Friday, May 20, 2016

Some Aspects Of God's Doing Inside Kindly Blessing Us In The Word Of God Inside Our Lives

Monday, June 4, 2012, 3:40 PM  5/24/2016 Imagine Luke in His Gospel in Chapter 15 telling as God tells, reveals, and does indeed retell rebroadcasts loud in New Covenant ministry the story of the Prodigal son returned redeemed come home which He indeed did, in partnering as he was bought back Ransomed as it was by the Father God in His Most High (El Elyon) Magnificent Majestic Love and He Father God having given to the returned Prodigal son a replacement life of inner forgiveness riches of wealth in measure at Chesed (lovingkindness) Providence of Father namely grace and peace, being the Lavish Father that He is He rejoices that His prodigal son has come home wooed by memory of goodness at home and disfavor of where he's at in status wrestling husks from pigs and hucksters and possible right standing in excellent balance in coming home to do his repenting speech so despite the elder son's talk he returns! With indiscriminate impartial love in common grace the Father prevents the prodigal son on tip toes from speaking guilt of trash talking of himself to possibly disqualify himself before the Father even in excuses (but by the way of confession of the lost son (which was a confession of not being worthy to be a servant in his father's house and much less a son in addition in his repentance) being it was enough to please the Father though, and before God the Father also in the Parable) He RUNS to the son, Pours out embraces, kisses, and Gives the forgiveness instead and profusely intently to the prodigal son tenderness from tender heart given so that the son gets hugs, a ring, sandals, weeping for joy by His Father etc. and a party given with a fattened calf by Love of our Lavish Father God for kind forgiveness in the story! FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. JOHN 3:16 Jesus came to the world to grant Eternal Life and on this earth Save not to judge it but to save it primarily the first time. Verse 17. The Second time will be different and we will have some fun.

The Gospel: A Coming To 
Christ for Salvation. How Would You Like To Or Feel Up To Relationship (not religion) Being Forgiven And Saved loving the Lord not religious, As Becoming An Intimate Friend Of God And Alive to God So Much It Hurts in An Abundant Life In Christ, Accepting Adoption Into God's Family, a Fellowship with God by responding to God's gracious invitation to Salvation In Christ From Him in His Word the Bible for This The Zoe Life (God-kind Life) in The Preparation For And Expectation of an Ethereal After-Life Existence Someday In Heaven in new bodies in confirmed righteousness? I have decided to repent of sinful ways and all sin I know that is in me and have then followed Christ in and by my life. By the Holy Spirit I'm made whole. A wretch though I was God has Saved me. Confession is not a work but instead it's a very tonguely and hunger desire attitude for devout before God lifestyle means to be honest before God in truth in God's eye. It's an invitation to let God be God, search me and know me, try me, and adjust and correct, and lead me in the way everlasting and repenting in the way, as well if one hasn't. Have you been raised in the faith like I and found Christ at some time and Father's plan as in Isaiah 63 and 64? Being raised in the faith did not save me at four but making a decision to accept Christ as my own Savior and Lord by the Spirit and in God's will to follow through in time with it in living in and for Him consistently has. I didn't need man's help for this.

Is your aim at Heaven? Are you growing nonholy or are you hot?! Do you know He loves you respectfully and it's His Will for you to be holy, you to be white hot on fire not just lukewarm? He wants to make you shine bright. Do you know Salvation involves discipleship to fully realize all of it and that God's plan is for you and is in His love and by faith in God it cannot be thwarted? Amen. Don't renounce Him any but confess Him everywhere like sounding an alarm before you warning and crying out, "He's Risen" by your life and life's good news for He feels what we're going through. Love is not real until it's tested. His testing takes place while He is quiet in the discipleship way affirming and greatly encouraging us and is to be resulting in faith-filled lives abundantly lived along every way in this life spending Eternal time with God meaning really being with Him all the time and with Jesus specially whatever may befall and is for us to be developing in being a disciple and in being like Christ and aware of God's working within to will and to do His good pleasure. We're being cemented in a Blood Relationship Covenant in His Son with the Promises granted (someday), as the goal in Him. This is all by the Spirit being put in us Ezekiel 37:14; Acts1:8.

I'm saved in bold assurance even confident in His hand knowing He's good and is a good good Father like the Chris Tomlin song goes! I came to Christ and knelt humbly and prostrated myself before Him in worship and by God's grace which is power to keep you I was Saved from sin as Jesu s is Lord patiently He came inside and I obediently accepted "IN you" in confident assurance meaning FORGIVENESS of God!!! Do you not know this in your life? Let our response be to make Him Lord, Savior. Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Christ. And follow through with you surrendering, with Jesus sanctifying helping, daily on the Altar of God on which you are placing you a living sacrifice laid bound to the altar bound by grace, mercy, and love chords. Daily we want to prepare to seek Him today specially in hearing His Voice from Him on Heaven's Temple's Throne and you spiritually alive in obedience with a look to fulfillment of that said obedience with appointment to be watchmen and sounding the alarm and warning before and around you everywhere you go, specially seeing Him today intently and in light and in Heaven someday Romans 12:1; 6:11-13?

Do you see Him in your days alive working moving? Is He working even moving inside you with alive indeed living motions alive shoulder to shoulder help and alive in you and living through you even as along side you? Is He in you mightily replacing your old ways with His Salvation truckload of facts of effects as you're receiving blessing from His doing now that you are saved? Is His love meaning more to you than this world of sin truly? Do you know to what extent God went through to He sending His beloved Son actually to be Dying on a Cross and Risen Again for you? He goes through His wallet full of photos extensively to show through His action figure in time (Christ in time and Eternity) to us His mankind: How He loves us so very much individually and each of us in this wonderful lavish almighty unconditional personally satisfying edifying uniquely expressing-His-image-to-each individual-as-if-He-the-only-one-to-us-sending Divine/human (Jesus is called the son of man,) love in Redemption? He was 100% God and 100% man. As son of man He's Messiah. We must appropiate for ourselves that love in all its facets of a diamond embracing in Salvation ourselves as one for whom Christ Died for whom Christ won Eternal life specially beseeching for us to come to Him, He came for us and a 'Dying. Think how glistening a diamond is and its facets glamorous. It was my sin that indeed killed Him. We are blessed to receive Salvation. Can we not indeed be broken together and open and talk about this? Read Isaiah 61. It's about being broken by God and He living a replaced life in us to rebuild, raise up, and repair through us. God will clothe in celebration of that tri-fold task and in His wedding garments of Salvation bedeck us even with jewels, a robe of God's Righteousness symbolically and really. It was for me He Died, and He offers forgiveness and newness of life and what about you? Who do you see, Jesus to really be? Does He save, keep, and satisfy? Indeed more to be desired is He in His Laws than gold, yea much fine gold, sweeter also than honey, and honey from the honeycomb. He makes His invitation to come to Him for us complete in time and we respond in kind in His way and in a timely fashion. We come to the Cross for the flesh to die.

So do you believe God would do all that? Save us who believe in the Son? The demons also believe in God and tremble. He'd like to personally treat you to knowing (ya da in Hebrew, know) Him in a Covenant relationship that saves from hell, death, sin, and the grave or fear of death and worry delivers from a sinful lifstyle and habit to the uttermost and He sanctifies as well. And He, liking you too like Father God did His own Son, and finding you (as He did Abraham, Moses, or the Apostle Paul) in re-creation of you in Born Again Salvation and in giving you such a transformed abundant justified changed life from the heart now as they had on earth and indeed in Heaven perfected aimed for will until the day perfected continue it. For God is an impartial God and and Divine Healer Being Who longs to be our Father this colorful adventurous way meaning similarly giving each of us individually a bent on Calvary's Cross to die for but no carbon copy are we to each one of us is given to become like Holy but to each to be knowable by different grace than what this world knows and through faith in God is stamping out a tupos (image in Greek) of Christ in people who are His because these people honored Him and He showed up. There was prosperity in Biblical characters too but not without revival in the heart like we're used to in New Covenant living in Jesus sitting in the Heavenlies too for the adventure took them everywhere and every which way but loose as they little expected. They expected the Voice of God though through the Holy Spirit coming upon them.

For love from God changes us! We're not earning anything as far as love goes from God but justly walking in Him trying to please Him one inch at a time daily. Making ourselves available for His interventions in daily tasks we approach to appeal to our Father even ask Him for specific answers as to what we are to do. We can plan for the future but not by worry or stressing. One step at a time He expresses His glory as we glorify Him, and leads His dear children along. 'I shall not want," for the Lord is my Shepherd. Still waters and lush green pasture is there to feed. Though we go through the valley of the shadow of death we shall fear no evil. Making the sorrowing weeping place of lack or loss a well of springs bursting through in joy we're like trees clapping in their effect to show joy Is. 55:12. Blessing from God is the God given capacity to receive in a ministering way what God is doing, working in you and ministering to you, appreciating in that receiving to the full.

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