Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Oh He Gave Me A Brand Newness Of Life in Christ!

Oh He Gave Me A Brand New Life April 15, 2008 12:25 AM updated August 23, 2014 from Pastor RC's recent sermon : Fellowship of Promise on Eph. Three. SPEND TIME WITH JESUS

Have you ever wanted to start all over? I mean, live on air and be transported come out the cocoon a glorious monarch butterfly instead of a cocooned up meal worm? We can have a born again existence according to the New Testament. The Bible says, "All we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord has laid on Him (Jesus Christ) the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53. Jesus took the rap we deserved. I have been saved, that is, have a personal relationship, not made up religion, with my Savior, Jesus Christ and through Him to God. I know God individually and I know redemptively that what He did at Calvary was for me and when I die I will have promotion to Heaven for God is good about keeping His promises but He's also Holy and Righteous which makes Him tame but not really safe. If you would respect His Power to cast into hell after taking house or income or instead provide Heaven in the afterlife and so in His mercy at the Cross I trust in. I put my trust in Him to be moving toward wisdom from God and the fear of The Lord and revival He gives and standing still in His salvation and in Him and moving around delighting in pleasing Him in good faith committing to Christ more as a resurrection powered personal God who suffered that I might know,"the fellowship of His sufferings and somehow to attain the resurrection from the dead." He became like us a faithful high priest in all points tempted as I am yet without sin so I can become as a deeper disciple who I'm meant to be continuously. Then I will see the salvation of The Lord in more imagination and deliverance of spirit and for unsaved loved ones moving in God's Spirit potentially and by intercession.

You don't need a reformed life but one needs a transformed life, a changed glorious life from Him on the inside out lived out. Christ has to be in you by faith. On a more permanent basis dwelling within us, out of our innermost being scripture says shall flow rivers of living water. Deep water. God loves you and you can be sure that scripture has come about true. Like Jack on the Titanic God asks us to hold on to the furniture floating until help comes. I will look to the hills from whence my help comes, my help comes from The Lord. Jesus can be transacted to you dwelling inside you if you agree (homologeo in Greek) with God in prayer by the Spirit that being shown you're a sinner who has heartache or needs and that you are wrong before Him in the mirror and hopeless as to Eternal Heaven a sinner who has transgressed, a wretch failing to obey at the tablet of your heart one point at the Tablet of The Ten Commandments either side, either toward blaspheming God's worshipful honor, or man's mistreatment of man, (the other tablet) and have missed the mark and still turn. All sin is against God whether it hurts someone else or is known in fact to be against God. All sin is in the heart and done different ways. But Repent while it called today. Then agree with God you need a spiritual makeover because you're spiritually bankrupt inside and want forgiveness because His mercy and grace will cover you by the Blood then which takes away your sin and you will be forgiven saved even!

Live at peace with God justified by the Blood of Jesus and that your rest from your own works of your life are with God's rest on many levels and you're walking toward God's Presence and His Finished Work of the Cross, a disciple of Jesus Christ and you can be living strong in The Lord for God's glory, knowing you are in the Kingdom of God here upon saved by accepting the Innocent Substitute of Christ's Death as atonement for your sins in the strength of might God provides. Pastor Catapano preaches, "That inner strength from God is for power and endurance and to resist (temptation or sin and sorrow of this world for self or sinfulness which borders on self-pity or blasphemy.) This has to happen in the Spirit. You need the inner power of the strength of the Holy Spirit to live correct." This means you must be born again. Imagine or try to imagine how great in all dimensions God's love is for you in His inheritance by you you obtain in the saints which is and will be by you having an eye open to His calling unto the granting of His riches of glory. Just agree again you're a sinner wrong before God's eyes in specific details and attitudes and actions known to you from introspection by you but you know He will bury your sins in the sea of forgetfulness (Nahum 4:19,) then (where no one can dig them up, but God tramples them,) as you confess them.
God takes your word (about your faith in Him) and combines it with the fact of Jesus's promise to raise you up resurrected, a new person with a new heart, lifestyle, and new spirit in Him and makes you born again in newness of life, regaining Eternal Life. You don't rehash your past sins but nest intimate with God's great salvation mixing belief in God's mercy with grace which is getting what you don't deserve. Just by faith believing that God is right, Holy, good, but also that He has wrath against sin and evil and that His Son's Death is just enough to please His wrath as such, in other words He is demonstrating Himself in Jesus His Righteousness from Heaven and The Atonement "just" in the end unto mercy to forgive you your sins in penal substitution and to save you to the uttermost all by grace in the Spirit. Every Victory is a triumph God gives you. Follow Jesus. At the cross every man stands on equal ground. Daily then rely on the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon you to be a witness. "In Ephesians one and three God has given layer and layer of blessing to be an artesian well to make you grow in Jesus Christ and everything you need is in Him," says Pastor Rich Catapano. "Pray for this on bended knee," he says.

You become a vigilant Christian not vigilante butterfly and of unfading quiet spirit of beauty instantaneously putting aside the things of the old nature. For when you get saved God separates you from your sinful nature and even what you do in sin in the flesh from before from who you now are being then, loved unconditionally by Him now so you quit sinning in large measures at the beginning at His conviction repenting. You behold the blood of Jesus everywhere sanctified. If you genuinely come to Christ to God one hundred eighty degrees from where you were, you will never have to go back to your former way of life again. You can say goodbye to your life in the past with reference to sin. Just jump the pond of sin leaping into God's arms in Christ's hands snapped up. It's an about face from sin and then 'against the grain' life then on, when you leave sinful ways, and like salmon swim upstream because you're denying yourself, taking up your cross and following Christ, with this wonderful adventurous life in the Son, losing your life most humbly to find it in God's Kingdom of grace in servanthood lifestyle and service ministering to The Lord so then you can bear fruit in keeping with repentance as God grows you into the mature person you were meant to be increasing in the grace & knowledge of Christ & God and in the exposed truth made real spoken in love. Seek God's face not His hand.

Who you are in Him, called, chosen, and beloved, promised promises to become all God wants you to be so you can be identified in Him near, you stand at the mirror, which is God's Word the Bible, and herein the Living Word, Jesus, God Incarnate, complete, near, and ready to change in transformation momentarily Col.2:9. The Word in Ephesians Three is that Christ comes in to dwell and staying and not move away making us transformed. It is a stronger word than to tabernacle. "You can stand in your generation," says Pastor RC, "like Daniel or Nehemiah, Martin Luther, Whitefield, Edwards, or Finney."
Tell someone else about what you have done in accepting Christ's work on the cross as your own and to witness if you prayed for Christ to come in to save you for now is the day of salvation & share your experience of salvation so then you will be solidified in a root system in God rooted and grounded in love established helped over time sanctified and you will begin to show love for God by showing evidence of God's mercy to you by doing obedience in a love walk into God's Presence inside and of obedience with Him justly, to be loving mercy, and walking humbly with your God. Desires change. Passion increases for God's Ways. Redirects in life happen. His love can't be comprehended but can be fathomed in time.

Jesus said through the Apostle Paul, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus," for they leave the sinful life behind & go and sin no more in desires God is intervening in constantly. "I am come that they may have life and have it more abundantly." Romans 8:1; John 10:9,10 People outside the faith are condemned already by their own consciences. They literally suppress knowledge of God to continue to practice sin (thinking life comes to an end when they die and they can "party like its 1999".) Pastor RC says, "Do we know with one heart we can't live without God? Whatever it takes, would to God revival broke out, wouldn't it be great?"

"Wide is the gate that leads to destruction and many go in thereat but narrow is the gate that leads to life and few there be that find it!" I have known the Lord since the age of four and have never looked back. I am blessed! He gave me a brand new life and put a new man in my shoes. Yes there is a heaven and hell and you can be sure to shun the one and gain the other if you're on the right road in Christ concentrating daily on following God's will having made peace with God this way of Christ's Blood. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" As a partaker of His Divine Nature you do right in most things now because of being in right standing with God and this is rightness from God's will being followed correctly so that this will become second nature to you and what you want to accomplish spontaneous delighting in Him your Father and His Standard (His will as laid forth in the Word of God,) He performing it through you every waking moment Romans 3:19,21;5:1; II Peter 1:1-6ff. Isaiah 26 says, "I (God) will perform and accomplish for you with you showing up." Eph. 2:10 says,"you are His workmanship, (Greek word poema like the word, poem) and were ordained beforehand unto good works." Stand still firmly and let's see the salvation of The Lord. Put your singers first who first sing to praise The Lord! For the battle is the Lords. Live your life in Him for His sake becoming Christ's servant/slave. For we were bought at a Price and the cross shows we must serve humanity. "This Gospel shall be preached."

Let me introduce myself: I'm Dave C. from Franklin Square, N.Y. I'm a Blood-washed born again Holy Ghost filled Child of God, believe in the Gift of Righteousness found in God's Son, take a stand for a new standard, Christ's righteousness & make no apologies for it. I attend church Services at an Assemblies Of God church: Bethel Assembly Of God Church from Franklin Square. I've accepted Christ as my personal Savior Master and Lord. I was four. Being all God wants me to be is a part of my calling from God I'm pursuing in God to be a minister to others and to minister to The Lord God through Christ first. As a minister of reconciliation as a layman I'm loving being single and agapetotes freed up love from God to 'laleo' (Greek word for to gossip or chirp) the Gospel to my family and church family. As well I'm a Gideon who distributes Bibles to a many needy location, and people, and am a substitute High School Teacher in the past, and have a Bachelor of Science's Degree in Chemistry with some Graduate School. God's unconditional love is totally awesome. I rejoice in The Lord evermore. I witness with all-joy to My Jesus My comfort, and shelter for He as my high tower and shield has become my sacrifice and also scapegoat to taken my sins away!

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