2.7.13 "I'm Forgiven," "Now I have a resaon for living." "Jesus keeps giving and giving, giving 'til my heart overflows," (Russ Taff sings,) Jesus gives empowering. Stir up the Gift of God pumping the bellows up blowing the embers within into flame. Does this need this forgiveness to relate rightly to God occur because we need God all the time? Yes indeed absolutely God is needed and God's forgiveness is needed to have the Ransom Paid to have peace with Him, peace that is eternally satisfying. Jesus gives giving love, joy, and peace within the Kingdom of God to us. That we may be more aware peace, reconciliation, grace, even abundance of mercy with grace by God is provided for. We are unable to please God in our flesh and blood Isaiah 53 tells us and that because of our lower or old nature before salvation which we inherited from Adam. We need forgiveness from God, and indeed we have assurances if we have the Spirit from, the spontaneity of instantaneous erupting born again Zoe life from living that starts once, comes direct from God supernaturally but perseveres lasts forever in fact, (in Christ,) is abundant, a surrendered life generous renewed in spirit with an everlasting zesty quality of life and forever lasting quantity warmth from God alone the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, He came to give us life! Bios is the term for natural life but God gave Zoe or the kind of life from God in giving His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus said that all His words were Spirit and they were life. He came to give us Abundant life now and Eternal life that starts. Be instant in season to live for God holding sacred godly things letting the big picture of panorama and Christ live big in you. Humbly be realizing your sinful condition before salvation and that it is well with your soul recognizing your true identity changed in Christ. This is sublime! To be Holy Spirit led! Then be counting the cost to be obedient to Christ and be His disciple and to lay it all down at Christ’s feet and rise obedient a disciple full of compassion for others. Even embrace the saving grace of God which is in the grip of the hands of and of the love of our God, Savior, King, and Master even our Friend our Fairest Lord Jesus Christ and worship Him in Earth’s fullness and Heaven’s majestic gladness! For Christ presented His Body and Blood and in our place before the Mercyseat even before the (Ark of the Holy of Holies on its top where the cherubim dwell, in the) Throne-room in the Temple in Heaven of our God to The Heavenly Father Abba! We so then want to receive the certainty of living through His grace of the living riches of His mercy and grace to abundant life in our Lord and God's Fullness, indeed all God has for us by faith!! Who in fact knows the Divine order of God's decrees? But put to yourself the peace of Jesus and remain saved in Christ walking in God's conversational fellowship raised with Christ and seated with Him in the Heaven-lies: all eyes on God all the time! If Heaven is your goal a relationship with our God Maker Heavenly Father Abba is primary. It is a priority to pursue if you haven't asked God for salvation! God loves you! Invitations for you to Himself are self-signatured everywhere in your way. He visited you all through your life and in many ways with common grace (grace commonly known to all mankind,) but you must locally focus desire to a relationship with Him moment by moment that is special to having Him revealed to you to fill the vacuum with Eternity in focus spiritually for you. Access is through Jesus Christ: specifically by the new and living way of His Body and Blood crucified for us on earth and on the cross, even His revolutionary life of 33 and a half years, with which He had Perfectly Anointing Redeeming Blood declared Holy, Righteous. He presented Himself in Blood in our place to the Father Abba God Who sits on the Throne in Heaven through the time or directly after His Exaltation or Glorification from the cross, resurrection and ascension. Christ gave Perfect Righteousness to God the Father being and having sole access to Him. He satisfied God for sin. He propitiated. He sat down at God the Father’s right side in Heaven (meaning the Work is Finished-Done.) I Corinthians 15:1-8; Eph. 1,2; Hebrews 9-13. Many of us have taken in hand to mine a walk with God with an image of Who God really Is in the Word and yet we did not have a godly parent nor example of Holiness to follow so a balanced view of God is skewed for us even of Earthly things to be held loosely and of Heavenly Eternal things held near laid hold of. This ambivalent mind and roaming of hearts in view of earth and sky and how God beyond our galaxy Is the I Am, is impacting our lives adversely from our ungodly past. We certainly need to know more from people whose heritage is godly about the Character of God and Characteristics (of His Names and their meanings,) and as they relate to us. Pray for God's pastors. God is spirit and we must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth John 4 says. He is Spirit. God fills the universe with His Presence. He is exalted above all of creation as Head and not the tail. He stands alone. No equal to the God of the Bible there is. God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. Light from Him puts the dark out. In His light we see light. When it says God is light and in Him there is no darkness it means there is no sin, evil or death. God is the sum total of everything that is pure and excellent. God is pure and His pure promise is pure in heart will see Him! And His purity is so excellent! The hope of seeing Him purifies. His light swallows up the darkness. He transcends space and time. He’s within creation but above it at the same time. God is Who He Is and He created everything through the Son. He’s within the hearts of believers specially by the sperma or seed of the Word of God by the Spirit. He’s Omnipotent: All-powerful, Omnipresent: Everywhere present, and Omniscient: All-knowing. God is a Person. The Apostle Paul said, "Follow me, as I follow Christ." God has superior attributes in gentleness and gentle behavior as a Person if we delve further. I John 4:4 says, “Whoever does not love does not know God for God is love.” John is saying love expresses the nature of God. Unless God’s love is revealed to us we do not know how to love others. Biblical love involves choice. It is a decision. It is shown in the choices we make on a daily basis. We cannot fathom or comprehend the magnitude of God’s love for us fully. It is high and deep, great and small yet we are daily challenged to overcome with it for we're well able to attain to it truly and swimming in it by faith’s measure and in one’s real experiences. We will swim in the ocean of His love for all Eternity. Do you know how lovingly carefully you're cared for? Do you know God loves you? God is love but love is not God. God’s love indeed can then be all-pervasive and all-encompassing in Christ being all in all and having unending purpose for us but is as we get to know God better surely. As far as expressing God’s Attributes, God’s Holiness, Righteousness, Justice, Mercy, Goodness, Eternity, Faithfulness, do this as well as so does truth. It is important not to de-emphasize His other Attributes when we speak of God‘s love. There is a tendency to over-emphasize God’s attribute of love. When we speak about His love we must balance it with His other attributes. Because when we over-emphasize His love we make Him out to be little sentimental in His love. The Law is our schoolmaster to lead us to Christ. Indeed the power of the Gospel is the Law expresses Him perfectly for it is perfect and good and full of God's glory. God expresses good in His righteousness, justice, and mercy in Old Testament Covenant Law and perfection of the Ten Commandments but He undertakes to cure the effects of the Law on us imperfect humans and sin itself (sin destroying us) by a New Covenant. Love is not love unless it is tested. God does this by individually letting us choose Him, thereby changing us to make us whole born again in newness of life eating from the Tree of Life: Jesus if we take His offer for our own committed path. The Law is there to make the power of sin known as tension which can’t be used for the benefit of others and tension de-activating as to loving brethren and sin as insidious to us because to keep or obey the Law is unattainable in our flesh because the Law works wrath and death,(within and without we’re sin or malice when we attempt to keep.) We fall short of God's glory. No one's hit the mark when they are outside Jesus Christ. Ever heard of, “trying not to think of the pink elephant in the corner of the room?” Romans say, "There is no one righteous, no not one; there is none who seeks after God" But the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death, (and note it is past tense giving us greater assurance of Christ is our victory.) Jesus Christ indeed gives deliverance from sin and takes them (sins) away as far as the east is from west. Jesus kept the Law perfectly. IN the letter and in the spirit of it He is the only example. This fills in flavor to love from God that God sent His Son not sparing came to rescue you. His love should always be emphasized therefore with His other attributes. We learn from God’s other attributes; because He is Holy His love is pure. Because He’s Eternal His love is everlasting and it’s limitless. Because He is just and merciful His love embraces everyone. When we talk about God’s love it is important that God’s love is felt or experienced in light of His Righteousness being revealed and other Attributes. God is Holy and God is Righteous and therefore He will not tolerate sin in our lives. We need the glory of God lifted up high within and high above us and through the Heavens so we may be empowered in the Work and the Person of Christ alone from the cross and Empty Tomb to move in Him. His glory seen by us in us helps so we can follow the righteousness which is in Christ alone, as a disciple of His by the Holy Spirit. So how do we get to know God first? Let God drop into your spirit, “I want to know you God!“ and pursue God putting the pedal to the metal or with passion let on that you desire to know Him through Christ that much more. Live it out. Knowledge is through relationship. We can’t fully know everything about God but through His Son and His Attributes we can know enough to fully relate to Him. Instantaneously God can touch you until you know with unction a drama about to happen an anointing that remains and that will teach you. In your conversations of fellowship with God let Him in on all your doing or being. Let Him near you, let Him search your heart forgive the wrongs you’ve done, and let you back into His communing, and taking time to submit to Him submissive in reality for receiving forgiveness and for God to know you through a prayer closet. A sad face is good for the heart, Ecclesiastes declares if you need help. Realize the Work of the Cross Jesus Died upon is a Word to you Finished and Fragrance smelling good in its scent of good because it’s so excellently good (Charisma,) (God’s grace gifts - smells like good perfume scent.) Recognize again Jesus arose from the dead! God spoke through the St. Apostle Paul saying, “as to the Gospel of God I am a debtor or preacher under obligation to all men to preach it,” Romans 1, "yes, woe is me if I don't." This is Eternal life that they may know Thee the only true God and Jesus Christ Whom You have sent I John 1. John prays and Jesus prays and prayed for you in Gethsemane and for all believers everywhere interceding for us to come and He ever lives to intercede on our behalf to be sanctified, and to follow after Him by the Holy Spirit. God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Let that sink in. He is longsuffering us-ward but not willing any should perish and so is patiently encouraging of us as well to seek Him and His face: His Kingdom. Precious is the death of the saints in the sight of the Lord. He can keep you from failing or falling to arrive blameless in Him (into Heaven.) He is your provision in all types of Affliction: Godly Provision Matt. 6:33. In suffering God's Judgment is God’s Holy all seeing eye so we perish in being human a sinful weak vessel as somehow changed by grace. We perish because of sins, and the Word of God in fact says there is otherworldliness where it says in Romans 5:7 "In due time Christ died for the-ungodly," and 5:8, God so loved us "While we were still sinners (and enemies of God) Christ died for us!" Such love! Who will lay a charge to God’s elect. It is God Who justifies. Nothing can I’m persuaded can nor ever will separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Let’s seek Him every place we cautiously place our feet with the whole heart, strength, mind, and spirit as creation made by Him in His re-image. Even being made and re-made fully aware of God’s love for us as God does love us unconditionally He does not want our sacrifice as Saul the King inappropriately gave partial obedience. He wants our body for service voluntarily (Rom. 12:1, 2) and our heart’s devotion to Him in Christ. By His Grace God brought the Sacrifice through Christ (Eph. 2:7, 8, 9!) He wants us. Do you hear that in your soul? He’s safe but also untamable. His grace magnified does it all in us as we co-labor with Him pleasing Him alone not man. But do you hear the still small Voice of God deeply to obey? Hear His Voice, first His impressions in the Word of God. Bear your brother or sister in the Lord up in your spirit knowing being saved and born again is by God's grace and be in prayer if you are beginning to know God first as a saved person. The sacrifices of God are a gentle a quiet spirit or a broken and right spirit. Repentance of the heart, the will is the perfect will of God for us. Walking within with God has this profit. Externals follow. Follow through after mental assent and commitment to in the Story of Jesus in the Bible. Salvation is asking Jesus inside. Come in to Him at the cross by realizing He died for you you incorporating God's action in this for you (He saving you.) God puts together the broken pieces of that which we are when we are releasing what is in our hand to Him. "Rend your hearts and not your garments," the Prophet is saying. God's Word teaches us that what is inside, “the thing in hand,” Watchman Nee called it, is really to be taken priority under His Lordship to be released. This occurs through a release of the Spirit or decision to do it. Whatever it is standing in the way of His Lordship He wants our heart in this. He wants what is inside of us which will come out of us down the road later on. Is your life living water to others to drink? Is it freeing your hands for greater use? Is it healing flowing? Does it heal others goodly? Exalt Christ? God wants our identity in Christ to be about doing good healing people. Therefore this life is about of shalls and not defined as shalt nots. God wants friends of us and friends and sons and daughters in rightness even the rightness of our honest surrender, and subjection or submission to Him. God imputes and imparts the relationship even the substitution of HIS… Excellent Right Living for our sins, and not for us to become slaves of sin nor slaves of this world’s "stinkin' thinking," as Joyce Meyer says, anymore. And this He did. He being God’s Substitute in our place Died for our sins indeed for the sins of the whole world. Philippians 3 explains to abide in Christ in absolute surrender having asked Him to live inside once and saved. Washed in the Blood, we’re sanctified! Sin wants to rule us but we must master it. Even as ruler of us and in our hearts is the Lord Jesus Christ now, so He is Lord over us and over sin and God wills His ruler-ship as we obey all aspects of morality in the Word and out of the Word as saved individuals. We abstain from its appearance. We also are letting Him rule us Holy Romans 5, 6. Holiness can be a great and utter relief! Sin shall not rule over you for you are not under its rulership but under grace. Grace rules now. It is the power (dunamis) of God to obey. But he that sins is the servant of sin it says in Ezekiel, Romans, etc. but Holiness is a gift from God on the other hand. One pays wages of sin which is death (from sin, and serving sins) the other receiving Christ receives a gift its end Holiness leading to Everlasting life (from the gift of God in Jesus Christ.) We don’t try to impress anyone or God with our performance or good deeds but we know the Savior by grace through faith. We should not pivot on anything particularly but Christ’s intended action leaning toward us in bringing purpose (to us,) nor proceed like we don't know that there is pleasure in sin for a season but that to neglect it is paramount. But indeed as Moses abstained from the pleasures of sin in Egypt He was seeing a vision from Heaven. He was experiencing present active indicative beliefs, Pistes in Greek, as seeing Him Who is Invisible. In Hebrews 11 it says with God’s help He regarded the Word of God sacred, Holy, and precious and abstained from /neglected sin. Egypt has always been a symbol of the world in the Word of God. “Love not the world,“ John’s letter says as well as James‘ Book, "neither the things that are in the world." O Christian my plea is that you let the word of God dwell in you richly as Colossians says. To hide the Word in the heart is often knowing of God right ever increasing in it. But if any man be “in Christ,” (He/She is forgiven ;) he/she is a new creature, a new creation, the old has disappeared, THE NEW has come. Grace is the key to Christian walk and unlocking the forgiveness UNLOCKED already in Jesus Christ, God's Tender Son: It’s symbol; God’s Love: it‘s conduit. Begin to know Who God Is in the Bible by the way He Acts, His Stories, His Epiphany, Christ Appearances, Will, and His Way in the Bible, God‘s Holy Word. “He that has clean hands and a pure heart shall grow stronger,“ the Psalms says. And when you pass in death, God's Word the Bible says, God looks up in the books He’s written of your life even The Lamb’s Book: He wants to see if the name that is yours is still in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Live life through the eyes of God’s lens or in Christ’s Finished Work washing one another‘s feet saved a disciple seing one another as God sees. We want to feel as God feels and think after His thoughts. We decide by faith to believe the Gospel that it included you and me when Jesus calls and chooses His own and so we go after God's plan for our lives. God confirming His will by God sanctifying you transforming you as you come to Jesus Christ through the Word to meet through prayer God daily face to face through His Voice and Way, this is good. And begin by seeing yourself belonging to His Family as saved children. Spot check your own life. Having compassion of oppressed love God by grace through faith in the Finished Work of Christ is your daily mood. He paid for you in your sins by His Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension, Exaltation, Glorification that happened 2000 years ago. When we say these things we are on sound foundation! Salvation is the Gift of God not of works not of ourselves lest any man should boast; that’s in Ephesians.2:7, 8,9,10. “Paid in full.“ No if’s ands or buts, but like a ring on a bell God performs heart surgery and giving you a life preserver called salvation that reads, “Paid, the bill is paid!” Just call on Jesus. Call on His Name. And O the truckload of benefits to a person's name when a person of reputation is named smelling good! The same is with God's Name and Jesus'! Everything in Jesus’ Name gets applied to us by faith. We acknowledge faith in God and in His Name for believing Christian living. Don’t try to battle or change right now. God will transform us in holiness and rightness of the truth down the road. He will give you clothing of right living you must put it on. But change you can because you are in Christ. In God’s sight the transaction took place. The Deed has been Done and Finished is the Work in the Death of the Son. In the crucible of living which is trials of life God purifies you from the dross the impurities which He skims off the top. First your position then your experience but no formula. Sometimes over and over the dross comes off the melting gold James 1:3, 12, 14. We labor for grace to enter His rest for grace will be sufficient where we’re in the Potter‘s Hands. “Charisma’ is the Greek word for grace gifts and in the time of the early church it meant, a scent or smelling good fragrance surrounding one's actions which is a quality of good. After smelling oneself confessing you have been wrong before God and making peace with God through spiritually aggreeing with God which is confessing, receiving Resurrected Jesus Christ (His Work, His Person) the Blood of Christ availing that is taking it’s effect, acknowledge the message of Jesus Christ‘s salvation for you. Knowing that without Him we are nothing we press on. We can do nothing without Him indeed its so! But with Him there inside God wants/desires to dwell forever in you and put His Stamp of approval and ownership on you. How should we then live is God’s evidence to Himself at the end and today of His power keeping us. The confirmation of restoration is in the entering in of the Holy Spirit in you with fullness the seal with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, fruit of love, and eventual transformation of a true Biblical change to a Holy life. Reconciliation is the 'victim' of sin, God, forgives and we the perpetraitors repent. The world knows us believers by a Christian life. In the Holy Spirit we have transformation from faith to faith and so a turning and a change of lifestyle ensues. Evident realism is we first come to Jesus Christ His way which is the way of His Blood and Body for us through the Spirit. The Sinless Lamb of God as your life Who takes away the sins of the world gives life to us from Whom we have Blood Covenant. Even a human will is not put in effect until a death of the one making the will. God is the one making the New Testament in His Blood. He promises to complete His work He started in you until that Day He comes back again to takes you home! Faithfully He calls; He will bring it to pass. He forgives and so we then forgive freely anyone who has harmed us with tenderheartedness. We must endure to the end persevering believing even through temptations. THROUGH is the emphatic word. Jesus Christ is the destination. Let our lights shine being witnesses, ministers to what the Lord can do! There is so much more to the Abundant Life than mere forgiveness. God calls to fellowship. A Sweet Great Fellowship indeed! A Feast at the Table in the wilderness with Jesus! Even a table set before us in the Presence of our enemies. Everlasting Forever God kind of life, for all Eternity in quality/quantity for us has begun! And of this life of mercy, action, and peace we’re bond-slaves of His. We have emptied our wills of desires and wants and plans&obey the Resurrected Spirit of Jesus’ as friend and bond-slave indeed aware of all God won at the cross. The Spirit of life in Christ Jesus sets us free. No condemnation now I dread from a cracked law of sin and death. Do you have a balanced view of Who God Is? Remember He’s a good Father! Abba is how God wants you to think of Him! It means "Daddy!" Or "Papa O My Papa!" Jesus introduced much of that beloved feel, that God is our Heavenly Dad totally good and even goodness to us in His correction of us. It’s all good. He would never withhold anything good from us in His timing if it were not good to us! If we could only grasp the personal and supernatural person of Who God is. Whoever is forgiven much will love much! Take heed how you hear! To him who has more shall more be given! Christ has been made to us a fragrant offering, a Charisma, a grace, a Gift, payment for our sins. It is grace smelling good and fragrant smelling with mercy abundant as at first. Grace is getting what you don’t deserve and mercy is not getting what you do deserve. We deserve punishment literally eternally for our sins but…God, but God Who is rich in His great mercy extravagance from Him gave us a living hope, confident assurance, “for He knows our frame, He remembers that we are but dust.” Psalm 103. We can never ever exhaust God’s mercy. God’s mercy is so abundant we can never ever tell of its end nor see its end coming. God is fair and will make (it) up to us from our sorrows, disappointments, our struggles; mercifully He’ll make it up very indeed alright to us when this life is through (usefully ended,) physically. But you have to have Jesus Christ inside for it for glorifying God alone. It’s not fire insurance but it does pay Eternal good even abundant life in the Son dividend great to the Body of Christ as we sacrifice obey and live humbly for Him. What we do after meeting the real Christ is of love. He is lifted up by us and we humble ourselves under His mighty hand and are benefited in His due time His way. Follow Christ's words implicitly. Explicitly live then out in the open. Each one’s gift is duly enhanced intact functioning to help stir up the gift of the many to function equipped and tooled with the right tool belt be ready, that the many more might be saved. Jesus was God and equality with God was not something He grasped but… emptied Himself of His privileges and prerogatives in dynamic Holiness. One thus sees we must eat Christ’s flesh and drink His Blood spiritually speaking. His flesh is meat indeed and His Blood, drink indeed. He stayed right in His heart and mind and so should we too. He stayed at the altar. Through great ethical deep dependence on and relying love on the Father and the Holy Spirit He aimed and hit every time THE PLEASING of His Father God Supreme and love-others in compassion Supreme. He could let faithfully grace and mercy as His privilege companion so at His right side rest ready lest a time of need overtake, resume sentry duty because He wanted to obey TO PLEASURE His Heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit even the death on a cross. Buried like Jonah was in a fish for three days so God Resurrected Jesus Christ after three days and Raised Him by the Power of the Father’s GLORY and Word! "Jesus keeps giving and giving, giving ‘til my heart overflows!" He gives redemption, having paid the Ransom the invoice for sin giving us receipt instead of bill, (we would have had to pay it ourselves,) to own us. And He gave to us perfect access right into the Father’s Throne-room. You better believe it! His Resurrection is the most well documented fact in history as it becomes His Revelation in light! It’s Life in/through the Son! Right believing will bring right living through the Lamb! Where sin abounds, grace does much more abound! And through the super Holy Spirit a bone fide member of the Trinity God loves you great Eph. 2:1-4! This fear aspect of not believing God by fear of works of eye service being rejected is mercifully met eye to eye with love where one presents oneself a living sacrifice and empties oneself of one’s will like in the kenosis in Jesus of one’s will and worships God in fullness in acceptance in the Beloved with every ounce of umph they have. Entering in the veil we draw near to God extrovert through the Son!! And we can be used by God anytime, having rid us of what was, "the thing in hand," to Christ's Lordship. It’s righteous worship like the Alabaster Jar we break on His feet is New Covenant worship as we draw our hearts near and indeed we can! Follow Jesus, disciples of His words, attitudes, and thoughts, ever full of the Spirit, practical! Will you come to Jesus Christ today and be saved? God will make you glad! He will bring out the best and in the light! He will transform your dead works to serve the Living God acceptably with godly fear! Your conscience will become sensitive to truth in a new and HOPEFUL way! In truth He will sensitize you to the very sensitivity to sensitive Holy acts of Jesus and to the sensitivity to the sensitive Holy Spirit. God tore apart the veil in the Temple from top to bottom to open God’s Presence when Jesus Died to us! Wow! That was an amazing feat. He will take the stony heart out of you and give you a heart of flesh. He will write the law of God within and without on the fleshy tablets of our heart. He will change you from glory to glory and from faith to faith to more, and there’s more: He’ll also restore, comfort, and give you peace redeeming you (from a locust’s devour,) giving you Eternal Zoe life, lasting comfort, forever: Everlasting life with God's genus and Divinity challenge. So begin to attend a Bible believing Church, Pray every day, Read the scripture, God's Holy Word the Bible all the way through and specially the Gospels of Luke, John, Matthew, and Mark, and Letters of Paul up to Revelation. Look into God’s eyes every moment and bask there in awestruck acceptance. As you read it, yes read that look in His eyes generously, lengthen and multiply your stay and stare there until you mirror it in your soul and reflect in it, you reflecting perfectly, God loves me! You'll want to do the right thing. Only what’s inspected will last or change. Witness to others of your salvation and passion for faith in Jesus and do it daily. You’ll find a way for God supplies to give God your best and let your surrender humbly be yours. Like Caleb ask God for things and/or an inheritance like in the diverse Family, the Body of Christ. Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you. Let His Kingdom grow in you and in your midst. Trust in Him forever! “He will look you squarely in your eye in love and say, “I accept you, go and do that for others.“ Dave Candel This is my testimony as I live in our town of Franklin Square at Bethel Assembly of God Church in 2013 in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you prayed and want to know more of Jesus Christ I would be happy to take you personally to Church in my car. Here is my phone number 516-305-5637 and church: Bethel Assembly of God Church 194 Courthouse Road Franklin Square, NY 11010 516-326-3215 Pastors Rich Catapano and Pastor’s Associate, Son, Anthony Catapano 9:30 - 10:30 AM Sunday Christian Ed. Hour and Sunday School for children 11 - 12:10 AM Sunday Morning Worship 6 PM Sunday Evening Service 7 PM Wednesday Family Night; Bible Study Friday Youth 7 PM The work Of Christ Is Finished! Believe in Jesus! Be saved! It's by grace fellow believer!
Surrounded by Your glory What will my heart feel Will I dance for You Jesus Or in awe of You be still Will I stand in Your Presence Or to my knees will I fall Will I sing hallelujah Will I be able to speak at all I can only imagine I can only imagine So TRUE BLESSING BE MULTIPLIED TO YOU THROUGH THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD And through the SON, JESUS. He's the Christ. The Yeshua Homeshiak!.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
As To Sin Is There A Cure As To Its Destructive Effect
Is there a way to curb unscrupulous behavior in adults?
Earl S. Wynn 8 hours ago on hub
Legislation just does not do the trick, and (in my opinion) it's wrong to lock someone up for doing something immoral (that does not hurt anyone, at least.) It seems the only other option is education, but even then, it is hit or miss.
Asked by
Earl so Dave Candel writes: to answer:
Not necessarily but however the transformation Christ gives by the transfer of His life is real and effective in its results. By conversion of God coming into one's life even Jesus Christ to take over the heart devotion one can truly experience a supernatural transformation that is sweeping and completely whole occurs. Is there a Balm in Gilead? In The New Testament the salvation of born again experience giving newness of life to someone occurs as God and the man or woman cooperate in not religion but relationship pursuing the relationship with Christ believing God is real and knowable personally. But for it to actually bring the results God wants His will must be met, loved and desired ahead of your own and there must be faithfulness so that there has to be a change of mind and thinking by grace through faith in transformation from glory to glory, as one turns to God for help, admits they are wrong, before God alone and sinful nature, (unable to please God in yourself.) Then one accepts Christ inside Lord and Savior as He Finished His Work of Atoning Sacrifice by His Death on the cross to become sin and specifically our yours and mine sin. And the substitute with its penalty for you with a carried out sentence in our place was completed by Jesus Christ. And thus Jesus saved us by His vicarious birth, life, Death, burial, and Resurrection, & Glorification! In addition, va- oi-la you are saved in God's Sight some 2000 years later having glimpsed His Kingdom and asked Him to forgive you and save you. You believe the Bible and from then on in the words of this Book the words but specially the Person of Christ change you metamorphuo in Greek in your thinking. And literally you are sanctified or changed you in your heart instantaneously to instead serve the living God. By daily reading the Bible and prayer, and fellowship with God, one on one, interacting one converses with God the Person supernaturally and naturally intimately as a friend to their face. God cleans up behavior in time but most of all gets to the root where the problem of man's nature lies and fixes it. He gives a new heart, a new spirit, and a new nature, newness of life! II Cor 5:17. He takes the old heart out. He writes the law of God in the fleshy tables of your heart. He cleanses the conscience to serve the Living God. You become more of whom you are and were meant to be in light. It is more than insurance against hell fire but a new journey adventure of eating at God’s Table where there is ways bounty! And Store! Inheritance! Peace! Come as you are. He takes care of the rest.
It is real and it is God's will for you to be born again. "Whosoever" wills may come. You are 'that' free to choose eternal destiny. I was amazed at four I had that power. He delivers out of this world's system into God's Kingdom. We walk as children of light having believed His light!
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