Surrounded by Your glory What will my heart feel Will I dance for You Jesus Or in awe of You be still Will I stand in Your Presence Or to my knees will I fall Will I sing hallelujah Will I be able to speak at all I can only imagine I can only imagine So TRUE BLESSING BE MULTIPLIED TO YOU THROUGH THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD And through the SON, JESUS. He's the Christ. The Yeshua Homeshiak!.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
A Last Days Ministry - Will You Be Available For An Appointment With God?
SPIRITUAL THINGS ARE SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED. The natural man perceiveth not in himself the Eternity of Eternities nor the life that springs Eternal Life from a real relationship with Christ and to God by looking in. We must look out and away to the lifted high Cross where Jesus Christ died for our sins.
God Loves You Unconditionally but His Salvation Is By Faith In the Son.
GOD LOVES YOU! At our Church we are a loving, personal touching, assembly. (-->By Love Song: Little Country Church,) (->video two: The Hollies,<)Because Jesus went to a Cross and Died a substitutionary Atonement Death for our sakes in our place we can say with truth and freedom on our side that: He is Risen indeed and this is our most blessed assurance our sins are forgiven. The Holy Ghost can make that real to you if you know God but to know Him right you need a brand new existence and become a disciple which means student. -->A VIDEO
For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord will be saved. Jesus said, "you must be born again, born anew spiritually." His finished work is now available and can help us magnificently and fabulously if we have faith in Christ in wisdom for our lives direction and salvation, the Holy Spirit working alongside..helping you, "go and sin no more," as Jesus said to a person caught in the act of adultery in John 8:11. Believe that within in the Presence of God in Christ inside you He wills to go before you and enabling you to live each moment with a brand majestic 'newness of life' inside you and with a new heart and new spirit/mind and a new attitude to live happy and follow Christ!! God forgives you in giving you a new spiritual heart to love God first then knowing He first loved and does loves you!! You are somebody!! You are forgiven indeed because Jesus did it all to save you (He went to a Cross) and He keeps giving and giving...accept Him! He loves you! Come to Jesus Christ for salvation, for the Holy Ghost convicts that He is God and bowed to humble Himself to serve and not be served, but to give His Life a Ranson for many: then follow Him.
He Who knew no sin became sin in our behalf that we might be reconciled to God. II Cor 5:21,19.
Even in suffering for God as a famous survivor of Nazi Concentration War Camps: one named Ravensbruck, in particular Corrie Ten Boom says, "There is no pit so deep that He is not deeper still." God has a purpose and plan in suffering that won't be thwarted. (Eph. 3:8-10; see Romans 8:18,28,29.)Our sufferings are not worthy to be compared with the glory He shall reveal in us, (if we suffer with Him.)
To conclude: A Disciple of Jesus is one who becomes like His Master in thought, word, and deed, and attitude. Philip who was one such disciple was approached by some at the close of Jesus' life, by Greeks saying, "Sir, we would like to see Jesus." Jesus strangely answered the question, of what, "Sir, we would like to see Jesus (Himself,") meant and He explained that around the time of the raising of Lazarus thus by saying, "except a kernel of wheat fall to the ground and die having died it died abiding alone, but if it falls and dies, (In Christ,) it will bear much fruit."
In like manner we, meaning all Bible believing Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God and was God's seed to bring Himself a Harvest. And inwardly we following Jesus complete entails denying yourself, taking up your cross and obeying/following Christ's commands to the enth degree and at once in leaving sin behind, you're born again. You're saved from being a sinner to become Christ's loved Disciple. One dies to their desires by making Jesus their own Savior and Risen Master letting Him inside increasingly to manipulate your life like a Lord works on a vessel: that works the clay on the wheel to be a useful clay pot to God and beneficial for Eternal Life and uses of His to live in superior bliss than the pleasures of sin in this life have to offer to be in Heaven forever and it starts by getting saved now as God fills the God-shaped vacuum inside you and me. Problems will only seem to get worse seemingly when you get saved born again because with unloading friends you will have had in the world there is an emptiness and then a struggling to overcome the flesh which before would drag us down so now we believe there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus being we walk differently and we will instead live obedient to the "prepared works" we do according to God's foreordination (Eph. 2:10.) Which He is there along side you never to fail nor leaving you to strengthen comfort and abide with you, console you and make you His in a look of His Victory in your eyes and throat as obey His story. Faithful is He Who calls you Who as well will do it and He'll finish the work He started in you until the Day He completes you (Heaven.)
Being born again do seek to be encouraged in everything to be obediently subject to God and His Son and have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness. His glory shining brightly inside us as witnesses to reflect God's glory, while we becoming a testimony to God's testimony of His Son will be anxiously awaiting your belief system. And becoming one who is aware of the Body of Christ ministering we'll find a niche in the Body to fellowship. From first to last salvation is God's doing; our's is to respond to Him. Maintain a relationship with God moment by moment through kathartic union with Him in obeying His Voice heard in His Word the Bible and love your fellow man by professing Christ whenever and wherever you go abiding in the Vine a genuine son or daughter of His in Jesus Christ as a branch participating in the Sap re: the Vine to live and bear fruit forever. And come to His Table! Love your brother your sister as Christ has loved you!
Matthew 1:21 says, "And she will bear a Son, and you shall call His Name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins."
"Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it." "Except the Lord keep the city, the watchmen waketh but in vain." Psalms.
written by Dave Candel.
Bethel Assembly of God Church If you want to attend our Church Services the address is: 194 Courthouse Road
Franklin Square, NY 11010 Wed. 7:30 PM Bible Study
Christian Ed. Sun. 9:30 AM Worship Service 10:45 AM
Evening Service 6 PM Youth Wed and Fri.7:30p
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