1/29/2016 Gayle Erwin's - The Nature Of Jesus 2- Youtube
Made whole diesothesan means to be made whole through and through. A complete restoration takes place within the person. The person is complettely cured, spiritually and inwardly, as well as physically and outwardly.
The above healing is what Christ did for some sick folk at Genesserat in Matthew 14:34-36, and He most assuredly can do the same for you in Redemption and "Thereapuo" healing in Christ's Salvation Atonement which is by His Blood for Jesus's Sake! Diesothesean is the Greek word for wholeness in verse thirty six and is only mentioned in this place as this Greek word.
Let nothing be unreal in honesty about you or within you but in much thought honestly before God let nothing be less real and by all possible means more real as time goes by this abundant life in gaining Christ and Heaven and you get them both when you have the Savior Jesus Christ (Lambano, Greek received. Another word is: laid hold of.) You OBTAIN LIFE REAL LIFE in the Born Again experience in the Savior receiving Him following HIM! "Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory." Colossians 3:1-4. Experience more scriptures in abiding in Christ (Greek, menos,) and some to Salvation that follow. All the verses are in The New American Standard Bible. Imagine that by the possibility of coming to Christ leaving all behind in admitting to being a sinner, and actually committing to BELIEVING in the crucified /Resurrected Christ of these and other scriptures like these because through the Holy Ghost being placed within you, you can through a move of God in a congregational sermon service or meeting or through a personal witnessing tool obtain through the Blood of Christ, Salvation, "a friendship even a relationship with God of peace through choosing (God has chosen you in Christ) to be 'in Christ' and be on the road to abundant life" in The Gospel Message of Salvation from God following through a part of Christ's Family!! You obtain peace with God in this relationship of satisfaction and a newness of life. Knowing the Living Word, Jesus Christ, as Savior from sin and King of your life even Lord so that believing on Him, even positively encountering Jesus of The Gospels, (A Literal Greek Translation being read) reading Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and internalizing it you're introduced to the Living Exalted Word, JESUS Who is Christ (Messiah,) you're saved as you receive heart knowledge from the Holy Spirit as to New Testament Christian Testimony. It's not a bunch of Hokus Pokus, rituals, rules, nor even regulations (some wrongly presume laws or "rules" of the Bible are presumebably for society's knitting together some or even an explanation of all that's unknown,) in following Christ but humbly instead knowing God simply through the Son and better indeed in personal experiential knowledge by experience (Epignoskgo) all the time getting to know God personally through God's Son in His Resurrected Presence in your heart and life perceiving Holy Spirit living unto Holiness Corinthians 3:2,3! It's living the Jesus Style humbly! God does breathe in you wind (Theoneoustos in Greek) of the Spirit of God and the Seed of the Word. Guided by Him and led of Him, The Savior Jesus won't leave you helpless nor leave you at all fact, nor fail you at all nor let you down at all! He grants wisdom to those who ask so ask. Without faith it's impossible to please Him. He rewards the diligent in our searching for the lost and we getting them and us with them TO HIM Hebrews 11:6. Peace begins with God in Christ knowing you through the Holy Spirit by Christ's Finished Work. Start a life of faith believing in the Savior turning your eyes upon Jesus and love God! Trust Him with all you've got within you for it's at His Word you lean in dependence and acknowledging Him as your all in all, your everything that He is your Source and shield and bulwark, high tower. Acknowledge Him in all you say and do and you will know His hand on you. You can surely confess being a sinner knowing inside you have been too proud to acknowledge your need for help from God before and now want to receive Christ's sacrifice being Saved, Born Again! Remember it's a relationship in and with God by a new and living way in Born Again Newness entwined to us, sewn into fabric of life, granted or endowed to us to help us worship our Heavenly Father God through the Lord Jesus Christ and not a religion we grasp at. Talk to Him. There's strength in that Divine connect. Matthew 3:7 says Jesus thought man-made religion was a viper brood of white washed sepulchers but Phillipians 2:6,7 that He was equal to God not thinking that was something to be grasped but instead He was made a servant even to death so should we. In the cross at the Death of Christ He was God in our place even at the Empty Tomb our Atonement. God's move in His hand will lead us to abundant pardon then for we need our sins forgiven most definitely if we haven't had the pleasure nor delight and God will answer prayer prayed for that in Jesus, our New Covenant for "we who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us: which we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and entering into that which is within the veil;" "and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own Eternal blood, He entered the holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. ..How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" Hebrews 6:18b,19;9:17,18; 2Cor. 3.
Pastor Rich says in his recent sermon, "Scripture in Galatians 3:2 asks, "Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law or by the hearing of faith?" It's a rhetorical question but the plain obvious answer is we receive by the hearing of faith. Faith has to put God, the Source, as its Object. Its not faith in faith in other words. Faith in God is very real. Christ is the waters at the oasis in our desert. The Person and Work of Christ is the essence of the real reality that would fill us with spiritual vehemence to live properly even good satisfaction in Christ and starve us for every good thing supposedly this world has to offer us presuming to satisfy us but instead we're hating sin and sinning as an Eternal itch which gets us. We need God alone and a great hunger for Him. Christ's Person and Work will fuel God's Desire for real zeal at our reception of that hunger. His Person and Work within is His Holy will for us to know and confidently fuels His Desire and passions in motivation as we are getting to know Him in sanctification. To accept Christ as the focal point of all life and our Salvation, quickly determine you are in the ballpark of the right idea of Who He is and in the right ballpark generally as well. Pray a side holster of a prayer something like this: Dear Abba Daddy, God I confess I'm a sinner completely exposed to Your Searchlight in Your Word and I'm sorry for my sins and failing of your laws. Confessing I'm a chiefest of sinners I want to turn from them (my sins) and repent. I want to receive Christ and love and serve You! I believe Jesus Died, that His victory Ultimately was very great on the cross and resurrection and makes me risen inside though also crucified according to Gal. 2:20 and He's the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6) and He's My Beloved Abba's God Only Begotten Son God says, and for being our substitute on the cross I'm thankful, grateful, and content. Humbly I come to You God and accept Your Son (God's Only Begotten of God meaning First of Creation or Resurrection,) Jesus my Savior and Lord over sin, death, Hell, and grave. It's by grace I'm saved to good work to perform greater works Christ did first fore-ordained in Eternity for me to do so. In Jesus Name, Amen. Now follow Him. Moment by moment deny yourself, lose your life in this world, take up your cross, and follow Him. It's daily surrender.
It's an inner glorious inward life. It's a wonderful adventurous life. Would to God revival come. Character within is created by God immediately at Salvation given by Him in and you're ushered into God's Kingdom of His Son by His love for you, you increasing in passions for godly things. Further God ignites these passions with His sparks. Cultivating inner love for God by His placing His Holy Spirit in you we dwell with God's Presence intensely while we become like Him transforming from faith to faith glory to glory healing to healing. The Holy Spirit is central to a right foundation in Christ, and being made in Christ's image because He's creating desire for Jesus's lifestyle inside as in Hilarious Giving to God first, not just money also, a Holy godly attitude in lifestyle, and passions for doing the right thing, attitudes, and Lordship over our check books, we learn about the right fear of Him. God gives us all one heart one mind (homotheumaden in Greek) and puts His Holy Spirit IN us. To reverence Him is to know His honor and/or terror. We serve with reverent fear and respect and rejoice with trembling. We work out our salvation with fear and trembling for it is God Who works within us both to will and to do of His good pleasure Phil. 2:12,13.
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