The Gospel is good news! Is your life telling a joyful though at times tragic-filled story of God's glory and victory? It can. God loves you. He has good plans for you. Plans to give you hope and future.
God is not the same man trying to make his way home on a bus (remember The Odd Couple TV comedy?) But what if He 'became' one of us? I mean really become a human in every way like us and dwell with us mortals in some down to earth ways? He did. He moved in on our sinful condition with compassion. He intervened out of pity on us like a good Father. And He led, not like a CEO but like a Good Shepherd should. He led people to the fountain of life in His own strong and meek but humble way. He loved us in a way that liberated us to become 'our best self, but under His Lordship." Not to live a selfish way of life but a totally radical call to leave sensual living to follow Him and worship Him as a learner/follower/disciple. We died to the law at the end of wit's end but trust Him at the end of ourselves that we might love God sincere from purity. You may wonder why people sacrifice so much to serve this Christ Jesus when they can't see Him with the naked eye but discern He's good in character and they begin to serve Him and live by faith toward God and Jesus as if they were His belonging and are possessed of another Spirit of His Kind, the Holy Spirit. He gave the Holy Spirit though in the same way He did to Jesus to us. Yes Jesus came, and in a way they didn't expect the first occurrence to be although they knew He would fulfill prophecy when He did come. Three hundred thirty three or so scripture verses point (literally foretold) His first coming and in such details it's not possible to make up, in any way, shape, or form, but 27 authors were born along of the Holy Spirit to write as God gave them the breath and the words. Consider the seventy weeks of Daniel prophecy. From the appointed reign of Xerxes more than six hundred years before Christ came he, Daniel predicted the day of Christ's death exactly exactamundo! They looked forward, we look back. Praise God! There is more evidence for the life of Jesus Christ than of anyone in history than even of this one solitary life, His. He came at the fullness of time. He says in the dramatic present, "Ask of Me, and I will give you the heathen as your inheritance." The early church had many Jewish believers in Jesus their Messiah and Paul convinced many and Gentiles and many Jews shared their faith as well. The Gospel was well believed because these things were not done "in a corner."
Jesus will come back a second time to liberate creation from the bondage of futility and corruption to the glorious freedom of the children of God. Have you accepted Salvation as a free gift and therefore made it to right standing with this King of Kings, Jesus, Who is God? The Bible has countless names and titles describing Him. He is Who He says. And it's good.
Personally have you had a personal crisis and mess and confessed you were wrong before your Heavenly Father Creator God and asked Him for forgiveness and for a new spiritual start with faith now in the Son of God/Son of Man, Jesus Christ? Hebrews 11:1 talks about 'now' faith and John 3 about "entering" God's Kingdom. In order for God's love to truly penetrate the eighteen inch barrier between your head and your heart you need to want to follow Christ as Savior and Lord individually and with no strings attached and with all your heart, soul, mind, & strength. Obey God not man and pray to repent: live out your faith in God's Risen Son raised to a born again existence with the Holy Spirit commitment and love and become His follower with obedience to a raised life. "Against You and You only have I sinned," David penned in the Psalms (51.) All sin is against God. We can approach our neighbor and ask if we have done wrong to them. God's Voice spoken in and through God's Word to you will be the Holy Spirit's prompts to change your heart & life. And seek the Christ daily through the Spirit as you read His Word daily with a mind to follow and obey His words. Be His witness. You will find in God's joy in loving God today a new motive to live because you find a supernatural love for your fellow man that is motivated in God's agape love and remaining at the cross of Christ. You will deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Christ. God does a work on you to inside you surgically slit your throat (it belongs to Him anyway now) continuously (like an underdog lamb) with His two-edged sword to bless, The Word Of God, according to Hebrews 4:12, and perform heart surgery on you giving you by His scalpel a new heart that doesn't sin. Or more precisely, one that will never want to sin. God will give you a mirror to throw up to look at of yourself of where to follow and where to change your heart, life, and conduct and where to ask forgiveness of Him, even through the new heart He gives. God will give you victory inside you for doing the right thing in adversity and for your mistake making too. Remember it's for His sake anyway, just repent with contriteness and as I John 1:9 prayed will get you help and keep you interceding in fellowship and good shape as you pray daily in your walk. You look forward to every revelation of Christ inside with vehemence. Jesus is the only way, the only Truth and method of truth, the true abundant Life. Jesus Christ is in fact the loving heart of God, the practical expression of the Father God and His heart. O how He loves you and me!
And when you stand before Him someday you will hear, "Come you, enter, good and faithful servant. For you did what I asked you to, to those who were the poor, unfortunate, those who were widows and orphans you were good: so to the rest, on My right hand," and you will welcome Him and He will say, "Enter," and escort you in. Strive to enter by the narrow gate. Many who call Him Lord, Lord will not be able to. Learn to live in solitude though around others. Relish life tenderly. Be kind to others.
This is in a one to one relationship with God. "There are pleasures at His right hand forevermore. In His Presence is fullness of joy." You'll want to talk with God moment by moment day by day. That's in prayer approaching Father God through Jesus and everyone (else) on your knees. Every day will have enough troubles of its own. So be it. That's what amen really means. Amen to this at all times incomprehensible God, who moved first and intervened be glory, honor. I say incomprehensible because say for instance, isn't the theology of the Trinity difficult for our minds to grasp? Also, how difficult for minds to fathom how God had to kill Himself in human form to satisfy His Divine justice so we could receive His mercy?! He did. That's not open to interpretation for it all through scripture, a truth to transform you.
Live as though salvation is a Gift of God today truly and growing in character with God in faith and patience and with His zeal within and efforts by grace to live for God and God's glory outward with gazelle intensity you will be blessed according to God fighting your battles and leading you to overwhelmingly triumph in Christ in every situation Hebrews 6:10-20; Romans 8:37; Ephesians 2:7,8,9 and Joshua 1:9 and Phillipians 1:6;1:21;3:10;4:7,8,19. God loves you and so do I.
Dave Candel - Viva La Vida En Jesus Christ
p.s. Christ is how God will be revealed to us in eternity just as He is now. Are you washed in the Blood? If God be for us who can be against us?
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