marge Hill, greatly beloved Sunday School Teacher.) Compassion God has for us is the Blessed Christian's Diamond's Homing Pidgeon's scenario in ministering, from a filling reception of the receive of lovingkindness and gentleness from our Lord Jesus Christ's ministry from God to us. It is real the Compate (Greek, Compassion) a reality empathy and this is lived on our knees serving ministering to God first. From coals chunks of carbon we can become diamonds of God's love!! A piece of coal becomes a precious jewel through time and pressure. It is a picture from real life of suffering and/or turbulent times coming through to show us who God says He is!! God is love! God loves you limited in facility gained to this world before everyone's appointment with death. As a current K-Love song by Dave Crowder Band called How He Loves: "His love is like radiant diamonds. Great are Your affections toward me." Real Life is what Jesus came to give us life enhanced, better, godly. Let's worship God in Spirit and in Truth and glorify Him. As far as what's after Salvation nothing is left up to chance. We're held tight in the Father's hand. The Bible says, in Isaiah 54 The Sovereign God has everlasting loving kindness in chesed Covenant loving kind compassion from Him for us. He walked between the broken animal parts with Abraham Covenanting with Him Abraham watching Him do this. God did this in Genesis 15. Compassion is a feeling along with us the actual pain we go through saying, "I'm there for you," "I accept you." Loving kindness is chesed, a Hebrew word for Blood Covenant with God in the manifestation with which He TREATS us. See the story of lame Mephibosheth. Though he is calling himself a flea and dead dog he gets to eat at David's table sumptuous mealtime. In His good will He ministers to us first having loved us first I John 4:16. Isaiah 54 further says, "God's Covenant of peace is not shaken." Has God stirred your heart in any way? Does it make you very excitedly want to be hidden with Christ in God, Saved?

In the previous Chapter Verse Six it says, "All we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way (there is no one good not one, not one) and the Lord has laid on Him (Jesus Christ) the iniquity (the sins) of us all." Isaiah 53:6 and Romans 3:10. Jesus took the rap for the sins or the dessert we all deserve. He took upon Himself the punishment, the penalty for each of us of the consequences or end of the effects of our sins have here even the entirety of everyone's hell in God's poured out wrath, all of these sins deserved and He exchanged for Himself in our place for those debts because in His Death to sin, then becoming sin, and right living stretching to death on the cross becoming our sins (then even Resurrection,) He changed and continually unseen changes us. Resurrected God gave His approval Resurrecting His Only Begotten Son Jesus. James 2:10 says when we fail in obeying just one law we failed at them all. There is no room for pride in our accomplishments even only when we're born again can we even be honoring properly Our God in spirit and truth by giving thanks to HIM for them (deeds) at each moment. When He was rejected of men, crucified, alone, buried, Resurrected Glorified Jesus Christ God was saying "just enough" was about His son's Death to satisfy Himself, through Christ's Resurrection, His Righteousness, God's Holiness, Justice, Mercy, hate for sin, good Daddy indignation at evil when He's about to give someone justice or mercy full and free or His reveal of disdain for evil in future tense, (during Great Trib. Rev. 19; Jer. 29:11).

Turning to God, we (Greek Metanoia, a change even to a changing of our mind, toward sin re: we have hate for it) have been saved, a great Salvation it is, that is, laying up treasure in Heaven even gold, silver, and precious stones seems to our occupation now. We have a Heaven to gain even a personal relationship with God, a Pearl of Great Price, a treasure in a field, not made up of a religion of man, but with God a relationship of intimacy to obtain. Through our Savior, Jesus Christ and through Him to God from on the Cross, and Empty Tomb moving in our hearts we turn back to God justified. Mercy in and from Jesus Christ and grace makes a real difference in the life we live. Our sins were judged on the cross and now He Christ has taken away the devil's keys. The victory belongs to Christ for He holds the final words over sin, death, hell, and the grave. This is the truth of the Gospel. It is a redemption from all the past and power in present. I personally joyfully have known God from a child with conversion at four years of age but correspond currently as well in fullness of fellowship in believing at the Cross the wisdom to call upon Christ's Name as He hears the penitent sinner too in any day or time of day.

Because through Jesus Christ mercifully He knows everybody's need individually intimately in and with such care and perfectly placed perfection of finished Cross ways work from an on fire love from His heart extended through the cross I find Him searching for moi In my spirit and I know Him supernaturally in all of His blessing towards me He finding me and with no need for fame and arrogance from myself because with His help I'm in Christ saved. But He revealing Himself personally to moi is that He is able to save (me or you) without ANY my help. He however always uses someone else to be the message and messenger for Salvation transfers. His Redemption (and it is not created by me,) does extend Covenant kindness to me and buys me back from the past. He redeems me for His Eternal Purpose which is to shine brightly the brightest light in the room and in that acknowledging of what He did at Calvary for my Salvation He is exalted, lifted up, I'm honoring Him. We worshipping determine our purpose is to glorify God and Jesus Christ that men they may glorify the Father God having observed and perceived that our works were done in and through Spiritual Ways of God or Finished Work of God that they're wrought shining brightly in God as a result of Salvation Matthew 5:16; John 3:21 He gives back to me newness of life because it was for me He accomplished salvation and I confidently know this God, He calling myself Hidden with Christ in God, He, Lord and Master and Savior to all Seals as I admit blatantly confessing that I'm a sinner only, saved by grace and the poured out Blood covers me the stain of it all, my past with its sin and consequent shame with robbing destruction from its shame and for that I get a new commended re-commissioned heart and new mind, and new spirit and when I die my legacy will live on (continue) yet I will see Him and He me and have Heaven for certain too for God has said that what it's about is belonging to Him, being saved, being Holy in this life for He is Holy, owning up to belonging to Him, being His in obedient submission to Him in humble daily confident assurance with God person to person face to face which it is by faith and committment and follow through all through grace (God's undeserved favor, or unmerited,) unto Abundant life in Him, everything of worth honor and value within the relationship with Him.

This Abundant life is faith in Christ Jesus and putting other's needs ahead of our own when we make our life preserver secure and is first God's Sovereign will enveloped and determined by me to be honored from the Word and following in The wake of His Son's way, the one way to God, Jesus, now path to Home to me Who in our hearts He comes to dwell. He's good about keeping His promises true to His Word, Nature, Character yet so we should along with the standing on the promises persevere (be able to bear up under a burden) in Jesus living in Him abiding, and stand certain (fully assured) in Christ having done all, to stand saved and submit surrendering to Him with white hot fiery love steady, faithful, and obeying. Christ is The Promise. We need more men of heat than degree said Leonard Ravenhill.

We were wrong before God, BUT GOD had mercy on us and He's Just, Holy, Good, and Righteous Kind in His character which makes Him indescribable, uncontainable, unshakeable, right Ephesians 2:1-9. Standing firm then in all His will with His words planted within especially His Seed of His Word or Finished Work we receive from Him ministry moment by moment and live in Jesus whole and complete being that God used a double edged sword to correct or comfort us in any situation potentially as well in the past Col.2:9. Love one another for love fulfills the whole law I Cor. 13. Love does no harm or I'll to his or her neighbor. God is faithful. God is good as good is a word meaning wholeness and beneficience nothing lacking nothing broken as a good Father or Daddy and Mother would give benefits, value judgment, protection, shield, and provision in a wise fashion to their children. Jesus said, "If you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more does your Heaveny Father know how to given good gifts to them that ask Him?" Ask for the Holy Spirit. Ask for hunger for God like the Psalmist. We submissively surrender our wills even our entire lives to God when we become born again, nothing held back. You can then be surrendering to Him completely and totally and have His Power for living and behold around you the environment the good situation in Zion in the power of God to do right now with His vision. Our forgiveness from God within is the in essence the power of God towards us in its visible manifest expression. Yet in this commitment I respect His Power in this life to potentially cast myself into fire of hell as you we do not want Him to turn over to me us and say we're evil after this life, then first works after salvation say obey Him, obey Him even to the nth degree if you have to but in faith deeper in the love of Yeshua Hommashiach Messiah (Jesus.) Yet live subjective in the Gospel so only He can see it ultimately and intimately and mercifully, legally in the Cross right by His Standards mercifully justify our walk in tenderness and strong strength in Him to defend (vindicate.) Between knowing servanthood and expressing love we don't want to neglect reaching out and if not voluntarily but supposing we fail carnally to not go unrepentant. Knowing the terror of our Lord we pursuade men. We don't need to stand up and say how great I is or art for coming to Jesus but humbly allow God justifying in every circumstance. Humility before Him is paramount. Then worship Him in spirit and in truth. Therefore we know He's the Rock Sword Shield and Bulwork Fortress in Holiness he being bigger higher than our minds can contain and He holds our hand and we count the cost to follow Jesus moment by moment to obey Calvary godly reverence or obey the Holy Baby Jesus mores better. It is by our faith in Him and His-through The Work Finished in the Cross, Covenant Love by the Holy Spirit, the Finished Work He provided-is Done so in awe of the Heaven in the afterlife for you we be covenanting and me it (our Eternal Inheritance) is by Him held for you and I. It's a kept provision by HIMSELF by grace (not by us yet by us laid hold by of Him) so we can begin to invest magnanimously in the Heavenly Kingdom of God freely with abandonment to His cross motivating and belonging to Him in any situation boldly, giving sharing having endurance to His end and to the end. Love and it's eightfold commentary, as Pastor says, is in Galations 5:22,23 re: The fruit of the Spirit.

All God's promises have fulfillments and He doesn't miss a one. Verity of verities this true. Let God be true, every man a liar scripture includes. We can have a quick spark start to the Kingdom of God continually in this abundant life in Christ even, "the Kingdom's love, joy, and peace increase with every step in our Jesus walk," says Pastor Rich. "Lay up for yourselves treasure in Heaven where neither moth nor rust do corrupt and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also," Jesus said. His mercy full and free at the Cross was just enough to save us and more than enough to keep us as we put our faith and trust in Him His Promises expectantly gained persevering to gain Christ within in all circumstance for Him to do it all in us (save) that is be alive to God dead to sin in the complete center of the will of God as we obey the Spirit determined to the nth degree to follow after God. By faith we live through Him positively in faith. We determinedly commit to think yet believe we are dead to sin. The greater reality is we are dead to sin. Righteousness, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit are the essence of the Kingdom of God. We're dead to the law as well. He intercedes from Heaven for us in newness of living to be victorious and endure to the end so persevering for me in prayers of intercession from Heaven gives me a shot in the arm at pumped up faith at odds against me in this life even like Murphy's law would put us in a pit so instead with His hand upon us that We being successful to follow He is using every circumstance turning them together out and around (for we enter those prayers) for good as is He permanently dwelling within me powerfully by grace and His mercy tasks even works in me mightily as I believe/walk in the Spirit and succeed to become strong in The Lord and very brave like Joshua was told to be. There is no shame in following Jesus, my dear Sister Marge and Alvin Hill have preached and taught and shown by their lives this verity and have done among us! And Pastor Rich and Pastor Anthony have lived! And yes Gene and Judy Holley and the DiLullo's - Al and Millie as well! My godly parents deserve a rave mention also.

"And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of OUR LORD Jesus Christ be with you. Amen." Romans 16:20. Satan will be crushed under Jesus, not always us. We know his devices and have overcome him knowing his fate is to be cast into the lake of fire. We just need not to wander in his territory. We are prone to wander but God leads us back. Pastor Rich preaches that when we pray in the Disciple's Prayer, "Lead me not into temptation," it means, "God take me away anywhere else!" Life's an adventure. It's a trust in God in our faithful God! In His faithful powerful Presence our Promising God puts us into perseverance to endure to be enabled to be given even hardness like a good soldier and that puts us into action for us (that being our part to put legs or feet to our prayers in faith as well) to be moving toward wisdom and the prudent knowledge of the fear of The Lord. Because He is Holy and knowing He is Holy brings understanding that I must be Holy too because He is true to His Perfect Character and I must be living a lifestyle that is holy, and consecrate all to Him when I realize this. Setting apart Jesus Christ as the Lord and the Truth in a Person personified we do this continually and so we abide in Him and His Word in us and it's His will. Be you Holy for I am Holy, the scripture says. His Word tells of Perfect Character of God in His ways that He's unchangeable and that He Is perfectly steadfast. All things are possible with God. He Who walked the shores of Galilee still has the power to heal, save, and deliver. God through Christ is good and tender as shown the scriptures and He's strong in loving. God is a good Person or Being. He is Good through and through and Righteous and Holy in Himself yet hates sin perfectly and as sin's insidious nature is revealed to us, sinfulness is opposed by His Finished Work at the cross which is the antecedent of the insidiousness of sins and these are crushed under the Blood of Christ and so redemption of time occurs to us but with infinite love brings to bear also God's mercy and grace which overflow in joy too. God will judge sin, all of it but if your forgiven, saved, there is no more remembrance. Live in and with a healed memory. According to the Bema Seat which is the Judgement of believers we're just to build with gold brick, silver brick, and with precious stones His Kingdom not our own. God will judge us on our motives. We all want to judged by our actions not motives but people want and need actions that evidence the perfected in love correct godly motives and actions I Cor. 3; Hebrews 4:12.

All knowing and all powerful and everywhere at once present He is our Maker, Creator and now Redeemer in Fellowship with the Father and His Son. How great Thou art! God incarnate in the Son is great to fathom. He honors His Word above His Name. God uses our reception of daily Bread of the Word of God reading and listening to His Word and Voice to sanctify us for Heaven. Jesus is our sustaining rejuvenating Bread of Life. God we believe wills to offer revival to us in America Sovereignly as He has around the world and as He would allow in us as we intercede and pray that He relents of judgment even absolute abundant exuding of mercy instead over the land so as to His Promises being ever so given to believe. Intimating His merciful Presence generously and with extended everlasting lovingkindness tenderly in compassion (He follows along our pain with you,) so that we can taste and see that the Lord is good and convicting us, changes us without our knowing it. So then walking in Fellowship we can be so standing tall though still too in Salvation at peace with God steady and firmly steadfast and certain in drawing near in our relationship to Him seeing His salvation (responding too) in signs and wonders God performs confirming the Word preached/taught and as we consecrate committed to Himself (more) so for us to obey Him more and we in Him moving around in His Presence everywhere delighting in Him. Ad as His creation in coming back to Him in second Birth we're in confident knowing that we are pleasing to Him over what Christ Did, Done.

Like the Israelites in the Wilderness one doesn't need a reformed life by which we have a mere turning over a new leaf or like a lifting up from our bootstraps would be to 'fix' it (on our own) but spiritually in the wilderness going in circles for lack and plenty, bitter complaint followed by refreshing in experience and yet no one teams from that significant experience but Joshua and Caleb as successful of Israel in the Old Testament.

All Old Testament law was given as a detriment to a prevention of further loss of life but also as encouragement to us mankind challenged to and in faithful living. We look back while they looked ahead to Christ. It was in order to prevent more extreme violence and from retaliation and revenge from one another that the Law was given. In addition to the Torah becoming embedded in our Government Law today the Law was originally given to show that it's witness is in us that we're sinners in need of a New Covenant Savior. The New Covenant fulfillment is Christ and is love Agapeon to us from us to others. But by falling short of the Ten Commandments as an internal witness known by this any person you're being shown you're a sinner who has heartache and/or needs spiritually perhaps realizing you're sinfulness is staring you in the face and by not being perfect as far as this world is concerned and/or by hearing what the Spirit is saying too, you attend to that, you are nevertheless wrong before Him in the mirror and hopeless, without Hope, without God in the world, needing the Savior which is Jesus Christ. Responding to God in the Eternal sight of Heaven for you God's Plans for you but knowing first the heart is deceitful a fountain of corruption and pollution that you're a sinner transgressed, a wretch and not obedient in nature at all at the tablet of at least one point of The Ten Commandments either side, either toward blaspheming God's worshipful honor, or man's interpretation of man in his miserable mistreatment of man, (the other tablet) and you thus acknowledge that and therefore you are confessing then to God that you have missed the mark a sinful man or woman in not keeping them and yet through grace still perhaps subsequently turning to repentance through God's mercy and love, accepting Christ's Atonement. All sin is against God whether it harms or hurts someone else or is known to be against God outright. CHRIST even defined obedience stricter than this but gave us hope He fulfills it within us Romans 8:1-4.

Exhortations: Do not harden your hearts. Take the challenge to encourage and provoke one another to love and good works. Agree with God whatever He says for His Throne is established in Righteousness and Justice with Lovingkindness and Truth. Psalms says that. Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together. God cleanses us once but the effect is over time greater enhanced. So in Romans 12:1 give your life and heart to Jesus Christ Savior to continually cleanse you and make you someone new improved and better, like Christ. Make Him Lord too for Sanctification of will. Confession is agreeing with God, that what He says is right, true, to be obeyed. God will call you out on something (in a most gentle way and in private if you can handle repentance from the Holy Spirit in that way,) and correct you or comfort you as He feels you need it. Also no good thing will He withhold from you. If it's strictly truly good for you He gives it but remember He's a doting Dad and yet a sin filled world we have to overcome, love not. Good Stewards be.

Live at the Altars of God in Church at peace with God justified by faith. Justification is God's part. Sanctification is His part as well as we allow Him. Regeneration is His seed being placed within. The old passes away and we become a new creature a new creation. Not by works of righteousness we have done but by His mercy He saved us Titus 3:5. He will show His tender works yet mighty works shown through us and on us, and in us. His Son's Blood completely avails to all who call upon Him through which Jesus Christ visible through you can be your solid evidence of your being saved He being your Lord and Master and Savior and that your rest from your own works which are a part of your own life needy are exposed to Him and so you coming to Him gain His rest in the strength of Salvation and of might God provides in the Blood instead. Be on a firm foundation of Christ firm. You want to be honest before His Countenance not hiding from Him. You can finish strong. Pastor Catapano preaches that, meaning, "That inner strength from God is for power and endurance and to resist," (temptation or sin and sorrow of this world for self or sinfulness after salvation (disobedience) not to be engaged in nor to be involved in ) and be strong in Christ. The love you have must be for God first and with all your strength, heart, soul, and mind, then recognizing your destiny you must love others as you love yourself. This is healthy self-love not any arrogant illusion or "delusion" of grandeur. One must love God and Christ with others up front sacrificially as Christ has loved you. This is so you can finish life moment by moment strong and in His strength. This has to happen in the Spirit. You need to have the inner power of the strength of the Holy Spirit to live right in His might and good and strong. This means you must be born again. Seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit always. Seek Fullness of being filled by Him always.

Imagine or try to imagine how enormous and great in all dimensions God's love is for you in His inheritance by you you obtain in the saints which is His Inheritance to godliness and shown revealed to you will be by you having an eye open to the riches of His grace with a look to and in His calling and unto the granting of His glory. Lay hold of Christ. Be filled full of the Holy Spirit and aim at glory. You aim at the mark of the prize of the upward calling of God in Jesus Christ when you're saved or you'll aim at nothing, Pastor Rich Catapano says. Just agree as was mentioned before, with God that you're a sinner before God's eyes in specific details and attitudes and actions known to you from the witness within or by introspection by you but you know He sees them and He will bury your sins in the sea of forgetfulness then (where no one can dig them up, but God tramples them,) and as you confess them grace from God washes you from them and saves you. God takes you at your word (about your surrendered faith in Him) and firmly presses you out a newborn Christian with the fact of Jesus's promise in His Covenant in the written Word attended to will raise you up Resurrected in Him, with Him a new person with a new heart, lifestyle, and new spirit in Him and makes you born again in newness of life, gaining a forever contiguous continuous life abundant from Jesus and subsequently to as one who endures to the end. We in the Body help attend. You don't need to rehash your past again nor retaliate on others nor entertain problems but let Him reverse them all while you nest intimate at Christ's feet having a heart near to God in Christ Jesus. God is not far from us but near. Tell your problems God rather than trying to solve them on your own.

With God's great salvation yours at God's Throne at the Mercyseat you listening intently to His Voice because God looks down on in over the Ark of God's Presence in Heaven over you God's own mercy seat and with grace which is getting something of what you don't deserve forgiving you. Imagine the God of the Universe looks down upon you with Grace! His mercies never come to an end! Just by faith believing that God is right, just, Holy, good, you succeed in life through the Son of God simply in you plainly revealed inside you a Covenant Gospel made evident from Father God. Just that He has to have wrath against sin and evil and that His Son's Death is just enough to please that wrath and as such, in other words His Indignant repulsed reparations against sin are happening by God's work against the violent wicked spiritually in their conscience as He is demonstrating Himself in Jesus Christ convictions of His Righteousness His judgment from Heaven and The Atonement "just" in the end unto mercy in forgiveness of your and their sins by penal substitution. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into His harvest. Those not accepting Christ have been condemned already having not believed the Son John 3:18. The Cross being an act of God not just a sign or symbol but it's real being it was just enough to save, propitiate or satisfy Himself and indeed save you to the uttermost all by grace in the Holy Spirit. It's God's reality that overcomes in tipsy turvy total the glitz of this world's fleeting vanity of bloom flower from the sun. Like the grass withers so our lives are but a vapor. God has set Eternity in our hearts but we don't know it. The cross of Calvary then was more than enough in every way to triumph over all things. It (the Cross) was more than enough in everything He is winning. He shares by letting have a part in it. Every Victory Jesus being Victor within from God's Authority gives you is a triumph God gives you to take to the bank of Heaven. Cash checks. Follow Jesus powerfully in the Spirit by way of planning ahead spiritually. Read your Bible. Find within it the Living Word, Jesus, The Person of God of Whom to know is life Eternal and whose Finished Work paid in full your guilt. At the cross every man has to stand on equal ground. Daily then rely on the outpouring freely of the Holy Spirit upon you to be a witness. "In Ephesians one and three God has given layer and layer of blessing to be an artesian well to make you grow in Jesus Christ and everything you need is in Him," says Pastor Rich Catapano. "Pray for this on bended knee," he says. Witness whenever the Spirit moves you and the opportunity is there from God. Sometimes use words, John Wesley says. (The Holy Spirit leads. He doesn't drive.) Remember, lifestyle speaks loud and some tender for the right cause.

You become a vigilant Christian (not like a precarious one whose tower falls,) but like Joshua a witnessing spiritual leader strong and courageous and steady of unfading quiet spirit of beauty instantaneously like one putting aside the things of the old nature perfectly in setting yourself apart for God. For when you get saved God separates you from your sinful nature and what you have done in sin in the flesh from before being a Christian to now from who you now are, spiritually born again renewed seeing The Lord High and Lifted up in His Holiness, with His train holiness from Him and His Presence fills the Temple, even in the year the king died loved unconditionally by Him now so you quit sinning in large measure at the beginning of hearing the Spirit at His conviction over you repenting, exalting Christ. Dying to sin and self and humbling yourself under His mighty hand you behold Him and the blood of Jesus everywhere possessing your vessel in sanctified humility fleeing immorality and seeking His face only and in every crowd listening to His Voice alone. If you genuinely come to Christ to God one hundred eighty degrees from where you were, you will never have to go back to your former way of life again. You can goodbye chow say to your life in the past with reference to sin. Just jump the pond (of sin) leaving anger or malice too praising God putting Jesus Christ your Savior on as a garment from sin Savior first and utmost as Lord.

You're opening your heart to behold Him anywhere everywhere walking in the Spirit to maturity into His arms in Christ's hands snatched up from the flames of the pit. By faith look into His eyes of justified piercing love and pure acceptance justified. Like a brand plucked from the fire Shank says in his book, Elect in The Son, and Life in the Son, we are. It's an about face from sin enacted pungently from Him originally and the removing by you of all sin's influences (asking for help to overcome rightly the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and boastful, pride of life,) to an 'against the grain' life then on, under Christ your Rabbi Master then that you leave sinful ways following in the footsteps of Christ. And like salmon swim upstream to spawn the (we the salmon spawn) the Saved life so until you're denying yourself (anything not fitting the mold of Christ's image,) taking up your cross and following Christ, within this wonderful adventurous journeyman life in God, losing your life most humbly to find it in God's Kingdom of grace in humble bondslave lifestyle leave selfishness and sin behind. And rather in service ministering to The Lord first adoring only Him with a singlemindness to abiding affection to and in Him glorify Him. The manifestation is in keeping with repentance as God grows you into the mature person you were meant to be increasing in the grace & knowledge of Christ & God and in the exposed light and truth made real while its spoken in love (which is ever increasing) so live the abundant life. Seek God's face then not just His hand. You can also seek His Hand upon you and as you pray looking to Jesus. Seek Who He Is and Worship Him being spiritually made in His image! We desperately need God for spiritual food and even without it we still need Him for resources from Himself but for daily manna thankfully for He is our Source of all in all and unto utmost desire we serve. The motive is from His. He gives and gives more grace. The trust must be blind. He never fails as a law nor does He disappoint.

In Who He is and Who you are in Him, called, chosen, and motivated to be faith people even a darling in Israel of God, beloved, promised promises to become all God wants you to be in a renewed mind in the promises of Heaven so you put on the New Self which is renewed in knowledge after the Holiness and Righteousness of the truth The Creator God Himself to seek His Likeness. Then set apart for common use you can be identified in Him in all ways near, you stand at the mirror, which is God's Word the Bible, and within it behold the Living Word, the liberty for living freely in Christ, the Living Word, Jesus Christ, God Incarnate, complete, near, and continually looking at Him trusting blessed in our doing ready to change our lifestyle based in transformation from faith to faith established in His Righteousness momentarily monitored by Him Col.2:9. We learn what it means to be a bondslave of Christ ministering unto the LORD and transformed and changed into His image. We learn to warn every man and teach every man to present every man in Christ perfect complete. The Word in Ephesians Three attended to is that Christ comes in to dwell by faith and staying and not move away making us transformed if we respond in abiding in Him. It is a stronger word than to tent or tabernacle. Like Joshua you can remain in the Tent. "You can stand in your generation," says Pastor Rich, "like Daniel or Nehemiah, Martin Luther, Whitefield, Edwards, or Finney." This is grace wherein we stand. Sola Fida. Sola Gratia. Sola Scriptura.

Tell someone and keep telling everyone about the salvation, what you have done in accepting Christ's work on the cross as your own atonement from sin and to witness to that fact if you prayed for Christ to come in to save you for now is the day of salvation & share your experience of salvation so then you will be solidified and in a root system grounded in God rooted and built up in love and in established hearts on Christ your firm foundation. Abiding in Christ like a branch to the Vine you in righteousness of Christ are helped over time more and more sanctified as the Day approaches as you endure in patience (loved.) As God becomes greater than you've made Him out to be before, Amazing God and Wonderful that you can't box Him in you at all you will begin to submit to Him and His pleasure to please Him without and within knowing that fact is by faith in What Christ Accomplished also so you show love for God genuinely by showing evidence of God's mercy to you and grace by His doing and drawing of you wooing you to Him and your obedience to the Spirit in a love walk. Thrilled to be in God's Presence and grasping His heart inside moment by moment and to praise Who He is every led way and moment and in obedience to Christ's words and Him so you're doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with your God become who you are. Desires change. Passions become persuaded to be given up for God's Ways and redirected. Redirects in life happen. Love from a good motive is the highest ideal. His love can't be comprehended wholly in time Eternal but can be fathomed in time Supernal ministered to you and momentarily through the Son. Love from Him is so strong and beyond we in the natural man cannot experience it apart from the Born Again relationship. Even ethereal thinking of Heaven cannot be without the phrase, "God is love." Significantly and meaningfully piecemeal personally Jesus the conduit of the said love makes you wholly feeling better being loved in every detail of life. Then through it all you'll say, "I've learned to worship God and trust in Jesus and I've learned to trust in God, overcoming through and by His love and grace."

Jesus said through the Apostle Paul, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus," for they leave the law of sin and death behind even the sinful life left completely & they go and sin no more in desires God is intervening in constantly by the Resurrection. "I am come that they may have life and have it more abundantly." Romans 8:1;8:1-11; John 10:9,10 People outside the faith are condemned already by their own consciences John 3:18. They literally suppress knowledge of God to continue to practice sin (thinking life comes to an end eventually so eat, drink, and be merry is there mantra so when they die they believe it all ends and now they can "party like its 1999".) Pastor Catapano says, "Do we know with one heart we can't live without God? Whatever it takes, would to God revival broke out, wouldn't it be great?" Follow God and Depend on Leaning on God with good men so you learn how to have a relationship with God that mixes.

"Wide is the gate that leads to destruction and many go in thereat but narrow is the gate that leads to life and few there be that find it!" Strive to enter in the narrow way. I have known the Lord since the age of four and have never looked back. I am blessed! He gave me a brand new life and put a new man in my shoes. Yes there is a heaven and hell because God is good in Essence but you can be sure to shun the hell and gain the other if you're in the right road in Christ concentrating focus daily on following God's will through the Oil of Christ's Anointing of the Holy Spirit having made peace with God this way of Christ's Blood. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" Newness of life is now your living. Sanctified Leaders should be the first to engage the battle from in it. Joshua was such a servant leader. Moses said Joshua came in and out before the people doing the practical things to help them and Moses the most he could do before becoming head leader. Like the King David running from Saul and gathering outcasts at Ziglag to engage fighting the Amalekites who ran off with their wives and possessions, David encouraged and strengthened Himself too in the Lord to win in life there too. If we can lower our towers enough continually God can have His plans through us is the lesson here. And even though one hundred of David's men who were too tired out cold to go up to battle to take back spoil and over all the wives and spoil taken (like his daughter in the Movie "Taken" of Leeum Niesen) so it was all recovered by the three hundred other men God used and chose to win the battle with.

Now as partaker of His Divine Nature you a believer do right from a relationship to God and not from yourself nor religion. And justified by Christ's Blood you're righteous from His Righteous like no other fuller can whiten clothes because you are Justified as His help is helps and in most things now expressed you're joyfully following after the Holy Spirit because of humble sustaining by Him in right standing with God by His Blood and this is right. Following God in fullness in fellowship and position which is plainly visible and just in the eyes of God we act merciful and compassionately from the deposit of the Holy Ghost to us. The Holy Ghost is sealing your salvation by the Spirit in a transformed changed life and as you're making your calling and election sure so that no condemnation 'now I dread' Romans 8:1 you in this character of love will follow Christ but you ignore the pain and serve so your good works and character are presently known by God in Heaven from firm relationship to God. You want God's Nature to rub off on you and become second nature to you and what you undertake and want to accomplish in Him spontaneously delighting in Him and loving the Lord. To remain at pleasing your Father and His Standard (His will as laid forth in the Word of God,) is to be at rest for He will do and will, performing it through you every waxing waking and sleeping moment through a window in His Word and is seen smiling Showing Himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are perfect towards Him Romans 3:19,21;5:1; II Peter 1:1-6ff.; Hebrews 6:10; Isaiah 26 says, "I (God) will perform and accomplish for you with you showing up." God wants us men and women after His heart Psalm 51, 119. Eph. 2:10 says,"you are His workmanship, (Greek word poema like the word, poem) and were ordained beforehand unto good works." Stand still firmly and let's see the salvation of The Lord. Put your singers first who know the Voice of many waters (revelation 1) first sing to praise The Lord! For the battle is the Lords 2 Chronicles 20:15,21. Live your life in Him with He in you replacing you (Galatians 2:20,) for His sake becoming Christ's servant/slave. For we were bought at a Price therefore glorify God with your body which is God's 1 Corinthians 6:20;3:16,23, and the cross shows we must serve God first and then humanity humbly. Life is not always by a cross from on it viewed or crucified living observed and mortified lived but a crucified life living it spontaneous with an outward expression which is joyful out of the Holy Spirit within which is flowing out incessant life abundant and in overflow to be enjoyed. The Holy Spirit is given without measure. God's working in me God's working in you both to will and to do both to will and to do of His good pleasure! Phil. 2:13. The World's methodology is not right cause and effect but preaching the straight Jesus message and the cross is and does produce fruit. Do evangelize for, "This Gospel (Jesus lived, Died, was Buried, Rose Again, glorified) shall be preached." You, preach. This world is NOT OUR HOME. (Sorry was I shouting.)

Let me introduce myself: I'm Dave Candel from Franklin Square, N.Y. I'm a sinner by original sin being before of old nature but saved Blood-washed born again Holy Ghost filled now a Child of God, with a New Nature who believes in His Bride (Jesus's) through His love His cause and the Gift of Righteousness found in God's Son, take a stand for a new standard, Christ's Holiness and righteousness & make no apologies nor excuses for it. There is no shame in exalting Christ Jesus or the Christian life. I attend church Services at an Assemblies Of God church: Bethel Assembly Of God Church from Franklin Square. I've accepted Christ as my personal Savior Master and Lord. I was four. Being that little and being all God wants me to be is a part of my calling from God I'm pursuing and attaining in God to be a minister to others and to minister to The Lord God though through Christ first. As a minister of reconciliation along with colaborers being as a layman I'm loving being single and agapetotes freed up love from God to 'laleo' (Greek word for to gossip or chirp) the Gospel to my family and church family. Preach too on occasion. As well I'm a Gideon who distributes Bibles to many needy locations, and people, and am a substitute High School Teacher in the past, and have had a Bachelor of Science's Degree in Chemistry with some Graduate School from Old Westbury College having worked eleven years in that field of endeavor as well. I, like my Pastor Rich call that my junk box being counted as nothing or dung that "I might know Him." The fellowship of His sufferings, the joys of His Resurrections, which are privelege and blessing this world knows little of is in precious anointing from God's unconditional love and is totally awesome. I rejoice in The Lord evermore. I witness with all of Jesus' joy to My Jesus My comfort, and shelter and shield for He as my Rock, holds me, my high tower and fortress and has become my forever sacrifice to Eternity and also my scapegoat to have taken my sins away! Posted by DAVID CANDEL. Agapeon, love, Dave
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Hi! My name's David! I'm a sinner whose sir name, Mr. Candel God gave me, am a born again Christian before once a sinner now saved person humbly give thanks for being His child, and He, now my Father. He has regenerated and adopts me a beloved bought back son. Historicly, geographically, and archaeologically Christ's life's records are real. Thankfully, humbly, and humbly most of all at the cross spiritually by God's doing, I'm reborn Born of God's Spirit; I'm a born anew Christian living humbly confident firmly from God's Presence a child of The King from being tutored by God's Word and beginnings in thanksgiving here in Franklin Square, with contentment, and gratefulness to God for all His love and all He's brought me through, on a mission from Him in good times and through tough times suffering wrongly for righteousness sake though in fullness of His Presence rejoicing in Jesus our Rock and doing righteous before all people anyway. Jesus is my Righteousness. My gas tank is full though leveled high in Zion's situation beautiful which is well in Heavenly places as I was in God's love on the Lord's Wednesday Day performing as an Assistant Royal Ranger Commander for about two years in the Assemblies of God (82-83) and otherwise slave bondservant of Christ in Christian Ministry as a Gideon (twenty years) also in the love of God who never smoked pot, never drank alcohol, nor used drugs but was never better than anyone who did, but not so that I can bravely just be Good I came broken to Christ first, sinner. To be as James Chapter One says, "perfect entire wanting nothing" my claim is faith in His Blood because God is Source and all in all so that The Good Shepherd, Jesus that Shepherd boy David's Son may lead me to green pastures of nutrition, peace and tranquility as I'm glorifying of God for His Son's (Jesus Atonement) Saving me born of God anew! I was a transgressor dead in sins but of once whom God Who is rich in mercy made alive in Christ to God indeed be the glory enhanced in His love and to be in Him giving Him the glory born again. I am that sinner that is I sinned as sin had that rule at one time over me and dwelt in me before but Christ defeated it and He, Jesus Christ now has become my victory my triumph my exulting in and in joy is my Savior over them (my sins.) Romans 7:23,24, 25; I John 1:8 and The Book of Ephesians and Romans says and I say, I was once a sinner in complete disgrace and in woeful disagreement with God and His plan and ways but now I'm found by Jesus Christ saved taking up my cross following. Now my desire is to take up my cross moment by moment leave all sin behind every last aspect it tries to put a hold on me or feel behind and follow Christ with openness. I have put away the old man once and for all. I was once a sinner, but now I'm found by Him and saved by grace, now His child, once in defeat before but God changed transformed rearranged renovated or reconciled my life into somebody NEW in newness! Reconciled Redeemed now I agree with God about everything He's saying in His Word and about me. I was a foreigner but Jesus removed my sins as far as the east is from the west! With Him I'm greatly positioned to reflect a fortuitous position and to be an example in Christ being a people lover from the heart to greatly reflected transformed moment by moment life by a renewing of the mind and be His reflection of Himself and am humbling myself under God's mighty hand always and am beloved. I'm accepted and it's good to know God's assigned purpose for me will not be thwarted in Abundance of life here and I will not conform to this world by faith and that is only by God alone remolding me into Christ's image by my faith in Him staying attached with He my obedient with His Standard cooperating. Obediently in Christ I have love for the Lord Jesus with results evident that He is Faithful and with all the worship I have within for Him, I am submitted, surrendered, and praising Him even compelled by His love to love others showing an accepting interest in them with fierce empathy for them selflessly by His grace. I'm waiting on God patiently in 'spleen turned over compassion' to help someone else to the salvation lifejacket in Jesus we celebrate Together in His Name He doing the saving. I'm available nonetheless humbly so far so good for having Jesus' joy, of a disciple following and discipling others following Christ to take up my and their cross and follow. We have been redeemed! That's great news! Don Francisco sings! FORGIVEN! "Gotta Tell Somebody!" Having presented my total being to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ according to Romans 5,6,7,8,12:1,2 and having renewing of my mind in His Word I'm studying to be approved a workman not needing to be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth from His intervention evident convicted of being a Christian! I rely on Holy Spirit ministry fullness for the next step (Greek parapeteoo) for without Him we can do nothing! I am attached to Him for God's glorifying Jesus alone in my ministry and not myself! Let Jesus decide who gets credit! I like Church family immensely and love worshipping God on a team for He's worthy and to be glorified as I'm preferring others for their good in Christ! As for stuff, I give it all up by grace for Christ! I want to look to the interests of others and I lay all my dead works apart from Christ down and on the dung heap and if there are any left, burn them. My rightness is rubbish without His Righteousness and Holiness In He Dying Proving Just and Merciful was His Death in Propitiation Display in His Crucifixion so then Resurrection in His to honor grace from Him for salvation by me. Triumphing in the cross to a height raised to worship God alone only I'm humbly forsaking all and leaving it all behind. I have renounced hidden and sinful ways of the past and retaliatory ways, and leap justified into the arms of Our Risen Christ and with faith in the God and ways that I was raised in as a child but decided myself was correct also as an adult. In Him I will speedily reach forward to aim at Jesus only being preached by others and to not forsake gathering together in Christ's Name but provoke others to love and good deeds also and so to obtain by grace high heavenward the prize in Christ Jesus that God has called me to Heavenward in the Assemblies of God in Jesus Christ which is seeing His face someday even glorifying God along the way in journey shining my light in Jesus's love with brightness! After all is completed I am an unprofitable slave having done that which was my duty to do. I'm in Jesus Christ forgiven adventurous whole standing complete perfect entire wanting nothing but Him not with things but assured in all the will of God I shall see God. I'm His confessing those Bible facts gathering together with His People in Jesus' Name speaking the truth in love. He lights a fire, my fire of Holy Laughter even zeal flame under me in baptism not a flame only, but blazing inferno fire to love others and serve them and so I'm shining my light with Jesus consumed by Hope in Him through Him by the Holy Ghost given as Source! I'm ready to lay my crown before Him should He call me home. He loves first as I love Him falling in love over and over and I want to sit at His feet and lay where He lay to spend time with Him. By love let us serve each other and don't get tangled up by other yokes. Ask, seek, knock for utterance to witness and be a witness of and to Jesus. Go and as you're going win disciples. Amen or by the will of God. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of by way of exhortation and worship only Him glorifying Him as well. Http:// Http:// Http://

Bethel Assembly of God: The God who IS our Healing Exodus 15:26 Various Ps...

Bethel Assembly of God: The God who IS our Healing Exodus 15:26 Various Ps... Comment here