- The Word of God and I are on firm ground when I say God created man in His, meaning God's image and true knowledge Col. 3:10 (Epignostko, experiential intimate,) after His Creator though Adam and Eve had a fall and disobeyed God's command to not eat the fruit God said no to as a direct command, man is still made in God's image after a knowledge; Even today this very moment that image of God and true knowledge of our Creator as to Redemption from sins could be there for you & is for me and I can see in my mind's eye in the unknown for me on my plate to believe the intellectual aspects of design-architect of Father God our Creator. His LOVE SHOWN IN NATURE, and Special Revelation, His long-hearted shown patience Sovereignly appointed for us for a time particular based on the intelligent, emotional, metaphysical (gifts), and spiritual sides of man I have observed, and intervention from Abba Daddy God in my life and that of others is for His glory and eternal purposes. These eternal purposes and glory given to God are worth every circumstance opportunity for shining and suffering (and still shining,) as we acknowledge Him and take the faith He will show! God is Love! God is not about love or showing sentimental love but IS LOVE! He doesn't come in the front door and leave the back door. He came to stay! Jesus said, "Learn of Me and you shall find rest for your soul."
Jesus was called, "the friend of sinners," a glutton, and winebibber, because He knew the work of God and loved them (infamous sinners) but didn't engage in their sinful behavior. Sin you should realize results in death and the soul that sins, it shall die. Jesus pleased God very much not only obeyed Him. He could see in every man there's HURTING IN SOME WAY and could see and tell: the human condition perfectly being God Incarnate. He is either Lord, liar, or lunatic. You have to decide. It's right to believe which one? Lord! He even said, "If you can't believe what I say, believe on the basis of the very works sake." He never spoke out against anybody & never did harm to anybody in any recording of the Gospels. He entrusted His life to God in obedience by grace and lived in a 'PLEASING WAY TO GOD.'
- Even dream aspects of our humanity of our 'Utopia or Shangri-la' or Heaven we dream of about this perfect (Telios) place, theoretically from one generation to the next come from God and are in the offing if we're believing God through the Son. As for born again saved individuals we're made in the image of God, or else we're humans in the flesh existing in doubt and confused. We can be in competition confused existing in an angry building up of sinful nature tyranny and the uncanny tyranny of sinful nature of within oneself of doubt or an offense if we're in the flesh of the old sin nature. Jesus makes the difference in a life bound for heartache and defeat. We are to deaden and put off the sinful nature Col. 3:1-14. Even we're to put on the New Self of tender mercies, kindness, humility, patience, and gentleness after a true knowledge of God. Jesus did His Father's business always and ALWAYS pleased His Father by what He said or did. HE SPOKE AND ACTED KINDLY TO PEOPLE AND HE TOUCHED AND HEALED THEM FREELY WITH HEALINGS AND MIRACLES. He spoke in a different way to the Pharisees and pseudo-Pharisees who thought themselves good enough and who despised God's way and other people, really Pharisee and Sadducees however they having loosely kept the letter of the law but not the very spirit of the law. The world could not contain the books that could/would be written concerning what He said and did this Jesus the Mighty Healer.
- One's conscience then in hearing the plans of God purposed by Him in the revelation of His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ reveals God's Will: His plans, can turn up the heat on your own plan OR bring victory if your 'in Christ.' There is freedom then in knowing God firstly and for sure in certainty of His Character knowing His is Holy Righteous until you bear fruit. This belief in God through Christ the Personal Being Who loves us everlastingly and embraces us in the New Covenant also wants to get involved in us as particularly and as in our personality through faith and the Spirit working has with indiscriminate and unconditional STRONG EMBRACING love for us told about this love in the Bible: given us forgiveness of sins & deliverance. You see God provided salvation to be subjectively applied to each individual by faith because God died for everybody which is important.
- You have believed certain things if you desire this subjective application of salvation to yourself. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned abiding in the Son Christ Jesus, and spiritual laws, like laws of viscosity and momentum in science are either observed in a laboratory of life or learned about as an education from textbooks. (For instance the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death is a law of spiritual existence Matthew 1:21; Romans 8:2. Vices or addictions like sins of the spirit or flesh also make the soul sick. People tend to want to run from their body of flesh by getting drunk or high, and away from their consciences rather than toward God's spiritual answer. But this isn't right. A spiritual reason truly is we have a sinful nature that sins readily and that must be dealt with. We know God's command to never sin but.. look upon evil is all we can do because it's our lower nature. God looks upon Our New Hearts because He sees us in our need through the lens of Christ and does not like us to harm ourselves which sin does in our messes (Greek word for sin is harm-atia, therefore sin harms.) We have broken His Laws and come short of His glory, ie. sinned. He says if we have sinned or failed at trying one law we've failed at them all, see James 2:10. It's time we're convinced of this. Only God can satisfy Who is Holy but He makes a sinner clean who is a sinner if we come to Him His way once and for all. This means to get saved, and become saints who follow Christ thereafter.
- It's God's party this earth experiment and He did break in on it at Calvary. God satisfied His own gig's demands for Righteous Holiness at the Cross 2000 years ago and from that point on no one can begin to please God unless it's by faith in CHRIST for a stand, a right stand with God, encountering Jesus. What does that mean to us today? We can be saved! and enter a totally new brand of life, a new creation as the Bible puts it by the Finished Works. The New Testament declares the work of God to be the belief in believing in the Son, Jesus Christ.
- God wants us to exercise obedience to the Son (to Jesus Christ, His Gift, Risenness, Holy Spirit) in specific regard to THE EMPTY TOMB: Belong to Him under Christ's Headship! He who has the Son has life! If you won't have the Son you don't have life! Will you accept His Gift? Horizontally human loving people take the Vertical up to Heaven to God's love being right first! Jesus's love is perfect. He DID have that perspective living pleasing to the Father in His love and loving with Father God's love agape personified exemplified. He's Jesus and by His Stripes you must be healed healthy saved, healed spiritually, born again. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself: He died on the cross FOR YOU so He satisfied His own Laws of Justice providing Mercy. He became our sin that we might know His Righteousness. God is so not against us and from a distance from us in Jesus but near through salvation but sin has made a chasm. Boldly we can approach Him in full assurance of faith with true hearts. When one is subsequently saved this way sins are taken away. We make a change of mind about sin when coming to Jesus Christ. We will turn 180 degrees and repent: God will change you to want passionately God's will 'in Christ' and you will become a believer and experience God's love firsthand apart from trying to earn it or manipulate His favor. We come as we are in this belief/act of participation and transformation is God's purpose and plan and He does it over a length of time. Salvation apart from works making us complete whole is God's idea. God dealt with the sin issue on the Cross. He overcame sin, death, hell, and the grave defeating and disarming the devil through the physical life of Jesus obeying on earth Died for us. When He died our lives were exchanged for His Perfect Life. We as born again Christians now get spiritual food, spiritual exercise, and daily foot-cleansing from Jesus Christ, living from the tree of life (Jesus Christ) not the tree of the knowlege of good and evil (from man's failed obedience) in the Garden of Eden. We gain the victory over those obstacles (the world, flesh, and the devil) once and for all. Even we're victorious in degree from the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. You need to stay renewed in mind in the Word of God having made mental assent, comittment to, and follow through in accepting Christ, to not think like the unsaved nor have the problems the unsaved have but be regenerated transformed and renewed Col.2; 2 Cor. 4:16; Rom. 12:2; Titus 3:5.
- We shall see Him someday & know even as we're known now, a small vital cog in God's Kingdom, Army, and glory!
- That I may know Him in His Power and He and I may fellowship in His sufferings: and Resurrection; it's like having a deep fellowship meal with Him (have koinonia,) this is Great Good News as it has been known in nature by something called general revelation  and Special Revelation;to seek Him for salvation and talk to Him in Might. And if we look back at our past God requested possession of us from God's love letter the Bible & it's being revealed in us and through our consciences to submit to Him, commanded too. Today: we can see we need Him, spiritual hunger is there from Him. Scripture says of the New Birth, "I will put my laws into their hearts and on their minds I will write them." In our spirit we're perfect then fed and nourished the Bread of Life by Him as 'saved' Christians, to prepare for a move up to Heaven and walk with Christ daily in grace now and ultimately in Heaven. We're enlightened and illuminated about this in the Bible: unveiled to our heart's mind if we read it in the New Covenant and believe to continue. Continue to read it grace-filled. God created us and He claims complete ownership of our being.
- I pray you find the Lord Jesus Christ satisfactory as Your Master/Savior of you & He becomes in your personality and life Savior & Lord from sin and all you will leave behind. You by God's grace become the Friend of God, of His Family, a part/ a member. Redemption means God casts off your captivity and/or buys off you, a slave of sin and sets him/her free. We need to realize, "The greatest deception of the devil is try to make us deny he exists." The soul that sins it shall die and that one is a slave to sin the Bible says in two places. Ezekiel and Romans.
- We need God first in every way. Prioritize first to confess to Him that we're sinners who've disobeyed His Laws before Him and are sin-ners who then become saints who know we need to embrace the Holy Spirit's Will for our life's questions & ask for God's forgiveness for sin(s) once and for all of God through Christ & finding forgiveness to be given freely we're saved at that moment. We repent of all known and unknown sin at that once for all moment and for the rest of our life we're accepted by His Blood & continually to follow Jesus Christ of Nazareth through faith by grace "practically", redeemed from sin. It takes a moment to get saved and a lifetime to stay saved.
- The Certificate of debt is destroyed which was against us Col 2:13,14.
- It's New Birth God calls us all to. God calls us His Workmanship. God calls sin finished with, in turning to Him and death dominated while we are re-created in Christ Jesus for good works which we're foreordained to accomplish Eph. 2:10. There is so much in the atonement one needs sunglasses it's that positive so wear them on and rejoice in salvation. God rejoices over you in song Zeph. 3:17.
- WE FIND SO MUCH NOW THAT GOD IS FOR US Rom. 8:30,31. Hewill begin to produce fruit of a Christian life through sanctification and Him in us.
- And you become a witness to Christ a saint that you'll accept identity of His life in God by this new identifying with Jesus Christ in faith & trust. You're in a war with the world, the flesh, and the devil which Christ won for you. We're walking out that victory as believers. We're in trench warfare as Christians believing for the Presence of God everywhere in every situation.
- This is the message of the Gospel. In Heaven there's no more trace of evil nor sin for us. We'll have new bodies then.
- As a good Father and Farmer winnows away bad wheat with His winnowing fork in His Hand so does our Heavenly Father God love us in harsh trials of all kinds to have our lives cleansed if you will to do His bidding. Only He allows us to play an organically conserving part in the world whether to help others become born again or of our own selves to be saved, and in this we come in faith to Jesus for a Divine Blood Transfusion, a corrective and curative Gospel. God chooses to be just and show Himself merciful from a point of view of generosity in the cross pouring out His redeeming reconciliation on His Son & us if
- God chose this accepting of Jesus Christ as the way to confound the wise, the worldly, the disputer of this world, and save the ignoble & foolish who turn, & are born again: this is God's way to be saved. They go on to live lives of faith righteousness by grace. They live it one day at a time as a grace walk as also they came to Christ, so they stay with Him: intercede, work, and rest in Him, minister to the saints, love in love's labors, hear by faith the choices in the Word of God as final authority for all of their life's decisions, attend church, & become ready. Laying up treasure in heaven growing in God's Kingdom, they occupy (actively be ready) for Christ's return, and are become like Christ, as He lived until He comes (a challenge:) It's through the Holy Spirit in an outlived walk by faith through grace, not of yourself, not of works. We're not religious, we just love the Lord. Truly we 'love God' with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength in three commands in one, namely the afore and also "love your neighbor" "as yourself," which is the summing up of all the Old Covenant Law.
- When He (Christ) said, "A new covenant," "He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear;" Hebrews 8:13.
- After salvation YOU are a thank you letter to God (letter is an epistle in Greek;) written by the Holy Spirit of God within and without with the laws of God.
- Create Your Badge we take faith to believe and accept it for ourselves. That 'if' becomes the condition on the promises of God God requires: simply our participation. In that way He's JUST while giving away mercy, not justice.
- For it's a transformed life we live in Christ not a reformed one. God promises to bring it to pass and/or finish what He started in you Phil 1:6.
Would You Like An Intimate Friend: "God?" There is joy in knowing God: forgiveness from God and living the Christian life not in self-righteousness but in Him. Christ is our righteousness and we boast in Him. Self-effort to work to get to God is put aside. Christ is the end of righteousness to all who believe. As you have received Christ Jesus Savior and Lord walk in Him.
"God be merciful to me a sinner," was said by a Tax-gatherer who was in a parable told by Jesus as one who humbles himself before God beating upon his breast. Jesus told this about people who think themselves righteous and show contempt for others. This parable shows humility before God by this publican who came home justified and exalted having humbled himself before God.
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