Can you fathom that The Maker and Creator of the universe by intelligent design would concern Himself with you and your welfare even when it cost Him big time? God through Jesus deserves a second and third etc. look because He did some awesome works! God became a man and showed us good like you won't believe!! He healed, did miracles, and a whole lotta good and was as a human does, became vulnerable to harm like any man or woman and because He did not defend Himself in a way we might have nonetheless He knew a Purpose higher and more nobler before God knowing Who He was and why God sent Him! He in one way showed us how difficult it can be in life by being unjustly cruelly crucified when it was for no legitamte reason even when He said, "I lay my life down and no man can take it from Me!" He trusted His Heavenly Father God! The book of Hebrews says He boldly went to Die upon Calvary a Crucifixion and that meant pain! Death could not hold Him in its grip because He was Righteous in God's awareness and innocent! He lovingly took upon Himself our sin our guilt and death penalty, our sin, think of it and God declared many sons through Him will be accomplished! He Bravely despised the shame! He Endured the cross and sat down at the right hand of Father God so you can know God personally and more importantly salvation God's way! Be born again by coming to Christ for salvation accepting His Finished Work on the Cross! Deny yourself, take your cross up and follow Him! Upon being saved becoming real before God, Read the Bible and witness so you can lead many sons to God and His glorification through Jesus Christ and be a light, shine like the firmament in Christ's Righteousness when He comes to make up His jewels! Find a Bible believing Church and stay there, fellowship, forgive others, and testify concerning this new life and be loved, nurtured, and victorious in Christ until the end. It's about Christ's life substituted in you for your sins and you following the Holy Spirit! And when the Chief Shepherd appears (Jesus is returning) you will hear "well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of your Lord" And you'll have a bodily resurrection by God's Holy Spirit in Heaven but obey the Spirit of the Christ moment by moment, daily learning what pleases God not man. Give God first place in your life, your time, talent, and treasure: HOW DO I SEEK TO FOLLOW CHRIST? FIVE HABITS<--click div="div" here="here" style="width: 480px;">--click>A GOOD Church... Dave Candel How do I follow Jesus closely? Copyright 2012
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