Thursday, May 17, 2012

He Chose The Nails To Win Our Souls And Bear The Curse For Us!!!

FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. JOHN 3:16 The Gospel: A Coming To Christ. How Would You Like To Or Feel Up To And Indeed Good To Go To Being And Becoming An Intimate Friend Of God And Live An Abundant Life In Christ From God In Expectation Of Heaven? If not, have you been raised in the faith? Then tie a knot in your rebellion. If so, do you know He loves you. Do you know it involves discipleship to be complete in becoming saved and grace to keep Jesus Lord obediently? Daily? Do you know to what extent God went Through to show through His action to us His mankind: this wonderful lavish almighty unconditional personally edifying individual-to-us-sending godly arousing Divine love? As you open up your Bible you won’t find the Autographs but you will obtain a good translation if you seek to find. Only the Autographs are inspired though in the original Greek and Hebrew. But many versions are good with no change 99.9999%. Do you believe God would like that too to personally treat you through relationship and treat to liking you too and to find you (as He did Abraham, Moses, or the Apostle Paul) and give you such an abundant life now as they had on earth and in Heaven as they obtained? For God is personal and these people honored Him for love that does not disqualify the obvious when looking at the forest for all the trees. God wants a personal knowing of you. We are not talking abundance of things but of the heart, devotion, in the little crevices. God is no respecter of persons. He will reward anybody having faith but they must be flesh and blood human. (See Hebrews 11:1, 6.) And faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen. God wants our life and specially our allegiance/availability. He wants us in relationship With Him and in fellowship strong especially attending Church (hint,here is mine: Bethel,) and enjoying everyone’s personality! He doesn’t like us at a distance spiritually which sin does. A wise man has said in order for God to do something for us, He has to do something with us, and in order that He can do something to us! God gives us the faith to believe which is a gift! Do you have His Gift of Salvation and do you recognize He gives you faith to believe, and that He loves you believing in Him as Source, or Provision (supply?) Do you know He loves you for the unique person you are but freedom is not always safe thing? Consider God’s Revelation of Himself in of all books, the Bible! He demands we use our choice to choose Him for no choice is destructive! This is freedom from sin He promises in getting saved and progressing in getting to know Him for the rest of your life! What would it take for you to show faith towards Jehovah God in this Christian relationship? Would you need a breakthrough if you risked high stakes to get to Him by your faith? YES, Oh How He loves you greatly in the Son. Do you have an object to your faith? It matters because the object of faith is God in Christ Jesus saving us, and Christ Himself makes peace between us and God through the work on the cross of His Blood shed and it is to our breakthrough to make a faith's decision to believe God to save us from sin (past, present, and future,) which is the only choice for your object. There is no formula to get there. There are no glib phrases to repeat, but in Christ: His Personhood that He is the way, the truth, and the life that we’re born again! John 14:6. We’re each called to our own adventure! You can draw near to God and He can draw near to you. You can have in your benefit in knowing about Him on the way to firsthand experience knowing but with the pain evident and known only to you and God, from Him that you are a sinner first and that you need to know the way is open and plain by the Word made flesh and dwelling, Jesus Christ, by a New Covenant in fact from an Old one and that a new and living way to God is available through the Blood! (and that in Finished Work of Jesus Christ God loves you almighty strong, justifies, and is for you!) For in His Presence yes in Him there is fullness of joy & pleasures at His right hand forevermore and this all in knowing God through Christ simply put. It’s not pie in the sky but Jesus and discipleship. No rose garden but led along by ardent Truth Who Is A Person, Jesus Christ! Salvation starts with Finished Work on the cross and forgiveness of sins from God and is expressed in results: Eternal life which starts at the Death on the Cross or Resurrection for each of us. With tears I pray the things that break God’s heart will break my and your’s heart. With tears also I wish you embark on this road to God that lands in Heaven! For His ways are so much higher than ours! The cross is our stepping stone not stumbling block to this ethos and sometimes pathos we find every day in the Lord‘s will. Keep in mind the cross is foolishness to some who are blind they are foolish to disbelieve indeed. “The fool has said in his/her heart, there is no God.“ Living the Christian life is not in self-glory nor to be lived in self-righteousness but in Him humbly restored, passively waited out, actively expressed. Christ is our righteousness and we cry open and honest facing the fact of sins we’ve committed to God and that we’re sinners for Him to give Godly sorrow to working repentance for us not to be repented of or in worldly sorrow of any kind felt. Self-glory as a part of self-effort to work to get to God we cease from and we put aside in the Spirit through Christ to know Him genuine because of mercy and grace from God. Christ came out of an empty Tomb to fill empty hearts. Benny Hester sings a song in Contemporary Christian music called, “When God Ran,“ about how God longs to come to each one 'sinning' of us returning to Papa Abba as children and prodigals repenting and so He longs to fill us with His Presence and with Resurrection Life. Except you become as little children and receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, you will not see nor enter it nor be saved. Therefore, the noblest act for us to do is to sit at the feet of Jesus Who is the exact representation of God and learn from Him. Preferably in a prone position always, to worship Him. Jesus spoke of His Father, “Sanctify us by Thy Truth.“ “Thy Word is truth.“ So should we. We can learn by this that man is totally depraved and has the witness of God in His existence inside them knowing it is this. Christ is the end or fulfillment of righteousness to all who believe for forgiveness period rather than work for their salvation for those who exert effort on their part for righteousness are doomed. Man needs a Savior and must know he is fallen. Jesus is to be Believed in for salvation literally His Name, Jesus: for grace is His Person and we’re to worship Him for mercy shown as we come to know Who He is more and as you have received Christ Jesus Savior and Lord, so walk in Him or move in His grace impart. He is able to save you by His Death and Resurrection through His Blood imputed and keep you warm, intact and in every abundantly living uttermost aspect kept by His Power, blessed in Him. You have a piece in this puzzle to contribute to His Body for edification. In His love He means to love us with to the end meaning “Rapture,“ or the death you die not spiritually. You persevere for you live forever in either...But life begins at being born again! Hell is a real place and don’t go there. If the Rapture comes to pass and you are living in relationship to God by faith through grace, you can be caught up in (“rapizo in org. Bible languages) to the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall you ever be with the Lord Jesus! Comfort with words like these! Doesn't this sound like something you’d like? Alternatively, learn to like? Love maybe? Read I Thessalonians 4:13-17 and I Corinthians 15:1-7ff. Imagine thinking, “I’m good enough to enter Heaven and then finding my Standard is no good because I compromise and I can say He may honestly say then, “I never knew you, depart to outer darkness.” In your realer moments you know it is true of us all. We need a Savior Who if we commit to would never leave us: JESUS! Follow Him where He is. In context, "God be merciful to me a sinner," was heard said by a Tax-gatherer who was someone Jesus told as one who humbles himself before God he beating upon his breast in personal agony for his sins. The Pharisee was a total opposite lost in proud thought. Jesus told the interpretation of this about people who think themselves righteous and show contempt for others. This parable shows humility before God by this publican who came home justified and exalted having humbled himself bowing low before God in petitions and worship God for Who God is in humility. In keeping with the line of scripture I’m towing my family to all be One, I'm following LOVE I‘ve found from Him: that God is love and Jesus shows it personally by His Life, Death, Burial, and Resurrection and Subsequent Life: We all must bow down low before God and accept this born again relationship: re: His way of Rescue from the sinfulness and insidiousness of sin in this world, sins that we have committed by error and of commission and omission. Just by being born from Adam, we are responsible and this is because we all were in Adam when he fell. This invitation to pursue God for all its guts inside zealously allow is a testifying that Jesus Paid It All ->that the deliverance over sin Christ won to gain our salvation for us was complete and makes us whole for all; it follows...WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN AS INDIVIDUALS! Born of God, in relationship to Him! No religion too! As a popular song lyric puts it *BUT IN GENUINE RELATIONSHIP TO GOD! * The Word of God says God created man in the image and likeness of God. It declares man suffers irreparably from the fall of Adam the first man. Genesis declares in the account record that their fall brought substantial crises to man and that this happened just as they disobeyed God's command to not eat the fruit of the tree God said no to eat as a direct command but disobeyed. Man thinks of loopholes first all the time but he was and is still made in God's image in vestiges latent and man thinks, “how do I fix this,” he then made fig leaves to cover his/her skin before Holy God but God made provision to restore man without help from man for that redemption of the likeness and image of God to be returned. God made animal clothes. He slew a sacrifice and it was the first one. Even this expresses the thought more robustly that the Lamb of God was Slain from before the Foundation of the world for God provided firstly AN EVERLASTING Covenant by sacrifice and we play a part in it. This blueprint plan, this Covenant with man again is mentioned several times in scripture over and over again. For some it was Old and for the rest it’s a New Covenant! Even today in this very moment God would love to order your life anew and show you He has a Divine plan for you to live “in the dust of the Rabbi, “God-breathed (inspired: theopneustos in Greek) and for that likeness or image of God to be restored for you & for me. This is EMT aid by God or CPR God performs on you (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation of the heart and life through spirit in-breath.) And I can see in my mind's eye in the unknown for me on my plate to believe the likeness aspects of being in-breathed of Father God our Creator in us that He has invested. In His natural creation acts and in the Finished Work on Calvary it was this as well as that done both all because of His love Agape for man. Without regard for who we are in our person alone and in His Own Personal Way Amazing Unconditional personal LOVE IS SHOWN US nonetheless, from His Throne and His long-hearted passion-shown long suffering persevering Sovereignty. It has worked sacredly to appoint justification to us in the cross and for me for a time in particular of being saved in the moment of today because grace is of saving aspect and for us all is my prayer. My observation is based on what I and others have observed in intervention from Abba Daddy God in my life and that of others (redemption of that image of God man fell from in Eden in transformed changed lives, and healings and Divine Miracles of His Intervening,) and is for His eternal express purposes and by grace from God. These Resurrection purposes are worth triumphing in in His victory in every circumstance or suffering for right we experience for His Name’s sake being ordained of Him in it all. Of it all no matter how desperately in our path we squirm to struggle obedient nonetheless we acknowledge Him trusting. Consider Job and his outcome that the Lord is very pitiable. But the Friendship of God involves doing His commands, which is a whole different kind of friendship. Let’s remember that before we speak of Him too familiar. As we take the faith to be saved and lay hold of salvation He will show up in His part in our lifetime on our way to being cradled into heaven by Him or ushered in by Him someday as we live from His motive the Christian life in faith by relationship not religion! God is Love! HERE’S A GAME: Do you know how often the word in scripture appears; "Christian" is only mentioned two times but the word, "disciple" is over 350 times*? He does not come in the front door and go leave out the back door. He came to stay when we He saw our need, and as sinners warmly one responds to His awe inside us to invite Christ inside especially! He came in servant greatness to show to us His faithfulness. That is in Exodus and I believe everywhere else in the Bible…to honor Him for His faithfulness. Another Prophet like Moses was prophesied to be risen up and to come and is Jesus. Israel believed that The Prophet would come in the future and that he would come as Messiah! Even a two-fold Messiah was predicted, a suffering one and a Kingly one. Jesus fulfilled both in His first coming as a suffering One mostly and in His Second Coming as a Kingly One mostly. His disciples seldom realized this during His Life on earth. When Jesus was Resurrected by the glory of the Father the disciples realized the two-fold seeming Purpose of His Comings! Salvation of body, soul, and spirit! Now we just have the deposit! Jesus was called, "the friend of sinners," "a glutton, and winebibber," because He knew the work of God and loved sinners with Agape (infamous sinners) but did not plow into sin nor engage in their sinful practices. Jesus was like a Warhorse (please see the movie.) He pleased God infinitely but not only obeyed Him so much so but that He also was declared very God by men and by angels and not for anything He did or spoke out for but for Who He was! He pleased God, was Believed on in the world and was raised to glory! He could see in every man there's a HURTING--- HE ONLY COULD KNOW AND HE ONLY COULD SAVE US FROM SIN, pouring healing in, exactly where the human condition 'needed' (for) salvation intimacy with God and for man that this had to happen so He being God Incarnate with His Holy Nature on He being Perfectly Holy and Righteous could come for man's benefit (see Ephesians, or John 3:15-17) salvation. Moreover, He gave up His godly prerogatives to do His own thing. He is therefore either honored as Lord, liar, or lunatic if you read the Gospels as clearly as I do. So just Who is He? It is right to believe He is Lord! And in Control Sovereignty! This is so even Because He said, "If you can't believe what I say, believe on the basis of the very works sake." In addition, what lovely works! We read of! He never spoke out against anybody & never did harm to anybody in any written recording of the Gospels. “He has done all things well,” and “He is altogether lovely!“ it was said of Him. He was as gentle as meek Moses and more so (as a Son, like a tenderly loved son of His Father in Heaven, the OT & Hebrews says) but He entrusted plainly obeying to going a cross. With mightily giving His life to God in obeying to pleasing (not just rote obeying,) but by God's Omnipotent grace He lived in a ‘HIGHLY FAVORED GODLY PLEASING WAY TO GOD and man,' but when it conflicted as many a time & it did: re: God's plan, He chose God’s. Jesus also predicted His Death, "If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me." This predilection He said speaking of His Death on Calvary and Risen Resurrection Life subsequently. And as a footnote then His life lived after the Resurrection is also a saving aspect for us. He is the Resurrection and the Life! In the tradition of Lazarus’s Resurrection we live and move and have our being. He also said, "The Kingdom of God is come near, therefore, repent, change your mind and attitude." Do an about face from sin and sinful ways in other words. He predicted His Death would be three days He would be in the grave and that it would be Redemptive act for a sign like Jonah‘s is. Ending in Resurrection eventually and Ascension and Exaltation to the Father‘s Throne where He lives Today He ever lives to make intercession for us! He came a Preacher of relationship to God as Heavenly Father. He called God His Father and accepted the worship of God only to a limited degree in public places having made equality with God not something to be grasped and in kenosis, the self-emptying, He emptied Himself so completely He went to a cross Death. He defined the way to God with exact precise accuracy by loving God perfectly and man in perfection of thought, word and deed. He never failed in this Purpose! His act of laying His life down in Crucifixion by torture by bad men in the Father’s will is the demonstration of God's love, which I will explain. Resurrection of those dreamy aspects of our humanity’s 'Utopia or Shangri-la' or Heaven we dream of, concerning the perfection of a society in the next life & it being our destination theoretically (from one generation to the next it is being believed) come from God and are ticketed in the offering. But it is not automatically yours and in fact Jesus said how hard it is for a rich man to enter Heaven. He also said, “But with God all things are possible.“ There are qualifications to this entrance to Heaven. If we genuinely believe God through the Risen Son Christ following Jesus Christ, coming to Him we will be saved calling on Him. You see you must follow God and obey and fellowship with the Father and Son I John 1. God gives us an Anointing then. We have it. We don’t need to search somewhere for it. We abide in Him and live to help others find this Anointing. He wants us for His own and on His own team born again. And He wants us on His own Terms for He loves us that much to let us alone to choose His. He wants us to talk to Him readily & He really to talk to us and we listen, in other words conversant! As far as born again saved redeemed renewed individuals, we are made in the image of God and become restored in being saved. Or else we are dead in trespasses and sins. The unsaved humans in the flesh, which is a majority of us, are just existing on doubt and offense and on our unfortified way to hell. Jesus came to give us life and Abundant Life and to destroy the works of the devil. It’s like an unwrapping of a bandage this work of devil destruction Jesus gives. Jesus said, “Except a kernel of wheat fall to the ground and die, it abides alone. But if it die it bears much fruit.” Some of us have to die to live also in other words to find our life we have to lose it. Some of us are indeed dying to live. Jesus does the saving supernaturally and the conviction from the Holy Spirit follows. Are we there yet? Then we become weapons of righteousness in the Lord’s hand when saved.. Existing in an angry build up of sinful nature, the tyranny of vengeance and the uncanny malice of a sinful nature tyranny of lower nature behavior makes one barred from being in the 'in' crowd of God’s popular great luminescent ones. If we are in the Adam’s flesh of the old sinful nature by result of living there, we fail. Jesus makes the difference in a life bound for heartache and defeat by renewing our spirits. He came to save the lost in sin, ruination, the sinful, bruised, battered, broken, and shattered person. He is the Savior of the Body in and of the New Covenant by a new and living way, which He made which is indwelt by Himself: the Church: His Presence His Resurrection Holy Spirit inside! You need to be saved to know you have the Holy Spirit and qualify for being clean! You must commit to enduring with patience persevering to your own race until the end. Does that include you in the New Covenant? You must choose. Like Paul before Felix, Festus, or Agrippa do you find yourself almost persuaded to become a Christian? Jesus did His Father's business always and ALWAYS pleased the Father by what He said or did and was never unnecessarily angry nor in any ways fearful nor did He worry to do any stepping out of bounds (to sin,) so the Honor went to Him to be the perfect sacrifice Lamb for sin. If it was right, Jesus was doing it. Also He went on the straight and narrow traveled by the less. However, acting very well was way cool for Him. HE SPOKE IN ELOQUENCE WHEN IT WAS NECESSARY TO EXPLAIN THE CROSS HE CARRIED AND AS TO THE KINGDOM AND VERY ELEGANTLY LIVED WITH NO PLACE TO LAY HIS HEAD IN FACT TO HELP US AND HELP US REPENT HE ACTED KINDLY TO PEOPLE AND HE TOUCHED AND HE HEALED PEOPLE OF DIVERSE KINDS OF DISEASES FREELY AND IMMEDIATELY & INSTANTLY HE HEALED WITH ALL KINDS OF HEALINGS AND METHODS WITH DIVINE INTERVENTIONS HIS MIRACLES THEY OCCURED. Jesus spoke privately to His disciples: inner circle. Jesus healed across radical methods and racial lines, from a distance, and by various means and by spoken word at that day or era all who came to Him. Even the storm had to be quiet when He spoke to it. He touched the sick and they recover to this day and the world could not contain the books that could be written concerning what Jesus said and did what the Mighty Healer the Great Physician of Galilee loved us so with! "However, these are written that you might believe He is the Christ and that by believing you might have life in His Name!" This is actual words from John's Gospel! God is a personal God longing to intimately know us! We have to forget the ‘old country’ and embrace The New… the Newness Life, God’s Breath, the Theopneustos, or the Inspiration of God’s Nature and Character! One's faith then in staring at the form of Jesus in reading the Word (His face therein) He reveals Himself and in hearing the still small voice OF GOD and in the Word plainly revealed, we have the plan of God in God’s Purpose therein in the revelation and the receiving of His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ and that reveals God's Perfect Will. This can turn up the heat on your own lifestyle OR turn up and bring His Victory inner if you’re 'in Christ.' There are two sides of a street. There is freedom then in knowing the cross victorious was triumph and Finished Work God performed through Christ and the salvation He offered for sure in certainty of His Character and Nature is in knowing Him. But His Holiness & Righteousness Is His Nature or Character, and His Perfection is Holiness and He is separate. You bear fruit in being a disciple of Christ’s and this shows up as evidence of His Power in you. In belief in obedience to God through Christ Who is a Personal Being Who loves us everlastingly and unconditionally He embraces us boldly in the New Covenant way with almighty grace given which is unmerited favor from Himself and mercy. In addition, He wants to personally know you to subjectively get involved in you in particularly intimate fashion and to in our personality get His fingers and hands Through to our lives through faith’s response and the Spirit working. We are His hands and feet. He has with indiscriminate and extravagant sacrificial unconditional STRONG EMBRACING LOVE for us saved us but we must embrace that and choose too to love God for we are told about this in the Bible: He has given us justification forgiveness of sins & deliverance from sins as benefactors of Himself. God's love is unconditionally applied to us all but we are accountable individually to accept it and to be accountable to give it to others Hebrews 12:6. Salvation through the Son's Sacrificial Death is objective in that Jesus died for everybody: but is to be personally subjectively applied to each individual as they hear about it by faith which is important for one to live born twice 'in His Strength', in His Will and Way, in His Spirit, and the listening to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit obey. He is both Provider and Provision! It’s our choice! You have changes to your heart and to your lifestyle if you desire this or have this personal individual subjective application of salvation to you made happen according to His Word in Christ and believing on Christ. Following this way to God through Christ, we find the plan and Purpose of God for our lives made aware. In peace with God within us then in every situation and trial you find yourself in after justification in salvation you can bring God’s Redemption into them. We are justified in the Spirit by Him, and sealed, spiritually in state of completion and saved and on the road of righteousness in God through Christ. For He is our peace and our stability then. If you are saved, spiritual things are spiritually discerned and or experienced abiding in the Son Christ Jesus. But spiritual laws, as of laws of viscosity and momentum in science are either observed (and that in a laboratory of life or learned about as an education from textbooks of the influence of the Bible in culture and the influence of the Bible on the history of human affairs) or experienced firsthand. Do you want to experience gravity practically or theoretically? If you want spiritual life that is growing in good health you need to learn the principle of God’s Word which is to follow Christ in obedience after the Holy Spirit. Otherwise you could self-destruct from sinning or sin that destroys. For there are three kinds of men according to Will Rogers that great American: The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for them.) “What one sows one reaps.“ God is mocked in man sinning but each man dies for his own sins. We need to know God and be with Him everywhere He is. He promises a life free from sin. And look to Him in Christ means everywhere make Him Lord, and see Him like a snake on a pole lifted up to gaze. For God in the face of Jesus Christ in everyone is as much as it lies within you to believe to discern and to live at peace with everyone as far as it pertains to you is wisdom, (if we are born again of the Spirit making Him Lord of every area and compassionately too.) Knowing becomes sitting, walking, and standing in Ephesians. There’s a three-point sermon. For instance in our discerning, the spiritual law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death is an air foil to lift us up from sin and its negative potential. For its a law of spiritual obedience for the saved in Christ becoming kinetic energy. Vices or addictions of sins of the spirit or flesh we receive deliverance from in coming to God are not the narrow way and straight gate of scripture Christ spoke about for they destroy. This is objective truth God wants to help us with. The Bible says, “The power of sin is the Law.” So people then tend to want to run the gamut of sinful addictive habits they can muster by sinning getting drunk or high and obtaining away from God’s voice in his/her conscience. They do this wavering just for rebellion turning license into licentiousness‘. This trail ends in perdition. Condemnation brings regret and would erroneously tell them its ok, (to continue ‘in’ sin,) and is followed by conviction rather, which would lean us toward God's spiritual answer, salvation of soul and spirit in the Lord and discipline of the body and that is right for us. The latter is for a Christian in Christ. Others need to know they perish for lack of knowledge. Listen you are somebody because God do not make any junk. God is not angry with ya because of the Cross-. He loves on you and has forgiven you. It is all in His Word and His words in total are Wisdom to escape the sin that is prevalent Hebrews 12:1-7. Jesus dying on the Cross is a proclamation God wants to announce to you. Declaring God's way out or a spiritual salvation rescue in the Spirit by the Word is that we have a sinful nature exposed that must be excised (at some point,) or crucified as I have told before and that must be forever dealt with that sins of tendency and that by nailing it to the cross of wood of Christ inside we can trust the Blood to save. Those who are born again Christians are changing by God’s transformation and are exchanging their sins for His Son’s yoke (which is easy,) and a robe of Pure White! Every soul of every person is eternal and people will listen to the Message of believers who are the Messengers and find a home in either of two places. We are talking nails here as in nail the old nature to the cross of wood good and gain salvation for yourself before it is too late II Peter 1:2, 3. Jesus Christ is able! All things are possible! We know God's command is to never sin as unsaved individuals as far back as Adam and Eve disobeyed. But to try to avoid the appearance of evil even to not look upon evil or do because it is crouching at your door was said to Cain just after the Garden and still becomes a crossroads at all born againers trying to obey Christ. But the Ten Commandments says this and that, and tempted in life sometimes it looks grim. Testifying is all we can gain in the Lord victoriously having gone through something. We confess to God because it's our lower nature to disobey and to rebel without this Person of God's Choosing, Jesus Christ at the helm. This is no excuse because all this is tied to the will. We choose however whose will we‘re tied to. Moreover, there is no blame or blame game blaming God for sin either or for being supposedly sin trapped. Christ is Risen! Risen Indeed! Romans 6:14 says, “Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.” We have choices! But the sinner before coming to Christ which he may or may not do eventually is condemned not believing on the Name of Jesus Christ! He has no choice but to accept Christ! Evident truth from the Bible. God looks down upon the bunch of critters we are and He calls us by name like He did Mary outside Lazarus’s tomb. He sees us in our messy need in Adam and in our messes but doesn't like that sin harms our lives which sin does (Greek word for sin is harm-atia, ie. sin harms.) He is patiently waiting for the full number of sinful acts to mature so the saved can evidently vexed find salvation before He physically intervenes in this sin-trapped existence of man. Remember He’s returning! In looking for justice it will be illusive in this life but ask for mercy as much as you can to recall or remember to do and you will be re: right thing. It is something of what God does we do not assume either. We owe God overall for every command so we keep it humble! However, God says, “mercy triumphs over judgment,“ in James. Seek His mercy not His justice because justly you deserve eternal hell punishment. Remember its His Will that no one perish! Remember the fragments that remained at the feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000? There is more persons that could be saved! This is the age of Grace that Gentiles get grafted in! Jews come to Messiah! Because of sins and sinning, we have stopped short of His glory. But sometimes-bad things happen to good Christians anyway and suffering happens also because we live in a fallen world Romans 8:26,27. Sometimes, “the rain falls on the just and the unjust, “applies also as Jesus said. Other times we are persecuted for righteousness sake. Job was tested and you will too so make it a giant test not a pigmy one. Remember those suffering in the Church in the body around the world as in your own body. We have broken His Laws and come short. This is for sure fact. We have trespassed His glorious message. Have you confessed this fallen short of yourself to God alone Romans 3:23? If it applies that He says, "If we have sinned or failed at trying one law we've failed at trying them all," (see James 2:10,) then let us examine ourselves to see if it is so. Let us see if we are in the faith. II Cor. 13:5 can heal your spirituality of faith to know Paul asked the question of us in the dramatic present and himself. At times yes we stop ourselves in our tracks: re: become convinced of this breaking of God's heart by us and get healed and begin a personal relationship and working winning dialog with our Creator His way restored again Rom 6:23; Rev 3:20. But we must be born again first for this to be engendered by us. We will find healing, forgiveness, deliverance, sanctifying, and gain His favor being born again. Jesus paid it all. This means we get justification, just as if we never sinned! (like windshield wipers.) We don’t go beyond His Word. In being saved, we embrace Christ's salvation for you and He taking away your sins makes you to stand in right standing forgiven and keeps you from falling (Jude 23.) You stand and become saints sanctified who follow Christ thereafter by faith through grace in prayer and being in the Word becoming a disciple of Jesus’ in lifestyle by faith in Jesus’ lifestyle after His Resurrection in the Spirit. Imagine going through your whole life living it in the Spirit to follow through committing to Christ and enduring to the end in its fullest animated sense supernaturally completely by God Himself grace given for this through Christ the Son as a disciple or follower of Jesus Christ? After salvation or getting there we put on the New Self which is created in true Holiness and Righteousness of the truth: Who is Christ Himself which is not a step for there are no steps to sanctification. This is being made holy which Christ does alone for you. He takes the desire to sin right out of you and away from you. Born again you deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him. In addition, is follow through, that is doing what He says and did and thought. As God-pleasers and not man-pleasers we do what Jesus said and did. We can be a new creation outside as well within as the Bible puts it in II Corinthians 5:17 calling on Him, crying out. Only God is Holy and He makes one Holy as Gift! It starts at God's altar you make in your heart in prayer at God's Altar in Heaven's seat of mercy! Will you realize that in God’s sight a transaction takes place when you ask Jesus in? You in a sense trade your bologna sandwiches for God's Lobster! But it is God’s Son’s obedience that saves you! Literally. He paid a debt He did not owe. I owed a debt I could not pay. Christ paid the debt for all or everybody’s completion of salvation for there is a past, present, and future aspect to it. We can exercise faith in the Son and in the obedience then of the Son in the Kingdom of God within (allegiance to Christ Jesus, His Gift, in His Resurrection, His Life, raised to newness of life, seated in the heavenlies, becoming a disciple) in joining to His Spirit: re: Belong to Him! By the Holy Spirit's work, we CAN BE THIS DISCIPLE, for He changes us by this transforming of our lives in obedience as in a mirror to be in the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ in the Word as we obey the Holy Spirit’s promptings. We go from faith to faith glory to glory reflections of God! He who has the Son has life! If you do not have the Son in you, there is no life spiritually in you! Stern warnings about missing out on the love of God in the Word are there for lives of sinful habitually in sin without Him lives after hearing firstly given the Gospel. Hell indeed is awaiting one is such a state of independence if they fail to get born again! There is a sin unto death. Scripture says to not pray for it. Will you accept His Gift? Before it is eternally too late? Accepting His obedience leading to Eternal Life for you? His Death, as your salvation’s atonement? Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. No man gets to God apart from Him. Strait is the gate and narrow is the way to life and few there be that find it. Horizontally human loving people take the ladder vertically up in contrition up to Heaven to God's love being right! Jesus DID have that attitude perspective living obedient pleasing of the Father in His love and He submitted to God in everything. So should we submit and be saved. In Jesus’ example we have a teacher Who not only lived what He said but did the same also and died firstly to save re: us when obeying would then have taken His integrity over the line, He stood His ground and Died for it, having thus it said about Him, “This is Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews.” This railroaded charge and true statement but guilty sentence was put in a plaque above His body up on the cross. Jesus’ audience during His earthly life was an Old Testament one, hence His example and challenge to keep the Law was so beyond our ability we would need Him for it and the Biblical language He used archaicly showed this. Christ gave gifts to men. He lived in integrity far away from the edge of or near to any sinning. He took captivity captive. He gave gifts to men. He arose up early in the day to pray to His Father and depended fully on Him for help during the day. God’s unconditional love in Christ was compelling reconciling the world unto Himself in Calvary's Consummation: for He died on the cross AND IT WAS FOR YOU, BURIED, AND BY THE GLORY OF THE FATHER RESURRECTED! And you, a broken clay pot (a High price paid for you by Jesus meaning death on a crucifixion cross,) FOR YOU in which God sought by a way within His own Laws of Mercy & Justice providing Mercy drops around us are falling to save you in the Blood of the Son's perfection of obedience and Death. Jesus brought His Blood to the Heavenly Throne and Mercy Seat between the four winged cherubim before the Father. He lived right and died right becoming sin for us that we might become the Righteousness of God in Christ. We can sit with Him in Heavenly places TODAY! For His Blood Pleased!!!!! When one is subsequently saved sins are taken away gone! Forgiven! There is a sea of forgetfulness in God's eyesight and He posts an ethos and pathos of newness: a no fishing sign! This is so because His Blood enters Heaven the veil being rent in two at His Death so the way into the Holy of Holies at the Mercy Seat before the Father’s Throne could take place. We make a change of mind and attitude about sin the deed and thought and speech and do an about face from sin and sinful ways when coming to Jesus Christ for Jesus changes our mind and heart too for that to be possible for us (to be near to God also) & for us to be able to feel loved by God fully and weaned of worries because we come to learn we’re guilty before God and get saved. This happens by prayer first. Jesus is all we will ever learn or know about God for He consummates everything we will ever be apart from Him by a fire of baptism from Himself He alone can burn the chaff off of and change you by showing us an exact representation of God the Father (see Hebrews 12:1-3; 1:1-3.) We turn & repent and surrender to Him and actually feeling changes thus when we relinquish release of control to Him we feel this His love happen in us. In addition, to feeling a release you will actually BE a believer. Transactions take place before God in His sight. You’ll Experience God’s love first for the first time perhaps, and come into His atmosphere in-breathed on in love Agape by Him and you get love, peace, and joy! Then you follow as a disciple! He does save when we take this promise by faith and it is making us complete and whole in Him, a work in progress. We receive forgiveness of sins firstly. We are receptive to the Word and come to Father and His Throne and are like receptive trusting children. If God said that settles it. God dealt with the sin issue on the Cross. And when He died, our lives were exchanged for His Perfect Sinless Life. In addition, in Himself dying, we were in His Death. We died too. He made us alive in we coming to Him first dead in trespasses and sins unable or at the end of ourselves or to lift ourselves up by our bootstraps at all. But now as born again Christians now you can live a resurrected raised up to newness of life spiritual seating with Him in the Heavenlies in a fruit bearing life. We are nobodies without God. With Him Kingdom of God fruit bearing in life is possible and without is a potential unparalleled if you continue to believe and by faith you will get heaven’s ticket too. But then endure with patience to the end, your race, persevering nourished up in the words of truth enjoying spiritual food, spiritual exercise, and daily foot-cleansing from Jesus Christ and as ministry to the Lord give also of or by yourself to God with your life. As the saved by faith we're living by the Holy Spirit from the way open to the tree of life (Jesus Christ) not from the tree of the knowledge (or i.e. from man's failure to obey) in the Garden of Eden. We receive the Spirit of God with great relish. Instead of fleshly wisdom, we gain deliverance over sin & those obstacles, which hinder, which are the world, flesh, and the devil and finally win in His Victory as we are saved if we prevail to the end. You ask God for this. God and you are a majority. You need grace from God to stay renewed in mind and Spirit in the Word of God. Having made mental assent, commitment to, and follow through accepting Jesus Christ for yourself trusting do not think without having the mind of Christ all over you like the unsaved heathen don’t have nor do the problems they do have Romans 12:2. "Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you might prove what is that good, perfect, and acceptable will Of God," the verse goes. Christ cleans His fish and Christ builds His Church. We present our bodies to God as they are in 12:1. We are renewed after knowledge of God in Him. “That I may know Him in the Power of His Resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable to His Death” Paul said that and within that communion, that He and I may have fellowship. That I may be found in Him having a Righteousness which is of God through Christ and not of my own. He is near. He is close. This is a worthy goal of pursuit in your pursuit of God. It is like having a sumptuous meal with Him, (have koinonia, fellowship or communion, and hupernikao which is overcoming victory) this walk with God in depth, a daily discipleship in the way in Christ and in my heart to relish Him cherish Him is the Great Good News of all time. To bring honor to Him He deserves is everything. My heart knows no bounds, my joy unrestrained and because He lives, I too live, and can face tomorrow because I walk close to Him. We read His Bible and learn of a spiritual life which but for the tip of the iceberg is invisible. Love from Him requited by us now was initially compelling evidence that He wants total possession of us from the Father God's love letter compelling, the Bible & its being revealed in us through Special Revelation, the Bible, from faith to faith now to submit to Him and do praising of Him for He lives in our praise. Today (for today is the day of salvation the Word says) we can see we need Him, we need salvation and spiritual hunger is there from Him. We need to look into the face of our Father and see He is approving in His look when we fail. Hunger must be channeled. We are highly favored and loved. We do not lose heart. He wants to guide us with His eye. Flow in Him. Scripture says of the New Birth, "I will put my laws into their hearts and on their minds I will write them." In our mind, heart, and spirit we are renewed daily, fed, and nourished to be adequately equipped for service for Him. Pastors do this. For all of what of three years and thirty years before that of the Life of Someone Named Jesus Christ whose name means “He shall save His people from their sins,“ whose life over two thousand years ago has been preserved so well and been a legendary influence to an infinite-seeming amount of people by heritage He did show He exists and prevails! Christians who belong to God started hospitals, Orphanages, Lost And Founds, Schools, and Social Services. Imitating God and miming Him in a grace walk of faith with Christ daily in our crucified life in Christ and ultimately in Heaven then He is revealed in us and in going there into Resurrected life is from His doing from start to finish. Born of God born of the Spirit ushered in we worship God in spirit and in truth expecting as our Only Hope Is He. We are enlightened and illuminated about this GOD in the Bible: it is unveiled to our heart and mind if we read it in the New Covenant with open faces for He has declared Himself in plainness in the Gospels, Acts, and Epistles for us to believe the Gospel for ourselves that Jesus Christ has Finished the work forever and live like it is! God created us and He claims complete ownership of our being as Creator Redeemer Designer. "If we lived like this Book is real for one week, men would repent in ways we don't know about.” was a quote by a historical figure I believe was from Charles Finney. (RATTLE ME SHAKE ME by HONEYTREE- A song of ministry (a song on the web blog.) The Steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. We experience God in kindnesses and mercy daily and moment-by-moment blessedness! I pray you find the Lord Jesus Christ as contentedly as Your Master & Savior Lord was of you & He becomes in your personality and life Savior & Lord from sins and sin and near or close. Jesus said, “Blessed is he who is not easily offended in me. “ You can do so by God's grace become the Friend of God, of His Family, a part, a member, and be accountable individually as stewards. It is all in Jesus. Jesus Alone. Believe on Him and abide as saved. A son abides forever but a slave does not! The real freedom is freedom from sin, which Christ does for you. Freedom is never free nor is it cheap. Again, I say God allowed His Only Begotten Son to pay a very high price for your salvation. Realize, "The greatest deception of the devil is tried by him (in tempting) to make us believe he doesn’t exist." Read The Screwtape Letters by Lewis. And without Him we can do nothing, and we indeed do nothing (we know this) without Him until we know what this grace is really about and even then follow Jesus Christ of Nazareth through faith by grace "practically,” a disciple, redeemed from sin and in submission to Him. Christ is our all in all. Surrender control of every area to Christ. It takes a moment to be saved and a lifetime to stay saved. This is principally because of the sin principle and sin nature. We are perpetual students of His Word. We relinquish our past. We press. God in His mercy makes us 'alive,' we being dead in trespasses and sins. We are made alive from the dead while in the body. This is the new birth. Reckon yourselves indeed dead to sin and alive to God. As Saved. Romans 6. Jesus knows our sorrow. He is acquainted with our grief. And the chastisement that brought our peace was laid upon Him and by His stripes were and are healed! We know His pathos and ethos more each day! The Certificate of debt (in the handwriting of ordinances which was against us,) is and was destroyed which was against us Col 2:13, 14. Our faith is in God for a believing belief that "it is finished" and that the war is over with people, and in the battle, the battle belongs to the Lord. God is in control (of us,) if we let Him and He is Lord. God calls us His Workmanship, His Poem, His Field, & His Building. He calls sin finished with, in turning to Him and death dominated and destroyed and sins taken away. Eternal Death is the result of sins wages (Romans 6:23.) "You are so beautiful," as Zephaniah 3:17 so creatively sings to us while others within the Body chime in, while we are indeed re-created in Christ Jesus for good works which we're foreordained to accomplish Eph. 2:10. We cherish Him as we realize all this blessedness and bask in God’s Astounding Opinion of us. (Read Ralph Harris’ Book.) Our part is to deny self, take up our cross and follow our Lord Jesus Christ. Then we are to obey His commands. Phil. 4:1-3, 6, 7, 8, 13, 19. However, there are hard sayings of Jesus to hear and hearing is to be obeying in Hebrew culture. We endure as good soldiers then in submission to Christ in hearing them to do them, having acknowledged them and honoring His Authority to give them to us. WE FIND SO MUCH IF WE'RE BELIEVING GOD BY FAITH IN VIRTUES GOODNESS BY GRACE BUT UNWORTHY OF IT THOUGH BUT SAVED BY FAITH KNOWING, THAT GOD IS FOR US Rom. 8:30,31. He will begin to process the fruit of a Christian life in and through us in the Spirit. That is a hallelujah not a sigh. PTL. There is no condemnation in Christ Romans 8:1. Moreover, you are sealed 'in Christ' like eternally secure saved unless you walk out of the Father’s hand, but you won’t want to do that. Stay on target. Instead you will identify with Christ in His Death, Burial, and Resurrection life in Christ manifested in you and by you by this new identifying of Jesus Christ because it is in Him you are saved. You stay 'in Christ' like you are in a cup. Remaining in the Lord with satisfaction you are in a war with the world, the flesh, and the devil, which Christ won for you. We are walking out that victory as believers in trench warfare as Christians: believing to see Jesus go before us in the Spirit everywhere, for the Spirit and Presence of God goes before us everywhere in every situation and we are victorious everywhere in Christ by faith over everything Romans 8:37 (hupernikao in Greek, overwhelming triumph of the Lord.) This is staying in Christ. But we learn to suffer for doing right. We learn to abide in Christ while doing the right thing in a normal Christian life. Read the work by Watchman Nee. This is the message of the Gospel. In Heaven, there is no more trace ever of evil or sin in the Presence of God in Heaven for us see I Cor 15. We will certainly have new bodies then that are sinless and in the Spirit then fully and completely. We are awed by God's wonderful Power and Presence within us. As a good Father and Farmer winnows away chaff with His winnowing fork in His Hand so does our Heavenly Father God winnow our lives of impurities. And He loves us greatly even in trials of all kinds even to have our lives being used and cleansed heatedly to be clay pots with His Treasure about you to do His bidding. God purifies even like coal in an oven until we’re diamond like. God once saved can use you. Are you available to Him is the point. We must not be offended by anything God does for us that we fail not to like. He does not tempt anyone at all but does intervene in an organically curative role miraculously in you. God helps others and they feel His reach and become born again, through the Holy Spirit Who is persuading them. Or of His work in us to do the work of an evangelist we attempt to convince by preaching the Gospel to be saved by His Persuasion of the Gospel facts through the Holy Spirit convicting them and us Messages of Messengers. We are the Messages and in our personalities we are the Messengers. Jesus brings us to faith in Himself for a Divine Blood Transfusion. I plead with you to be saved. II Corinthians 5:19-21. Will you come to God 'Just as I Am?' the song goes? God chose this accepting of Jesus Christ as the way to confound the wise, the worldly wise, the disputer of this world, the ignoble & foolish who turn, & are born again: this is God's way to be saved in accepting the Son's obedience applied to your heart in His Death/Resurrection the ultimate reach of God to a man providing His Sacrifice Atonement for your sin. They go to live lives of faith and redemption in obedience to the Holy Spirit's ways and they follow after the Spirit being followers of Christ by grace. They live the Christian life one day at a time as a grace walk and love walk like two sides of a ladder. (As also, they came to Christ, so they abide and stay with Him, and walk in Him Col. 2:6; John 15; I John 2.) They weep but rejoice. We're laying up treasure in heaven growing in grace in Christ with God's Kingdom inside with a quality of love so astounding we think majestically. We give cups of cold water in Jesus’ Name and receive one another as we would Christ Himself with Agape love acted out for them. We receive a righteous man and a prophet so we may receive a reward like theirs. We give and learn to give more. And so we occupy (actively be ready) for Christ's return, and are being desirous to be like Christ, as impossible as it sounds ultimately as He lived His life until He comes back (which is a discipleship challenge.) It is through the Holy Spirit's work this occurs through an outlived walk step by step. We make good ground to hear the Word in others and primarily ourselves so we be changing of heart always. And your ticket to Heaven is by faith through grace, not of you, not of works lest any man should boast. We are not religious; but we maintain a relationship with the Lord! Truly we 'love God' with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength in two commands, namely the afore and "love your neighbor" "as yourself," which is the summing up of all the Old Covenant/New Covenant Laws. Rejoice. Pray and ask God for salvation so you can live ready too. You are God's masterpiece when specially known by God after salvation and then redeemed. You’re also safe in God‘s hand as you live, and move, and have His being obeying. It is also an abundant life for we exchange our sins for His life express within and outwardly express it as well! After salvation or becoming saved YOU are then being a thank you epistle to God (letter is an epistle in Greek,) written on our hearts by the Holy Spirit of God within and without with the laws of God in the Spirit with the Names of God. With everything within, with zeal also we follow Christ and be disciples as saved in the ways of the Spirit through Christ the Risen One. It is by grace from start to finish this abundant life in zeal sparked in the Spirit in and through Christ to Eternal Life, is lived which starts now. “It is through much tribulation we must enter the Kingdom of God,” Paul said in Acts as encouragement. From Dave Candel with the Holy Spirit’s aid. P.S. Mt. 6:33. For it's a transformation a Wave of the Spirit or particle within of light becoming beams that are becoming NEW life we live in Christ not a reformed one but newness of life in the Son S-O-N. God promises to bring His Promises to pass and finish what He starts in you New Creation in Christ Phil 1:6; Gal 6:9ff; I Thessalonians 1. Go For Gusto with God in His Love! I John 3:1. But its all of Christ the promises are fulfilled and to be ‘in Christ,’ is when you get the portrait of the Son meaning you GET THE SON and all He holds in abeyance and inheritance FOR YOU! Let’s pray and lay hold of being found in Him not having a righteousness of our own but HIS! Follow the Lamb wither-so-ever He goes! Hearing is obeying in the Hebrew culture so let’s OBEY! Here a concert of "Play Through Me," by Phil Keaggy. And lastly one more, Cherish The Moment <- click="" span="">

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