Surrounded by Your glory What will my heart feel Will I dance for You Jesus Or in awe of You be still Will I stand in Your Presence Or to my knees will I fall Will I sing hallelujah Will I be able to speak at all I can only imagine I can only imagine So TRUE BLESSING BE MULTIPLIED TO YOU THROUGH THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD And through the SON, JESUS. He's the Christ. The Yeshua Homeshiak!.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
Having A Right Foundation On Christ, Which Brings Us A Few Scriptures For Having A Relationship With God.
1/29/2016 Gayle Erwin's - The Nature Of Jesus 2- Youtube
Made whole diesothesan means to be made whole through and through. A complete restoration takes place within the person. The person is complettely cured, spiritually and inwardly, as well as physically and outwardly.
The above healing is what Christ did for some sick folk at Genesserat in Matthew 14:34-36, and He most assuredly can do the same for you in Redemption and "Thereapuo" healing in Christ's Salvation Atonement which is by His Blood for Jesus's Sake! Diesothesean is the Greek word for wholeness in verse thirty six and is only mentioned in this place as this Greek word.
Let nothing be unreal in honesty about you or within you but in much thought honestly before God let nothing be less real and by all possible means more real as time goes by this abundant life in gaining Christ and Heaven and you get them both when you have the Savior Jesus Christ (Lambano, Greek received. Another word is: laid hold of.) You OBTAIN LIFE REAL LIFE in the Born Again experience in the Savior receiving Him following HIM! "Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory." Colossians 3:1-4. Experience more scriptures in abiding in Christ (Greek, menos,) and some to Salvation that follow. All the verses are in The New American Standard Bible. Imagine that by the possibility of coming to Christ leaving all behind in admitting to being a sinner, and actually committing to BELIEVING in the crucified /Resurrected Christ of these and other scriptures like these because through the Holy Ghost being placed within you, you can through a move of God in a congregational sermon service or meeting or through a personal witnessing tool obtain through the Blood of Christ, Salvation, "a friendship even a relationship with God of peace through choosing (God has chosen you in Christ) to be 'in Christ' and be on the road to abundant life" in The Gospel Message of Salvation from God following through a part of Christ's Family!! You obtain peace with God in this relationship of satisfaction and a newness of life. Knowing the Living Word, Jesus Christ, as Savior from sin and King of your life even Lord so that believing on Him, even positively encountering Jesus of The Gospels, (A Literal Greek Translation being read) reading Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and internalizing it you're introduced to the Living Exalted Word, JESUS Who is Christ (Messiah,) you're saved as you receive heart knowledge from the Holy Spirit as to New Testament Christian Testimony. It's not a bunch of Hokus Pokus, rituals, rules, nor even regulations (some wrongly presume laws or "rules" of the Bible are presumebably for society's knitting together some or even an explanation of all that's unknown,) in following Christ but humbly instead knowing God simply through the Son and better indeed in personal experiential knowledge by experience (Epignoskgo) all the time getting to know God personally through God's Son in His Resurrected Presence in your heart and life perceiving Holy Spirit living unto Holiness Corinthians 3:2,3! It's living the Jesus Style humbly! God does breathe in you wind (Theoneoustos in Greek) of the Spirit of God and the Seed of the Word. Guided by Him and led of Him, The Savior Jesus won't leave you helpless nor leave you at all fact, nor fail you at all nor let you down at all! He grants wisdom to those who ask so ask. Without faith it's impossible to please Him. He rewards the diligent in our searching for the lost and we getting them and us with them TO HIM Hebrews 11:6. Peace begins with God in Christ knowing you through the Holy Spirit by Christ's Finished Work. Start a life of faith believing in the Savior turning your eyes upon Jesus and love God! Trust Him with all you've got within you for it's at His Word you lean in dependence and acknowledging Him as your all in all, your everything that He is your Source and shield and bulwark, high tower. Acknowledge Him in all you say and do and you will know His hand on you. You can surely confess being a sinner knowing inside you have been too proud to acknowledge your need for help from God before and now want to receive Christ's sacrifice being Saved, Born Again! Remember it's a relationship in and with God by a new and living way in Born Again Newness entwined to us, sewn into fabric of life, granted or endowed to us to help us worship our Heavenly Father God through the Lord Jesus Christ and not a religion we grasp at. Talk to Him. There's strength in that Divine connect. Matthew 3:7 says Jesus thought man-made religion was a viper brood of white washed sepulchers but Phillipians 2:6,7 that He was equal to God not thinking that was something to be grasped but instead He was made a servant even to death so should we. In the cross at the Death of Christ He was God in our place even at the Empty Tomb our Atonement. God's move in His hand will lead us to abundant pardon then for we need our sins forgiven most definitely if we haven't had the pleasure nor delight and God will answer prayer prayed for that in Jesus, our New Covenant for "we who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us: which we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and entering into that which is within the veil;" "and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own Eternal blood, He entered the holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. ..How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" Hebrews 6:18b,19;9:17,18; 2Cor. 3.
Pastor Rich says in his recent sermon, "Scripture in Galatians 3:2 asks, "Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law or by the hearing of faith?" It's a rhetorical question but the plain obvious answer is we receive by the hearing of faith. Faith has to put God, the Source, as its Object. Its not faith in faith in other words. Faith in God is very real. Christ is the waters at the oasis in our desert. The Person and Work of Christ is the essence of the real reality that would fill us with spiritual vehemence to live properly even good satisfaction in Christ and starve us for every good thing supposedly this world has to offer us presuming to satisfy us but instead we're hating sin and sinning as an Eternal itch which gets us. We need God alone and a great hunger for Him. Christ's Person and Work will fuel God's Desire for real zeal at our reception of that hunger. His Person and Work within is His Holy will for us to know and confidently fuels His Desire and passions in motivation as we are getting to know Him in sanctification. To accept Christ as the focal point of all life and our Salvation, quickly determine you are in the ballpark of the right idea of Who He is and in the right ballpark generally as well. Pray a side holster of a prayer something like this: Dear Abba Daddy, God I confess I'm a sinner completely exposed to Your Searchlight in Your Word and I'm sorry for my sins and failing of your laws. Confessing I'm a chiefest of sinners I want to turn from them (my sins) and repent. I want to receive Christ and love and serve You! I believe Jesus Died, that His victory Ultimately was very great on the cross and resurrection and makes me risen inside though also crucified according to Gal. 2:20 and He's the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6) and He's My Beloved Abba's God Only Begotten Son God says, and for being our substitute on the cross I'm thankful, grateful, and content. Humbly I come to You God and accept Your Son (God's Only Begotten of God meaning First of Creation or Resurrection,) Jesus my Savior and Lord over sin, death, Hell, and grave. It's by grace I'm saved to good work to perform greater works Christ did first fore-ordained in Eternity for me to do so. In Jesus Name, Amen. Now follow Him. Moment by moment deny yourself, lose your life in this world, take up your cross, and follow Him. It's daily surrender.
It's an inner glorious inward life. It's a wonderful adventurous life. Would to God revival come. Character within is created by God immediately at Salvation given by Him in and you're ushered into God's Kingdom of His Son by His love for you, you increasing in passions for godly things. Further God ignites these passions with His sparks. Cultivating inner love for God by His placing His Holy Spirit in you we dwell with God's Presence intensely while we become like Him transforming from faith to faith glory to glory healing to healing. The Holy Spirit is central to a right foundation in Christ, and being made in Christ's image because He's creating desire for Jesus's lifestyle inside as in Hilarious Giving to God first, not just money also, a Holy godly attitude in lifestyle, and passions for doing the right thing, attitudes, and Lordship over our check books, we learn about the right fear of Him. God gives us all one heart one mind (homotheumaden in Greek) and puts His Holy Spirit IN us. To reverence Him is to know His honor and/or terror. We serve with reverent fear and respect and rejoice with trembling. We work out our salvation with fear and trembling for it is God Who works within us both to will and to do of His good pleasure Phil. 2:12,13.
A Post About Suffering.
Why do bad things happen to good people? (from a partial post by Todd Pylant)
This question plagues the souls of believers and unbelievers alike, and while there will never seem to be an answer that will soothe the soul, there are answers. Plural.
There are many reasons why bad things happen. Sometimes, bad things happen as a consequence of our own sinful choices. At other times, bad things happen as a result of the sinful choices of someone else. Sometimes, bad things happen because all of creation is broken and fallen due to the sinful choices of humanity as a whole. At other times, bad things happen because the spiritual forces of darkness seek to devour and destroy. Sometimes bad things happen because we are being tested and prepared so that we will be more mature for good works. And sometimes bad things happen to us because we are being disciplined or punished by a Heavenly Father who loves us and by the Moral Ruler of the Universe.
The challenge in asking the question lies really in identifying which answer applies to our specific situation. In other words, we know the answers (plural) but we often don’t know the answer (singular).
How does Lamentations 3.32 influence this conversation? New International Version (NIV)
32 Though he brings grief, he will show compassion,
so great is his unfailing love.
It simply states that God does cause grief.
When we struggle to reconcile the love and mercy of God and the brokenness of this world, we are tempted at times to summarize it with the simplistic saying that God allows evil and suffering but He never causes it. After all, a loving God would never cause suffering.
But Lamentations 3.32 clearly says the He does. God causes grief.
Lest we dismiss this as an unacceptable, bad idea, let us remember that we want and need the justice of God to punish the wrong doer and to bring justice into the world. We like it when God causes grief to the evil doer. What disturbs us is the idea that God might cause grief upon the righteous.
In suffering there is grief. But I find great comfort in knowing that God is sovereign over all aspects of creation, even over suffering.
It is a peace producing verse, Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28 Or that all things work together for good to those who love God, who; or that in all things God works together with those who love him to bring about what is good—with those who
New International Version (NIV)
Being others minded is important and suffering can cause us to be a comfort to those who similiarly suffer: II Cor. 1:3-7
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves
receive from God. 5 For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ. 6 If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your
comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. 7 And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.
Jesus said, The rain falls on the just and unjust. He also said, "Except you repent, you will all likewise perish. He was speaking of the tower of Siloam that fell on some people, and the blood of some Herod had mized with
their (Hebrew) sacrifices. Sometimes God causes earthquakes to speak to the sin of some.
IF we endure to the end we will be saved.
This question plagues the souls of believers and unbelievers alike, and while there will never seem to be an answer that will soothe the soul, there are answers. Plural.
There are many reasons why bad things happen. Sometimes, bad things happen as a consequence of our own sinful choices. At other times, bad things happen as a result of the sinful choices of someone else. Sometimes, bad things happen because all of creation is broken and fallen due to the sinful choices of humanity as a whole. At other times, bad things happen because the spiritual forces of darkness seek to devour and destroy. Sometimes bad things happen because we are being tested and prepared so that we will be more mature for good works. And sometimes bad things happen to us because we are being disciplined or punished by a Heavenly Father who loves us and by the Moral Ruler of the Universe.
The challenge in asking the question lies really in identifying which answer applies to our specific situation. In other words, we know the answers (plural) but we often don’t know the answer (singular).
How does Lamentations 3.32 influence this conversation? New International Version (NIV)
32 Though he brings grief, he will show compassion,
so great is his unfailing love.
It simply states that God does cause grief.
When we struggle to reconcile the love and mercy of God and the brokenness of this world, we are tempted at times to summarize it with the simplistic saying that God allows evil and suffering but He never causes it. After all, a loving God would never cause suffering.
But Lamentations 3.32 clearly says the He does. God causes grief.
Lest we dismiss this as an unacceptable, bad idea, let us remember that we want and need the justice of God to punish the wrong doer and to bring justice into the world. We like it when God causes grief to the evil doer. What disturbs us is the idea that God might cause grief upon the righteous.
In suffering there is grief. But I find great comfort in knowing that God is sovereign over all aspects of creation, even over suffering.
It is a peace producing verse, Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28 Or that all things work together for good to those who love God, who; or that in all things God works together with those who love him to bring about what is good—with those who
New International Version (NIV)
Being others minded is important and suffering can cause us to be a comfort to those who similiarly suffer: II Cor. 1:3-7
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves
receive from God. 5 For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ. 6 If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your
comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. 7 And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.
Jesus said, The rain falls on the just and unjust. He also said, "Except you repent, you will all likewise perish. He was speaking of the tower of Siloam that fell on some people, and the blood of some Herod had mized with
their (Hebrew) sacrifices. Sometimes God causes earthquakes to speak to the sin of some.
IF we endure to the end we will be saved.
Excerpts From Case For Christianity by C.S.Lewis
Case for Christianity I ran across these paragraphs this evening and thought them too good not to share. (From Blogger, Attempts At Honesty, on
“One of the things that surprised me when I first read the New Testament seriously was that it was always talking about a Dark Power in the universe – a mighty evil spirit who was held to be the Power behind death and disease, and sin. The difference is that Christianity thinks this Dark Power was created by God, and was good when he was created, and went wrong. Christianity agrees with Dualism that this universe is at war. But it doesn’t think this is a war between independent powers. It thinks it’s a civil war, a rebellion, and that we are living in a part of the universe occupied by the rebel.
Enemy-occupied territory – that’s what this world is. Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed, you might say landed in disguise, and is calling us all to take part in a great campaign of sabotage. When you go to church you’re really listening in to the secret wireless from our friends: that’s why the enemy is so anxious to prevent us going. He does it by playing on our conceit and laziness and intellectual snobbery. I know someone will ask me, ‘Do you really mean, at this time of day, to re-introduce our old friend the devil – hoofs and horns and all?’ Well, what the time of day has to do with it I don’t know. And I’m not particular about the hoofs and horns. But in other respects my answer is, ‘Yes, I do.’ I don’t claim to know anything about his personal appearance. If anybody really wants to know him better I’d say to that person, ‘Don’t worry,. If you really want to, you will. Whether you’ll like it when you do is another question.'”
C. S. Lewis in The Case for Christianity.
We are part of the resistance that is thwarting the usurper and church is where we network and get our instruction for proceeding with the campaign. It’s not just a place to meet friends. It is not just a place to hear motivational speeches. It is not just a place drink coffee and chat. Church is a war room where we make plans for the next offensive. It is serious business and no wonder that our Enemy wants to keep us and others away.
Do you want to know the really good news about this?
Jesus tells us that we will win. The gates of Hell cannot withstand our efforts (Matthew 16:18).
“One of the things that surprised me when I first read the New Testament seriously was that it was always talking about a Dark Power in the universe – a mighty evil spirit who was held to be the Power behind death and disease, and sin. The difference is that Christianity thinks this Dark Power was created by God, and was good when he was created, and went wrong. Christianity agrees with Dualism that this universe is at war. But it doesn’t think this is a war between independent powers. It thinks it’s a civil war, a rebellion, and that we are living in a part of the universe occupied by the rebel.
Enemy-occupied territory – that’s what this world is. Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed, you might say landed in disguise, and is calling us all to take part in a great campaign of sabotage. When you go to church you’re really listening in to the secret wireless from our friends: that’s why the enemy is so anxious to prevent us going. He does it by playing on our conceit and laziness and intellectual snobbery. I know someone will ask me, ‘Do you really mean, at this time of day, to re-introduce our old friend the devil – hoofs and horns and all?’ Well, what the time of day has to do with it I don’t know. And I’m not particular about the hoofs and horns. But in other respects my answer is, ‘Yes, I do.’ I don’t claim to know anything about his personal appearance. If anybody really wants to know him better I’d say to that person, ‘Don’t worry,. If you really want to, you will. Whether you’ll like it when you do is another question.'”
C. S. Lewis in The Case for Christianity.
We are part of the resistance that is thwarting the usurper and church is where we network and get our instruction for proceeding with the campaign. It’s not just a place to meet friends. It is not just a place to hear motivational speeches. It is not just a place drink coffee and chat. Church is a war room where we make plans for the next offensive. It is serious business and no wonder that our Enemy wants to keep us and others away.
Do you want to know the really good news about this?
Jesus tells us that we will win. The gates of Hell cannot withstand our efforts (Matthew 16:18).
2/26/2016 MY PRAISE TO GOD.
How can I say thanks for the things YOU have done for me? Things so undeserved, yet YOU give to prove YOUR love to me. The voices of a a million angels could not express my gratitude...., yet with all that I am or ever hope to be, I owe it all to THEE. TO GOD BE THE GLORY, TO GOD BE THE GLORY, TO GOD BE THE GLORY, FOR THE THINGS HE HAS DONE!!! Any praise I should gain, let it go to Calvary! By Him therefore let us offer up the sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of our lips Confessing His Name Hebrews 13:15. Worship God in spirit and in truth. Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not any of His benefits:
who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
The Lord is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
9 He will not always chide or accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
13 As a father has compassion on his children,
so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;
14 for he knows how we are formed,
he remembers that we are dust. from Psalm 103
who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
The Lord is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
9 He will not always chide or accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
13 As a father has compassion on his children,
so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;
14 for he knows how we are formed,
he remembers that we are dust. from Psalm 103
Bethel Assembly of God: Matthew #28 Matthew Chapter 21
Bethel Assembly of God: Matthew #28 Matthew Chapter 21: The slides for this study can be found here
Comment here
Friday, February 19, 2016
Bethel Assembly of God: Being One: One Promise Galatians 3:21-29
Bethel Assembly of God: Being One: One Promise Galatians 3:21-29: The slides for this study can be found here
Comment here
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
YOUR MISSION SHOULD YOU CHOOSE IT IS DENY YOURSELF, TAKE UP YOUR CROSS, AND FOLLOW CHRIST! You must believe on Jesus for to do nothing is an admission of defeat before God Who desires Salvation for all men. It's Great and Good News!!
All our efforts at agreeing to being made sanctified are for being made anew in Christ's image! To love God sincerely!
This isn't 'think Divine but avoid the fruit theology.'
God loves you! Do you hear God loves you and this love is very near? This is not religion alone like fig leaves were. Change your way of thinking for the Kingdom of God has come! We speak in a spirit of forgiveness.GOD LOVES YOU! WHAT DOES THAT DO IN YOUR INMOST BEING?What does that Divine Creator's Mighty love FOR YOU have to do with you tender dove written with your name on the palm of His hand, that you are by the way? Infinite God's got a way. He cares for you like He does for many sparrows even the sparrow that falls. For Christ is Who God is as a Human. Did you know you can ask God through the auspices of Christ The Incarnate Savior and He forgives your sin and forgets? Hebrews 8:12 says, "I will be merciful to their iniquities and remember their sins no more." You must ask. Did you create Orion? Or Pisces? Did you wake today? Did you make one hair white or black? If you couldn't do that which is least, come now then what could you do to make it right or to add one hour to your life or to allow God to love you (in other words, try to earn it.) The answer is ...nothing, to all three. As His creation God loves you that He creates you and sustains you that He upholds you by the word of His power Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:3,8; John 1:1-4. He makes His cause known to the principalities and powers in the Heavenly realms that He loves you and to you His Born Again children that this love to you is not passive love but actively its love that He does with an exacting specific infinite Care, Strength, and Goodness to you Isaiah 40:11-31; Eph. 3:10. The rain falls on the just and the unjust but God honors those honoring Him by faith placed in God. To hope in the Lord is to place implicit even explicit faithful trust and complete leaning depending on His Character and Nature and faith in His Word (of God) Is. 40:31; Ecclesiastes says in 3:11, "He has made everything beautiful in time.." In Eternity God will right all wrongs! How unselfish is this His love. He begins by you being Born Again when you say yes to Christ! GOD IS LOVE! He is love! It's denying yourself, taking up your cross, following Him! Simple! Yet even a child can follow. "Except you be converted and become as little children you will not enter the Kingdom of God," Jesus says. In Jesus Christ you're saved so you're forgiven delivered by His Blood! His Blood reaches to the highest mountain and deepest ocean even to ends of the earth and to you! Remain in the Vine (abide in Christ, grab hold, stay attached) for it's God's Desire, Holiness and nearness. A vine does need to exert effort to bear fruit, but just abides in the vine to do so. Wholeheartedly in body, soul, and spirit remain in Christ His Holy Of Holies (Like an anchor in the Ark of the Covenant) abiding and Honor Him inside: His Worthiness in Holy Righteous Character within in Christ for its by His Doing He'll so have us His own belonging possession in Adoption and deep calling to deep in experience with Him and in Christ He's wonderfully Awesome and yet gentle in His Majestic Magnanimous love to keep us! He's Omniscient meaning all knowing, knowing Omnipotent means all powerful and in the end from the beginning He keeps us in His Righteous and Holy Pure unconditional Love! Have faith in Him! Charles Spurgeon - The Prince of Preachers has said, "This Book will keep you from sin." Stay with Jesus. What if He's doctoring of us in His counsel and will and good pleasure until you see He's not disappointed in you but is pleased with you greatly in the Son's obtaining Salvation Soul Righteous-Substitution Finished Work for you on the cross in your becoming saved and His Desire is for you to see that this is Our Heavenly Father's good counsel even perfect will toward us His Elect Saved children as we are the saved in His wonderful grace is accomplished longing to spend time with Him; even Born Again originally sinners caused to be disciples by mercy He being fully ensconced in us in His micro-management over us in His Sovereign Lordship over us, over us His Kiporath (Hebrew Atonement) Wholeness Beneficient Benevolent Salvation to us which is for you at all times and in His Presence with you. We make a subjective response. This is up close deep God come alongside you to be shield, support, high tower, portion, strength, help, in time of trouble, stay, (Greek, Paraclete, The Comforter,) to comfort you. Scripture says through the Psalmist, "He has set my feet in a wide place" Psalm 18:33; 27:11-13.
He reveals there's a hell to shun and a Heaven to gain. "He teaches my hands to war, my fingers to fight" Psalm 18:34,35. As His peacekeeping force in His good fight we all look up at or to His Providence for its in His providing Hands. God yearns for you with deep emotion, Holy affections. His goodness towards us stems from that victory at the cross as we are the object of His affections sourced in the Lord Jesus Christ if we're saved specifically. You need to be "in Christ" to be saved, like you're in a sanctuary or in a house of worship, in Him. But these are the affections that took Jesus Christ to the cross to love us with Father's will to fulfill God’s high Holy purpose. We honor God above ourselves. We become the subjective object of them (His affections) accepting God's plan of saving in time. These are the affections that led Jesus to submit to arrest, to torture, and to death on the cross. Unselfishly of His these are also the honoring deep and abiding affections in God's heart forever inscribed on the palms of His hands, we ascribe indeed to God Who writes on the palm of His hand Re: our name. We're the apple of His eye like Israel. He loves us, get used to it. It's not the problem but sin is. "Jesus’s death was not the result of a panicking, cosmological engineer. The cross wasn’t a tragic surprise. The death of the Son of God was anything but an unexpected peril!" says Max Lucado."Jesus spoke of His death as a part of a plan. A calculated choice. The cross was planned, into the script. It was no accident. Jesus was born crucified.Whenever he became conscious of who he was, he also became conscious of what he had to do. It explains the resoluteness in his words: “The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life, only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.” (John 10:18).So call it what you wish. An act of grace. A plan of redemption. A martyr’s sacrifice. But whatever you call it, don’t call it an accident. It was anything but that!" MLJesus said, "Believe Me even if only for the work's sake." His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He loves you with all His almighty wisdom. The commandments of God are not burdensome but an ease on the heart and a great thaw of the heart for they make one wise unto salvation (of God.) By being saved by being 'in Christ' verily for He's loved you from before the foundation of the world you have reasons to rejoice. When sinners some dormant sinners, like us nonetheless are caught in our sinning yet repentant, nevertheless come undone first sin-ners (persons who transgress the law or miss the mark,) who are then contrite, called by God, chosen, yet called out of this world of sin and made saints (ekklesia) personally hand (woven) even picked by Him, honoring Him foremost, we were loved, for He's forgiven, justified us, regenerated us as we come in worthy to His Throne. God infuses imparts or calls us, reckons us, a financial term, not even a part of logic but: Paid In Full. Primarily spiritually our sin debt is paid in full in Salvation! Yet we owe an unending debt to proclaim Him and love others. Just as Jesus said, “It is finished,” God is weaving a Covenant tapestry of us. Christ was meek and lowly in heart and so in Him we find rest for our souls. He says His yoke is easy, His burden light. We want His will in our knowing it believing it living it. We learn of Him, find rest for our souls. We were loved when we were before existence in God’s mind even His own family declared when existing in the plan of God in Eternity past, in the Christ of God says scripture. In the plan of God in Eternity Past the Lamb of God was slain from before the foundation of the world, and because of Adam's fall we called, were fallen creatures to Himself and foreigners to Himself until the cross and aliens to the Commonwealth of Israel, fact, and to The Body of Christ, and we, a mere wisp in His mind however, we're beloved by Him when we made ourselves to follow through accepted the draw of His to be His own children and generation. You've loved us while we were Your enemies God or in other words of another mind at Your Son Jesus Christ's Death. A cross death was a crude Roman device to keep Israel, God's Chosen in line. But God had a plan. He had something better in mind for us Gentiles as well in sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to the cross. Believe it people of God or not we were there in His death and resurrection in the Holy Spirit's choice and God means it for good, our good! Let's find how this works for our good up to date. We put to death our desire emptying ourselves like Christ did. He asks us even commands to put on the mind of Christ Phillipians 2:1-11. For Isaiah 53:6a says, "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way,…" Summarily we have failed the "good test" and so come under the Judgment of God a just judge and as repentant sinners He's merciful by the Cross. And Romans 5:6,7,and 8 says, "For a good man someone might dare to die or might die." But Christ commends His love to us, people (who in a God-ordained moment acknowledge they are sinful and get saved to follow, a disciple) receiving Christ following through are as Eternally different and a royal Priesthood and holy nation and peculiar to Him. He creates us a rejoicing when we hear the joyful noise of His Voice in Goodness in The Word Of God resonating symphony from His organic Body proclaiming Christ as the saved who with joyful sound resonating in their ear of the voice of God in still small voice and in joy and in ready mind He recreating us Redeemed are surprised like that child that is opening a Christmas gift at Christmas time anticipating expecting: For He's loved us WHILE WE WERE STILL SINNERS, ENEMIES and/or were in our minds apart. The separation the scriptures use in His Word is the term, "hostile" in our minds Romans 8:6,7. He created us and sustains. But God still loves us. He's loved us just the way we were and are. There's more to this than on the surface.
God's love around this concept of blessing and in and around the Cross is for us for on it is God's declarative will, "be saved." Jesus suffered three nails excruciating and prolonged in pain in enduring the cross, the whole process despicably horrible pained for Him but through it all He came triumphant out the other side, Resurrected. Triumphant He Arose. He could last but a few hours on the cross planned yet in His love for us He endured it all despising the shame and for the joy set before Him, us, He Died. He gave seven recorded cries of phrased words from the Cross until He gave His last breath in death but God mightily resurrected Him and He arose from Death victorious. Isaiah 53:6b continues, "and God has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." Remember as the whole scene turned ugly on the cross it was planned by God a reversal of fortune even a viola's masterpiece of violins victory because God was there planning and working it out for us in His love mightily powerfully working our salvation that day, Amen. He broke the leash of death. It will have no sting. Join the dance and sing, Glorious Almighty God. It was over for Satan even the defeat of Satan even over the satanic forces and even over sin, death, hell, and the grave before it EVEN STARTED. God righted all wrongs with Jesus Christ Dying for our sins. We must personally accept His sacrifice. Every wrong IS BEING righted at Calvary and at Jesus's soon Return wholly possible. In the Cross Creation's fall began to be sucked through a New Creation Vortex. Calvary won. God took on human form and came to earth a babe in swaddling clothes to serve joyfully in the form of a servant! He showed the way to greatness was through service and Jesus's obeying God pleasing Him in all of His life and so selflessly He Died God's Perfect Lamb in our behalf that way, astonishingly so without a word as He gave no words to His own defense so we could be like others who ARE saved, forgiven set free, sins forgiven forgotten, reconciled and in deliverance or restoration, saved. Glory to God! He has the keys to sin and death. Its extremely important our works last (not wood, hay, nor stubble,) and last well (Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones,) as we obtain rewards in Heaven someday! These works are done THROUGH Christ in a BORN AGAIN RELATIONSHIP to God. Who could speak or ascribe adequately the wonderful magnanimous beautiful Eternal Rescue quality of such a Divinely diverse cross-culturally powerful yet beautiful affectionate majestic Life preserver throw as He, Christ threw, even by His sacrifice performed? We are speechless as to HIS love and power He Jesus Messiah growing up a tender shoot or such a tender dry Root out of a dry arid ground in Israel, but on the same note having no attractive form nor comeliness that we should desire Him. Yet with much more anchored sure prophetic establishment on firm ground Christ came to rescue us, so He struggled from His Father's perspective, obeyed fully giving His body over to the Lord's will over something so very "shameful" but necessary from our viewpoint we learn as becoming our sin! This is human sacrifice but in this special case God saving mankind!! We have this hope in His Promises, an anchor for our soul sure and steadfast to hold on to Him our Hope. He as Christ even spoke forgiveness for His captors, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Such was His Divine example. Christ willingly died laying down His life by His own choice on the cross for sin and obediently so prays for the Father's will and plans at Gethsemane NOT His own and then surrenders to the Romans and Jews' hands. He is delivered up on Calvary for the sins of mankind. He suffered and died alone as His Heavenly Father turned His back on the Son of His love as He becomes our sin and with a very supernatural super abundant exceedingly infinitely good outcome. "He Who knew no sin, became sin for us that we might (know Him) (lit.) become (yada in Hebrew as in know in the Genesis sexual procreative sense, also) (lit.) even become the Righteousness of God in Christ," II Corinthians 5:21. Because Jesus Christ became our sin-bearer and sin we can know how to be right and do right wearing Christ's yoke knowing how right HE is, saving us and we can become an infused ingrained part re: His "righteousness." We stay with Christ. Victors in Him are we and in a Salvation aspect Jesus became of A Name higher and higher than any other name that is named in power and Nature in this life and the life to come Isaiah 52; Phil. 2:1-12. Jesus said, “If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto Me.” He became our Atonement, by becoming our sin on a cross as a Biblical principle for forgiveness He becomes (Old Testament sacrifices looked forwards to His,) He becoming all the sins of the whole world from the beginning of ancient time to the end of days FOR our salvation. Substituted in our place before God Christ said victoriously, "It is Finished!" presenting His Righteous Holy Blood to God the Father, but considering what He's Done He comes out of the other side of an Eternity of Eternities's torment from an empty Tomb on the third day victorious raising us too in Himself His Standard His Banner lifted high for He exalts us to sit in Heavenly Places with Him next to His Father in Him! We now are raised, regenerated, justified, born anew adopted beloved because of God's Doing we being born of God. We were a bondslave to sin but now forgiven, are alive to Jesus Christ, children of God, sons. We present our body parts to God alive now one in Him. We live with righteous forks unto Holiness. We as Family belong to God now and forevermore are by His Operation alive to God He following through in actually having passed over the sins previously committed and passing through the heavens He seeing The Blood, passes over our's too and we're eureka bondslaves even friends and children of God now in sonship. Our names were written in The Lamb's Book of Life if we believed God through Christ. If we in effect take treacherously our names dragging them through mud re: disobeying The Book refusing to live by the words of this life a pattern of born anew Christian philosophy He Christ being The Greatest In The Kingdom of God and we His faithful disciple follower in Christ's Christian lifestyle we will lose out not living by faith but disobedience. We don't want Heaven by the skin of our teeth and so don't give place to the devil for one minute. To give place or a foothold to the devil himself would be a testing we refuse for it's one his devices he uses against. Instead we walk by faith in the Spirit! Satan asked God if he could sift Peter like wheat. In Peter's philosophy he wanted his name as Jesus said it, "Peter" as Jesus gave it so instead forsook satan even as he tried to change it to wheat. But God gave him the name, Peter and so it was! Christ intercedes/prays for us as he did Peter to withstand evil and resist it real good for our faith to prosper. No one can take you out of the Father's hand Jesus said if you want it (to remain in our Lord's hand re: follow through fellowship.) We are the object of His affections but now can know even a greater affection in experience not just in our head but heart too, that of being a part of the Righteousness of God apart from the Law or apart from works in the Son through grace alone. Grace is given for obedience. We who are in a right position in a believing rightly relationship with God have peace with God and fellowship committment so we worship in Spirit and in truth and rejoice in Him, even in Who He Is "the Great I Am," we as bondslaves/friends of His. "He was delivered up," it says of God in Acts 2 and in Romans 4:25, “was put to Death for our offenses, but Raised again for our justification." That delivering up and Raising up is Justification from sin in the stance before God by faith in grace we have in Him. Both count: Death and Resurrection. Forgiven and Bought Back we can know God in New Covenantial Relationship with Him! He Died an Unjust Cruel Death On The Cross (Capitals To Emphasize it was God in J.C.,) was Buried, and made small things of the Enemy and Arose and was Substituted in our place so that we might be saved or rescued re: go free to a spiritual life of born again spiritual freedom/liberty living from grace unmerited or undeserved now, with an Eternal inheritance undefiled reserved in Heaven waiting for us from Father God Himself. For now we're stewards.
But our sins were laid upon Him. This fact made me wonder as a child: it was the fact that we had sinned. So in fact He became all our sin we being helpless and weak and He Died in our place ergo good news but we were there when He was Crucified and Risen again too. I was a sinful person as a child though childlike but who had guilt problems but in me lavished I was loaned by God with inquisitiveness and great beloved spirit (I have had good Christian saved parents) who I went to Church with, raised me. All this love and natural and spiritual gifts were from God. That didn't save me. None of it came close. Jesus Christ did by His Blood and my confession of sin first then faith in the Lamb of God' Work and the Holy Spirit's confirming affirming with a deposit, the precious Holy Spirit. I went to church and I came to be near intimate to Heavenly Father God personally individually and what I knew was I needed God. I craved personally to know Who God is through Jesus Christ needy and became a disciple a learner. I accepted His salvation even Born Again life from the oceans of sin. I came knowing my DNA had to be born anew with God's help re: His DNA surgically helping. We can at least say, "thank you God, for Your mercy." Realizing His mercy in Jesus Christ to everlasting life and losing our lives, we take up our cross and follow. "There were many facets to Christ's suffering He went through," says Al Stein, posthumously we benefit from. We will be giving account in and of our lives to God for all eternity. Do you want to know Him?! It bears Heavenly fruit Eternally! We were there at His Death (and His Resurrection as well,) for the Bible says so. "Crucify!" they yelled and "crucify," a second time they yelled. I believe each of us were at the cross dead like Christ like the Bible says. We now identify with it. The Roar of love. God saw fit to overlook, redeem oh so much on His way to raise and honor His Son and then raise us spiritually! Isn't that gorgeous? We're forgiven. Why did Jesus rescue us? It's because we needed it. We undeserved needed a strong saving Salvation or redemption from sin. In one sense, only He can tell us or I that answer of why personally He saved us when we go to see Him in Heaven someday because it is bondslaves of Christ as our position now in anonymity somewhat and in position on earth servants, chosen, and friends (Isaiah 41:8) of God but this is the tip of the iceberg when Salvation rewards in Heaven are finally given. His love is one recalls like a gentle flowing breeze or easy tributary river, gentle, ever sweet, the Gaithers Trio sang in the Seventies to listening ears/hearts. To respond with, "thank you," is all we can do by God's intervention to worship God in love spirit and truth hearing the Voice of God resonating according to the Gospel. It's gratefulness on our part and thankfulness in attitude. It's mental assent with the facts of salvation, Divine prickly conviction from God (with those facts,) commitment to, and follow through, or continuation of belief in Jesus obedient after once for all commitment is supplied or given and so we closely following Jesus Savior resurrected raised with Him close hard after Him are completely being blown away... awestruck by Him and God's love! We then worship in spirit and truth for Worthy is the Lamb that was slain as justified, just as if we had never sinned or had in fact always obeyed God (in Eden.) But first conviction, then commitment to repent, and praising God finding Salvation close near and in breakthrough, intimate precious.LEARNING FROM OUR PAST TO WALK IN JESUS'S OBEDIENCE NOW IN NEWNESS OF LIFE: The Adult Thirty Three Year and a Half Old Jesus was pleasing to the Father is key. His Death, Efficacious. And Jesus rose the third day! He's Alive! His birth, Holy Righteous blood, life and death are efficacious and Eternally efficient for us. In this Eternally timeless yet permeating love act affectionately the affront of the Gospel Cross is still not taken away. You see up close near the heart of God in the matter re: the love strike of God for us offends you and me for it is super above abundantly beyond all we could ask or think (Ephesians 3:20,) in energy power within and without adrenaline to God's glory yes even within and not unlike perfection of God's Desire in bringing outward sunshine unexpectedly on a cloudy day or creamery butter on toast and eggs benedict in food not anticipated at all but like in Finland that unexpectedly brings comfort that we sometime don't anticipate but give glory to God for at least, but take for granted nonetheless and neglect to thank God for profusely. The feeling of His love is like being lavished upon by God in the Cross re: spoiled children (even the best of us) then, as forgiven children because for attempting at or trying at stealing (we assume constantly our, or taking for granted really, re: "owned" material possessions) and not relatively giving thanks with near intent to give Him that rightful thanks for His glory infused and imparted instead especially yes that work on the cross and what He has Created and Provided for temporally for us (food, shelter, clothing, let us there with be content) and to us and Saved us spiritually from even from Eternal Damnation itself but instead transgress by suppression of God's truth in thanks not expressed (see Romans 1:21ff.) We can trace this back to Adam, the very first man for neglecting to express the truth right and disobediance. So coming back 180 degrees to God in repentance (metanoia) turning then our eyes to Jesus is the Gift of God received where the real Kingdom reality is and we make committment even follow through that God wants to give us, “Zoe (God's kind a' life) and Righteousness (God's Righteousness which is by faith in Jesus,”) and these are key in God's Intervention indeed doing every moment thanksgiving knowing God is glory's Source. However, the using of His Son’s Blood unthankfully by us on a disobedient path (stupid of us to disobey) symbolizes the bad effects of sin's wage.Remember though it's not about us but the harvest. BUT GOD LET'S US KNOW HE'S HOLY AND SEPARATION OF THE HOLY FROM THE PROFANE IN CONTRAST: That's the aspect, a secret to unbelievers but revealed only in Christ, to His beloved children that we don't have to sin, we have a choice now. Where sin abounds, grace does much more abound. Where before we chose to sin naturally in the flesh and at a whim so now Christ within makes a real evidencial lifestyle Difference. Transformation of us then is like He did Himself on the Mt. Tabor Mount of Tranfiguration. It's supernatural. And we give up our parts to service to Him. He shows us the Kingdom glistering. He knows our borders. He says "I Am" in every situation. But He always leads us in triumphal array in Christ. We trek on the right path in Him. We're stewards albeit if we become born again in God’s way and time and we become born of God all things becoming newness of life and transformed because we belong to His so that we're alive TO GOD and they (all things pertains to this life godliness and contentment,) even exist/consist benevolently and beneficially for our stewardship enjoyment as His ministers in The Lord He of this newness of life but unselfishly. But you or I must have this born again saved experience selfleslly denying ourself, taking up our or your cross, and following Jesus Christ individually literally dying a death to our mind to begin to live an abiding in Him to ‘newness of life,’ trek in life. We are indeed sin-bearing in need desperately of a Savior until we are found In Him. We attempt even try to abstain from sin as believers even the very appearance of evil in Him if we know to work at earning likeness to Jesus's image making Jesus Christ focal point. However, God's glory always gets the go ahead green light. We are unable to help ourselves from sinning when in Adam we do sin though (some indeed not to saving grace admit they do sin.) This is what the eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil did in Eden rather than eating of the Tree of life or other trees. It has given us the propensity to sin not pleasing God's Desire. Nazi Germany is an example of sin's destructive power. Such enormous huge overall harm (sin in Greek is harmatia) has come to humanity by humanity's denial of a reality of sin. Calling it a mistake will not cut the mustard! All sin is against God. It is sin and as such is a wrong deed. God's answer is His Desire for us, Roman's 6:1, "What shall we say then, shall we continue in sin that grace might abound?" God forbid. Romans six is a watershed chapter for every growing believer. But where sin abounds God's grace does much more abound! Thus God became everything even all in all to solve that equation in Jesus vicariously suffering and having Died and won us and everything back submitted to Himself back as we believe present active indicative in verb tense. It was His objective all along our sanctification and potentially He won us, our hearts, not in a 'New Age self esteem sought philosophy' but spiritually He Saved us, from sin, and we spontaneously gave our hearts to Him and He gave Atonement to us to know who we are in Him, the glory representation returned as we turned turning 180 degrees to HIM thus persevering to the end enduring. Is your name written in the Lamb's Book of life? I pray it is. The writer of the Book of Hebrews asks us to, "not harden your hearts, as in a day of temptation in the wilderness." The writer of the Gospel of John asks us the right spot on this question in the last chapter 21. We being of Christ infused, invigorated, nourished and nurtured of God's green pasture and still water, are daily eating God’s Manna gratefully from Jesus's nourishment (the Tree of Life!,) so then we don't touch in reality God's glory at all as if we in a marring of disobeying of the Holy Spirit could 'touch' God's glory. God's glory stands perfectly pure alright by itself and tall in and of itself from Him erect. We study scripture feeding on the Word of God. The milk of the Word (see I Peter) becomes meat (Hebrews 5:11-13) with the wilderness seasons endured matured. Knowing God born again we are in fact RESTORED. And its effect is we receive God's glory shared like a harvesting combine with others. God offers every one of us always this particular care in and of His own heart for us to pursue conditions of salvation for He is for us and we focus on Him and knowing His glory apart determine to rejoice. Eternally He is our peace we determined to pick it up. He IS our Salvation and by His infinite grace and mercy by a show of His love at the cross He is living a cross life before us, and observing we go forth to deny self, take up our cross and follow Christ in a personal in fire flame relationship with Himself He the provision for Christ within lives through us. We observe His example and His forgiveness sets our feet 'a dancing!!! We then so want to be hot, not cold certainly neither lukewarm, and make an Evangelical love response to Him from forgiveness received, mercy, and grace having a revelation of what He’s Done, the Finished Works of God's Son. And that's a first, He did rescue us from sin, the acts, the deeds. Jesus takes away the thoughts and sinful aspect of it all bringing a forgiven renewed conscience and consciousness attitude. Our God's dance floor is happy joyful people forgiven freely mixing it up! It was more than enough the Blood Jesus presented to God the Father His Blood for our Righteousness obtained and propitiation pleasing or expiation of sin. We are forgiven set free verily family. Jesus lived a sinless Holy life. God needs a sinless life from somewhere. His Mighty Arm got it for Him in Jesus. The Spirit and the Bride say come! We at the Cross are made shielded by Christ from the wrath of God and enter His warmth in our hearts continuing in strong fellowship even obedience. It is efficient for today and now. And we’re born again sanctified at once (moment of personal asking Christ inside the heart, saved,) yet unless we believe in gradual sanctification also of over long periods of time as well we do stagnate and do not experience growth. We're moved nonetheless to draw near close to Him, confessing and proclaiming Him to others drawn to Him in love for knowing Christ's Finished Works at Calvary evokes within us a generous New Covenant love response. We have known right from wrong in a simplistic sense before salvation but when the law came and tried to revive me I sinned (coveted) and I died having come to fall in love with Jesus, confessed, testifying of the salvation knowing Him aright. We are, however, becoming like Christ in sanctification in varying degrees of effort speaking of His Work with all our hearts all our lights. God offers us all an open opportunity, a gift to 'pick up' a radically redeemed saved life born again in lifestyle transformation! We individually apply Salvation to us and want to love God with healing obtained and follow close to our Lord for lifestyle to be Holy as He is Holy. But we're in an upward spiral in His hermaneutic (Word of God's Interpretation.) Church is for healing! He makes our paths STRAIGHT then in conforming to the Word in more faithful fashion. He wants us to serve Him as sons who slave at the lowest rung of the ladder to love others others-centered. God is a God of second chances. We want to talk it up to Him a whole lot more utterly or using words fluently, having admitted we're sinners and struck so by God's love we so gravitate near, talk, and converse with Him near up close like in a stimulating sparks a-flying 'metal from metal striking metal' sparks talk because He loved us at the Cross. Or even then over a fish fry or a sourdough breakfast meal conversation, we acknowledge how great the love of the Father TALKING it up with Him more in His Provident Hands in ours how great our Daddy's love! The greater ethical reality of His Good Holy Nature and Just Righteous Holy Character over us seen and known by us is in goodness believed as we begin to know how good He is more and more in glorious awe-filled Christian living. He must increase. I must decrease. No longer motivated by healthy, wealthy, and wise in results we seek the greater part, the good part of sitting at Christ's feet re: personal revival. And personally we want to get to know (Him) throughout life by His Person and Work of the Son, Jesus Christ; but...aspiring to the personhood of God and in word, thought, attitude, and acts resplendent through Christ we are not to be trying on a mask before Him too, nor be of so ready a mind at all as to be lifting one up to put on. We want to live more personally honest before God and men from the Father of lights from Whom is no variablness nor shadow of turning. We don't want to be members of the O.K. Corral as well as if to say anything is an absolute good from Him flippantly. But we draw near. God is in control.He reigns!"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near." Let our words be few Dear Lord! Unspeakable glory is Your Gift. His LOVE being IN me and I ran to Him because He ran to me seeing me from a long way off. It was the only time I saw Him! It was when I as a child of four recognized from hearing the godly plan of salvation it clicked spiritually that I was sinful even incomplete and as I was different I wanted that difference to be for God and to honor God first for He first was reaching out in good spiritually to me and I wanted truly His salvation and became born again, saved, God's friend and so I rejoiced in peace with Him, a son. Saved now- set apart for God of myself - dedicated in life to Him and in lifestyle I was in HIM. The Lord says, "You shall seek Me and find Me, when you shall look and search for Me with all your heart!" God is no respecter of persons. Renouncing pride in my own works which are as filthy rags I and the Holy Spirit were removing any haughtiness as well for I can bow a sinful soul like myself before Him, Jesus Christ put on, a Holy Righteous Just Judge Being God is and satiate or satisfy Him re: His Desire! He being God and I, a mere man under His authority I naturally want to satiate and please Him clothed in the righteousness of His Son. I bow to God humbly and accept His Son, Jesus' Payment for my sinful past with restitution added on my part. I have recognized my sinful falling short in a quick magnified microscopic scrutinizing exhausting view of my sin and its past and put it off to be clothed with Christ Who I make honored by me is magnified telescoped broadcast to all of the precious expensive Cost in His Blood that He paid for me in full re: my God's great Salvation Ransomed Redemption. Romans in the New Testament says, "Put on The Lord Jesus Christ." So how do I pray Lord God? I ask. I want Heaven as Jesus spoke of. But how do we obtain the power to assess a conduit to a newness of life in godliness He proffers from wells along the way? As a child I accepted the Gospel in my head and heart and followed. I knew once I did it would not be easy. One did not get to Heaven by putting on roller skates but entirely by Grace. I pray teach me then God how to live for I know I have much I don't know of this way nor how to pray and as I want to so I ask You how to pray. As I receive You I receptively receive you in receive mode in open wide receptivity! And thank God He tore the veil from my empty life from top to bottom in the Temple immediately upon Christ's Death 2000 years ago so access to Himself is wide open and in my heart He is ACCEPTED even widely so. But it's not necessary to manipulate God instead benevolently to turn to like and love everything He does instead! Make big huge the Presence of God and His help and make you humble. You can become as you are one Who God says you are for His Son's Mercy in Transforming Power CHANGES renovates reconstitutes re-excites restores you. He calls into being those things be not as if they are and we need to know God intimately by fellowship relationship peace in that we have a relationship fellowship restored (with Him.) He daily wants to do something new for you and to you and me. Daily we see new mercies appear from God every morning. We can expect every morning to say, "I can't without You Lord," and "with You I most certainly can!" "Good morning Lord," You know He loves me and I know. We can do the greater works Jesus prophesied. It's personally so also. It’s my personal Pardon, from Him to have His revelation up close and inside even my giving my thank you, my obedience, for this, even my follow through to say thank you in response. This is obedience to His still small Voice. It's His grace that covers us all making us fruitful in Christ. Have you in your comfort zone become born again? Born of God? Even Being born of the Spirit? Belonging to God just so close? Do you have a closer walk? He loved us first. Loving God back even fervently back and personally knowing He loves me who I am, just as I am I come, and worshipping Who He is, gratefully thankfully I'm keeping in a step by step obedient cadence (steucho or parapeteo in Greek) (rhythmn or step,) with the Holy Spirit! "Parapeteo," in Greek is for a far more wide rhythm and step in the Spirit thus also. This is all by grace so far and in endurance my desire is: to run my spiritual race with sovereign might lawfully Paul put it, to the end of life in endurance perseverence also bravely. Jesus the Living Logos or Living Rema (they mean the same,) will explain The Plan He's created, I'm in, reading Jeremiah 29:11 and the entire Bible! I'm committed to take the plunge to dive and so buy the field belonging to Christ where His treasure is buried in and wait patiently occupying to the end! But for the religious trappings of so called experts of theology we put away from us and worship free so let's stay away from religion even liberal cults completely for although its still delicious it's theology poses an extreme problem to genuine faith with false teaching. The false is believing its about works and myself instead of about Jesus Christ and His Deity and His Works and to be following close Him. But knowing accursed is everyone proclaiming a false gospel we stop struggling to be good enough and let The Rest of God even Excitement of the Holy Spirit and Jesus's party of forgiveness take over and grace and following after the Holy Spirit control us Galatians 1:6. Let's not become weary in well doing for we will reap treading on. The Holy Spirit has the big picture so let's take His panoramic view and call on God calling out in from Heavenly places asking, seeking, and knocking for necessary items to proclaim the Gospel witnessing unto Him. Let's see spiritually clearly the Bigger Plan now not just in the future beyond now because for the present time we've made mental assent, we've made commitment to count the cost and to follow Christ all the way. We are placed and positioned in good fortune smack dab in The Kingdom of The Son and are by translation transferred ushered into it by Christ's winning at Calvary! We need to experience it, (and receive inside.) God is able to perform exceedingly abundantly above all we can possibly conceive Ephesians 3:20. Every soulful place our foot treads upon abiding into Him we do efficaciously swim into rejoicing knowing Who Christ Is! The present past and future we thus trust with Him. They indeed testify greatly in Christ to His everlasting permanence at the cross to God's Finished works blessing. In the storms of life I'll prevail and the gates of hell won't because with Him I can do all things through Christ even through great trials for He is for us in afflictions for we're born again on His side then! He saves us not from our problems but through them! Surely I will answer my critics by II Kings 6:8-23 as Elisha said to The Lord, "open his eyes God," about his servant, in the war with roving bands against Israel. "Show my servant that many more are with us than with them." By grace through faith I will follow our Lord endlessly seeing with pure eyes in imagination the one hundred eighty five thousand armed of the Lord's Host set above the enemy's encampment in the night that are poised ready to rise and fight! The Kingdom of God and that of His Dear Son is just that, the Lordship of the Holy Spirit over every area of my existence. When coming to God we come through Jesus Christ. Fact. Come to the Father through the Son for now is the time to worship. He is worthy!The Scripture Portion: In scripture particularly there in a Book called Isaiah chapter 55 God gives us precious words and invites us to salvation re: to drink with Him by bonds of relationship fellowship and He wrote in verse one: "Ho, every one that thirsts, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.2 Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfies not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good..When God Ran by Benny Hester & John ParentiAlmighty God,The Great I AmImmoveable Rock,Omnipotent powerfulAwesome Lord,Victorious WarriorMighty Conqueror,Commanding King of KingsAnd the only time,the only time I ever saw Him runWas whenHe ran to me,Took me in His arms, held my head to His chestAnd said "My son's come home again".Looked in my face, wiped the tears from my eyesWith forgiveness in His voiceHe said "Son, do you know I still love you?"It caught me by surprise when God ranThe day I left Home,I knew I'd broken His heartI wondered ifThings would ever be the same,Then one night,I remembered His love for meAnd down that dusty road, ahead I could seeIt was the only time,the only time I ever saw Him runWas when He ran to me,Took me in His arms, held my head to His chestAnd said "My son's come home again".Looked in my face, wiped the tears from my eyesWith forgiveness in His voiceHe said "Son, do you know I still love you?"It caught me by surprise, It dropped me to my kneesWhen God ran
XBridgeHoly God, Righteous One
Tune in for answers to these questions!All our efforts at agreeing to being made sanctified are for being made anew in Christ's image! To love God sincerely!
This isn't 'think Divine but avoid the fruit theology.'
God loves you! Do you hear God loves you and this love is very near? This is not religion alone like fig leaves were. Change your way of thinking for the Kingdom of God has come! We speak in a spirit of forgiveness.GOD LOVES YOU! WHAT DOES THAT DO IN YOUR INMOST BEING?What does that Divine Creator's Mighty love FOR YOU have to do with you tender dove written with your name on the palm of His hand, that you are by the way? Infinite God's got a way. He cares for you like He does for many sparrows even the sparrow that falls. For Christ is Who God is as a Human. Did you know you can ask God through the auspices of Christ The Incarnate Savior and He forgives your sin and forgets? Hebrews 8:12 says, "I will be merciful to their iniquities and remember their sins no more." You must ask. Did you create Orion? Or Pisces? Did you wake today? Did you make one hair white or black? If you couldn't do that which is least, come now then what could you do to make it right or to add one hour to your life or to allow God to love you (in other words, try to earn it.) The answer is ...nothing, to all three. As His creation God loves you that He creates you and sustains you that He upholds you by the word of His power Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:3,8; John 1:1-4. He makes His cause known to the principalities and powers in the Heavenly realms that He loves you and to you His Born Again children that this love to you is not passive love but actively its love that He does with an exacting specific infinite Care, Strength, and Goodness to you Isaiah 40:11-31; Eph. 3:10. The rain falls on the just and the unjust but God honors those honoring Him by faith placed in God. To hope in the Lord is to place implicit even explicit faithful trust and complete leaning depending on His Character and Nature and faith in His Word (of God) Is. 40:31; Ecclesiastes says in 3:11, "He has made everything beautiful in time.." In Eternity God will right all wrongs! How unselfish is this His love. He begins by you being Born Again when you say yes to Christ! GOD IS LOVE! He is love! It's denying yourself, taking up your cross, following Him! Simple! Yet even a child can follow. "Except you be converted and become as little children you will not enter the Kingdom of God," Jesus says. In Jesus Christ you're saved so you're forgiven delivered by His Blood! His Blood reaches to the highest mountain and deepest ocean even to ends of the earth and to you! Remain in the Vine (abide in Christ, grab hold, stay attached) for it's God's Desire, Holiness and nearness. A vine does need to exert effort to bear fruit, but just abides in the vine to do so. Wholeheartedly in body, soul, and spirit remain in Christ His Holy Of Holies (Like an anchor in the Ark of the Covenant) abiding and Honor Him inside: His Worthiness in Holy Righteous Character within in Christ for its by His Doing He'll so have us His own belonging possession in Adoption and deep calling to deep in experience with Him and in Christ He's wonderfully Awesome and yet gentle in His Majestic Magnanimous love to keep us! He's Omniscient meaning all knowing, knowing Omnipotent means all powerful and in the end from the beginning He keeps us in His Righteous and Holy Pure unconditional Love! Have faith in Him! Charles Spurgeon - The Prince of Preachers has said, "This Book will keep you from sin." Stay with Jesus. What if He's doctoring of us in His counsel and will and good pleasure until you see He's not disappointed in you but is pleased with you greatly in the Son's obtaining Salvation Soul Righteous-Substitution Finished Work for you on the cross in your becoming saved and His Desire is for you to see that this is Our Heavenly Father's good counsel even perfect will toward us His Elect Saved children as we are the saved in His wonderful grace is accomplished longing to spend time with Him; even Born Again originally sinners caused to be disciples by mercy He being fully ensconced in us in His micro-management over us in His Sovereign Lordship over us, over us His Kiporath (Hebrew Atonement) Wholeness Beneficient Benevolent Salvation to us which is for you at all times and in His Presence with you. We make a subjective response. This is up close deep God come alongside you to be shield, support, high tower, portion, strength, help, in time of trouble, stay, (Greek, Paraclete, The Comforter,) to comfort you. Scripture says through the Psalmist, "He has set my feet in a wide place" Psalm 18:33; 27:11-13.
He reveals there's a hell to shun and a Heaven to gain. "He teaches my hands to war, my fingers to fight" Psalm 18:34,35. As His peacekeeping force in His good fight we all look up at or to His Providence for its in His providing Hands. God yearns for you with deep emotion, Holy affections. His goodness towards us stems from that victory at the cross as we are the object of His affections sourced in the Lord Jesus Christ if we're saved specifically. You need to be "in Christ" to be saved, like you're in a sanctuary or in a house of worship, in Him. But these are the affections that took Jesus Christ to the cross to love us with Father's will to fulfill God’s high Holy purpose. We honor God above ourselves. We become the subjective object of them (His affections) accepting God's plan of saving in time. These are the affections that led Jesus to submit to arrest, to torture, and to death on the cross. Unselfishly of His these are also the honoring deep and abiding affections in God's heart forever inscribed on the palms of His hands, we ascribe indeed to God Who writes on the palm of His hand Re: our name. We're the apple of His eye like Israel. He loves us, get used to it. It's not the problem but sin is. "Jesus’s death was not the result of a panicking, cosmological engineer. The cross wasn’t a tragic surprise. The death of the Son of God was anything but an unexpected peril!" says Max Lucado."Jesus spoke of His death as a part of a plan. A calculated choice. The cross was planned, into the script. It was no accident. Jesus was born crucified.Whenever he became conscious of who he was, he also became conscious of what he had to do. It explains the resoluteness in his words: “The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life, only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.” (John 10:18).So call it what you wish. An act of grace. A plan of redemption. A martyr’s sacrifice. But whatever you call it, don’t call it an accident. It was anything but that!" MLJesus said, "Believe Me even if only for the work's sake." His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He loves you with all His almighty wisdom. The commandments of God are not burdensome but an ease on the heart and a great thaw of the heart for they make one wise unto salvation (of God.) By being saved by being 'in Christ' verily for He's loved you from before the foundation of the world you have reasons to rejoice. When sinners some dormant sinners, like us nonetheless are caught in our sinning yet repentant, nevertheless come undone first sin-ners (persons who transgress the law or miss the mark,) who are then contrite, called by God, chosen, yet called out of this world of sin and made saints (ekklesia) personally hand (woven) even picked by Him, honoring Him foremost, we were loved, for He's forgiven, justified us, regenerated us as we come in worthy to His Throne. God infuses imparts or calls us, reckons us, a financial term, not even a part of logic but: Paid In Full. Primarily spiritually our sin debt is paid in full in Salvation! Yet we owe an unending debt to proclaim Him and love others. Just as Jesus said, “It is finished,” God is weaving a Covenant tapestry of us. Christ was meek and lowly in heart and so in Him we find rest for our souls. He says His yoke is easy, His burden light. We want His will in our knowing it believing it living it. We learn of Him, find rest for our souls. We were loved when we were before existence in God’s mind even His own family declared when existing in the plan of God in Eternity past, in the Christ of God says scripture. In the plan of God in Eternity Past the Lamb of God was slain from before the foundation of the world, and because of Adam's fall we called, were fallen creatures to Himself and foreigners to Himself until the cross and aliens to the Commonwealth of Israel, fact, and to The Body of Christ, and we, a mere wisp in His mind however, we're beloved by Him when we made ourselves to follow through accepted the draw of His to be His own children and generation. You've loved us while we were Your enemies God or in other words of another mind at Your Son Jesus Christ's Death. A cross death was a crude Roman device to keep Israel, God's Chosen in line. But God had a plan. He had something better in mind for us Gentiles as well in sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to the cross. Believe it people of God or not we were there in His death and resurrection in the Holy Spirit's choice and God means it for good, our good! Let's find how this works for our good up to date. We put to death our desire emptying ourselves like Christ did. He asks us even commands to put on the mind of Christ Phillipians 2:1-11. For Isaiah 53:6a says, "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way,…" Summarily we have failed the "good test" and so come under the Judgment of God a just judge and as repentant sinners He's merciful by the Cross. And Romans 5:6,7,and 8 says, "For a good man someone might dare to die or might die." But Christ commends His love to us, people (who in a God-ordained moment acknowledge they are sinful and get saved to follow, a disciple) receiving Christ following through are as Eternally different and a royal Priesthood and holy nation and peculiar to Him. He creates us a rejoicing when we hear the joyful noise of His Voice in Goodness in The Word Of God resonating symphony from His organic Body proclaiming Christ as the saved who with joyful sound resonating in their ear of the voice of God in still small voice and in joy and in ready mind He recreating us Redeemed are surprised like that child that is opening a Christmas gift at Christmas time anticipating expecting: For He's loved us WHILE WE WERE STILL SINNERS, ENEMIES and/or were in our minds apart. The separation the scriptures use in His Word is the term, "hostile" in our minds Romans 8:6,7. He created us and sustains. But God still loves us. He's loved us just the way we were and are. There's more to this than on the surface.
God's love around this concept of blessing and in and around the Cross is for us for on it is God's declarative will, "be saved." Jesus suffered three nails excruciating and prolonged in pain in enduring the cross, the whole process despicably horrible pained for Him but through it all He came triumphant out the other side, Resurrected. Triumphant He Arose. He could last but a few hours on the cross planned yet in His love for us He endured it all despising the shame and for the joy set before Him, us, He Died. He gave seven recorded cries of phrased words from the Cross until He gave His last breath in death but God mightily resurrected Him and He arose from Death victorious. Isaiah 53:6b continues, "and God has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." Remember as the whole scene turned ugly on the cross it was planned by God a reversal of fortune even a viola's masterpiece of violins victory because God was there planning and working it out for us in His love mightily powerfully working our salvation that day, Amen. He broke the leash of death. It will have no sting. Join the dance and sing, Glorious Almighty God. It was over for Satan even the defeat of Satan even over the satanic forces and even over sin, death, hell, and the grave before it EVEN STARTED. God righted all wrongs with Jesus Christ Dying for our sins. We must personally accept His sacrifice. Every wrong IS BEING righted at Calvary and at Jesus's soon Return wholly possible. In the Cross Creation's fall began to be sucked through a New Creation Vortex. Calvary won. God took on human form and came to earth a babe in swaddling clothes to serve joyfully in the form of a servant! He showed the way to greatness was through service and Jesus's obeying God pleasing Him in all of His life and so selflessly He Died God's Perfect Lamb in our behalf that way, astonishingly so without a word as He gave no words to His own defense so we could be like others who ARE saved, forgiven set free, sins forgiven forgotten, reconciled and in deliverance or restoration, saved. Glory to God! He has the keys to sin and death. Its extremely important our works last (not wood, hay, nor stubble,) and last well (Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones,) as we obtain rewards in Heaven someday! These works are done THROUGH Christ in a BORN AGAIN RELATIONSHIP to God. Who could speak or ascribe adequately the wonderful magnanimous beautiful Eternal Rescue quality of such a Divinely diverse cross-culturally powerful yet beautiful affectionate majestic Life preserver throw as He, Christ threw, even by His sacrifice performed? We are speechless as to HIS love and power He Jesus Messiah growing up a tender shoot or such a tender dry Root out of a dry arid ground in Israel, but on the same note having no attractive form nor comeliness that we should desire Him. Yet with much more anchored sure prophetic establishment on firm ground Christ came to rescue us, so He struggled from His Father's perspective, obeyed fully giving His body over to the Lord's will over something so very "shameful" but necessary from our viewpoint we learn as becoming our sin! This is human sacrifice but in this special case God saving mankind!! We have this hope in His Promises, an anchor for our soul sure and steadfast to hold on to Him our Hope. He as Christ even spoke forgiveness for His captors, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Such was His Divine example. Christ willingly died laying down His life by His own choice on the cross for sin and obediently so prays for the Father's will and plans at Gethsemane NOT His own and then surrenders to the Romans and Jews' hands. He is delivered up on Calvary for the sins of mankind. He suffered and died alone as His Heavenly Father turned His back on the Son of His love as He becomes our sin and with a very supernatural super abundant exceedingly infinitely good outcome. "He Who knew no sin, became sin for us that we might (know Him) (lit.) become (yada in Hebrew as in know in the Genesis sexual procreative sense, also) (lit.) even become the Righteousness of God in Christ," II Corinthians 5:21. Because Jesus Christ became our sin-bearer and sin we can know how to be right and do right wearing Christ's yoke knowing how right HE is, saving us and we can become an infused ingrained part re: His "righteousness." We stay with Christ. Victors in Him are we and in a Salvation aspect Jesus became of A Name higher and higher than any other name that is named in power and Nature in this life and the life to come Isaiah 52; Phil. 2:1-12. Jesus said, “If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto Me.” He became our Atonement, by becoming our sin on a cross as a Biblical principle for forgiveness He becomes (Old Testament sacrifices looked forwards to His,) He becoming all the sins of the whole world from the beginning of ancient time to the end of days FOR our salvation. Substituted in our place before God Christ said victoriously, "It is Finished!" presenting His Righteous Holy Blood to God the Father, but considering what He's Done He comes out of the other side of an Eternity of Eternities's torment from an empty Tomb on the third day victorious raising us too in Himself His Standard His Banner lifted high for He exalts us to sit in Heavenly Places with Him next to His Father in Him! We now are raised, regenerated, justified, born anew adopted beloved because of God's Doing we being born of God. We were a bondslave to sin but now forgiven, are alive to Jesus Christ, children of God, sons. We present our body parts to God alive now one in Him. We live with righteous forks unto Holiness. We as Family belong to God now and forevermore are by His Operation alive to God He following through in actually having passed over the sins previously committed and passing through the heavens He seeing The Blood, passes over our's too and we're eureka bondslaves even friends and children of God now in sonship. Our names were written in The Lamb's Book of Life if we believed God through Christ. If we in effect take treacherously our names dragging them through mud re: disobeying The Book refusing to live by the words of this life a pattern of born anew Christian philosophy He Christ being The Greatest In The Kingdom of God and we His faithful disciple follower in Christ's Christian lifestyle we will lose out not living by faith but disobedience. We don't want Heaven by the skin of our teeth and so don't give place to the devil for one minute. To give place or a foothold to the devil himself would be a testing we refuse for it's one his devices he uses against. Instead we walk by faith in the Spirit! Satan asked God if he could sift Peter like wheat. In Peter's philosophy he wanted his name as Jesus said it, "Peter" as Jesus gave it so instead forsook satan even as he tried to change it to wheat. But God gave him the name, Peter and so it was! Christ intercedes/prays for us as he did Peter to withstand evil and resist it real good for our faith to prosper. No one can take you out of the Father's hand Jesus said if you want it (to remain in our Lord's hand re: follow through fellowship.) We are the object of His affections but now can know even a greater affection in experience not just in our head but heart too, that of being a part of the Righteousness of God apart from the Law or apart from works in the Son through grace alone. Grace is given for obedience. We who are in a right position in a believing rightly relationship with God have peace with God and fellowship committment so we worship in Spirit and in truth and rejoice in Him, even in Who He Is "the Great I Am," we as bondslaves/friends of His. "He was delivered up," it says of God in Acts 2 and in Romans 4:25, “was put to Death for our offenses, but Raised again for our justification." That delivering up and Raising up is Justification from sin in the stance before God by faith in grace we have in Him. Both count: Death and Resurrection. Forgiven and Bought Back we can know God in New Covenantial Relationship with Him! He Died an Unjust Cruel Death On The Cross (Capitals To Emphasize it was God in J.C.,) was Buried, and made small things of the Enemy and Arose and was Substituted in our place so that we might be saved or rescued re: go free to a spiritual life of born again spiritual freedom/liberty living from grace unmerited or undeserved now, with an Eternal inheritance undefiled reserved in Heaven waiting for us from Father God Himself. For now we're stewards.
But our sins were laid upon Him. This fact made me wonder as a child: it was the fact that we had sinned. So in fact He became all our sin we being helpless and weak and He Died in our place ergo good news but we were there when He was Crucified and Risen again too. I was a sinful person as a child though childlike but who had guilt problems but in me lavished I was loaned by God with inquisitiveness and great beloved spirit (I have had good Christian saved parents) who I went to Church with, raised me. All this love and natural and spiritual gifts were from God. That didn't save me. None of it came close. Jesus Christ did by His Blood and my confession of sin first then faith in the Lamb of God' Work and the Holy Spirit's confirming affirming with a deposit, the precious Holy Spirit. I went to church and I came to be near intimate to Heavenly Father God personally individually and what I knew was I needed God. I craved personally to know Who God is through Jesus Christ needy and became a disciple a learner. I accepted His salvation even Born Again life from the oceans of sin. I came knowing my DNA had to be born anew with God's help re: His DNA surgically helping. We can at least say, "thank you God, for Your mercy." Realizing His mercy in Jesus Christ to everlasting life and losing our lives, we take up our cross and follow. "There were many facets to Christ's suffering He went through," says Al Stein, posthumously we benefit from. We will be giving account in and of our lives to God for all eternity. Do you want to know Him?! It bears Heavenly fruit Eternally! We were there at His Death (and His Resurrection as well,) for the Bible says so. "Crucify!" they yelled and "crucify," a second time they yelled. I believe each of us were at the cross dead like Christ like the Bible says. We now identify with it. The Roar of love. God saw fit to overlook, redeem oh so much on His way to raise and honor His Son and then raise us spiritually! Isn't that gorgeous? We're forgiven. Why did Jesus rescue us? It's because we needed it. We undeserved needed a strong saving Salvation or redemption from sin. In one sense, only He can tell us or I that answer of why personally He saved us when we go to see Him in Heaven someday because it is bondslaves of Christ as our position now in anonymity somewhat and in position on earth servants, chosen, and friends (Isaiah 41:8) of God but this is the tip of the iceberg when Salvation rewards in Heaven are finally given. His love is one recalls like a gentle flowing breeze or easy tributary river, gentle, ever sweet, the Gaithers Trio sang in the Seventies to listening ears/hearts. To respond with, "thank you," is all we can do by God's intervention to worship God in love spirit and truth hearing the Voice of God resonating according to the Gospel. It's gratefulness on our part and thankfulness in attitude. It's mental assent with the facts of salvation, Divine prickly conviction from God (with those facts,) commitment to, and follow through, or continuation of belief in Jesus obedient after once for all commitment is supplied or given and so we closely following Jesus Savior resurrected raised with Him close hard after Him are completely being blown away... awestruck by Him and God's love! We then worship in spirit and truth for Worthy is the Lamb that was slain as justified, just as if we had never sinned or had in fact always obeyed God (in Eden.) But first conviction, then commitment to repent, and praising God finding Salvation close near and in breakthrough, intimate precious.LEARNING FROM OUR PAST TO WALK IN JESUS'S OBEDIENCE NOW IN NEWNESS OF LIFE: The Adult Thirty Three Year and a Half Old Jesus was pleasing to the Father is key. His Death, Efficacious. And Jesus rose the third day! He's Alive! His birth, Holy Righteous blood, life and death are efficacious and Eternally efficient for us. In this Eternally timeless yet permeating love act affectionately the affront of the Gospel Cross is still not taken away. You see up close near the heart of God in the matter re: the love strike of God for us offends you and me for it is super above abundantly beyond all we could ask or think (Ephesians 3:20,) in energy power within and without adrenaline to God's glory yes even within and not unlike perfection of God's Desire in bringing outward sunshine unexpectedly on a cloudy day or creamery butter on toast and eggs benedict in food not anticipated at all but like in Finland that unexpectedly brings comfort that we sometime don't anticipate but give glory to God for at least, but take for granted nonetheless and neglect to thank God for profusely. The feeling of His love is like being lavished upon by God in the Cross re: spoiled children (even the best of us) then, as forgiven children because for attempting at or trying at stealing (we assume constantly our, or taking for granted really, re: "owned" material possessions) and not relatively giving thanks with near intent to give Him that rightful thanks for His glory infused and imparted instead especially yes that work on the cross and what He has Created and Provided for temporally for us (food, shelter, clothing, let us there with be content) and to us and Saved us spiritually from even from Eternal Damnation itself but instead transgress by suppression of God's truth in thanks not expressed (see Romans 1:21ff.) We can trace this back to Adam, the very first man for neglecting to express the truth right and disobediance. So coming back 180 degrees to God in repentance (metanoia) turning then our eyes to Jesus is the Gift of God received where the real Kingdom reality is and we make committment even follow through that God wants to give us, “Zoe (God's kind a' life) and Righteousness (God's Righteousness which is by faith in Jesus,”) and these are key in God's Intervention indeed doing every moment thanksgiving knowing God is glory's Source. However, the using of His Son’s Blood unthankfully by us on a disobedient path (stupid of us to disobey) symbolizes the bad effects of sin's wage.Remember though it's not about us but the harvest. BUT GOD LET'S US KNOW HE'S HOLY AND SEPARATION OF THE HOLY FROM THE PROFANE IN CONTRAST: That's the aspect, a secret to unbelievers but revealed only in Christ, to His beloved children that we don't have to sin, we have a choice now. Where sin abounds, grace does much more abound. Where before we chose to sin naturally in the flesh and at a whim so now Christ within makes a real evidencial lifestyle Difference. Transformation of us then is like He did Himself on the Mt. Tabor Mount of Tranfiguration. It's supernatural. And we give up our parts to service to Him. He shows us the Kingdom glistering. He knows our borders. He says "I Am" in every situation. But He always leads us in triumphal array in Christ. We trek on the right path in Him. We're stewards albeit if we become born again in God’s way and time and we become born of God all things becoming newness of life and transformed because we belong to His so that we're alive TO GOD and they (all things pertains to this life godliness and contentment,) even exist/consist benevolently and beneficially for our stewardship enjoyment as His ministers in The Lord He of this newness of life but unselfishly. But you or I must have this born again saved experience selfleslly denying ourself, taking up our or your cross, and following Jesus Christ individually literally dying a death to our mind to begin to live an abiding in Him to ‘newness of life,’ trek in life. We are indeed sin-bearing in need desperately of a Savior until we are found In Him. We attempt even try to abstain from sin as believers even the very appearance of evil in Him if we know to work at earning likeness to Jesus's image making Jesus Christ focal point. However, God's glory always gets the go ahead green light. We are unable to help ourselves from sinning when in Adam we do sin though (some indeed not to saving grace admit they do sin.) This is what the eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil did in Eden rather than eating of the Tree of life or other trees. It has given us the propensity to sin not pleasing God's Desire. Nazi Germany is an example of sin's destructive power. Such enormous huge overall harm (sin in Greek is harmatia) has come to humanity by humanity's denial of a reality of sin. Calling it a mistake will not cut the mustard! All sin is against God. It is sin and as such is a wrong deed. God's answer is His Desire for us, Roman's 6:1, "What shall we say then, shall we continue in sin that grace might abound?" God forbid. Romans six is a watershed chapter for every growing believer. But where sin abounds God's grace does much more abound! Thus God became everything even all in all to solve that equation in Jesus vicariously suffering and having Died and won us and everything back submitted to Himself back as we believe present active indicative in verb tense. It was His objective all along our sanctification and potentially He won us, our hearts, not in a 'New Age self esteem sought philosophy' but spiritually He Saved us, from sin, and we spontaneously gave our hearts to Him and He gave Atonement to us to know who we are in Him, the glory representation returned as we turned turning 180 degrees to HIM thus persevering to the end enduring. Is your name written in the Lamb's Book of life? I pray it is. The writer of the Book of Hebrews asks us to, "not harden your hearts, as in a day of temptation in the wilderness." The writer of the Gospel of John asks us the right spot on this question in the last chapter 21. We being of Christ infused, invigorated, nourished and nurtured of God's green pasture and still water, are daily eating God’s Manna gratefully from Jesus's nourishment (the Tree of Life!,) so then we don't touch in reality God's glory at all as if we in a marring of disobeying of the Holy Spirit could 'touch' God's glory. God's glory stands perfectly pure alright by itself and tall in and of itself from Him erect. We study scripture feeding on the Word of God. The milk of the Word (see I Peter) becomes meat (Hebrews 5:11-13) with the wilderness seasons endured matured. Knowing God born again we are in fact RESTORED. And its effect is we receive God's glory shared like a harvesting combine with others. God offers every one of us always this particular care in and of His own heart for us to pursue conditions of salvation for He is for us and we focus on Him and knowing His glory apart determine to rejoice. Eternally He is our peace we determined to pick it up. He IS our Salvation and by His infinite grace and mercy by a show of His love at the cross He is living a cross life before us, and observing we go forth to deny self, take up our cross and follow Christ in a personal in fire flame relationship with Himself He the provision for Christ within lives through us. We observe His example and His forgiveness sets our feet 'a dancing!!! We then so want to be hot, not cold certainly neither lukewarm, and make an Evangelical love response to Him from forgiveness received, mercy, and grace having a revelation of what He’s Done, the Finished Works of God's Son. And that's a first, He did rescue us from sin, the acts, the deeds. Jesus takes away the thoughts and sinful aspect of it all bringing a forgiven renewed conscience and consciousness attitude. Our God's dance floor is happy joyful people forgiven freely mixing it up! It was more than enough the Blood Jesus presented to God the Father His Blood for our Righteousness obtained and propitiation pleasing or expiation of sin. We are forgiven set free verily family. Jesus lived a sinless Holy life. God needs a sinless life from somewhere. His Mighty Arm got it for Him in Jesus. The Spirit and the Bride say come! We at the Cross are made shielded by Christ from the wrath of God and enter His warmth in our hearts continuing in strong fellowship even obedience. It is efficient for today and now. And we’re born again sanctified at once (moment of personal asking Christ inside the heart, saved,) yet unless we believe in gradual sanctification also of over long periods of time as well we do stagnate and do not experience growth. We're moved nonetheless to draw near close to Him, confessing and proclaiming Him to others drawn to Him in love for knowing Christ's Finished Works at Calvary evokes within us a generous New Covenant love response. We have known right from wrong in a simplistic sense before salvation but when the law came and tried to revive me I sinned (coveted) and I died having come to fall in love with Jesus, confessed, testifying of the salvation knowing Him aright. We are, however, becoming like Christ in sanctification in varying degrees of effort speaking of His Work with all our hearts all our lights. God offers us all an open opportunity, a gift to 'pick up' a radically redeemed saved life born again in lifestyle transformation! We individually apply Salvation to us and want to love God with healing obtained and follow close to our Lord for lifestyle to be Holy as He is Holy. But we're in an upward spiral in His hermaneutic (Word of God's Interpretation.) Church is for healing! He makes our paths STRAIGHT then in conforming to the Word in more faithful fashion. He wants us to serve Him as sons who slave at the lowest rung of the ladder to love others others-centered. God is a God of second chances. We want to talk it up to Him a whole lot more utterly or using words fluently, having admitted we're sinners and struck so by God's love we so gravitate near, talk, and converse with Him near up close like in a stimulating sparks a-flying 'metal from metal striking metal' sparks talk because He loved us at the Cross. Or even then over a fish fry or a sourdough breakfast meal conversation, we acknowledge how great the love of the Father TALKING it up with Him more in His Provident Hands in ours how great our Daddy's love! The greater ethical reality of His Good Holy Nature and Just Righteous Holy Character over us seen and known by us is in goodness believed as we begin to know how good He is more and more in glorious awe-filled Christian living. He must increase. I must decrease. No longer motivated by healthy, wealthy, and wise in results we seek the greater part, the good part of sitting at Christ's feet re: personal revival. And personally we want to get to know (Him) throughout life by His Person and Work of the Son, Jesus Christ; but...aspiring to the personhood of God and in word, thought, attitude, and acts resplendent through Christ we are not to be trying on a mask before Him too, nor be of so ready a mind at all as to be lifting one up to put on. We want to live more personally honest before God and men from the Father of lights from Whom is no variablness nor shadow of turning. We don't want to be members of the O.K. Corral as well as if to say anything is an absolute good from Him flippantly. But we draw near. God is in control.He reigns!"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near." Let our words be few Dear Lord! Unspeakable glory is Your Gift. His LOVE being IN me and I ran to Him because He ran to me seeing me from a long way off. It was the only time I saw Him! It was when I as a child of four recognized from hearing the godly plan of salvation it clicked spiritually that I was sinful even incomplete and as I was different I wanted that difference to be for God and to honor God first for He first was reaching out in good spiritually to me and I wanted truly His salvation and became born again, saved, God's friend and so I rejoiced in peace with Him, a son. Saved now- set apart for God of myself - dedicated in life to Him and in lifestyle I was in HIM. The Lord says, "You shall seek Me and find Me, when you shall look and search for Me with all your heart!" God is no respecter of persons. Renouncing pride in my own works which are as filthy rags I and the Holy Spirit were removing any haughtiness as well for I can bow a sinful soul like myself before Him, Jesus Christ put on, a Holy Righteous Just Judge Being God is and satiate or satisfy Him re: His Desire! He being God and I, a mere man under His authority I naturally want to satiate and please Him clothed in the righteousness of His Son. I bow to God humbly and accept His Son, Jesus' Payment for my sinful past with restitution added on my part. I have recognized my sinful falling short in a quick magnified microscopic scrutinizing exhausting view of my sin and its past and put it off to be clothed with Christ Who I make honored by me is magnified telescoped broadcast to all of the precious expensive Cost in His Blood that He paid for me in full re: my God's great Salvation Ransomed Redemption. Romans in the New Testament says, "Put on The Lord Jesus Christ." So how do I pray Lord God? I ask. I want Heaven as Jesus spoke of. But how do we obtain the power to assess a conduit to a newness of life in godliness He proffers from wells along the way? As a child I accepted the Gospel in my head and heart and followed. I knew once I did it would not be easy. One did not get to Heaven by putting on roller skates but entirely by Grace. I pray teach me then God how to live for I know I have much I don't know of this way nor how to pray and as I want to so I ask You how to pray. As I receive You I receptively receive you in receive mode in open wide receptivity! And thank God He tore the veil from my empty life from top to bottom in the Temple immediately upon Christ's Death 2000 years ago so access to Himself is wide open and in my heart He is ACCEPTED even widely so. But it's not necessary to manipulate God instead benevolently to turn to like and love everything He does instead! Make big huge the Presence of God and His help and make you humble. You can become as you are one Who God says you are for His Son's Mercy in Transforming Power CHANGES renovates reconstitutes re-excites restores you. He calls into being those things be not as if they are and we need to know God intimately by fellowship relationship peace in that we have a relationship fellowship restored (with Him.) He daily wants to do something new for you and to you and me. Daily we see new mercies appear from God every morning. We can expect every morning to say, "I can't without You Lord," and "with You I most certainly can!" "Good morning Lord," You know He loves me and I know. We can do the greater works Jesus prophesied. It's personally so also. It’s my personal Pardon, from Him to have His revelation up close and inside even my giving my thank you, my obedience, for this, even my follow through to say thank you in response. This is obedience to His still small Voice. It's His grace that covers us all making us fruitful in Christ. Have you in your comfort zone become born again? Born of God? Even Being born of the Spirit? Belonging to God just so close? Do you have a closer walk? He loved us first. Loving God back even fervently back and personally knowing He loves me who I am, just as I am I come, and worshipping Who He is, gratefully thankfully I'm keeping in a step by step obedient cadence (steucho or parapeteo in Greek) (rhythmn or step,) with the Holy Spirit! "Parapeteo," in Greek is for a far more wide rhythm and step in the Spirit thus also. This is all by grace so far and in endurance my desire is: to run my spiritual race with sovereign might lawfully Paul put it, to the end of life in endurance perseverence also bravely. Jesus the Living Logos or Living Rema (they mean the same,) will explain The Plan He's created, I'm in, reading Jeremiah 29:11 and the entire Bible! I'm committed to take the plunge to dive and so buy the field belonging to Christ where His treasure is buried in and wait patiently occupying to the end! But for the religious trappings of so called experts of theology we put away from us and worship free so let's stay away from religion even liberal cults completely for although its still delicious it's theology poses an extreme problem to genuine faith with false teaching. The false is believing its about works and myself instead of about Jesus Christ and His Deity and His Works and to be following close Him. But knowing accursed is everyone proclaiming a false gospel we stop struggling to be good enough and let The Rest of God even Excitement of the Holy Spirit and Jesus's party of forgiveness take over and grace and following after the Holy Spirit control us Galatians 1:6. Let's not become weary in well doing for we will reap treading on. The Holy Spirit has the big picture so let's take His panoramic view and call on God calling out in from Heavenly places asking, seeking, and knocking for necessary items to proclaim the Gospel witnessing unto Him. Let's see spiritually clearly the Bigger Plan now not just in the future beyond now because for the present time we've made mental assent, we've made commitment to count the cost and to follow Christ all the way. We are placed and positioned in good fortune smack dab in The Kingdom of The Son and are by translation transferred ushered into it by Christ's winning at Calvary! We need to experience it, (and receive inside.) God is able to perform exceedingly abundantly above all we can possibly conceive Ephesians 3:20. Every soulful place our foot treads upon abiding into Him we do efficaciously swim into rejoicing knowing Who Christ Is! The present past and future we thus trust with Him. They indeed testify greatly in Christ to His everlasting permanence at the cross to God's Finished works blessing. In the storms of life I'll prevail and the gates of hell won't because with Him I can do all things through Christ even through great trials for He is for us in afflictions for we're born again on His side then! He saves us not from our problems but through them! Surely I will answer my critics by II Kings 6:8-23 as Elisha said to The Lord, "open his eyes God," about his servant, in the war with roving bands against Israel. "Show my servant that many more are with us than with them." By grace through faith I will follow our Lord endlessly seeing with pure eyes in imagination the one hundred eighty five thousand armed of the Lord's Host set above the enemy's encampment in the night that are poised ready to rise and fight! The Kingdom of God and that of His Dear Son is just that, the Lordship of the Holy Spirit over every area of my existence. When coming to God we come through Jesus Christ. Fact. Come to the Father through the Son for now is the time to worship. He is worthy!The Scripture Portion: In scripture particularly there in a Book called Isaiah chapter 55 God gives us precious words and invites us to salvation re: to drink with Him by bonds of relationship fellowship and He wrote in verse one: "Ho, every one that thirsts, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.2 Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfies not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good..When God Ran by Benny Hester & John ParentiAlmighty God,The Great I AmImmoveable Rock,Omnipotent powerfulAwesome Lord,Victorious WarriorMighty Conqueror,Commanding King of KingsAnd the only time,the only time I ever saw Him runWas whenHe ran to me,Took me in His arms, held my head to His chestAnd said "My son's come home again".Looked in my face, wiped the tears from my eyesWith forgiveness in His voiceHe said "Son, do you know I still love you?"It caught me by surprise when God ranThe day I left Home,I knew I'd broken His heartI wondered ifThings would ever be the same,Then one night,I remembered His love for meAnd down that dusty road, ahead I could seeIt was the only time,the only time I ever saw Him runWas when He ran to me,Took me in His arms, held my head to His chestAnd said "My son's come home again".Looked in my face, wiped the tears from my eyesWith forgiveness in His voiceHe said "Son, do you know I still love you?"It caught me by surprise, It dropped me to my kneesWhen God ran
XBridgeHoly God, Righteous One
Who turned my wayNow I know, You've been waitingFor this day{Interlude}{Repeat chorus}
The Good News of the Gospel is still the best GREAT good good and grand NEWS: Jesus Christ Died, was Buried, And Rose again Justifying me from my sins for my justification unto Life! God's Kingdom come. Many have seen Him alive! Have You re: Come To Him? How Would You Like To Be Saved, and know you ARE, to know Heaven will be yours, to at last come to be Found By God, And (Introduced fully to the Invigorating Rejuvenating DIVINE Will Invitation that is Salvation or One Way Love: It’s His Love and Welcome Invitation from His Destination or Biblical Redemption Story that is Grace Enough! Within His special realm of glory that chooses its object (agape love for YOU) you, really Fully Being Excited "Good To Go" (in terms of logo therapy by Victor Frankyl just this phrase,)) To be becoming An Intimate Friend Of God And Be Who God says you (already) are, a saved born of God individual, from His Son's Blood Atoning sin replacement plans with Christ's Blood placed inside, you becoming Bond-slave of the Master, Alive to God and Personhood of God more and more and, hopeful in Him now, and you can reckon yourself dead to sin for you died with Christ being satisfied by Him alone. You are a New Covenant New Creature in Christ in New Nature with a New Heart being born again. Sin shall not dominate for where sin abounds grace does much more abound in God's Desire and as Eternal verity this fact becomes our personal experience in desire loving God hating displeasing Him. In a conscious desire for God and/or higher consciousness of forgiveness for sonship and service unto God even of an abundant Christian Life of service re: you and I have renewed thinking to be meekly powerful under control of His Spirit In Christ From God Starting Over Again In This Life Being Born Twice so then you are delighting in being in Him spot on without defect righteous by Him in faith rocks the planet ready for Heaven status. Being consistently ready for choices for Kingdom Obedience then, For asking The Preparation of our daily bread oh And the Evident Experience Of Hallowing His Name in A glorified resurrected body someday in Heaven through Saving Knowledge Effectually of the Person and Work of Christ within, and more fully in fellowship expressed moment by moment for God's timing spiritually in your life you ask daily. And we are anticipating expecting a meet right with God and with others on good terms knowing daily it’s Him in Presence of fellowship in you in His perfection of love giving motive. Never underestimate what Christ in you can accomplish! Its not about you but the harvest. It's knowing God that God’s with you in might and FOR you. Are we serving the Lord? And knowing Christ in you and Him crucified and everywhere King that He's Lord and Master! We want to share more the Good News and make disciples! That He gives you the faith to believe as 'gift only from Him grace' and I am dead, (Galatians 2:20; Romans 6:1-7; Colossians 3:3) I died with Christ, and was raised in Him to newness of life to live through our Redeemer! Make no mistake in estimation, we will sin and do sin. But then being overcomers in repenting in Godly sorrow (not to be repented of) and when necessary which is all the time buffeting ourselves so as not sin because not knowing or not being aware we have been CRUCIFIED with Christ and risen the affections and lusts of the sinful nature dominate, and we stumble and fall and sin, ow, that hurts even writing it, knowing that I John 1:9 says in prayer upon confession to God we HAVE 'FORGIVENESS recognizing fellowship restored in reconciled peace' indeed from He Who never leaves us nor forsakes and is always present. Grace is not a license to sin. Romans 6:11-13 says, to consider yourself dead to sin, and alive to God Delighting in His Desire. Therefore crucify your ungodly desire of lusts, anger, and pride knowing you are dead (to them.) Nothing that is of God will can or will fail or disappoint. Everything of sin will. There's a viable choice to stay attached to Christ. It will disappear the sin. When our hope is in The Lord our life has a go ahead green light as well. Things and people may fail but God doesn't. God's goal is for us to have a near close closer walk with Him. Entrance (Abundant)(Someday) To Utopia/Paradise: 3rd Heaven when this life is through is yours by His promised oath to Abraham and promise from sure words of prophecy and God's Word acknowledging God's righteousness in the Son anchors our hope within. Receive the Son within accepting in His gracious Gift meaning not from yourself. It's by faith from God humbly received Salvation even from Christ's Person and Work through His gracious love in the Atoning Blood applied made real animating us reconciled. Speaking in light His words from beautiful feet of our own prepared devotions making of New Covenant Blessing we are enriched in God to have permanence confirming in the faith. And meekly as we trembling the reason Jesus loves us with rejoicing within spontaneously that we have hope in Him growing. We literally and chronologically and by adjusted thesis method in Him are laying up treasure in Heaven knowing where our treasure is, our heart is also. Heaven is a wonderful place filled with glory and grace. Just wait 'til the Rapture we say, and The Bema Seat we from a goodness exclaim! Truly grand, the Bible consistently says its so, So people get ready. "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart or imagination of man, what God has prepared for them that love Him.” I Corinthians 2:1ff) Do you know we'll boldly see those that have gone before? Do you know how to get there, or even a clue of Heaven's way re: the redemption portion in Titus that says, "For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts, and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another. But after that the Kindness and love of God toward man appeared, NOT by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost; Which He shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior; That being justified by His grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of Eternal life." "..This is the love not that we loved God but that He loved us.."- I John 4:7, 10, 12. This love of God constantly in motion and toward you for your wellness spiritually is in Salvation from sin for God is for you! Motive without a cloak of maliciousness by you but in sincere service, we offer for He has for your use Christian compassion even made ready to share and give out the Gospel to others. It will mean more as you do the personal aspects to grow in born again awareness of His doings of love for you daily and is consummated by His Almighty Work on the Cross IN YOUR BEHALF. We realize He has been FOR us. Everything has led to this love. This love agape, unconditional love from God, has made a deep and wide resounding profound effect on you and its in you if you said yes to Jesus Christ at some juncture in your life and the Kingdom of God coming near truly in the Spirit and you're born again if you come to Christ to follow the Spirit to the end of life down here. Even a child raised in the faith cannot depart from it, easily or in facts.WHAT IT IS TO REMAIN WISE:Ask God for wisdom and to be wise. Has it been revealed to yourself this earthly existence is all the Heaven some will know because they wouldn't have room for the Savior, King And Lord Jesus Christ? And likewise we who hope for Heaven have all the hell we will ever experience and know here down on earth suffering for the right reasons (righteousness) through it all trusting Him? Do you know albeit in ignorance but with a naive intelligence by sheer genius joy of it but of knowing from other's mistake however that God's love expressed in the Bible is very real by observance and that He loves you very very much? "God is love." I John 4:7,8. It's Wonderful Magnificent Love that transforms! Do you know God's beautiful and infallible infinite expression of perfection of love involves He dying for you in your place so you can find God in a right fashion is inner refreshment from spiritual times re: His Presence and to reflect that love voluntarily in saved state is His will? The potential in Christ is in the stratosphere ionosphere. We can make a bondslavish legendary legacy difference in this world by His aid bringing many more feet than ours to His Throne and by grace humbly put our Divine response to God in gladness thankfulness and contentment daily for its a day He made we can truly rejoice in! For it's by His doing (grace alone) we have been put into Jesus Christ and having been drawn by the Father to His Son which is His Desire. Winning souls to Him is truly wise. Then that you would voluntarily follow through and present your bodies a living sacrifice and renew your mind in the Word would allow Him entrance to your thoughts and thought life personally and honestly by your Blood bought choice you accept momentarily renewal of the mind at a moment's notice constantly continually. Do it! Go back two thousand years to a lonely place called Golgotha where we are given a Choice to have Eternal Restoration and Joy and Peace. It's called Evangelical Response! The ball is in your court as the saying goes in B-ball. Saying yes to Jesus Christ involves Regeneration as I quote in Titus before and Justification as I quoted in Romans 4:25ff and Adoption Rom. 8:ff; Gal.3,4. Sanctification is by His doing giving Him your Body as a living sacrifice to use and not for us to put ourselves on the shelf. There is a road of separation unto God from being before on the road to perdition but now being made into the image of Jesus Christ never attained quite just well reconciled with every person perfectly at all on earth nor vertically pure until we see Him in Redeemed Glorified Bodies in Heaven but we pursue the goal of conformation to Christ's Death in pursuit of God's fullness in Holiness well nonetheless in Christ shielded from wrath. Remember by the Blood God passes over sin's committed. Grace is the operation on us keying on God’s intervention. The road to Zion is in your heart is a song by Petra a Christian band of the seventies and eighties. He tenderly with His Voice kindly tenderly testifying personally of Himself to you still small voice does strongly love you unconditionally everlastingly and lavishes on you intimate prodigious intimated love infinitely powerful and care freshly with firm might, affectionate warring might at the Cross. From all aspects of this view of reconciliation He loves you FIRST!! And through grace's conduit tunnel, love is SHED ABROAD BY THE HOLY SPIRIT as forgiveness in your heart WHO DOES NOT COUNT your sins against you! Know that there is Hope! It's like we never sinned or were righteous to begin in Eden with (but we know we have sinned!) We keep both truths in a corner of our minds. Of Importance we determine firmly to stay steady and balanced and equal. Even though we say thank you God for such wondrous salvation we remain undeserving. The only merit for salvation is only in Jesus Christ alone forever matter settled. We do not despair of ourselves though or for one another but creep up into God's lap where we hear Lullabies and choruses. YOU ARE LOVED! (Hear the music?!) Melody of Heaven inside. You are happily bondslaves of each other in love preferring one another and accounting others as more important than yourself. Then be happy in The Lord. Rejoice! We help our 'skill setting' by pulling the hand of others forward like in a roller derby making them closer to Jesus. Not us but others get the love. We equal at the cross have Good Samaritan compassion and endless agony to feel creatively method to love and care practically from our spleen for other's benefit. Hope is established on the only one foundation, Jesus Christ. Hope is related in God's Salvation which God's love through Calvary establishes you and into, and involves positive spin in following Jesus' Voice in a proved life. Hearing ears of hearing the words of Jesus lifelong Who is the Living Word and Hearing them challenging said of us, "you're My disciple in Whom I am well pleased!" We thus obey the Spirit of the Risen Christ anticipating expecting. And in everything even venues nitty-gritty-like following through in Him we know is going to bring opposition. We sing God’s love in song. Making melody in our heart we sing songs of Psalms, Hymns, and spiritual songs to Him. We Follow Him. What would Jesus think and do? We see God in Christ IS NOT JUDGMENTAL. What would He like? Generous Healing! Anointing! Our Compassion! A forgiveness dance floor to rejoice in The Lord in or Glorious Feast from Him! Hallah Bread soaked in new wine! Loud Christian Music! A release to an exponential spacious place of and for the oppressed! Fatherless and widows visited and revisited! God's Judgment was at the Cross and we want to express through winning disciples to Christ an awareness of the severity of God should we or anyone fail to continue in His kindness. These are the questions of importance after you've been saved, being ministered to by our Lord. Asking Jesus inside on fire inside for reasons of sheer joy we show gratitude for and being ready for the weightier matters as the Day of The Lord or The Eternal Life daylight or Daystar Rising in our hearts and at death or preparation for The Rapture To belong to Him and in hope, wholly and completely consumed by hope that will fuel excitement we know will remain. Now that's an 'up.' A positive spin on faith pursued rather than a look of being baptized in strong vinegar. Strong Moods rooted in God’s facts at Calvary and by Holy Spirit fellowship in the spirit of creating hope in God’s peace and in God Himself foremost and in His Desire for us at reconciling us we listening to His still small Voice are genuinely being a real McCoy even a heart bare before Him. And mean it to be real by His Help obediently while He holds you on His knees in wooing you to keep you for His own. It is an awesome thing to sit in His Presence to begin with and to rest and to be loved indeed by Him!
We have made mental assent, commitment to, and follow through in Christ even with unseen evidence as of yet. We trust God and by faith take salvation as true for us receiving with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save our souls. Long we and have, for no more war on earth in hostility nor enmity with God, just peace. So Much-More of Jesus we would seize and see. Read a terrific book, Hinds Feet On High Places by Hannah Hurnard. Another The Pursuit Of God by A. W. Tozer. Read The Jesus Style by Gayle Erwin. Read The Pursuit of the Holy by Simon Ponsonby. Read Samuel Chadwick and E.M. Bounds and Andrew Murray who are great authors. Also read Watchman Née and Dietrech Bonhoffer.
Jesus is alive praying interceding for us to be saved. Scripture says He is occupied interceding for having that job having arose from death sitting next to Father's Throne. We may not know how to pray or to pray to begin with but we still know nothing at all UNTIL we pray. If we have anything it is we have Christ's prayer. Ask Him, that is ask God inside and seek Salvation, ask what His perfect will is as it is in Christ in scripture foremost written of or primarily foretold through and forthtold as you follow through with it and as you ask for His will to be done, "as in Heaven so on earth,!" to produce Mt 6:5-10. Ask for His Son in to be enthroned in your heart, even the high praises of God in your mouth! *Do it in the present (present for NASB Bible holds asterisks to mean "dramatic present") knowing God’s salvation is a Divine Gift by grace. By His Gift God's Doxa or glory Christ be lifted high and our sacrifice of praise yes the fruit of lips that give thanks. Salvation IS by faith alone, not plus something! Sola Gratia! This prayer prosucamai (request, petition) by humility from us begins and ends the ask for fruit in our life. We want fruit of God's righteousness in our lives because it’s sincerely God's will, but not your attempting to make it happen through personal efforts. That last part would not be salvation by grace with the mention of "personal efforts," unless it's a press in to be like Christ in His likeness earnestly sought. Do you not know that it is by God's grace and tender loving-kindness tenderly from Him that one can only know God intimately or at all at the crisis beginning of our walk to repent even return love and/or thanks meekly and be born again having knowledge based in God's reality of the extent God actually incredibly infinitely suffered indeed went Through in personal suffering- agony at the cross and victorious triumph at The Empty Tomb to make us forgiven. He endured too: His attitude going to-the-cross action in Himself, in which He shows the how method of His Agape love to us caring re: His mankind is there to observe in reading the Word. His way of wonderfully lavishing almighty unconditionally beautiful infinite perfection of personal edifying individual godly crushed silence of love bestowed to us in visitation by the Spirit in beholding His Holy Ghost Fullness in operating on us yet also intimate yet loud sounding bounding joyous hope in Him is very strong because the rejoicing sounds His music makes vibrating joy reverberating Agape Superior love embracing of you is such that you are leaving the effect with Him solely of the operating! Please read your Bible God's love letter voraciously where you learn of this Finished Work in His love and in His unchangable goodness in His Timing and in these things inside of the Finished Work of Christ to take hold, hold fast (proverbs 3:18 of wisdom.) It's good stuff laying hold of His Character of Father of lights in Whom there's no shadow of turning in Him and blessing of Eternal Verities in Him. IT'S TIME to draw close to God and near to God to withstand evil resisting evil WITH GOD and powerfully learn what it is to be Bible-saved and the smiles of Heaven jumping into His lap in new identity He has of you into Him. It is not only of Him IN me as representatives of Him but I also into Him living in abiding in Christ but the signs and wonder and power and demonstration of the Spirit mentors/leads us on to know Him! At the moment His Presence within in Everlasting life starts light begins luminously and goes on encouraging us on in ever journeying creativity and increasing intensity lumens to last forever. No shadow of turning at all in Him indeed.
We may not know how to pray or to pray to begin with but we still know nothing at all UNTIL we pray.
BE A DISCIPLE:It's being born all over again in access! In I John 4:7,8 we read "God is love!" We're not married to a book but to a Living Savior! We hear, "walk with Me," from our Lord and by the way, "here's a few tips in a book to help." God's love letter! (The Living Word Of God,) we must recognize is living inside and we lay hold of it’s Eternal aspects. God brokered a deal, a unilateral God-man-rough-cut Covenant with mankind that's all-inclusive, one direction one way love yes, but one infinitely must have the Son of God Jesus Christ inside themselves to live Eternally (God knows we need to be made disciples which is the next step to being learners.) And knowing God made salvation open to all so He freely gave salvation to all men to believe present active indicative tense verb. Even so we must decide to follow Him individually and totally. We open up and receive His embrace of Divine love. Follow the Holy Spirit's promptings, and take in the Savior His counsel and let yourself Remain in His love occupying this world letting obeying be your watchword and song. Assuredly you will abide attached in Christ in spiritual hunger and feast victoriously, Christ within for sure is the hope of glory! Jesus gave himself to deliver us from this present evil age, To bring us breakthrough into His Kingdom, Galatians 1:4,5, so we can meet Him in the Day Eternal or Kingdom Millenium blameless in His sight because we get to be this New Natured New Hearted New Creation of His own to get in without much complaint but blame free hands lifted in surrender without wrath or dissension. For God wrote through the Bible through Anointed prophets born along of God by His Voice. We're indeed His Hands His feet now. The Bible is a closed Book. We've hopefully made our decision to follow Him by now. To recap: We've responded to His love in the way God wanted in scripture in His appearance 2000 years ago and today in faith getting saved so it is truly meant serious. Jesus thwarted Satan's plan in Dying. He took the keys of hell and death from that devil. He and by transference, we, came out on top from under it (the devil’s domain.) We're saved and whole now, into Him forgiven reconciled complete. Satan and His minions were made a mockery of, exposed for the screw tape chicanery and destruction they commit well deserved destruction to be on a public display by our Lord’s victory. The handwriting of ordinances which was contrary to us He took out of the way, nailing it to His Cross! So striving for perfection of Holiness in The Lord cleansing ourselves from every filthiness of flesh and spirit we take to learn at His feet re: His rest re: take to a surveyance of a yonder beautiful lifetime, Jesus' lifetime in us landscaped neatly and observed gifted to us freely without clutter to replace our life thus become Christ's people of excellence: the best we can be and deep in the wool and heart, heartfelt Christ-like ones in an influenza of disease of good infection but for only good! Christ inoculates this sinful side of me from sin and sinning as a habit I allow transformation to newness of life. God makes the difference only. We are nothing apart, and can do nothing apart from Him but He's everything, all in all. Keep it simple in God's Mercy and Grace is the true nugget of the Gospel. His mercies fail not. They are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. It is of the Lord's mercies we are not consumed for His compassions they fail not! They are new every morning! His New Nature prevails, becomes ours. We are not better people getting improved but doomed sinners needing God desperately saved by His grace who were hanging by a thread over hell! We are the lowest of the low in this world's eyes by way of testifying to them but those whom God has in His due time honored by showing mercy and favored like a shield about us now getting transformed and ultimately get Heaven (see last verse re: Psalm 5.) We get saved despite ourselves God drawing (herkuo) us within a net of fish in lovingkindness in grace intervention. Whether through fear or conniving of others, or pretense or genuine spread of Gospel message we got saved and that's what's important!OBTAIN A BIBLE:You won’t find the original Bible's language's Autographs or original language (greek and hebrew) Septuagent's very imprint of manuscript writings anywhere but you do obtain a good translation in today's language. Only the Autographs which are the originals are inspired though in the original Greek and Hebrew. But many versions are good comparing apples to oranges with no change not even a jot or tittle or an iota of change from the early or earliest copied manuscripts to then to now. How good a version one has and a translation helping obtained is definitely up to the reader's discernment and The Holy Spirit’s. There is one meaning to all of scripture and that is interpreted Agape love of God for man correctly. Jesus is God's love incarnated He, yes fleshly tabernacled, Immanuel that we might be born again Born of God Born of the Holy Ghost. He didn't swoon. That means never die. He did die. Even the guards were paid handsomely and then killed because they failed to keep the seal on the Tomb He was inside of but the grave could not hold Him! Death in its false grasp had no victory! Up He arose! In a Triumph o'r His foes He lived, and Died, and was buried and arose the third day and was glorified. Jesus is Alive! 500 early church people or disciples saw Him. Do you believe God would call us chosen married to His Son blessed changed from sinners to belong to Him? He did. He is the Resurrection and the Life! Are we living to bring glory to Him? Amen. Jesus lived again because His righteous life is that righteous way and God saw or sees no one else's is, has, or ever will be Perfectly righteous. Let's give God the glory all the way. Jesus was raised by the Father God's glory Romans 6:6,7 Magnify Him! Make big His Salvation!THE WAY TO BE STRONG IN THE LORD:Having the Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ inside our hearts Who was sent by God the Father to earth and given to save and aid us and in our weaknesses to strengthen us as when He went away to Heaven so He sent the Holy Spirit to us and endowed us with a deposit yea the precious Holy Ghost. We have the wealth of the riches of His grace and mercy by faith. Fullness from Him was given for us to be whole in ourselves in The Finished Work at Calvary, we in Him, and He supplying by His kindness the seed of the Word of God. God will not let His Word return void but will let it perform the good work He wants and started in us until that Final Day Isaiah 55:11; Phil. 1:6. God promised that none of the diseases He put on the Egyptians would come upon us His children as we maintained a healthy obedience in relationship with Him. And beginning a saved life at a God-Ordained moment in our lives we process the feel of a newness of Life disciple of even fresh Newness from God. We obtain nutrition nurture of Him, for He is our health and helping us turn to Him totally and now forgiven of course we can know His love personally greater each day for ourselves not earning it. He never leaves us nor forsakes us! For God to so love us so personally perfectly just just as we are in Jesus He likes you as well just accepting you as you are then beautifully outside and as well within beautifully also. To Him we are of infinite value infinite worth, and this is expressed in perfection in our spirits (new creations.) And in proportional personal treatment, spiritually being made fit of Him, and of lifestyle from Him shaped uniquely to us well like He did Jesus. He was tolerant of us though discriminating enough to choose as He saw fit to put our pieces together. Even like He favored highly His Only Begotten Son, and this through bond-slave obedient relationship closeness we do now also return thanks and, not by externals alone (which is like plastic Pharisaical fake religion) but instead with favor inside primarily we so love Him back in obedience. Even while He treats you to all over again (from the garden) liking you fantastically and phenomenally well with your believing God's favor INSIDE as He sees you completed saved through Jesus Christ and someday in Heaven sinless. Stay with the very heart of God even the middle of His heart as you hear from His Voice! And in loving grace, and mercy He gives you such a spiritual blessing over and against good abundant life in Him. By faith and waiting we inherit the promises. Christ's river inside of living water or well-springs of water spiritually impart life richly in our God within to overflowing. This is union in communion. All this is by faith but we take it by believing Him living in us from the Word of God. For all mankind has fallen and will fall for we have fallen hearts but for a saved relationship fellowship friendship with our Father Creator God which makes all the difference. We also have assurance that enters within the veil, and holds to an anchor within it in Him (speaking of the Old Testament Ark of Covenant.) With God's Authorship on the plans He’s made from start to finish we’re knowing our place and purpose from walking in Him and we make preparation to see Him really like Israel was told to do at God's mountain! By the way that's with unmerited favor as well! It's all of grace however! We prepare for His scrutiny in His return! With faithful living we live by faith in Him calling it great, His Faithfulness!
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