Jesus told many parables about life and the Kingdom while He walked the planet 2000 years it's been. He said it's better to be rich toward God than wise in your own conceit. Woe in fact to him who is proud in possessions and not wealthy toward God. Scripture says, "If the righteous scarcely be saved what will become of the ungodly and unrighteous? I believe Him. What better way would there be for God to reveal to us He has a will and a purposeful way than to walk in our shoes and become one of us. He exaggerated the point in that one respect by becoming a baby and risking our circumstances too. He chose a way to intertwine in our ways of life by showing us what God is like totally. God heals people and does good to them which is what Jesus did. Jesus also invited us to a feast or supper someday to be given in His Honor. When He expanded His circle of influence & ministry He would teach the Kingdom. Many would be drawn and listen and really hear. Some went along for the ride. He preached, "repent, for the God you think you know is here in His Government." But instead of great signs like putting down the Romans He was crucified. It was a sarcastic laugh Satan and his hordes had as Friday's here....BUT SUNDAY'S A COMING!!! And He Arose triumphant/victorious. He even went so far as to insure the stone that held Him in the Tomb was rolled away so we could get inside. Most of all proving it did occur, his disciples risked everything to get the Message of the GOOD NEWS out: "He Is Not Here, He Is Risen!" It spread and they turned the world upside down. Countless numbers of them would be docile as the lions of the Coliseum would ravage them. They had a peaceful look and smile that devastated Nero. They indeed knew God had spoken. Do we? Scripture says, unshakeable things will remain but right now the shakable is being shaken. God is not willing that any should perish for He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked but only when they repent. "All things are possible," Jesus said, "to him who believes." Jesus says, in the dramatic present, "Let him who has ears to hear, really hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Churches." John 14:6 says and Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the Life, no man cometh to Father but by Me." Is it going to matter in 'the long run' if we are rich toward God? You betcha! We need to read Acts 2:38b, " Repent and be Baptized everyone one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the Remission of sins and you will receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit." It's worthy to be a holy rolla because we get to sit right on in the Heavenlies and be a bondservant to rule and reign with Christ someday. We need not listen to the world calling us bad names but wholly lean on Jesus and be born again. People get ready Jesus is coming soon. God looks with mercy (Lovingkindness Hebrew: chesed) and compassion on us because of what Christ has Done. His finished work for us at the Cross has wrought victory over the world, sin, and satan. "Sell what you have, buy alms, give to the poor, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me," Jesus is saying. Provide for yourselves bags that wax not old Eternal in the Heavens and lay up for yourselves treasure in Heaven. Even a cup of cold water given in the name of a disciple will not lose its reward. By grace from God alone we make it because our good works are like filthy rags. It's an Abundant Life In Christ. Like the energizer bunny, that Life keeps going, and going, in perseverance within. Read the Bible, pray, and tell someone you love them; attend a Bible believing Church. Make it your home or extended family!
Dave Candel
Bethel Assembly Of God Church Web Site
Surrounded by Your glory What will my heart feel Will I dance for You Jesus Or in awe of You be still Will I stand in Your Presence Or to my knees will I fall Will I sing hallelujah Will I be able to speak at all I can only imagine I can only imagine So TRUE BLESSING BE MULTIPLIED TO YOU THROUGH THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD And through the SON, JESUS. He's the Christ. The Yeshua Homeshiak!.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Is It Going To Matter In Importance To Be Rich Toward God?
Jesus told many parables about life and the Kingdom while He walked the planet 2000 years it's been. He said, "it's better to be rich toward God," Woe in fact to him who is not. Scripture says, "If the righteous scarcely be saved what will become of the ungodly and unrighteous? I believe Him. What better way would there be for God to reveal to us He has a will than to walk in our shoes and become one of us. He exaggerated the point in that respect by becoming a baby and risking our circumstances too. He chose a way to infiltrate our ways of life by showing us what God is like. God heals people and does them good which is what Jesus did. Jesus invited us to a feast someday to be given in His Honor. When He expanded His circle of ministry He would teach the Kingdom. Many would be drawn and listen and really hear. He preached, "repent, for the God you think you know is here in His Government." But instead of great signs like putting down the Romans He got crucified. What a laugh Satan and his hordes had as Friday's here....BUT SUNDAY"S A COMING!!! He Arose triumphant and victorious. Even went so far as to insure the stone that held Him in the Tomb was rolled away so we could get inside and see. Most of all proving it did occur, his disciples risked everything to get the Message of the GOOD NEWS out: "He Is Not Here, He Is Risen!" Countless numbers of them would be docile as the lions of the Coliseum would ravage them. They indeed knew God had spoken. Do we? Scripture says, unshakeable things will remain but right now the shakable is being shaken. God is not willing that any should perish for He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked but only when they repent. "All things are possible," Jesus said, "to him who believes." Jesus says, in the dramatic present, "Let him who has ears to hear, really hear what the Holy Spirit is saying." John 14:6 Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the Life, He that cometh to Father God must come by means of Me." Is it going to matter if we are rich toward God? You betcha!
Dave Candel
Bethel Assembly Of God Church Web Site
Dave Candel
Bethel Assembly Of God Church Web Site
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Is there anything more terrifying than the prospect of …
God’s judgment?
We like God’s love. Is there anything more wonderful than it?
Polite company does not, however, talk about God’s judgment. It seems so out of touch with how nice things are. The idea of an eternal Hell, wrath filled God, etc. is so entirely incongruous with Disney, Starbucks, and prime time entertainment. I mean, Hell is passe. It’s also horribly uncomfortable to think about. Kinda like thinking about the death of a child of someone you didn’t know very well. Easier to just not think about it.
Unfortunately, Hell is so entirely probable if God is perfect and/or the Bible is in any way true. And if it’s a probable event and we know about it, it’s practically criminal to be silent about Hell. Yet, silent we largely remain, myself included.
But who would go? Certainly the unrepentant bad guys, Stalin, Hitler, and the criminals, especially those we hate the most, like people who do mean things to children. Most people can live with that idea. But what about the idea of a much higher standard? A standard of perfection? The Adam and Eve standard. They were cast from God’s presence and condemned to death for … eating an apple. Disobeying God. Departing from his will. We depart from his will frequently if not continually. When the foundation of God’s law is an affirmative and absolute standard of love, and it is, we typically live in a state of perpetual sin.
The Old Testament features a recurring pattern of God’s judging rebellion, e.g. Sodom, Gomorrah, Noah’s flood, and warning of a final judgment and eternal punishment, e.g. Isaiah 13; Dan. 12. Some have suggested that the New Testament changes things, that somehow God is different or we know him more now that we know Jesus. I find that sentiment most odd — that the God of the NT is somehow “new” or different or more “love” and less “wrath” than what we see in the OT — on at least two counts. First, God’s wrath is nowhere more personal, severe, and painful to witness than what we find in the descriptions of Christ’s passion — his trial, punishment, and execution. It is a brutal, humiliating, and agonizing affair. For all his faults and despite my disagreements with much of his theology, Gibson’s movie The Passion is tremendous work. He uses the power of cinema to drive home the wrath of God visited upon Christ. And this on God’s son! What wrath awaits those that rejected Christ’s sacrifice and stand before God in their sins? No less than Jesus himself explained that God’s wrath remains upon each such person. (John 3:36) Those that pretend the NT changed something about the character of God ignore the entire and culminating point of the NT.
Second, one cannot read the Gospel accounts of Christ and miss his continual references to God’s judgment. Christ talked much more about God’s judgment and punishment than he did about love. In the Gospel accounts, Christ taught on Hell as follows:
Hell is real (Matt. 5:21-22, 27-30; 23:15, 33)
Hell is Ruled by God (Matt. 10:28; 25:41, 46)
Hell Involves Rejection (Matt. 7:23; 8:11-12; 22:13; 25:30)
Hell Involves Pain (Matt. 13:30, 40-43, 49-50; 18:6-9; 24:51)
Hell and Demons (Mark 1:24; 3:11; 5:7)
Hell and Eternity (Mark 9:42-48)
Hell and Scripture (Luke 16:19-31)
Hell and the Present (John 3:16-21; 3:36)
Hell and the Future (John 5:28; 8:21, 24)
[from Robert A. Peterson, Hell on Trial 40, 58 (P&R Publ. 1995)] One cannot “accept” Christ and reject Hell.
When the perfect comes, the imperfect disappears. By observation and experience we understand that light and darkness do not coexist. Light naturally dispels the darkness. But what happens if there is something permanent about the darkness? When God breathed life into Adam, he breathed something of God, something eternal into the lineage of mankind. When we cause the eternal stuff of the soul to be marbled with our fallen nature and when that imperfect soul is exposed to the pure presence of God, wouldn’t there be a conflict as long as the imperfect remained in the presence of God? Remember how God would not allow Moses to look upon God’s face and how painful it was for the people of Israel to view Moses’ face after Moses had caught the backwards refraction of God’s presence while sheltered in a cave. I suspect God’s perfection doesn’t “mix well” with our fallen nature.
Regardless of how one contemplates the doctrines of Hell, Christ, the apostles, and the prophets all spoke of the reality of a future, final judgment and of Hell. It’s a terrifying prospect that we must accept unless we want to deny or rewrite what God has plainly revealed. We celebrate Easter largely because through Christ judgment and Hell are avoided for those who will simply accept what Christ has done for us. -Anthony Biller
Bethel Assembly Of God Church Web
We like God’s love. Is there anything more wonderful than it?
Polite company does not, however, talk about God’s judgment. It seems so out of touch with how nice things are. The idea of an eternal Hell, wrath filled God, etc. is so entirely incongruous with Disney, Starbucks, and prime time entertainment. I mean, Hell is passe. It’s also horribly uncomfortable to think about. Kinda like thinking about the death of a child of someone you didn’t know very well. Easier to just not think about it.
Unfortunately, Hell is so entirely probable if God is perfect and/or the Bible is in any way true. And if it’s a probable event and we know about it, it’s practically criminal to be silent about Hell. Yet, silent we largely remain, myself included.
But who would go? Certainly the unrepentant bad guys, Stalin, Hitler, and the criminals, especially those we hate the most, like people who do mean things to children. Most people can live with that idea. But what about the idea of a much higher standard? A standard of perfection? The Adam and Eve standard. They were cast from God’s presence and condemned to death for … eating an apple. Disobeying God. Departing from his will. We depart from his will frequently if not continually. When the foundation of God’s law is an affirmative and absolute standard of love, and it is, we typically live in a state of perpetual sin.
The Old Testament features a recurring pattern of God’s judging rebellion, e.g. Sodom, Gomorrah, Noah’s flood, and warning of a final judgment and eternal punishment, e.g. Isaiah 13; Dan. 12. Some have suggested that the New Testament changes things, that somehow God is different or we know him more now that we know Jesus. I find that sentiment most odd — that the God of the NT is somehow “new” or different or more “love” and less “wrath” than what we see in the OT — on at least two counts. First, God’s wrath is nowhere more personal, severe, and painful to witness than what we find in the descriptions of Christ’s passion — his trial, punishment, and execution. It is a brutal, humiliating, and agonizing affair. For all his faults and despite my disagreements with much of his theology, Gibson’s movie The Passion is tremendous work. He uses the power of cinema to drive home the wrath of God visited upon Christ. And this on God’s son! What wrath awaits those that rejected Christ’s sacrifice and stand before God in their sins? No less than Jesus himself explained that God’s wrath remains upon each such person. (John 3:36) Those that pretend the NT changed something about the character of God ignore the entire and culminating point of the NT.
Second, one cannot read the Gospel accounts of Christ and miss his continual references to God’s judgment. Christ talked much more about God’s judgment and punishment than he did about love. In the Gospel accounts, Christ taught on Hell as follows:
Hell is real (Matt. 5:21-22, 27-30; 23:15, 33)
Hell is Ruled by God (Matt. 10:28; 25:41, 46)
Hell Involves Rejection (Matt. 7:23; 8:11-12; 22:13; 25:30)
Hell Involves Pain (Matt. 13:30, 40-43, 49-50; 18:6-9; 24:51)
Hell and Demons (Mark 1:24; 3:11; 5:7)
Hell and Eternity (Mark 9:42-48)
Hell and Scripture (Luke 16:19-31)
Hell and the Present (John 3:16-21; 3:36)
Hell and the Future (John 5:28; 8:21, 24)
[from Robert A. Peterson, Hell on Trial 40, 58 (P&R Publ. 1995)] One cannot “accept” Christ and reject Hell.
When the perfect comes, the imperfect disappears. By observation and experience we understand that light and darkness do not coexist. Light naturally dispels the darkness. But what happens if there is something permanent about the darkness? When God breathed life into Adam, he breathed something of God, something eternal into the lineage of mankind. When we cause the eternal stuff of the soul to be marbled with our fallen nature and when that imperfect soul is exposed to the pure presence of God, wouldn’t there be a conflict as long as the imperfect remained in the presence of God? Remember how God would not allow Moses to look upon God’s face and how painful it was for the people of Israel to view Moses’ face after Moses had caught the backwards refraction of God’s presence while sheltered in a cave. I suspect God’s perfection doesn’t “mix well” with our fallen nature.
Regardless of how one contemplates the doctrines of Hell, Christ, the apostles, and the prophets all spoke of the reality of a future, final judgment and of Hell. It’s a terrifying prospect that we must accept unless we want to deny or rewrite what God has plainly revealed. We celebrate Easter largely because through Christ judgment and Hell are avoided for those who will simply accept what Christ has done for us. -Anthony Biller
Bethel Assembly Of God Church Web
Is there anything more wonderful than …
Anthony Biller @ 10:02 pm
God’s love?
He loved and knew you before he created you , before he created time.
To a rebellious people who rejected him and killed his prophets, he bled and died to satisfy judgment and to preserve his holiness. To those that reject his sacrifice, he still causes the sun to shine upon them and the rains to raise their crops. He calls them through his faulty saints, his word, the majesty of his creation, and the force of conscience.
He loves us patiently and is slow to anger. He calls us to return his love and devotion and to love each other selflessly. Though he is the ageless, almighty, creator of all things seen and unseen, he humbled himself to be born a child to a peasant couple in a backwater province on the outskirt of the Roman empire. To make sure we didn’t miss the point, he was born among the squalor of livestock, with no servants, not even a bed. Instead of a king, to the world he appeared a bastard child. He demonstrated what it means to humble oneself for purposes of serving and loving those that do not deserve it. He calls us to demonstrate that same love in all areas of our lives and to all people.
By this all will know those who call upon the name of Christ, by the way we love, particularly the way we love one another. Peter instructs that our diligence should lead to moral excellence, which should produce knowledge and self-control, resulting in perseverance, which in turn leads to godliness, in which we are to practice brotherly kindness, and in that love. (2 Peter 1:5-7) We love most truly and most effectively when we are in close communion with God, as it is then that we are merely reflecting his presence in us.
Lord show me how to love like you, first to my wife, with whom I share one flesh, then to those little ones whom you’ve entrusted us to raise, then to everyone else, particularly those I really do not want to love.
But by what callousness to Christ and to others do I fail and refuse to share what God has done in my life, to share my testimony of what God has done for me through the blood of Christ? What black heart finds no shame in smiling at people while refusing to share with them the good news of Jesus Christ? Even if I am fairly certain that they do not know the Gospel of Christ, far too often I chose to stay silent. Am I ashamed of Christ? Would I rather offend him than them? Do I love comfort more than him? Have I not an ounce of pity for their eternal soul? Lord forgive me, every day. Thank you for your patience and grace. God give me the strength and faith to love like you.
By my own efforts, I fall far short. But through Christ, I am a new creation and all things are possible. Praise God.
God’s love?
He loved and knew you before he created you , before he created time.
To a rebellious people who rejected him and killed his prophets, he bled and died to satisfy judgment and to preserve his holiness. To those that reject his sacrifice, he still causes the sun to shine upon them and the rains to raise their crops. He calls them through his faulty saints, his word, the majesty of his creation, and the force of conscience.
He loves us patiently and is slow to anger. He calls us to return his love and devotion and to love each other selflessly. Though he is the ageless, almighty, creator of all things seen and unseen, he humbled himself to be born a child to a peasant couple in a backwater province on the outskirt of the Roman empire. To make sure we didn’t miss the point, he was born among the squalor of livestock, with no servants, not even a bed. Instead of a king, to the world he appeared a bastard child. He demonstrated what it means to humble oneself for purposes of serving and loving those that do not deserve it. He calls us to demonstrate that same love in all areas of our lives and to all people.
By this all will know those who call upon the name of Christ, by the way we love, particularly the way we love one another. Peter instructs that our diligence should lead to moral excellence, which should produce knowledge and self-control, resulting in perseverance, which in turn leads to godliness, in which we are to practice brotherly kindness, and in that love. (2 Peter 1:5-7) We love most truly and most effectively when we are in close communion with God, as it is then that we are merely reflecting his presence in us.
Lord show me how to love like you, first to my wife, with whom I share one flesh, then to those little ones whom you’ve entrusted us to raise, then to everyone else, particularly those I really do not want to love.
But by what callousness to Christ and to others do I fail and refuse to share what God has done in my life, to share my testimony of what God has done for me through the blood of Christ? What black heart finds no shame in smiling at people while refusing to share with them the good news of Jesus Christ? Even if I am fairly certain that they do not know the Gospel of Christ, far too often I chose to stay silent. Am I ashamed of Christ? Would I rather offend him than them? Do I love comfort more than him? Have I not an ounce of pity for their eternal soul? Lord forgive me, every day. Thank you for your patience and grace. God give me the strength and faith to love like you.
By my own efforts, I fall far short. But through Christ, I am a new creation and all things are possible. Praise God.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
A Broken And A Contrite Heart God Will Not Despise
I believe in a literal hell and like C.S. Lewis wrote in The Great Divorce it is a place of torment, of one's will turning in on oneself so that the end result of our lusts, greeds, and hate is a place of sulfur fire torment because we hypothetically left our love for Jesus and did our own thing. God's love will not change but like the Holiest Of All, the Naos of God's Presence, we didn't acknowledge nor reverence God's Holiness, so that fire we thought was helpful and clung to was instead destructive and ends in weeping and gnashing of teeth there. His love will go on loving but it didn't change us or more accurately we didn't change on it and though love continues...another story takes place in hell where we will see none of it because we didn't honor God or His love or loves way in His Son's portrait. Hell we get instead will not be for anything seriously wrong we did (not much bad we did, perhaps) but all we did not do because we did not get saved in our earthly life or born again; but our wills without God's blessing as a result will happen Eternally for He can't be with us in that we rejected His plan. This is a hypothetical of course, but many have come back from being dead for an hour or more and say the same thing. His love continues in warmness in His Presence or Heaven for godly believers in Christ and this only by God's grace et al; but for the fearful, unbelieving, immoral, thieves, liars, those who neglected to make it right with God with the Savior inside and through them and failed to continue in the truth: sulphur fire in the fire lake in unending torment forever and ever is their portion. God wants us to develop a relationship with Him through the Son, and hold no riches. Any Biblical errors or
inaccuracies I've told? Please let me know. DC
inaccuracies I've told? Please let me know. DC
Friday, May 20, 2011
Gospel: GOOD NEWS!
Salvation brings love, joy, and peace through our faith and concern by the difference God makes in salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. To be saved, and Jesus Himself said the gate is straight and the way is narrow and difficult to Life and few find it and are saved. And the way to destruction is broad and its gate wide and many go to find that and perish. And so we need a faith in God, a belief that grows (into born of God life: zoe in Greek,) believing He is a personal God concerned intervening in all our struggles. Your trouble can be the fertile ground for God saving you. Jesus spoke about hell as a place to shun and the Apostle Paul also (perdition) but Christ spoke more about hell than anyone in scripture, family. A God Who lets sinful people have their own way for very long wouldn't be just nor would He be just or loving to the victims of transgressors. Sin is lawlessness and transgression of the Law of God which Law was given to us through Moses by God and through angels: (this) results in death to those under the Law who sin to show us that we fail God as well as God's Holiness and Love by misdirecting an inner voice, namely the Holy Spirit's gentle persuading inner voice convicting or can be confirming and/or commending. God has called you to a need to see and hear to obey the Lord's Voice. God's got such a wonderful and wide plan and for instance a place in Heaven He's been preparing for over 2000 years now that it's enough to blow your mind! It's so you can be instead of be re: 'in sin,' instead be in God's Family where Christ is the Fulfillment of the Law within each of us Christians individually lived out Romans 8:3. Anti-nomialism on the other hand is anything goes and every situation, relative to the one next, with no absolutes that is "being antinomial" lawless in behavioral attitude and action. By this we grieve God. This lawless way in action and attitude is the way most of the world lives. God has something so fabulous beyond what our eyes and ears have known or our heart has conceived! God hasn't booby-trapped our bodies; He's released His Spirit through them to shine as salt and light. But first we have to come to the end of ourselves and find that emptiness and God being the only One to fill us.
We see by many infallible proofs God is Holy and Right. God's showing us through many laws He puts out there that we fail to obey within the Law (of God through Moses) & in this, God shows us a limit on personal avenging of a victim to his/her aggressor. God in Christ is saying in essence we need a Savior to save us from our sinful edged passions for in many ways we have gone way over the edge in sinning before God. Have you tied your aggressor to a post even if only in thoughts? You've sinned. If we have ever lied we have sinned before God and if we have ever stolen we have sinned also. Lusted? You failed. Scripture says, "miss the Mark in one of them (any one law in the Law,) and you've missed (or failed) every one of them," (James 2:10.)
Thoughts of love turned to lust? to hate? to murder in the heart? We deserved hell justly for this because God's Law judges such attitude/behavior (See Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5,6,7.) For Heaven/Paradise God created creation to spend eternity with Him and each other and to live there requires perfection indeed. Otherwise as soon as one of us showed up there, Paradise would no longer be Paradise/Heaven. Jesus went to the Father to show that opened up is Paradise and Heaven and He succeeded! He won the Title Deed to it all and He sits on God's Throne: He can open the Seal to the Sevenfold-Sealed Scroll (see Rev.6,7.) All others (in other words, who sin) are liars and thieves, "trying to climb up some other way," scripture declares,... "into the sheepfold." "My sheep hear My Voice," Jesus said, "and a stranger they will not follow," John 10. Jesus said, "My sheep...I know them, and they follow Me," (Jn 10.)
In mercy God Himself provided the way to Himself and in Eternity fullness so we could enjoy, in that we could not cross that bridge until He sent Himself in the form of Jesus Christ as Savior: and Christ lived a pleasing life to God before God pleasing of His Ten Commandments (and the 613 laws) here on earth obedient to death even a cross death, & rose again which was vindication of the way He lived under God's Lordship and which so many villify to their own swift destruction. In victory (His) of that way He lived and died and rose again so we could accept: "it is Finished" by the Son and so somehow to reach to the resurrection from the dead (meaning Heaven.) This Paul said in the Epistle to the Philipians would take place at the Rapture or when we die. This is the first resurrection. We need to be rightly related to God. He died in weakness, was buried, seemed to some: a crucifixion (hung on a cross to die)(II Corinthians 13:4,) but that was Friday....Sunday's a Coming! and on Sunday.. He Arose from death and lives by the Power of God in victorious triumphant fashion! That Resurrection has been and is supremely victorious and it's the most documented fact of history! His-Story. He brought tithes and offering to God which was His Blood to the Throne where God dwelt. Access is now here.
(He had gone to the cross to suffer God's wrath in an eternity in those six hours on the cross. He suffered an Eternal Punishment, our punishment we deserved of hell full blown: the eternity of eternities of time existed there for six hours on the cross beseiged by God's Wrath and Won: He came out the other side Whole and intact. It took an Eternal Being to save us Eternally beloved. He became sin and had the full blown strength of God's Judgment, in Wrath poured out upon Himself and His own Blood justified Him without the smell of smoke!)
Now we can go free. We live by faith not sight. Can you not see the Majesty or Magnificance of this? And so we need to respond in kind to God to that 'in one act of time once for all Eternity' loving act and in that I/you can be saved? Believe Jesus paid it all! If you can have faith to be healed and saved, you can be assured if you do: A certain salvation.
For instance Moses was given a pattern in the Sinai desert as to how God would provide for them in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night and by way of the Ark of His Presence that led everywhere they went which had a Mercy Seat on The Tabernacle, of Accacia wood within and by cherebim and (of beaten gold, outside) and seraphim on top with wings facing each other to observe where God dwelt back in the Old Testament. This artifact later became the Temple: Holy of Holies and contained the Ark of The Presence. And then Christ Himself on earth, the very Presence of God, and now Christ is within each believer, by the Holy Spirit we're masterpieces who're given by God life and ministry to each of us! But you have to be IN Christ to win Eternal Life. You have to be identified with Christ through life. In other words, His Presence in you in salvation and outside you have to be applied to your life and it's all a Gift by grace to those that obey by faith through grace (in Greek, Chiro.) In fact the obedience of faith Paul spoke of in Romans chapter one is for one to endure to the end (of life.) Jesus lived that perfect life perfectly. "I am the way the truth and the life, no man gets to the Father but by Me," Jesus Christ said (John 14:6.) We need to be born of God or born from above, born again Jesus taught (John 3:3,5)! We come to confess our sins to God in Christ admitting we're sinners and have fallen short of God's glory (and that's in Romans 3:23 to do.) Romans three verse ten says, "There is none righteous, no not one." We fall short of God's glory but fall on the mercy of God and kindness and accept Christ as our Lord and Savior humbly in a bow of the knee before Him. Paul said He bowed before God and so should we. Be following Christ all the days of our life & we will assuredly for certain build a sure foundation against the storms to come established on the Laws and Promises of God as a result, and will have committed everything to Him in an inheritance we pick up progressively along the way, prepared for us 'rooted' in God. Jesus is the only way to God. Salvation is of the Lord. God can put us in the eye of the storm in peace in Him. He can write our names in His Book of Life. NO other name under Heaven given among men is needed to be saved Acts 4:12. His Name is Jesus. It's my desire that you will pray fervently earnestly for salvation and in prayer unceasing determine to know God rightly to the point that God knows you through Christ and determine to walk towards Christ: sincerely ask God to be saved through Christ's Blood and be committed to live for Christ so you can be ready should He call you home to Heaven (Philippians 3:20-21.) Read all the Bible and find Jesus Christ, the Living Word, your salvation. It's for everyone! It's a new spiritual life. It's not religious action of the type of fig leaves nor eclessiasticalness. You're not turning over a new leaf in getting saved but turning to the Lord. It's not of works nor by oneself but of and by the Lord's grace through faith. We don't do good works to be saved but we do good works because we're saved. I was at an age of four when I understood this plan of God's and asked Him in, repented, for Him to be my Savior from sin (it's not reformation but transformation.) It's made by God so a child can understand the Gospel message and thus be saved. It has never been a better fuller life since then for me but an Abundant Life in Him . And I have never regretted a moment of it! Bethel Assembly Of God Church - A GREAT CHURCH WITH SERVICES SUNDAY AND THRU THE WEEK!
We see by many infallible proofs God is Holy and Right. God's showing us through many laws He puts out there that we fail to obey within the Law (of God through Moses) & in this, God shows us a limit on personal avenging of a victim to his/her aggressor. God in Christ is saying in essence we need a Savior to save us from our sinful edged passions for in many ways we have gone way over the edge in sinning before God. Have you tied your aggressor to a post even if only in thoughts? You've sinned. If we have ever lied we have sinned before God and if we have ever stolen we have sinned also. Lusted? You failed. Scripture says, "miss the Mark in one of them (any one law in the Law,) and you've missed (or failed) every one of them," (James 2:10.)
Thoughts of love turned to lust? to hate? to murder in the heart? We deserved hell justly for this because God's Law judges such attitude/behavior (See Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5,6,7.) For Heaven/Paradise God created creation to spend eternity with Him and each other and to live there requires perfection indeed. Otherwise as soon as one of us showed up there, Paradise would no longer be Paradise/Heaven. Jesus went to the Father to show that opened up is Paradise and Heaven and He succeeded! He won the Title Deed to it all and He sits on God's Throne: He can open the Seal to the Sevenfold-Sealed Scroll (see Rev.6,7.) All others (in other words, who sin) are liars and thieves, "trying to climb up some other way," scripture declares,... "into the sheepfold." "My sheep hear My Voice," Jesus said, "and a stranger they will not follow," John 10. Jesus said, "My sheep...I know them, and they follow Me," (Jn 10.)
In mercy God Himself provided the way to Himself and in Eternity fullness so we could enjoy, in that we could not cross that bridge until He sent Himself in the form of Jesus Christ as Savior: and Christ lived a pleasing life to God before God pleasing of His Ten Commandments (and the 613 laws) here on earth obedient to death even a cross death, & rose again which was vindication of the way He lived under God's Lordship and which so many villify to their own swift destruction. In victory (His) of that way He lived and died and rose again so we could accept: "it is Finished" by the Son and so somehow to reach to the resurrection from the dead (meaning Heaven.) This Paul said in the Epistle to the Philipians would take place at the Rapture or when we die. This is the first resurrection. We need to be rightly related to God. He died in weakness, was buried, seemed to some: a crucifixion (hung on a cross to die)(II Corinthians 13:4,) but that was Friday....Sunday's a Coming! and on Sunday.. He Arose from death and lives by the Power of God in victorious triumphant fashion! That Resurrection has been and is supremely victorious and it's the most documented fact of history! His-Story. He brought tithes and offering to God which was His Blood to the Throne where God dwelt. Access is now here.
(He had gone to the cross to suffer God's wrath in an eternity in those six hours on the cross. He suffered an Eternal Punishment, our punishment we deserved of hell full blown: the eternity of eternities of time existed there for six hours on the cross beseiged by God's Wrath and Won: He came out the other side Whole and intact. It took an Eternal Being to save us Eternally beloved. He became sin and had the full blown strength of God's Judgment, in Wrath poured out upon Himself and His own Blood justified Him without the smell of smoke!)
Now we can go free. We live by faith not sight. Can you not see the Majesty or Magnificance of this? And so we need to respond in kind to God to that 'in one act of time once for all Eternity' loving act and in that I/you can be saved? Believe Jesus paid it all! If you can have faith to be healed and saved, you can be assured if you do: A certain salvation.
For instance Moses was given a pattern in the Sinai desert as to how God would provide for them in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night and by way of the Ark of His Presence that led everywhere they went which had a Mercy Seat on The Tabernacle, of Accacia wood within and by cherebim and (of beaten gold, outside) and seraphim on top with wings facing each other to observe where God dwelt back in the Old Testament. This artifact later became the Temple: Holy of Holies and contained the Ark of The Presence. And then Christ Himself on earth, the very Presence of God, and now Christ is within each believer, by the Holy Spirit we're masterpieces who're given by God life and ministry to each of us! But you have to be IN Christ to win Eternal Life. You have to be identified with Christ through life. In other words, His Presence in you in salvation and outside you have to be applied to your life and it's all a Gift by grace to those that obey by faith through grace (in Greek, Chiro.) In fact the obedience of faith Paul spoke of in Romans chapter one is for one to endure to the end (of life.) Jesus lived that perfect life perfectly. "I am the way the truth and the life, no man gets to the Father but by Me," Jesus Christ said (John 14:6.) We need to be born of God or born from above, born again Jesus taught (John 3:3,5)! We come to confess our sins to God in Christ admitting we're sinners and have fallen short of God's glory (and that's in Romans 3:23 to do.) Romans three verse ten says, "There is none righteous, no not one." We fall short of God's glory but fall on the mercy of God and kindness and accept Christ as our Lord and Savior humbly in a bow of the knee before Him. Paul said He bowed before God and so should we. Be following Christ all the days of our life & we will assuredly for certain build a sure foundation against the storms to come established on the Laws and Promises of God as a result, and will have committed everything to Him in an inheritance we pick up progressively along the way, prepared for us 'rooted' in God. Jesus is the only way to God. Salvation is of the Lord. God can put us in the eye of the storm in peace in Him. He can write our names in His Book of Life. NO other name under Heaven given among men is needed to be saved Acts 4:12. His Name is Jesus. It's my desire that you will pray fervently earnestly for salvation and in prayer unceasing determine to know God rightly to the point that God knows you through Christ and determine to walk towards Christ: sincerely ask God to be saved through Christ's Blood and be committed to live for Christ so you can be ready should He call you home to Heaven (Philippians 3:20-21.) Read all the Bible and find Jesus Christ, the Living Word, your salvation. It's for everyone! It's a new spiritual life. It's not religious action of the type of fig leaves nor eclessiasticalness. You're not turning over a new leaf in getting saved but turning to the Lord. It's not of works nor by oneself but of and by the Lord's grace through faith. We don't do good works to be saved but we do good works because we're saved. I was at an age of four when I understood this plan of God's and asked Him in, repented, for Him to be my Savior from sin (it's not reformation but transformation.) It's made by God so a child can understand the Gospel message and thus be saved. It has never been a better fuller life since then for me but an Abundant Life in Him . And I have never regretted a moment of it! Bethel Assembly Of God Church - A GREAT CHURCH WITH SERVICES SUNDAY AND THRU THE WEEK!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Gospel In A Nutshell
Jesus is the Son of God and came from Heaven to earth special delivery to develop our character and to see us through to refined gold assuming we've been born again. As to being born again, He fulfilled over three hundred prophecies about Messiah being born in a manger in Bethlehem and by the authority with which He spoke and acted, declared God Himself. Religion is man's attempts to get to God. Jesus is God reaching down to man in love in a love-Covenant relationship. Religion condemns. God in Christ came to save. God had a Covenant with Adam, Seth, Noah, Enoch, of Conscience and by Abraham Covenant God related to and unified man with Himself through faith and patience (perseverance), a sacrifice of blood He Himself would provide and by grace through our trust and obedience (in shadow, we a reflection in His Mirror.) God was needed to save us because we needed saving. We couldn't escape death nor the consequences of sin. Christ is the Savior of the world from sin. He Himself lived a reverential life to God when He walked here on earth 2000 years ago in obedience. He lived until an age 30 when He started to minister under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. He came to send us an Anointing too and for us to be IN HIM and Christ-like. For three and a half years He walked the earth in serving up ministry from God's heart to our needs. The Four New Testament Gospels give a precise accurate description of His Life and Healing Deliverance Ministry & Purpose, to forgive us of all our sins, that to believe Him in the heart confess Him with the mouth God raised Him from the dead is the way to Heaven. And us, given a testimony to tell, given a victory by the Blood, and to not love our lives to the death, (further commanded in the Book, Revelation,) is two imperatives from God to be ready for Heaven, and by and through Christ to enter His Kingdom is paramount He being the King. To follow Him as our all in all is everything then on. Jesus said to His disciples/followers, "Fear not, little flock, it's the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom." "God wants to give you an extraordinary life in the realm of influence He's called you to. He will do this by His grace" (John Bevere writes.) He's called you to change and to come to Himself becoming born again. God doesn't want anyone lost in other words or 'left behind.' Soon there may be no delay by God in being longsuffering toward us.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Jesus is the Son of God and came from Heaven to earth special delivery to develop our character and to see us through to refined gold assuming we've been born again. He fulfilled over three hundred prophecies about Messiah being born in a manger in Bethlehem and by the authority with which He spoke and acted, declared God Himself. Religion is man's attempts to get to God. Jesus is God reaching down to man in love in a love-Covenant relationship. God had a Covenant with Adam, Seth, Noah, Enoch, of Conscience and by Abraham Covenant God related to and unified man with Himself through faith and grace, a sacrifice of blood He Himself would provide and through our consecration (in shadow, we a reflection of His work.) God was needed to save us because we needed saving. We couldn't escape death nor the consequences of sin. Christ is the Savior of the world from sin. He Himself lived a reverential life to God when He walked here 2000 years ago in obedience. He lived until to an age 30 when He started to minister under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. He came to send us an anointing too for us to be IN HIM and Christ-like. For three and a half years He walked the earth in serving up ministry from God's heart to us. The Four New Testament Gospels give a precise accurate description of His Life and Healing Deliverance Ministry & Purpose, to forgive us all our sins, that to believe Him in the heart confess Him with the mouth and to love not our life to the death, (further commanded in the Book, Revelation,) is the only way to Heaven, and by and through Him to enter His Kingdom is paramount He being the King. To follow Him as our all in all is everything then on. "God wants to give you an extraordinary life in the realm of influence He's called you to. He will do this by His grace" (John Bevere writes.) He's called you to change and to Himself. God doesn't want anyone lost in other words or 'left behind.' Soon there may be no delay by God in being longsuffering toward us.
Salvation brings love, joy, and peace. To be saved, and Jesus Himself said the way is narrow and difficult to Life and the way to destruction is broad and its gate wide and many go (to their consequences thereat) and perish. And so we need a faith in God, a belief of faith in Him that grows (into born of God life: zoe in Greek,) believing He is a personal God concerned with all our struggles. Your trouble can be the fertile ground for God performing saving you. Jesus spoke about hell as a place to shun and the Apostle Paul also (perdition) but Christ spoke more about hell than anyone in scripture, family. A God Who lets sinful people have their own way for very long wouldn't be just nor would He be very loving to the victims of transgressors. Sin is lawlessness and transgression of the Law of God which Law was given to us through Moses by God and through angels: this results in death to those under the Law to show us that we fail God as well as God's Holiness and Love by misdirecting an inner voice, namely the Holy Spirit's voice which can be convicting or commending. You can be instead in God Family where Christ is the Fulfillment of the Law within each of us lived Romans 8:3. Anti-nomialism is anything goes and every situation, relative to the one next, with no absolutes that is "being antinomial" lawless in behavioral attitude and action. By this we grieve God who gives the Holy Spirit.
We see by these many infallible proofs many laws that God puts out there we fail to obey within the Law (of God through Moses) & in this, to show us a limit on personal avenging of a victim to his/her aggressor. God in Christ is saying in essence we need a Savior to save us from our sinful passions for in many ways we have gone way over the edge in sin before God. If we have ever lied we have sinned before God and if we have ever stolen we have sinned also. Lusted? You did fail. Scripture says, "miss the Mark in one of them (any one law in the Law,) and you've missed (or failed) every one of them," (James 2:10.)
Thoughts of love turned to lust? to hate? to murder in the heart? We deserved hell justly for these because God's Law judges such attitude/behavior (See Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5,6,7.) For Heaven/Paradise God created creation to spend eternity and to live there requires perfection indeed. Otherwise as soon as one of us showed up there,
Paradise would be no longer Paradise. Jesus went to the Father to show opened up is Paradise and Heaven and He succeeded! He won the Title Deed to it all: He can open up the Seal to the sealed sevenfold-sealed scroll (see Rev.) All others (in other words, who sin) are liars and thieves, "trying to climb up some other way," scripture declares,... "into the sheepfold." "My sheep hear My Voice," Jesus said, "and a stranger they will not follow," John 10.
In mercy God Himself provided the way to Himself and Eternity in that we could not bridge when He sent Himself in the form of Jesus Christ as Savior: Christ lived a pleasing life to God before God pleasing of His Ten Commandments (and the 613 laws) here on earth obedient to death even a cross death which was vindication and which so many villify to their own swift destruction. In victory (His) of that way He lived and died and rose again so we could accept it: "it is Finished" by the Son and so somehow to reach to the resurrection from the dead (meaning Heaven.) This Paul said in the Epistle to the Philipians would take place at the Rapture or when we die. This is the first resurrection. He died in weakness it seemed to some, a crucifixion (II Corinthians 13:4,) but that was Friday... Sunday's a Coming! and on Sunday.. He Arose from death and lives by the Power of God in victorious fashion! That Resurrection has been and is victorious and it's the most documented fact of history! His-Story. He brought tithes and offering to God which was His Blood to the Throne where God dwelt. Access is now here. He had gone to the cross to suffer God's wrath in an eternity in those six hours on the cross. He suffered our punishment of hell full blown: the eternity of eternities of time there for six hours on the cross beseiged by God's Wrath and Won: came out the other side Whole and intact. It took an Eternal Being to save us Eternally. He became sin and had the full blown strength of God's Judgment, of Punishment, and Wrath poured out upon Himself and His own Blood justified Him without the smell of smoke! Now we can go free. Can you not see the Majesty or Magnificance? And so respond in kindness to God to that in one act one time once for all Eternity and in that I/you can be saved? You can have faith to be healed and saved. You can be assured if you do: A certain salvation.
For instance Moses was given a pattern in the Sinai desert as to how God would provide for them in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night and by way of the Ark of His Presence that led everywhere they went which had a Mercy Seat on it, of Accacia wood by cherebim and (of beaten gold,) and seraphim on top where God dwelt back in the Old Testament. This artifact later became the Temple: Holy of Holies containing the Ark and then Christ Himself on earth, the very Presence of God, and now Christ is within each believer, by the Holy Spirit we're masterpieces who're given by God life and ministry to each of us! But you have to be IN Christ to win Eternal Life. You have to be identified with Christ. In other words, His Presence in you in salvation and outside you has to be applied to your life and it's all a Gift by grace to those that obey by faith through grace (in Greek, Chiro.) In fact the obedience of faith Paul spoke of in Romans chapter one is to endure to the end. Jesus lived that perfect life perfectly. "I am the way the truth and the life, no man gets to the Father but by Me," Jesus Christ said (John 14:6.) We need to be born of God or born from above, born again Jesus taught (John 3:3,5)! We come to Christ admitting we're sinners and have fallen short of God's glory (and that's in Romans 3:23 to do.) Romans three verse ten says, "There is none righteous, no not one." We fall short of God's glory but fall on the mercy of God and kindness and accept Christ as our Lord and Savior humbly in a bow of the knee before Him. Paul said He bowed before God and so should we.
Be following Christ all the days of our life & we will assuredly for certain build a sure foundation against the storms to come established on the Laws and Promises of God as a result, and will have committed everything to Him in an inheritance we pick up progressively along the way, prepared for us 'rooted' in God. Jesus is the only way to God. Salvation is of the Lord. God can put us in the eye of the storm in peace in Him. NO other name under Heaven given among men is needed to be saved Acts 4:12. His Name is Jesus. It is my desire that you will pray fervently earnestly and in prayer unceasing determine to know God rightly to the point that God knows you through Christ and determine to walk towards Him: sincerely ask God to be saved through Christ's Blood and be committed to live for Christ so you can be ready should He call you home to Heaven (Philippians 3:20-21.) Read all the Bible and find Jesus Christ, the Living Word, your salvation. It's for everyone! It's a new spiritual life. It's not religious action of the type of fig leaves nor ecclesiasticalness. You're not turning over a new leaf in getting saved but turning to the Lord. It's not of works nor by oneself but of and by grace through faith. We don't do good works to be saved but we do good works because we're saved. I was at an age of four when I understood this plan of God's and asked Him in to be my Savior from sin (it's not reformation but transformation.) It's made by God so a child can understand the Gospel message and thus be saved. It has never been a better fuller life since then for me but an Abundant Life in Him. And I have never regretted a moment of it! Dave Candel
Bethel Assembly Of God Church
Salvation brings love, joy, and peace. To be saved, and Jesus Himself said the way is narrow and difficult to Life and the way to destruction is broad and its gate wide and many go (to their consequences thereat) and perish. And so we need a faith in God, a belief of faith in Him that grows (into born of God life: zoe in Greek,) believing He is a personal God concerned with all our struggles. Your trouble can be the fertile ground for God performing saving you. Jesus spoke about hell as a place to shun and the Apostle Paul also (perdition) but Christ spoke more about hell than anyone in scripture, family. A God Who lets sinful people have their own way for very long wouldn't be just nor would He be very loving to the victims of transgressors. Sin is lawlessness and transgression of the Law of God which Law was given to us through Moses by God and through angels: this results in death to those under the Law to show us that we fail God as well as God's Holiness and Love by misdirecting an inner voice, namely the Holy Spirit's voice which can be convicting or commending. You can be instead in God Family where Christ is the Fulfillment of the Law within each of us lived Romans 8:3. Anti-nomialism is anything goes and every situation, relative to the one next, with no absolutes that is "being antinomial" lawless in behavioral attitude and action. By this we grieve God who gives the Holy Spirit.
We see by these many infallible proofs many laws that God puts out there we fail to obey within the Law (of God through Moses) & in this, to show us a limit on personal avenging of a victim to his/her aggressor. God in Christ is saying in essence we need a Savior to save us from our sinful passions for in many ways we have gone way over the edge in sin before God. If we have ever lied we have sinned before God and if we have ever stolen we have sinned also. Lusted? You did fail. Scripture says, "miss the Mark in one of them (any one law in the Law,) and you've missed (or failed) every one of them," (James 2:10.)
Thoughts of love turned to lust? to hate? to murder in the heart? We deserved hell justly for these because God's Law judges such attitude/behavior (See Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5,6,7.) For Heaven/Paradise God created creation to spend eternity and to live there requires perfection indeed. Otherwise as soon as one of us showed up there,
Paradise would be no longer Paradise. Jesus went to the Father to show opened up is Paradise and Heaven and He succeeded! He won the Title Deed to it all: He can open up the Seal to the sealed sevenfold-sealed scroll (see Rev.) All others (in other words, who sin) are liars and thieves, "trying to climb up some other way," scripture declares,... "into the sheepfold." "My sheep hear My Voice," Jesus said, "and a stranger they will not follow," John 10.
In mercy God Himself provided the way to Himself and Eternity in that we could not bridge when He sent Himself in the form of Jesus Christ as Savior: Christ lived a pleasing life to God before God pleasing of His Ten Commandments (and the 613 laws) here on earth obedient to death even a cross death which was vindication and which so many villify to their own swift destruction. In victory (His) of that way He lived and died and rose again so we could accept it: "it is Finished" by the Son and so somehow to reach to the resurrection from the dead (meaning Heaven.) This Paul said in the Epistle to the Philipians would take place at the Rapture or when we die. This is the first resurrection. He died in weakness it seemed to some, a crucifixion (II Corinthians 13:4,) but that was Friday... Sunday's a Coming! and on Sunday.. He Arose from death and lives by the Power of God in victorious fashion! That Resurrection has been and is victorious and it's the most documented fact of history! His-Story. He brought tithes and offering to God which was His Blood to the Throne where God dwelt. Access is now here. He had gone to the cross to suffer God's wrath in an eternity in those six hours on the cross. He suffered our punishment of hell full blown: the eternity of eternities of time there for six hours on the cross beseiged by God's Wrath and Won: came out the other side Whole and intact. It took an Eternal Being to save us Eternally. He became sin and had the full blown strength of God's Judgment, of Punishment, and Wrath poured out upon Himself and His own Blood justified Him without the smell of smoke! Now we can go free. Can you not see the Majesty or Magnificance? And so respond in kindness to God to that in one act one time once for all Eternity and in that I/you can be saved? You can have faith to be healed and saved. You can be assured if you do: A certain salvation.
For instance Moses was given a pattern in the Sinai desert as to how God would provide for them in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night and by way of the Ark of His Presence that led everywhere they went which had a Mercy Seat on it, of Accacia wood by cherebim and (of beaten gold,) and seraphim on top where God dwelt back in the Old Testament. This artifact later became the Temple: Holy of Holies containing the Ark and then Christ Himself on earth, the very Presence of God, and now Christ is within each believer, by the Holy Spirit we're masterpieces who're given by God life and ministry to each of us! But you have to be IN Christ to win Eternal Life. You have to be identified with Christ. In other words, His Presence in you in salvation and outside you has to be applied to your life and it's all a Gift by grace to those that obey by faith through grace (in Greek, Chiro.) In fact the obedience of faith Paul spoke of in Romans chapter one is to endure to the end. Jesus lived that perfect life perfectly. "I am the way the truth and the life, no man gets to the Father but by Me," Jesus Christ said (John 14:6.) We need to be born of God or born from above, born again Jesus taught (John 3:3,5)! We come to Christ admitting we're sinners and have fallen short of God's glory (and that's in Romans 3:23 to do.) Romans three verse ten says, "There is none righteous, no not one." We fall short of God's glory but fall on the mercy of God and kindness and accept Christ as our Lord and Savior humbly in a bow of the knee before Him. Paul said He bowed before God and so should we.
Be following Christ all the days of our life & we will assuredly for certain build a sure foundation against the storms to come established on the Laws and Promises of God as a result, and will have committed everything to Him in an inheritance we pick up progressively along the way, prepared for us 'rooted' in God. Jesus is the only way to God. Salvation is of the Lord. God can put us in the eye of the storm in peace in Him. NO other name under Heaven given among men is needed to be saved Acts 4:12. His Name is Jesus. It is my desire that you will pray fervently earnestly and in prayer unceasing determine to know God rightly to the point that God knows you through Christ and determine to walk towards Him: sincerely ask God to be saved through Christ's Blood and be committed to live for Christ so you can be ready should He call you home to Heaven (Philippians 3:20-21.) Read all the Bible and find Jesus Christ, the Living Word, your salvation. It's for everyone! It's a new spiritual life. It's not religious action of the type of fig leaves nor ecclesiasticalness. You're not turning over a new leaf in getting saved but turning to the Lord. It's not of works nor by oneself but of and by grace through faith. We don't do good works to be saved but we do good works because we're saved. I was at an age of four when I understood this plan of God's and asked Him in to be my Savior from sin (it's not reformation but transformation.) It's made by God so a child can understand the Gospel message and thus be saved. It has never been a better fuller life since then for me but an Abundant Life in Him. And I have never regretted a moment of it! Dave Candel
Bethel Assembly Of God Church
Monday, May 09, 2011
Scandalon: Jesus You Became Scandal For Us...!
Jesus is the Son of God and came from Heaven to earth to develop our character and to see us through to refined gold assuming we've been born again. He fulfilled over three hundred prophecies about Messiah. Religion is man's attempts to get to God. Jesus is God reaching down to man in love in a relationship. He had a Covenant with Adam, Seth, Noah, Enoch, of Conscience and by Abrahamic Covenant He related and unified man with God through faith and leading. God was needed to save us because we needed saving. We couldn't escape death and the consequences of our sin. He is the Savior of the world from sin. He Himself lived a reverential life to God when He walked here 2000 years ago in obedience. He lived until age 30 when He started to minister under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. He came to send us an anointing too and to be IN HIM. For three years He walked the earth in ministry to us. The Four New Testament Gospels give a precise accurate description of His Life and Healing Delivering Ministry & Purpose, to forgive us all of our sins, that to believe Him is the only way to Heaven, and to enter His Kingdom paramount He being the King. To follow Him as our all in all is everything then on. "God wants to give you an extraordinary life in the realm of influence He's called you to. He will do this by His grace" (John Bevere writes.) He's called you to a change. God doesn't want anyone lost in other words. Soon there may be no delay by God longsuffering toward us.
To be saved, and Jesus Himself said the way is narrow and hard to Life and the way to destruction is broad and its gate wide and many go to their consequences therein and are perished, so we need a faith, a belief of faith in Him that grows (into born of God life: zoe in Greek.) Jesus spoke about hell as a place to shun and as did the Apostle Paul but Christ spoke more about hell than anyone in scripture. A God Who lets sinful people have their way wouldn't be very just nor would He be very loving to the victims of sinners. Sin is lawlessness and transgressing the Law of God which Law was given to us through Moses to show us we fail God as well as God's Holiness and Love by misdirecting an inner voice, namely the Holy Spirit's voice which can be convicting or commending. Antionomism is anything goes and every situation, relative to it, no absolutes that is in behavioral attitude and action. By this we grieve God who gives the Holy Spirit.
We see by these infallible proofs many laws that God puts out there we fail to obey within the Law (of God through Moses) that show us a limit on personal avenging of a victim to his/her aggressor. God in essence is saying we need a Savior to save us from our passion for in many ways we have gone way over the line in sin before God. If we have ever lied we have sinned before God and if we have ever stolen we have sinned also. Scripture says, "miss the Mark in them, and you've missed (failed) every one of them," (James 2:10.)
Thoughts of love turned to lust? hate? murder in the heart? We deserve hell justly because God's Law judges such attitude/behavior (See Jesus' words in Matthew 5,6,7.) For Utopia God created creation and to live there requires perfection. Otherwise as soon as one of us showed up it would be no longer Utopia. Jesus went to Paradise and succeeded. All others are liars and thieves, "trying to climb up some other way," scripture declares, "into the sheepfold."
In mercy He Himself provided the way to Himself we could not bridge when He sent Himself in the form of Jesus Christ: He lived a pleasing life to God before God pleasing of His Ten Commandments (and the 613 laws) here on earth obedient to death even a cross death. In victory (His) that way we could accept "it is Done" by the Son and so somehow reach to the resurrection from the dead (meaning Heaven,) Paul said in Philipians at the Rapture or when we die. This is the first resurrection. He died in weakness a crucifixion death (II Corinthians 13:4,) but that was Friday... Sunday's a Coming! and He Arose from death and lives by the Power of God in victorious fashion. That Resurrection has been the most documented fact of history! He brought tithes and offering to God which was His Blood to the Throne where God dwelt. Access is now there. He had gone to the cross to suffer God's wrath in an eternity in those six hours on the cross. He suffered our punishment full blown the eternity of eternities of time in six hours on the cross in God's Wrath and came out the other side intact. It took an Eternal Being to save us in Eternity. He became sin and had the full strength of God's Judgment, Punishment, and Wrath poured out upon Himself. Now we can go free. Can you not see and respond in kindness to God to that one act one time once for all Eternity? You can have faith to be healed and saved. You can be assured if you do.
For instance Moses was given a pattern in the Sinai desert as to how God would provide in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night and by way of the Ark of His Presence which had a Mercy Seat surrounded by cherebim and seraphim where God dwelt back in the Old Testament. This later became the Temple: Holy of Holies and then Christ Himself on earth and now Christ is within each believer, by the Holy Spirit who gives life and ministry to each of us! But you have to be IN Christ to win Eternal Life. In other words, salvation has to be applied to your life and it's a Gift by grace to those that obey by faith through grace (in Greek, Chiro) in fact the obedience of faith Paul spoke of in Romans chapter one to endure to the end. Jesus lived that perfect life perfectly. "I am the way the truth and the life, no man gets to the Father but by Me," Jesus Christ said (John 14:6.) We need to be born of God or born again Jesus taught (John 3:3,5)! We admit we're sinners and have fallen short of God's glory (and that's in Romans 3:23 to do.) Romans three verse ten says, "There is none righteous, no not one." We fall short on the mercy of God and accept Christ as our Lord and Savior humbly in a bow before Him. Paul said He bowed before God so should we.
Be following Christ all the days of our life & we will build a sure foundation against the storms to come established on the Laws and Promises of God and have an inheritance we will have prepared for rooted in God. Jesus is the only way to God. God can put us in the eye of the storm in peace in Him. NO other name under Heaven given among men is needed to be saved Acts 4:12. It is my prayer that you will pray fervently earnestly to know God to the point God knows you through Christ and sincerely ask God to be saved through His Blood committed to live for Christ so you can be ready should He call you home to Heaven (Philippians 3:20-21.) Read the Bible and find Jesus Christ for your salvation. It's for everyone! It's a new spiritual life. It's not religious action of the type of fig leaves nor ecclesiasticalness. You're not turning over a new leaf but turning to the Lord. I was at an age of four when I understood this and asked Him in to be my Savior from sin. It is made by God so a child can understand and be saved. It has been a better full life since then for me and I have never regretted a moment of it! Dave Candel
Bethel Assembly Of God Church
To be saved, and Jesus Himself said the way is narrow and hard to Life and the way to destruction is broad and its gate wide and many go to their consequences therein and are perished, so we need a faith, a belief of faith in Him that grows (into born of God life: zoe in Greek.) Jesus spoke about hell as a place to shun and as did the Apostle Paul but Christ spoke more about hell than anyone in scripture. A God Who lets sinful people have their way wouldn't be very just nor would He be very loving to the victims of sinners. Sin is lawlessness and transgressing the Law of God which Law was given to us through Moses to show us we fail God as well as God's Holiness and Love by misdirecting an inner voice, namely the Holy Spirit's voice which can be convicting or commending. Antionomism is anything goes and every situation, relative to it, no absolutes that is in behavioral attitude and action. By this we grieve God who gives the Holy Spirit.
We see by these infallible proofs many laws that God puts out there we fail to obey within the Law (of God through Moses) that show us a limit on personal avenging of a victim to his/her aggressor. God in essence is saying we need a Savior to save us from our passion for in many ways we have gone way over the line in sin before God. If we have ever lied we have sinned before God and if we have ever stolen we have sinned also. Scripture says, "miss the Mark in them, and you've missed (failed) every one of them," (James 2:10.)
Thoughts of love turned to lust? hate? murder in the heart? We deserve hell justly because God's Law judges such attitude/behavior (See Jesus' words in Matthew 5,6,7.) For Utopia God created creation and to live there requires perfection. Otherwise as soon as one of us showed up it would be no longer Utopia. Jesus went to Paradise and succeeded. All others are liars and thieves, "trying to climb up some other way," scripture declares, "into the sheepfold."
In mercy He Himself provided the way to Himself we could not bridge when He sent Himself in the form of Jesus Christ: He lived a pleasing life to God before God pleasing of His Ten Commandments (and the 613 laws) here on earth obedient to death even a cross death. In victory (His) that way we could accept "it is Done" by the Son and so somehow reach to the resurrection from the dead (meaning Heaven,) Paul said in Philipians at the Rapture or when we die. This is the first resurrection. He died in weakness a crucifixion death (II Corinthians 13:4,) but that was Friday... Sunday's a Coming! and He Arose from death and lives by the Power of God in victorious fashion. That Resurrection has been the most documented fact of history! He brought tithes and offering to God which was His Blood to the Throne where God dwelt. Access is now there. He had gone to the cross to suffer God's wrath in an eternity in those six hours on the cross. He suffered our punishment full blown the eternity of eternities of time in six hours on the cross in God's Wrath and came out the other side intact. It took an Eternal Being to save us in Eternity. He became sin and had the full strength of God's Judgment, Punishment, and Wrath poured out upon Himself. Now we can go free. Can you not see and respond in kindness to God to that one act one time once for all Eternity? You can have faith to be healed and saved. You can be assured if you do.
For instance Moses was given a pattern in the Sinai desert as to how God would provide in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night and by way of the Ark of His Presence which had a Mercy Seat surrounded by cherebim and seraphim where God dwelt back in the Old Testament. This later became the Temple: Holy of Holies and then Christ Himself on earth and now Christ is within each believer, by the Holy Spirit who gives life and ministry to each of us! But you have to be IN Christ to win Eternal Life. In other words, salvation has to be applied to your life and it's a Gift by grace to those that obey by faith through grace (in Greek, Chiro) in fact the obedience of faith Paul spoke of in Romans chapter one to endure to the end. Jesus lived that perfect life perfectly. "I am the way the truth and the life, no man gets to the Father but by Me," Jesus Christ said (John 14:6.) We need to be born of God or born again Jesus taught (John 3:3,5)! We admit we're sinners and have fallen short of God's glory (and that's in Romans 3:23 to do.) Romans three verse ten says, "There is none righteous, no not one." We fall short on the mercy of God and accept Christ as our Lord and Savior humbly in a bow before Him. Paul said He bowed before God so should we.
Be following Christ all the days of our life & we will build a sure foundation against the storms to come established on the Laws and Promises of God and have an inheritance we will have prepared for rooted in God. Jesus is the only way to God. God can put us in the eye of the storm in peace in Him. NO other name under Heaven given among men is needed to be saved Acts 4:12. It is my prayer that you will pray fervently earnestly to know God to the point God knows you through Christ and sincerely ask God to be saved through His Blood committed to live for Christ so you can be ready should He call you home to Heaven (Philippians 3:20-21.) Read the Bible and find Jesus Christ for your salvation. It's for everyone! It's a new spiritual life. It's not religious action of the type of fig leaves nor ecclesiasticalness. You're not turning over a new leaf but turning to the Lord. I was at an age of four when I understood this and asked Him in to be my Savior from sin. It is made by God so a child can understand and be saved. It has been a better full life since then for me and I have never regretted a moment of it! Dave Candel
Bethel Assembly Of God Church
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