Surrounded by Your glory What will my heart feel Will I dance for You Jesus Or in awe of You be still Will I stand in Your Presence Or to my knees will I fall Will I sing hallelujah Will I be able to speak at all I can only imagine I can only imagine So TRUE BLESSING BE MULTIPLIED TO YOU THROUGH THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD And through the SON, JESUS. He's the Christ. The Yeshua Homeshiak!.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Forgiven? Jesus keeps empowering. Does this need this forgiveness to relate richly to God occur because we need God all the time?
Yes indeed absolutely God's forgiveness is needed to have the Ransom Paid to have peace with Him. We are totally distant, divided, devastated, depraved and unable to please God in our flesh and blood Isaiah 60, 61, 52, 53. We need forgiveness, the spontaneity of instant erupting born again living that starts once, but lasts forever, renewing in spirit everlasting. And to be humbly realizing our sinful condition. This is sublime! To be counting the cost to be His disciple and to lay it down at Christ’s feet and rise obedient. Even the saving love of our Savior and Friend the Lord Jesus Christ! We want to be a receiver of the riches of His grace! Put to yourself the peace of Jesus! If Heaven is your goal a relationship with Our Maker Heavenly Father God is primary, a priority! God loves you! Access is through Jesus Christ by a new and living way of His Body that was spent for us on the cross, His revolutionary life for 33 years, and Blood He presented in our place to the Father God on the Throne in Heaven I Corinthians 15:1-8; Hebrews 9-13.
Many of us have a conflicting image of Who God really Is because we did not have a godly parent nor example of Holiness and so a balanced view of God is skewed for us. This ambivalent view of God is going to impact our lives adversely.
We need to know more of the Character of God and Characteristics (His Names and their meanings,) as they relate to us. God is spirit and we must worship Him in spirit and truth John 4:4. He is Spirit. He fills the universe. He is exalted above all of creation. He stands alone. There is no equal to the God of the Bible. God is light and in Him there is no darkness. When it says God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all it means there is no sin, evil or death. God is the total sum of everything that is pure and excellent. God is pure and the pure in heart will see Him! And His purity is excellent!
I John 4:4 says, “Whoever does not love does not know God for God is love.” It is saying love expresses the nature of God. Unless God’s love is revealed to us we do not know how to love others. Biblical love involves choice. It is a decision. It is shown in the choices we make on a daily basis. We cannot fathom or comprehend the magnitude of God’s love for us.
God is love but love is not God. As far as expressing God’s Attributes, God’s Holiness, Righteousness, Justice, Mercy Faithfulness, do and so does truth. It is important not to de-emphasize His other Attributes when we speak of God‘s love. There is a tendency to over-emphasize God’s attribute of love. When we speak about His love we must balance it with His other attributes. Because when we over-emphasize His love we make Him out to be little sentimental in His love. The Law is our schoolmaster to lead us to Christ but the power of the Gospel is the Law expresses Himself perfectly, and He Himself in His love and mercy undertakes to cure the effects of the Law and sin to make us whole born again.
His love should always be emphasized with other attributes. We learn from God’s other attributes, because He is Holy His love is pure.
Because He’s Eternal His love is everlasting and it’s limitless. Because God is just and merciful His love embraces everyone. When we talk about God’s love it is important that God’s love is seen or experienced in light of His other Attributes.
God is Holy, God is Righteous and He will not tolerate sin in our lives. We need the glory of God lifted up empowered by the Work and Person of Christ so we can follow righteousness in Himself, a disciple of His by the Holy Spirit.
So how do we get to know God first? Let God drop into your spirit, “I want to know you God!“ We can’t fully know everything about God but through His Attributes we can know enough to fully relate to Him. In your conversation with Him let Him in on all your doing or being, letting Him forgive the wrongs done, get and take time to submit to Him receiving forgiveness & know you through your prayer closet. God through Paul says, “honor me in this for the Gospel of God I am a debtor to all men to preach,” Romans 1:8.
This is Eternal life that they may know Thee the only true God and Jesus Christ Whom You have sent I John 1. God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Let that sink in. He is longsuffering us-ward but encouraging us as well to seek Himself. God seeing we perish because of sins, the Word of God in fact says otherworldliness when it says in Romans 5:7 "In due time Christ died for the-ungodly," and 5:8, "While we were still sinners (and enemies of God) Christ died for us!" Such love! Even being fully aware of God’s love for us as God does love us unconditionally He does not want our sacrifice alone after salvation to see or receive His promises. His Grace brought the Sacrifice! He wants us. Do you hear that? He’s safe and untamable though. Hear the still small Voice of God when you hear God His impressions in the Word of God. You can bear your brother in the Lord up in your spirit if you are beginning in prayer getting to know God. The sacrifices of God are a gentle and/or quiet spirit and/or a broken heart and right spirit. Repentance of the heart, the will is the will of God for us. Externals follow. Follow through.
God puts together the broken pieces of who we are when we are releasing what is in our hand to Him. Rend your hearts and not your garments God's Word teaches us. He wants our heart. He wants what is inside of us which will come out later on. God wants friends of us and as friends and sons in rightness even the rightness of the submission to substitution of HIS… Excellent Right Living for our sins, not for us to become slaves of sin nor slaves of this world’s thinking anymore Philippians 3. Washed in the Blood, I’m sanctified! Even as ruler of us and in our hearts Lord Jesus Christ, and as Christ is Lord over us over sin God wills His ruler-ship as we obey all aspects of morality in the Word and out of the Word letting Him rule us holily Romans 5,6. He that sins is the servant of sin it says in Ezekiel, Romans, etc. but Holiness is a gift from God. One pays wages of death (from sin,) the other Everlasting life (from the gift of God in Jesus Christ.)
And we should not pivot on anything but Christ’s intention in bringing purpose (to us,) nor proceed like we don't know that there is pleasure in sin for a season to neglect. But indeed as Moses abstained from the pleasures of sin in some complete pattern with God’s help knowing they were but for a short season (in Egypt) even so should we too however regard the Word of God as precious and abstain/neglect from it. Egypt has always been a symbol of the world in the Word of God. “Love not the world,“ John’s letter says as well as James. Christian let the word of God dwell in you richly. But if any man be “in Christ,” He/She is forgiven; he/she is a new creature, a new creation, the old has disappeared, THE NEW has come. Grace is the key which is forgiveness UNLOCKED in Jesus and Tender Mercy; Love it‘s conduit. Begin to know Who God Is by the way He acts, His stories, His epiphany, will, and His way in the Bible. When you pass to Heaven someday, God's Word says, God looks up to see if the name that is yours is in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Hint, Live life through God’s lens.
We decide by faith to believe the Gospel that it included you and me when Jesus calls and chooses His own and go after God's plan for yourselves by God sanctifying you as you come to Jesus Christ to meet through prayer God daily face to face. And to belong to His Family through faith in the Finished Work of Christ to pay for your sins by His Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension, Exaltation, Glorification we are on sound foundation!
Salvation is the Gift of God not of works not of ourselves not of works, lest any man should boast! That's in Ephesians.2:7,8,9,10. He saves putting grace to us. There is a Throne-room in the Heaven God puts down in Himself for this person to have happen who is asking for the saving, “Paid in full.“ No if’s ands or buts, like a ring in a bell God gives a life preserver called salvation. We acknowledge faith in God for this but don’t need to change because God will transform us.
But change we must. In God’s sight the transaction took place. The Deed has been Done & Finished in the Death of the Son. In the crucible God purifies you from the dross for first your position comes then your experience in temporality with God in this earth James 1:3, 12, 14.
We labor for His rest to enter it. After confessing you have been wrong before God and making peace with God through spiritually receiving Christ (His Work, His Person) the Blood of Christ availing that is taking it’s effect, acknowledge Jesus Christ‘s salvation for you, knowing that without Him we are nothing, but with Him there is where God wants/desires to dwell forever in you and put His Stamp of ownership on you. How we live is God’s evidence to Himself and us: even of our lifestyle in Christ before others and before Him if we let Him in from then on in submission to obedience to the Holy Spirit. Confirmation of restoration is in the entering of the Holy Spirit in you with the evidence of fruit of love and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Seeing we first come to Jesus Christ His way which is the way of His Blood through the Spirit then this profession is positional standing God imparts and imputes to you both to will and to do in/to you of His good pleasure. Its by your faith in the Jesus Christ, The Sinless Lamb of God as your life Who takes away the sins of the world that we have this life in the Son. He promises to complete His work He started in you until that Day He comes again to takes you home!
We must endure to persevere believing to the end. Let our lights shine witnesses, ministers to what the Lord can do! There is so much more to the Abundant Life Christ pro-offers complete than mere forgiveness imparts as eating at God's Table imparts too and in the enjoying of His Great Fellowship like Abraham or Daniel or David. That can be a black tie affair with limousine service in class! A Great Fellowship indeed! A Feast at the Table in the wilderness! Even a table before our enemies. Forever, Eternally!
We live in the Presence of God in Christ and through the Lord Jesus Christ it is a life of mercy, action, and peace: bond-slaves of His who knew His will (salvation) and having emptied of our wills our desires and plans to have obeyed the Resurrected Jesus’ Spirit as friend and bond-slave then on.
Do you have a skewed or balanced view of Who God Is or are you maybe having a slavish view of God from the world? "Abba" is how God wants you to think of Him! It means "Daddy!" Or "Papa O My Papa!" Jesus introduced much of that beloved feel, that God is our Father totally good and even good in His discipline to us.
Whoever is forgiven much will love much! To him who has more shall more be given! Christ has made indeed to us an Overpayment for our sins. It is grace over and above mercy.
Grace is getting what you don’t deserve and mercy is not getting what you do deserve. We deserve punishment eternally for our sins but…God, but God Who is rich in mercy extravagance from God gave us a living hope, confident assurance, “for He knows our frame, He remembers that we are dust.” Psalm 103. We can never ever exhaust God’s mercy. God’s mercy is so abundant we can never tell of its end nor see its end. God is fair and will make up to us our disappointments, our struggles; mercifully He’ll make it up very indeed alright to us when this life is through physically. But you have to have Jesus Christ inside for it. It’s not fire insurance but it does pay Eternal good to the Body and each one’s gift to help.
Jesus was God and equality with God was not something He grasped but emptied Himself of His privileges and prerogatives to live dynamically in Holiness with loud cries and tears in order to save Himself.
Through deep dependence and relying love He aimed and hit every time THE PLEASE of His Father God Supreme and love of others Supreme. He could have grace and mercy as His privilege so at His right side ready lest a time of need overtake, because He wished to obey (not only obey,) but TO PLEASURE His Heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit even to the death on a cross.
Buried like Jonah God Resurrected Jesus Christ and Raised Him by the Power of the Father’s Word! Jesus gives and gave to us perfect access right into the Father’s Throne-room. You better believe it! His Resurrection is the most well documented fact in history! Life in/through the Son!
Right believing will bring right living through the Lamb! Where sin abounds, grace does super-abound! And Remember God loves you Eph. 2:1-4! This fear aspect of believing God is met when one empties oneself like in the kenosis in Jesus of one’s will and worships God in fullness with everything they have extrovert through the Son!! Like the Alabaster Jar we break on His feet!
Follow Jesus, disciples of His words, attitudes, and thoughts, ever full of the Spirit, practical! Will you come to Jesus Christ today and be saved? You’ll be glad you did: He will transform your dead works and dead conscience to serve the Living God! He will sensitize you to the very sensitivity to be sensitive to the sensitive Holy Spirit. God tore apart the veil in the Temple to open God’s Presence when Jesus Died!
He will take the stony heart out of you and give you a heart of flesh. He will write the law of God within and without on the stony tablets of our heart. He will change you from glory to glory and faith to faith but more, there’s more: He’ll also restore, comfort, and redeem you giving you Eternal life, lasting comfort forever.
So begin to attend a Bible believing Church, Pray every day, Read the scripture, God's Holy Word the Bible all the way through and specially the Gospels of Luke, John, Matthew, and Mark, and Letters of Paul. Look into God’s eyes as you read it until you mirror it in your soul. Witness to others of your salvation faith daily. Find a way God supplies to give God your best and let your surrender humbly be yours. Jesus will never leave you nor fail you. Trust in Him! Dave Candel
This is my testimony as I live in our town of Franklin Square at Bethel Assembly of God Church near 2013 in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you prayed and want to know more of Jesus I would be happy to take you personally to Church. Here is my phone number 516-305-5637 and church:
Bethel Assembly of God Church
194 Courthouse Road
Franklin Square, NY 11010
Pastors Rich Catapano and Pastor’s Associate, Son, Anthony Catapano
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