Monday, December 26, 2011


Monday, December 26, 2011, 3:35 PM [General]

Yes indeed absolutely God's forgiveness is needed to have peace with Him. We are totally depraved and unable to please God in our flesh and bonehead. We need forgiveness, the love of a Savior! Peace only Jesus gives! If Heaven is your goal when you die a right relationship with Our Maker is primary! Do you have Jesus? God loves you! God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. But He is longsuffering seeing we perish because of sins. The Word of God in fact says otherwise concerning death when it says in Romans 5, "In due time Christ died for the-ungodly," and, "While we were still sinners (and enemies of God) Christ died for us!" God does not want our sacrifices. We should learn to love mercy after we're born again and obey that still small of Voice of God. The sacrifices of God are a gentle and quiet spirit, a broken heart and right spirit. God puts together the broken pieces of us. Rend your hearts and not your garments God's Word teaches us. He wants our heart. God wants us as friends and-children not slaves of sin. Even as ruler of us He is Lord over sin within us. He that sins is the servant of sin it says. And we should not pretend we don't know there is pleasure in sin. But as Moses abstained from the pleasures of sin in Egypt so should we too regard the reward of God. But if any man be In Christ, forgiven, he/she is a new creature, a new creation, the old has dissappeared, the new has come. Grace is the key which is Jesus. Accept Him. When you pass away, God's Word says, God looks to see if the name is in the Book of Life and if the Blood of Jesus Christ covers your sin. We decide by faith to believe the Gospel included me and go after God's plans and come to Jesus Christ now to meet God face to face, and to belong to His Family through faith in the Finished Work of Christ to pay for your sins at the Cross by His Death, Burial, And Resurrection, Ascension, and Exaltation! Salvation is the Gift of God not of works lest any man should boast! That's in Ephesians.2:8,9,10. After being saved and confessing your wrong before God and asking peace, encountering Jesus Christ within, where God wants to dwell, how we live from then on supposing first we come to Christ this way which is the way of His Blood, is our thank you letter to God living by faith in the Son of God The Sinless Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world! There is so much more to the Abundant Life Christ offers than mere forgiveness also such like eating at God's Table and enjoying His Great Fellowship! A Great Fellowship Assembly! Forever, Eternally! We live in and through the Lord Jesus Christ a life of mercy, action, and peace: bondslaves of His who knews His will and obey as friend then on.. Do you have a slavish fear of God? "Abba" is how God wants you to think of Him! It means "Daddy!" Or "Papa O My Papa!" Whoever is forgiven much will love much! Christ has made an Overpayment for our sins. It is grace over and above mercy. Do you believe Jesus was strong enough to live Holy and have grace and mercy at His ready lest a time of need overtake, but He waxed strong to obey to be Resurrected by the Power of the Father God? You better believe it! Right believing will bring right living! Where sin abounds, grace does superabound! And Remember God loves you! The fear of God is met when one worships God fully through the Son! Follow Jesus! Attend a Bible believing and preaching Church, Pray every day, Read God's Holy Word the Bible, and witness to others' of your faith obediently. Jesus will not fail you nor leave you! Trust Him! Dave C


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