Thesis: Christ is real and His word to be followed. If heaven is your destination then go for it.
God wants to elevate truth until we see character. This makes truth flow through personality. If our disposition is sweet we can see on inside of us with God’s help the Calvary work of Christ on the cross the cross purposes of God and we comply with gratefulness. Knowing Christ’s Presence real inside of us and on our faces we come to grow in a walk unemcumbered. We also have then a working knowledge of the parables of Jesus as well. We learn of Christ who is meek and humble in heart and walk in His steps as Bonhoeffer did and others, contemplating how to please Him and win His approval. We know the Spirit drove Jesus Christ into the wilderness to be tempted and tested of the devil 40 days. We do similar exploits and the greater works of Daniel 12 and John 14:12, focusing on obedience to Christ’s example. Christ is the reality and foundation. It is not rites and ceremonies to a written code we follow but loving God from the heart because Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
With the Word of God discovered daily, God gives us purity as a pattern of good works that mesh with His Word and inside God is working an irrevocable spirit, blameless before His Throne. It’s in a relationship with God this happens in becoming Christlike. We grow stature like Him being conformed to Christ’s image and substituted by His propitiation within us. It’s not letters of law we follow but the Spirit quickens us in Christ. We enjoy possibilities in God where anything is possible. We who were formerly alienated from God are brought rich near by His mercy for He has saved us and indwelt us to sanctification and spreading His Blood.
We follow after the Spirit Galations 5:16. As Spirit led we live out loud our testimony of the Spirit bearing witness John 16. A commitment to God through Christ is no picnic though. We can rejoice more and suffer sometimes less but all who live godly in Christ will suffer persecution. God gives godly sorrow too in rebelliousness for it’s God’s kindness leading us to repentance. It’s always upwards in God’s plan. The promises of God are sure and in Christ, we say the Amen. The promise of the Father was to send the Holy Spirit that by it we can enjoy much benefit. We maintain having done all to stand, an example in Christ Ephesians 6:12.
Remember the Parable of the Plant by Pastor. For the sake of character we obey the boss and are rewarded by God. The boss said to keep your plant for a year and present them. Even if the boss had no fertilization present or seedling in our pot we be honest and show Him the plant’s progress at year’s end. Menpleasers will surely slide. We walk as God-pleasers. Our boss is a Jewish carpenter/stone mason. The Savior intercedes for us and reminds us of His spiritual knapsack He provides for us. When we fail He carries us when we can’t make it and then holds our hand until we feel better (Jesus has done everything we need for us.) The performance track we get off of and onto the grace walk. With this attitude as the People of God we learn to please affectionate toward God and people in general in interactions. Dialoguing with God fellowshipping about anything we stop ‘people approval’ syndrome (passive to God’s obedience we stop.) We know who we are: seeing how God sees us and all the benefits He calls us in his Word, the Bible.
In Romans 6 there are three words we must do: know, count, and offer. We know God Epignosis (means to know), and we know the Baptism into death Jesus obtained. We also count Logizomai (an accounting word) ourselves indeed to be dead to sin, alive to right living, alive to God. And thirdly we offer Peristemi (means to offer as dedication) our bodies, a living sacrifice and this is only reasonable considering all God has done for us. We prove the good, perfect, acceptable Will of God by His transforming our minds. We, the Transformational Army of God go about allowing the Holy Spirit He transforming others to the mind of Christ and to come to Christ. We have a godly heritage and goodly inheritance. The lines fall to us in pleasant places. We endure character tests to improve on integrity and live Holy as He is Holy. We do this to the end. This is purity and the promise is: "Blesses are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Matt. 5:8"
-David CandelNotebook Computers
1 comment:
Excellent post, bro. David. I've added you to my Christian blog roll. Thank you also for your interest in following my blog. May God bless you richly as you continue your blog ministry. In Christ, Raul.
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