Tuesday, March 29, 2011


But How could He stop? God will love them but because of their rejection of His plans He can't be with them (in a Source of sustaining order.)

You're saved by the Living God in repentance from your old way of life and saved to a newness of life: to your new Eternal Life made practical at anytime for you indeed prepared by God that you should lay down your rights in this earthly life of yours for that Spiritual Life He offers. Living the Christian life isn't in self-righteousness but in a Risen life crucified exchanging your life for His Death in over-abundant help in mercy and grace on Him to help in time of need. Living as a Christian isn't silver or gold in having but not neglecting thanksgiving and other such things as are what Christ wants, contentment and a committment. It's not about accumulating stuff. He will fill your needs like a filling station because He's a good (Source) and don't presume upon that but you must rely on Him not like you feel you need them but as He sees you need them for Psalm 23 says, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." God is the only good Being absolutely. He meets needs like a good Father. He must go from Creator to good Father in thoughts. This is opportunity and to know Him as Savior and Lord.

Wisdom cries aloud in the streets! Come in to God's House! Let Him feed your Naos (Holy Place.)


Do you want to go to Heaven? My Grandfather was asked that when He was an unbeliever or until when what one might be called a person is, saved. The question was asked by a neighbor friend who is born again Christian. He thought, "can one in my religion enter or be sure of Heaven?" He went to a Bible church and heard about getting saved. He found Christ and the Holy Spirit proclaimed and was radically changed. The Church is the Bride of Christ, male and female and God wants you to be a member of His world-wide Family Romans 7:1-4; Eph. 5:23,32; Rev. 19:7-9.

Don't think I'm religious, more righteous or even self-righteous for any religion's purpose or thinking this way or for using the word Heaven to separate two groups or kinds of people even haphazardly; for God can translate you to His Kingdom instantaneously. You can find being saved in your local Bible-believing Church being taught, where the Holy Spirit is found incidentally. Jesus is the way. Have you ever thought of why don't I make sure I have it right with God? I'm not talking down on anyone in a condemning or condescending way. Who is he that condemns? Yea It is Christ that Died yea that is Risen! Who shall lay any charge to God's elect? It is God Who justifies! God's way and life is sure filled with natural goodness in abundant love, kindness, and gentleness to give to you in Christ to give to others and one's family. God transcends creation and exists outside His creation and apart from it. He is Holy above all things. Yet He intervenes. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? No one and no thing. But you can walk away. But even then He will continue to love.

Have you if you're an agnostic or unbeliever, asked yourself, why don't I seek Him whole-heartedly and be Born again as Jesus said to Nicodemas, a son of Pharisee who came to see Jesus at night? If the Bible IS the Word of God, and it is, as it states that it is clearly and plainly right and saying so in its contents, backs it up in fulfilled archeology. Then in God's terms why not belong to Him by second birth or born twice, as the Bible says to do? For if it's by the integrity of Christ's words and of the Bible being inerrant, infallible, and by verbal plenary inspired being meaning every word of every thought in every thoughtful thought-filled line in the Bible is Divinely (Appointed) Anointed thoughts & words from God Eternally given but in time sprung from His mind and heart that He wants communicated to His people and by His Spirit He bore along the Biblical writers, then why don't I do (live) my life His way? In these last days God has chosen to speak to us through His Son. This is in Hebrews 1:1,2.

And, "if my life doesn't line way up with Him now why is my life doing a lifestyle that way (and so change it if possible) and then it can be a righteous stance to then line with scripture somehow. God can keep you from stumbling and is able to make you stand blameless before Him inside in your walk with Him inasmuch as Christ is wanting control of my heart as Resurrected influence by the Holy Spirit and gentle wind. Yes. And as we keep ourselves in the love of God is His imperative with this promise, (see Jude 22,23 a New Testament book of the Bible,") Jesus said, "You must be born again," in John 3:3. I'm not talking about a sinless life or a blocking out of Satan, the adversary alone, but a life of potential, in patient expecting mercy unto a life in the Spirit of life spark in Christ Jesus and peace expecting fellowship/koinonia that goes on to succeed in igniting a fire to others (like Moses at the burning bush, a fire that wouldn't go out,) and getting to Heaven someday overcoming obstacles in life with style from the Holy Ghost Romans 8:1-3.

You can have the assurance of going to Heaven! It's not about education but obedience. You can be an educated sinner but like a tea bag immersed your nature and the tea bag leaves change! This is in salvation. Better to be God's obedient slave. Real love surrenders and surrenders to God. Call upon the Name of the Lord to be saved. John the Baptist didn't have many miracles in his ministry yet of him it was said, "none is greater" in the Old Testament than he as Jesus said. And anyone else in the New Covenant being first greater than John Baptist. And of not many more in the New Covenant was it said that they were, "full" of faith and the Spirit than Stephen, the seven deacons (Acts 6,) and Barnabas. Jesus came to lead us to a spirit of fullness we being born again and He being the Fountain of Living Water in John 7 and by Baptizing us with fire and the Holy Spirit: A perpetual fire that grows.

If someone comes between you and God who's closer? The point is will we get close to God? The devil is a created thing. Don't let anything created steal from that which is perfect. Let no man/woman come between you and God or let that situation stay that way. Forgive. Do it for yourself and God in His way and Timing which is restorative of relationships and reconciliation within with yourself and others or unilaterally if need be. Grace from God is needed for this most times. A great question is, Will God stop loving people in hell? How could He stop? Love has no barrier, wall, nor limit to it. God will love them but because of their rejection of His plan (continually (Hebrews),) He can't be with them. He is Holy. The lake of fire is real. It will never go out. But as people without the Lord have lived rebellious and have stubbornly gone their own way when Jesus is right there to be known intimately by the Holy Spirit convicting they will be punished because God's mercy will have run its course in the life that now is. The Great Divorce by CS Lewis shows what hell might be like. People will burn with wants that greed and lust purport and hate as well without anyone being the object of their malice BUT themselves. They have not rightly related to God's love by repentance and changing so God will just leave absent His blessing and little do they realize that will mean everything but wills. When God's fire is not rightly related to, His plan is obscure to the unsaved and they will wander in the pain of hell even where they will want to die but forever eternally they will burn with sulphur fire. There will be weeping and nashing of teeth.

Do you desire or want a relationship and fellowship with your Heavenly Father God of peace? Justification (Romans 5)? Do you know God loves you more than you could love yourself? God will always love you more than you could love yourself so be glad you're very loved! Here's a hug: He is a personal God! He loves you more than any personal human being or angel will or could! God IS love and did you know that God requests the honor of your presence at a Marriage Supper/Positive Uplift Judgment to be given someday in 3rd Heaven for you and God's Family by grace but it has a two-edged sword which is the 'Word of God's' sword? God's love for you is no less stupendous and fabulous, now! That makes Jesus your Savior if you heard right and in celebration of Jesus, make Him your Master and Lord. THIS LIFE ABUNDANT IN Jesus then IS IN POVERTY OF SPIRIT IN HUMILITY of PERSONALITY without a lot of 'stuff' in God's Son: Who is Jesus. Jesus is Lord!

Did you know that Christianity is a better life and is more about repentance and confessing you're a sinner (in nakedness of bluntness before God) than externals alone but broken down to it's relationship it's in fact living from the inside? The Bible tells plainly of our Living God and Savior, Jesus Christ Risen and as our only Exalted Head, and Lord in evident victory and His plan for each individual. He as the Bible says, causes God to hear us from Heaven above from in front of the Throne and seated, the Lamb sits (Jesus stands on Mt. Zion in Rev 14:2) from between the mercyseat of the two facing Cherebim of the Ark in Heaven, and talks to us. We can't get chummy. Everytime you call Him Lord you're telling Him you're a slave! And that's a good thing for our service to God (in military of reception and action) will not go unrewarded nor unrequited. And relationships can't be legislated or legalized or reduced to Pharisaism if they're real. It's the freedom to do as you should instead in the New Covenant. Augustine said, "No man has the right to do as he pleases until he pleases to do what is right!"

Jesus (the Bible affirms) is the only Prophet, Priest, and King necessary for men to get to God: (and we're raised with Christ) (in submission) to newness of life in His Access to the Heavenlies by His Finished Work and Perfect Death and Resurrection for us. His Love for us in propitiation is meant FOR US on mercy's sake, & brings a great great good right standing with God through Jesus Christ.

Jesus's Life showed us and shows us how to overcome. He, filled with the Holy Spirit having freshly come from His Baptism and hunting of the devil down for 40 days and nights for which He had come into the wilderness like a Rambo and left like a Patton full of the Spirit confidently in control with the Father in Him He demolishes strongholds. He overcame in nikao (greek, triumph.) He puts on our weakness and remains sinless in ways we know nothing about. Jesus takes the test you failed and gets an A. Who can explain the Trinity? If it gives you a headache its supposed to. God doesn't want a law to legislate holy lifestyle; He wants a relationship II Chron. 7:14.

Jesus was more than an example, He was the Carpenter. He became sin literally so we could be free and go free! Atonement full and free. God's LOVE so rich its amazing!!! The Gospel is Good News. It's great good good news! Do you think of salvation as a getting right with God aright? Do you know having it right in your relationship stance is a lifetime journey with God and starts in the now and is forgiveness of sin and sins and the experience of knowing God aright throughout your lifetime and more and more (in Him?) God loves you and is love! He didn't spare His own Son! Scripture reads, who is he who condemns? No one. Do you know God promises to all a newness of life, with renewed faith to you through the Gift of His Son by coming in faith through grace to Him alone Who is Faithful and True? You can know fullness of truth and fullness of the Spirit in relationship with God through Christ (but you have to come.) But by grace, unmerited favor, you are saved, not of yourselves, not of works lest you or anyone boast. "We are,"
scripture says, "more than conquerers through Him who loved us!"

God promises to reveal Who He is to those that seek Him (with the whole heart.) This happens through the Holy Spirit's attracting and our participating and then believing Jesus, the Person. Ever hear, "curiosity killed the cat?" Not in this case. In essence you throw yourself on the mercy of the court and you were declared innocent by virtue of what Jesus Died for. That's not head knowledge but heart knowledge if you can get it inside you. God is after the heart. It's not where you've been but where are you now in God's Timetable. The Spirit and the Bride are calling. Could you have the guts to follow Jesus Christ, God's Only Son even in the hard places (which can mean, not for stuff?) Feeling Adventurous? Not for the bored for sure.

It's about what's coming and what God's going to do with you today! And the adventure tomorrow. What do you want from Him as you pursue Him? Tell Him. Ask, seek, knock. He wants your attention to get saved, a mental assent, committment to/follow-through that starts inside, and is seed on good ground, and becomes Holy living as Gift: a law of the Spirit if you will, until we come to see Him as He is. Someday in confirmed righteousness where every thought will be a righteous thought in Heaven we'll see Jesus. He has a job for you to do (until then.) He has by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus broken down to eye level the veil of the law of sin and death. It's written in the spiritual heart or the part of you, you surrender to God. What's won for Christ is forever. Only what's done for Christ will last.

He wants to be in an intimate personal relationship with us through His Son, attending Church, (Bible literal taking one,) have fellowship with others, & live life as a slave to His Master in fullness, faithfulness, and love for believing on Him, supping fellowshipping with Him. This is all a defining part of the life Our Lord Jesus Christ calls our life to live in I Corinthians 13. It's an excellant exciting prospect to know God experientially, a Bill & Ted adventure only holy through the covering of the Blood of the Lamb. It's: "If in this life only we are the only ones to hope in Christ of all men we're 'most miserable,'" but with enhancement from God the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "I am come that you may have life, and life more abundantly," in John 10:10. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned the Bible says I Corinthians.

A hidden mystery exposed by God and revealed means in Essence an Abundant Life In Christ John 10:10! Jesus being the way, the truth, and life in adventure full and free believing in faith and having experience: the Word of God, the Bible: I or we exist for God's purpose to be in right relationships with people and in a right relationship especially with the one and only true and Living God Who gives us richly everything to enjoy. Evangelical faith (which is a Gift I believe/receive from Him Who is in Heaven above) is exousia and dunamas (greek, authority and power) to believe in Christ and in Christ for salvation and become His children John 1:12.

We in an obedient walk in God, all the time can learn: what He's done, what He's doing, and what He's going to do in the future in you and me and what in Christ can I do in His Word BY FAITH! With men these things are impossible, but with God all things are possible. Do you recognize His love over you? Joyously? hilariously? With tenderness and joyfulness and even hilarity? His hand is mighty. He is a mighty warrior in our midst singing over us rejoicing over us with tenderness Zephaniah 3:17. For its not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord. We glory in tribulation and even first glory in the glory of God. That love is spelt l-o-v-e with much tough and tenderness, blessing under His hand, & lovingkindness from God. Lovingkindness is sandwiched between God's love and mercy. He has given you prevenient common grace for your many needs and wants: food, clothing, and shelter under His hand. His chesed, Hebrew word is hard to pin down as it's superb 'lovingkindness'!

When you think of faith do you have a certain object of your faith? Is it holding you to something or SomeOne? It matters this object of faith because Who He is (this Jesus) is the Incarnate God become man. He's that Object of faith. God revealed Himself in a tabernacle or tent of human kindness (we can relate to) called Christ Jesus the Only Begotten Son of God born in a manger 2000 years ago. That makes Him worthy of our commitment to be worth our worship. Literally Jesus is God by way of the cross. For there's no formula nor method to Holiness or to God this way but Christ He is the way! Are you walking in His Footsteps? At Calvary? Are you ministering to Him trusting His Grace this very hour? All Christ said and did we're growing up into and even, "all that's said about Me," Jesus said, "in the Law, prophets, and the writings."

We're sinners and you can fathom that if you realize you're not perfect & because your lower nature sins, you're a sinner before God, & therefore we need help from the broken way we live as humans from the Holy Spirit. Even you're dead if you don't know God, the Bible says in Ephesians 2:1-4. Spiritually you can't do a thing without salvation John 15. You may hari krishna or yoga but its all in vain if Heaven is your goal if you need to meet God on His terms. God would search you inside thoroughly if you invited Him to, and love on you & say that you need Him, and you can find a new life in Him, (the way is God & in a peace in a Covenant agreement between Himself and you: A New Covenant Union through Jesus.) Has your life been hell so far? Some people gravitate only to God when they go through deep despair or tragedy. This life will be the worst you will have of hell unless and only if you obtain Jesus inside for salvation and commit.

God loves you and wants you to soar and fly in living (Greek: in nikao, victory from Easter conquerering through Jesus, overcoming with Christ) to work out mightily between Him & you what is a good warfare of the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus within fighting in a scheme of good o'er evil, love for God and others like He does love us unconditionally. We, overcoming evil with good, knowing His Will, doing His Will, & in a personal spiritual adventure and experience of Him follow Him to be known by Him in fellowship moment by moment for you two interacting. For in God's Only Son Jesus, in His Fullness of Resurrected Shekinah Presence there is love, joy, peace and pleasures at His right hand forevermore and this is all in knowing Him personally and then corporately in the Body of Christ more and more through Jesus Christ once and for all on His terms, as saved by the God-man Jesus, the mediator between God and man. We need to renew our minds.

He Who was Resurrected as God's Representative of Love Sent from God for a lifetime journey of joy (of our own) brings through Him He working through you and on you so you can change (Metanoia metamorphoo, greek repentance and transformation) a new life, and we must have Him inside and this starts with forgiveness of your sins. The Holy Spirit welcomes you to become transformed, called, Chosen to be in God's Family with enthusiasm, en Theos, in God (in greek: to be excited to be in God.) You get a new heart and a new mind, and a new spirit from Him. You are transformed in the renewing of your mind. It's a life of significance because your life influences then on what happens for all eternity in a positive fashion for those you lead and influence. Jesus rules your life as Lord in salvation by the Spirit. It's still in a relationship of walk of faith, faith being a verb as believing is our stance. As ruler and King HE has the word.

God is Holy is the primary characteristic of God. And He's buying you a Ransom He paid yes He's even started before you were born into this world by a relationship He's paying in justice satisfied by the penal substitution at the Cross! This is a Gift to know the incomprehensible God. God cares for you! Indeed He does. He knows every sparrow that falls, and He watches you.

Salvation by faith is a word expression that is an offense to the world being that they can't understand it. Scripture says, "if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him." What is the sin of the world? Unbelief. Unbelief particularly in Jesus as the Son of God the Only Begotten Son Sent by God. Unbelief in the corruption of within if you will a sinful nature that loves to lie, cheat, or steal, and unbelief in your being a sinner as a result of the sinful nature re: a wretched, poor, blind, and naked self before God. Unbelief leads to worse: unbelief. Like the law of entropy or disorder it (law of sin and death) takes over and you conceive sin. Inasmuch as one doesn't love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, and their neighbor as oneself, there's sin in it. The pride of life, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes are all of the worldly sins as well. God wants to deliver you from yourself.

(Obedience within God's Salvation) to God through Christ on the other hand begins (God knows when) outside you, you hearing the Voice of God and the words of scripture particularly reading/dedicating your body to the Plan of Redemption from the Bible or believing it and committing to it, discipled, walk a separated life. God draws you near. You hear the still small voice of God to repent and get separated unto God and seek Christ and His righteousness is how it starts; God responding too in the Living Gospel, to you, He gives you a gift to stir up. You witness it outside yourself sealed by the Holy Spirit. You're supplied with a Gift, the Holy Spirit, to be Baptized into by Christ, as a Second Work of Grace as you ask for it. What you do with it makes all the difference in your life and your Eternal Life in the world but not of the world or as we believe: the life to come. God is Holy in character and nature and separate from a sinner. Christ's Blood is the bridge to span the distance between a Holy God and yourself.
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Christ is our foundation bedrock righteousness and the Source of all things we need and every blessing to which we boast 'in Him' alone. We're in His Presence in a special way when saved and interceded for by Him (Throne room) and known by Him rooted and grounded by love and built up in Him with passion for then we're inbreathed (greek: theoneustos, by God,) translated into His Kingdom of God. But supernaturally in Him we live and move and have our being. We live before Him in the heavenlies. For you have to get saved for this to happen for eternity. Then you can seek God within the Body of Christ to maintain your responsibility for unity. Salvation first. We're His Temple, the Naos, (greek: The Most Holy Place,) inside.

Gal. 5:16 says, "If we walk by the Spirit we will not fulfill the desires of the flesh." (& of the mind.) Jesus left earth when He ascended and sent the Spirit in His place. Jesus Christ is the beginning and the ending, Alpha and Omega, & the same yesterday today and forever for our faith it says in scripture, "As Commander In Chief of the Lord's Armies, Yeshua Hommiashiach," "He is here," (Joshua 5: a Theophany of the Old Testament.) IN the New Testament we're within actually the Temple of the Naos (Greek: Holy of Holies, of God and containing the Holy Spirit) and useful conduits of the Holy Spirit, & we're having the Shekinah glory of the Presence of God on our faces and inside exciting us!

For those who believe Christ's Message then receive His grace for their salvation then don't do works of righteousness on their part for 'brownie points' before God, as they would be appreciably acceptable (ceasing from their own works as Christ did from His alone Hebrews four,) is a hypothetical. For salvation is by faith alone through grace alone.

But as you have received grace for grace, receiving imperative from Jesus as your own koinonia responsibility: gold, silver, and precious stones to lay at (Jesus's) feet in quality of serving and set apart things you abiding in Him do in God cooperating and you will do the in obedience of faith (Romans 1 phrase) in quantity also: you will continue in being gratefully saved ministering to God being a messenger of God's good news by grace, a disciple. It's a picture within a relationship with God. We create masterpieces of art painting God approves of in the law of the Spirit by obedience. Education alone can only go so far but surrender to God, obeying, and the Holy Spirit inside sanctifying & taking control can go a long way to take the Christian life to visible and invisible in Him, but bright.

Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord and will be as every knee bows when his enemies become His footstool for his feet and Jesus returns. If you've come to Him, ie. as a childlike disciple 'born of God' type person *you will please Him having been sent the Spirit & indwelt. This is by faith within & with the help by grace infused without from God and rekindled from the Holy Spirit inside & outside and its possible first becoming born again a Gift of salvation from God on His terms. The seed of God becomes imparted to you or implanted in you. All things are possible to God though with men impossible: on a next level a higher plane by walking in Jesus abiding in Him and in dependence on Him. The Lord can lift your feet on higher ground. We develop in cooperation a new heart and new spirit He gives us from then on.

Receive Him in your heart moment by moment like you would a familiar trusted friend or in a childlike trusting way by the way you live from then on bearing fruit. He is able to help you do this trusting, to save you (from sin) and keep you personally fully and really ministered to, obediently found out transparent (naked before His Sight) like its written in our Lord's parable in Luke 15 says: a sinner 'saved,' coming home to Him and in Psalm 139 inviting God to search you out. But you have to come. There God writes through Luke, "He rejoices and invites others to rejoice even over one sinner who repents." You start to experience His love practically! and then just by hearing it from the Spirit proclaimed (through a person's intervention) and you taking it in and responding with 'a word therapuo (greek meaning healing: yes, to Him) and of perseverance,' HOPE. You determine not to defile yourself with sin from then on.

And if you're saved, living by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and the Rapture occurs while you're living in Christ and honoring a disciple's relationship to God through grace in God and in fellowship (let me emphasize it's by faith and grace or faith working by love,) you can be caught up in ("rapizo" in the orig. Bible languages, 'caught away' 'snatched away') in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall you ever be with the Lord Jesus and be at that special Marriage Supper! Even so come Lord Jesus! Maranatha! Doesn't this sound like something you'd like? or learn to like? Read I Thessalonians 4:13-17 and I Corinthians 15:1-7ff for instance, and maybe St. John's Gospel chapter three verse three to about sixteen about being born again. Gaining rescue by Rapture you miss The Great Tribulation to come on the whole earth. Read Revelation and find from Chapter 4 on there is no mention of the church. We're Raptured from the great hour of trial to come upon the earth. As His Bride God would treat us appropiately and spare us from that hour of the Seventieth Week of Daniel and Jacob's Trouble.

In this context, "God be merciful to me a sinner," was said in an open appeal by a brokenhearted (and statement faithfully made by a) Tax-gatherer of whom it was said in a parable told by Jesus as one who humbles himself before God this man having beaten upon his breast saying words like that. Jesus told this parable about people who think themselves righteous and show contempt for others. The other man in the parable, the Pharisee said, "I thank Thee God that I'm not like other men, I fast twice in the week, etc. and I'm not like this publican." Certainly this man has no clue for his saying this. This parable shows a humility Jesus taught before God by the publican instead being in the right who came home exalted and justified having humbled himself in a single simple but great way before God. You can be like this person.

If Jesus is your Lord and you are His child, remember mercy triumphs over judgment when humbling yourself before God under His Mighty Hand and God will love you to hell and back in the whole process of getting to Heaven. Don't test Him but believe Him. For God wants you to think of Eternity in the attitude you live your life with now. God wants to give you His purpose and His plan. Do what He wants. Be Who you are in Him. I'm proposing God is love and Jesus shows it (all along our way) Jesus having died in our place on the Cross so He could show you how and what to do today specificly & particularly!

There is a testifying in every believer a witness unto Jesus His Resurrected Body speaks forgiveness, power, Dunamis: that first by Death Jesus Paid It All then sealed the deal by His Resurrection all in a regard to our sin debt. It's all too clear that the deliverance over sin Christ won to gain our salvation for us was complete and full over sin, death, and hell; His Death and Resurrection did this completion or Tetelestai (Greek: Finished Work.) It's clear in His hupernikao (super victory, greek) Resurrection triumph we have from Him, that we have the love we show others by the way we've been forgiven and then on, how we live over sin in victory. It's all in the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus inside you working itself out. It's in Christ's law of love. Jesus puts a new man in our shoes.

Christ became our sin on the Cross and it's punishment II Cor. 5:21. After He died, being buried (we were too,) that's when He rose from the dead; He made us alive whole, complete, & individually directed in His path in salvation in New Wine that must be put in new wineglasses. He satisfied the Living Requirement of The Old Testament Law demands. That's why it's said by God's Voice and by us lived out to on purpose and with determination, glorify Him, and with admonishment all our lives as (ecclesia, Greek for Church,) the called out ones, as witnesses (maryturos in Grk.,) and as testifying 'believers' individually in our Temple bodies of an undivided Faithful God and His Word: to proclaim Him and provoke each other to love and good works.

And we shine for God and live shining our lights bright for Him for we'll be martyrs also in part because our Ransom paid for us was costly and we treat it costly no matter how we're treated. All therefore who desire to live godly (subject and suboordinate to God) in Christ Jesus are to communicate the Gospel in a hostile world freely intensely and will suffer persecution, some to torture and being persecuted by men and, and some even to death and eventual Everlasting life. If we endure and/or suffer with Him He will confess us and we will reign with Him in Eternal Life in a special sense for that. John wrote, "Don't marvel that the world hates you for it hated Jesus." Jesus was hated because His works were righteous and there's were not.

How you may ask, did mankind fall and get into this malaise? The Word of God states that "IN BEGINNING" (No article "the" inbetween those two words in the Genesis 1:1 account in Hebrew,) given as plain fact that by His speaking into existence God creating the cosmos on the sixth day creating by His fingers or hands, then every man He created in the image or likeness of God.

God created him or her in the Garden of Eden and He rested on the seventh day. That's rest He rested meaning the work is over in having Finished it He having been slain from before the foundation of the world. It's time to be on His side in a fallen world. It's in the image of God Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, were created from the dust of the ground by His hand or fingers and Breath (an Anthropomorphism,) which shows God's intricate care for us, and love. Because of the Fall of man in the eyes of the Lord, Failing Him God's Spirit died in man & man's spirit died.

God would walk with man in the sunset portion or cool of the day as He did to fellowship/walk intimately as He did before this. Adam and Eve were seduced to the serpent Satan's schemes & misdeeds and this caused a substantial crises to God's man. God had made the command to not eat the fruit in the center of the Garden of one tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Every other tree was good to go. God said not to eat of it, the tree, for you will die, in the day you eat of it. It was bad fruit. From it all who were born from Adam die. But they did eat, and though man was still made in God's image and had free agency, he didn't die physically right away but he did die spiritually right then . And though he and she loved to fellowship in the Garden with God and he and she in lieu of a walk with God that twilight dusk to grow, they instead failed God's test. They failed to believe in God's final authority while they went after the lie that they were in charge. Adam had abdecated his responsibility being the head over his household. Adam lived almost a thousand years in mercy but he did die.

And man made fig leaves to cover his and her nakedness at an attempt to reconcile their blunt disobedience before God but that was a flop and so God made provision of a clothing covering from sacrificed animals without help from man that time. That Miracle God did, to produce the Redemption of the likeness and image of God returned happened though God was blameless and Holy (without taint from any failure of man.) That was mercy, not getting what we should deserve. Redemption for a worthless slave to buy (who long had law and grace defied,) is available.

Even today in a born again spiritual way, getting saved as the Word says to, based on the events of two thousand years ago on the cross, you can be free to live in Him a love slave to God with this covering coverage from God of forgiveness 'in the Eternal Plan' the down payment of Jesus's sacrifice for us to obtain a sinless body someday in Heaven by first getting saved. Salvation is forever if you wanted God's plan for youself and remain in Jesus believing His Person obeying God and in various aspects of fruitbearing having been implanted or imparted with Christ's seed, the sperm of the words of God, the Word of God, rhema, and Logos, living an abundant life in Him prosperous. It's a holy moral life at times we live but more especially a very close walk with 'what would Jesus do' only you're chasing the Spirit and not letting Him drag behind but struggling without growing weary to obey the Lord's voice up close near and in surrender. It's spontaneous not static too.

With obedience and perseverance for Him on your part in life in Him and living in His Plan and His Faithfulness you can truly expect God to move in you and on you for you in your behalf as you INHERIT THE PROMISES OF GOD. God is indeed a Rewarder of them that dilligently seek Him. Not for cadillacs or merchandise we seek. Hebrews eleven goes on to say, "Some died (believing) not having obtained the promise." It goes on to say, "Of whom the world was not worthy (Hebrews 11.") The problem with America is we have digressed and exaggerated the Gospel to include money and health and happiness in name it and claim it tactics and tricks claiming the promises of God at a cost to the core imperitives of Jesus Christ and this has made us lukewarm and non-compliant too in praying, pursuing, and obeying Him. Personal Revival and True Discipleship is at a premium that is strictly for those who have Jesus and the Word to obey and no other motivation internally or externally! Religion kills. Jesus comes to make us alive! He ignites! He sets us ablaze! He lights our lone candle!

Surely and for certain that likeness of God/image of God in relation to salvation we find returned in godly hope God inside us transforming us in certain belief anticipation that doesn't make us ashamed because the love of GOD HAS BEEN shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit we find God helps our belief to stand Romans 5:3-5. God is able to make him stand. God lives in an Eternal Plan in Now but He has in time intervened in human affairs like the universe is in the span (distance from the tip of the pinky to the tip of the thumb in an open hand,) of His hand and continues for in Him all things consist and hold together Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:2,3. This makes us glad & confident in Him that He is Sovereignly in control and we are not. We reign with Him if we endure with Him suffering wrongfully. Try not to suffer for your own faults but just suffer for doing good in Him as you follow Christ in the way.

So in salvation through the conduit of God's love His Son for you and in your love for Him too in fellowship of steadfast hope of Another Kind in the Body of believers of Christ in the Holy Spirit: faith in Jesus Christ for salvation: come to believe in it unto Eternal Life and a Life In The Spirit, a walk with God solemnly.

We're just aliens and passing thru in this life. Remember Pilgrim's Progress by Paul Bunyan? JRR Tolkien & CS Lewis as Authors and Characters in God's Family? Their stories, extra Biblical fantasy novels and non-fiction writings are faithful. On the other scanty side of life, wrong desires war against the soul vexing us. "Sin is crouching at the door but you must master it. If you do well won't your face show it?," Genesis says.

Eternity is a very very long time and our lives are but a vapor. It's on my theological plate to believe that the desire for God and desire for the likeness of God Himself, the aspects of the image of God in man in a body with a created soul clothed in a spirit in other words His image is unique in this existence on earth and *that it was no accident. If God said, "abstain from pre-marital sex," I believe Him. We can put on clothes of Christ's making with Christ to enjoy a life in the Holy Spirit. As Jesus is Lord indeed overtaking us after coming to be saved to God the Holy Spirit clothes Himself with us: is God's pleasure. This is from Samuel Chadwick. This is truly God's spiritual unassuming privilege for empowerment to live a holy life of intimacy with Him. Intimacy is where the power is. Only Jesus has the words of life.

Father God returned at Calvary, all we lost by Adam and we gained it back BECAUSE His love reconciles us and restores us IF we go on forward with Him. He IS SHOWING US LOVE, revealed in the Son of God Jesus.. in His Incarnation.. in His Sacrificial Love.. in His Birth/Nativity, Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, Exaltation and Glorification and Seating.. for our Redemption of the purchased possession.. who we are, we who "privileged in benefit.." choose to be His bondslaves.. and chosen!

In His LONG-HEARTED EXCITEMENT TYPIFIED AT THE LAST SUPPER BY HIS PASSION-shown Sovereignly appointed timing at the Cross God proved the plan He put in place in the fullness of times will work for you by faith in its longevity in history re: hospitals, universities, and orphanages built, even every changed life coming to God through Christ by worship we lift up holy hands to God by in the Gospel.

If we enter at some point and believe with a persevering belief in Jesus as
Savior that acts on grace alone to be saved we won't build our kingdom here but His, to build on that foundation gold, silver, and precious stones to present to Him and we will hear a voice behind us saying when we turn to the right, or to the left, "This Is The Way, Walk You, In It." We take one step at a time in His Footsteps. Then we stride along in His marathon in salvation. Read the Parables of Jesus and you'll encounter the topsy turvy aspect of Christ's Kingdom (Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven) over and opposite to this world's thinking. But you need a saved mind to transformed continue continually a relationship and not just religious jargon or only 'fig leaf' religious behavior to do. It's a New Covenant or God's Agreement that being all things new, this salvation becomes new when applied to you in you II Cor. 5:17. It's a new life filled with new works preordained for you, to accomplish Ephesians 2:10.

God's attitude toward us is one of Favor that is for us for a God-sized timing particular that is of punctilinear (point in time, greek tense: aorist active indicative) saving faith belief stand starting at a point in time (continuing) established where we confess our sins and agree with God and based on the merciful observation that God was in Christ on the Cross reconciling man to Himself! And He has comitted to us a word, even reconciliation! I pray you in Christ's Place, Be ye reconciled to God! God is love! Tell your problems how great your God is! And not how great your problems are, to God. "With God we shall do valiantly," Gideon said.

The Bible says, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." If as you or someone else may claim, "I have no sin," then I ask, "where is the glory of God in your life?" "For all have come short," it says in Isaiah 59:1,2. If we call upon the Lord we will be saved individually. God loves you.

A Wise man will hear and increase learning! Grace Grace To It (God says in Zechariah!)

For Him who has ears to hear. We walk by faith, not by sight. Listen to Jesus. Hear HIM.

Bethel Assembly Of God Church

Bethel Assembly Of God Church Services Podcast

Friday, March 25, 2011


By Dave Candel
Do you want to go to Heaven? My Grandfather was asked that when He was an unbeliever or until when what one might be called, saved. The question was asked by a neighbor friend who is born again Christian. He thought, "can one in my religion enter or be sure of Heaven?" He went to a Bible church and heard about getting saved. He found Christ and the Holy Spirit proclaimed and was radically changed. The Church is the Bride of Christ, male and female and God wants you to be a member of His world-wide Familly Romans 7:1-4; Eph. 5:23,32; Rev. 19:7-9.
Don't think I'm religious, more righteous or even self-righteous for any religion's purpose or for thinking this way or using the word Heaven to separate two groups or kinds of people haphazardly; for God can translate you to His Kingdom instantaneously. You can find being saved in your local Bible-believing Church being taught, where the Holy Spirit is found incidentally. Jesus is the way. Have you ever thought of why don't I make sure I have it right with God? I'm not talking down on anyone in a condemning or condescending way. God's way and life is sure filled with natural goodness in abundant love, kindness, and gentleness to give to you in Christ to give to others and one's family. God transcends creation and exists outside His creation and apart from it. He is Holy above all things.
Have you ever asked yourself, why don't I seek Him whole-heartedly and be Born again as Jesus said to do to Nicodemas, a son of Pharisee who came to see Jesus at night? If the Bible IS the Word of God, and it is, as it states that it is clearly and plainly right and saying so in its contents, backs it up in fulfilled archeology. Then in God's terms why not belong to Him by second birth or born twice, as the Bible says to do? For if it's by the integrity of Christ's words and of the Bible being inerrant infallible and by verbal plenary inspired being meaning every word of every thought in every thoughtful thought-filled line in the Bible is Divinely (Appointed) Anointed thoughts & words from God Eternally given but in time sprung from His mind and heart that He wants communicated to His people and by His Spirit He bore along the Biblical writers, then why don't I do my life His way? In these last days God has chosen to speak to us through His Son. This is in Hebrews 1:1,2.
And, "if my life doesn't line up with Him now why is my life doing a lifestyle that way (and so change) and can it then line with scripture somehow and even can it line up with the potential for no stumbling and blamelessness inside my walk with God inasmuch as Christ is wanting control of my heart as Resurrected influence by the Holy Spirit? And as we keep ourselves in the love of God is His imperative with this promise, (see Jude 22,23 a New Testament book of the Bible?") Jesus said, "You must be born again," in John 3:3. I'm not talking about a sinless life or a blocking out of Satan, the adversary alone, but a life of potential, in patient expecting mercy unto a life in the Spirit of life spark in Christ Jesus and peace expecting fellowship/koinonia that goes on to succeed in igniting a fire to others (like Moses at the burning bush, a fire that wouldn't go out,) and getting to Heaven someday Romans 8:1-3.
You can have the assurance of going to Heaven! It's not about education but obedience. You can be an educated sinner but like a tea bag immerced your nature and the tea bag leaves change! This is in salvation. Better to be God's obedient slave. Real love surrenders and surrenders to God. Call upon the Name of the Lord to be saved. John the Baptist didn't have many miracles in his ministry yet of him it was said, "none is greater" in the Old Testament than he as Jesus said. And anyone else in the New Covenant being first greater than John Baptist. And of not many more in the New Covenant was it said that they were, "full" of faith and the Spirit than Stephen, the seven deacons (Acts 6,) and Barnabas. Jesus came to lead us to a spirit of fullness we being born again and He being the Fountain of Living Water in John 7 and by Baptizing us with fire and the Holy Spirit: A perpetual fire that grows.

If someone comes between you and God who's closer? Let no man/woman come between you and God or let that situation stay that way. Forgive. Do it for yourself and God in His way and Timing which is restorative of relationships and reconciliation within yourself and among yourselves with others or unilaterally if need be. Grace from God is needed for this most times.
Do you desire or want a relationship and fellowship with your Heavenly Father God of peace? Do you know God loves you more than you could love yourself? God will always love you more than you could love yourself so be glad you're very loved! Here's a hug: He is a personal God! He loves you more than any personal human being or angel will or could! God IS love and did you know that God requests the honor of your presence at a Marriage Supper/Positive Uplift Judgment to be given someday in 3rd Heaven for you and God's Family by grace but has a two-edged sword which is the 'Word of God's' sword? God's love for you is no less stupendous and fabulous, now! That makes Jesus your Savior if you heard right and in celebration of Jesus, make Him your Master and Lord. THIS LIFE ABUNDANT IN Jesus then IS IN POVERTY OF SPIRIT IN HUMILITY of PERSONALITY without a lot of 'stuff' in God's Son: Who is Jesus.
Did you know that Christianity is a better life and more about repentance and confessing you're a sinner (in nakedness bluntness before God) than externals alone but broken down to it's relationship it's in fact living from the inside? The Bible tells plainly of our Living God and Savior, Jesus Christ Risen and as our only Exalted Head, and Lord in evident victory? He as the Bible says, causes God to hear us from Heaven above from in front of the Throne and seated, the Lamb sits (Jesus stands on Mt. Zion in Rev 14:2) from between the mercyseat of the two facing Cherebim of the Ark in Heaven, and talks to us. We can't get chummy. Everytime you call Him Lord you're telling Him you're a slave! And that's a good thing for our service to God will not go unrewarded nor unrequited. And relationships can't be legislated or legalized or reduced to Pharisaism if they're real. It's the freedom to do as you should instead in the New Covenant. Augustine said, "No man has the right to do as he pleases until he pleases to do right."
Jesus (the Bible affirms) is the only Prophet, Priest, and King necessary for men to get to God: (and we're raised with Christ) (in submission) to newness of life in His Access to the Heavenlies by His Finished Work and Perfect Death and Resurrection for us. His Love for us in propitiation is meant FOR US on mercy's side, & brings a great great good right standing with God through Jesus Christ. Propitiation just means His Atonement satisfied the Requirement of the Law providing redemption for our sins and the whole world's sins. We must follow Jesus as Risen, the Voice of God, Savior and in the Word (the Bible:) the Incarnate God, read of Him in the Gospels.
Jesus's Life showed us and shows us how to overcome. He, filled with the Holy Spirit having freshly come from His Baptism and hunting of the devil down for 40 days and nights for which He had come into the wilderness like a Rambo and left like a Patton full of the Spirit confidently in control with the Father in Him He demolishes strongholds. He overcame in nikao (greek, triumph.) He puts on our weakness and remains sinless in ways we know nothing about. Jesus takes the test you failed and gets an A. Who can explain the Trinity? If it gives you a headache its supposed to. God doesn't want a law to legislate holy lifestyle; He wants a relationship II Chron. 7:14.
Jesus was more than an example, He was the Carpenter. He became sin literally so we could be free and go free! Atonement full and free. God's LOVE so rich its amazing!!! The Gospel is Good News. It's great good good news! Do you think of salvation as a getting right with God aright? Do you know having it right in your relationship stance is a lifetime journey with God and starts in the now and is forgiveness of sin and sins and the experience of knowing God aright throughout your lifetime and more and more (in Him?) God loves you and is love! Do you know God promises to all a newness of life, with renewed faith to you through the Gift of His Son by coming in faith through grace to Him alone Who is Faithful and True? You can know fullness of truth and fullness of the Spirit in relationship with God through Christ (but you have to come.) But by grace, unmerited favor, you are saved, not of yourselves, not of works lest you or anyone boast.
God promises to reveal Who He is to those that seek Him (with the whole heart.) This happens through the Holy Spirit's attracting and our participating and interest finding. Ever hear, "curiosity killed the cat?" Not in this case. In essence you throw yourself on the mercy of the court and you were declared innocent by virtue of what Jesus Died for. That's not head knowledge but heart knowledge if you can get it inside you. God is after the heart. It's not where you've been but where are you now in God's Timetable. The Spirit and the Bride are calling. Could you have the guts to follow Jesus Christ, God's Only Son even in the hard places? Feeling Adventurous? Not for the bored for sure.
It's about what's coming and what God's going to do with you today! And the adventure tomorrow. What do you want from Him as you pursue Him? Tell Him. Ask, seek, knock. He wants your attention to get saved, a mental assent, committment to/follow-through that starts inside, and is seed on good ground, and becomes Holy living as Gift: a law of the Spirit if you will, until we come to see Him as He is. Someday in confirmed righteousness where every thought will be a righteous thought in Heaven we'll see Jesus. He has a job for you to do (until then.) He has by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus broken down to eye level the veil of the law of sin and death. It's written in the spiritual heart or the part of you, you surrender to God. What's won for Christ is forever. Only what's done for Christ will last.
He wants to be in an intimate personal relationship with us through His Son, attending Church, (Bible literal taking one,) have fellowship with others, & live life as a slave to His Master in fullness, faithfulness, and love for believing on Him, supping fellowshipping with Him. This is all a structural part of the characteristics of the life Our Lord Jesus Christ calls our life to live in I Corinthians 13. It's an excellant exciting prospect, a Bill & Ted adventure only holy through the covering of the Blood of the Lamb. It's: "If in this life only we are the only ones to hope in Christ of all men we're 'most miserable,'" but with enhancement from God the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "I am come that you may have life, and life more abundantly," in John 10:10. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned the Bible says.
A hidden mystery exposed and revealed means in Essence an Abundant Life In Christ! Jesus being the way, in adventure full and free believing in faith and having experience: the Word of God, the Bible: I or we exist for God's purpose to be in right relationships with people and a right relationship especially with the one and only true and Living God Who gives us richly everything to enjoy. Evangelical faith (which is a Gift I believe/receive from Him Who is in Heaven above) is exousia and dunamas (greek, authority and power) to believe in Christ and in Christ for salvation and become His children John 1:12.
We in an obedient walk in God, all the time can learn: what He's done, what He's doing, and what He's going to do in the future in you and me and what in Christ can I do in His Word BY FAITH! With men these things are impossible, but with God all things are possible. Do you recognize His love over you? Joyously? hilariously? With tenderness and joyfulness and even hilarity? His hand is mighty. He is a mighty warrior in our midst singing over us rejoicing over us Zephaniah 3:17. For its not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord. We glory in tribulation and even first glory in the glory of God. That love is spelt l-o-v-e with much tough and tenderness, blessing under His hand, & lovingkindness from God. Lovingkindness is sandwiched between God's love and mercy. He has given you prevenient common grace for your many needs and wants: food, clothing, and shelter under His hand.
When you think of faith do you have a certain object of your faith? Is it holding you to something or SomeOne? It matters this object of faith Who He is because this Jesus is the Incarnate God become man. He's that Object of faith. God revealed Himself in a tabernacle or tent of human kindness (we can relate to) called Christ Jesus the Only Begotten Son of God born in a manger 2000 years ago. That makes Him worthy of our commitment to be worth our worship. For there's no formula nor method to Holiness but Christ He is the way! Are you walking in His Footsteps? At Calvary? Are you ministering to Him trusting His Grace this very hour? All Christ said and did we're growing up into and even, "all that's said about Me," Jesus said, "in the Law, prophets, and the writings."
We're sinners and you can fathom that if you realize you're not perfect & because your lower nature sins, you're a sinner before God, & therefore we need help from the broken way we live as humans from the Holy Spirit. You're dead if you don't know God, the Bible says in Ephesians 2:1-4. Spiritually you can't do a thing without salvation John 15. You may hari krishna or yoga but its all in vain if Heaven is your goal if you need to meet God on His terms. God would search you inside thoroughly if you invited Him to, and love on you & say that you need Him, and you can find a new life in Him, (the way is God & in a peace in a Covenant agreement between Himself and you: A New Covenant Union through Jesus.) Has your life been hell so far? Some people gravitate only to God when they go through deep despair or tragedy. This life will be the worst you will have of hell unless and only if you obtain Jesus inside for salvation.
God loves you and wants you to soar and fly in living (Greek: in nikao, victory from Easter conquerering through Jesus, overcoming with Christ) to work out mightily between Him & you what is a good warfare of the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus within fighting in a scheme of good o'er evil, love for God and others like He does love us unconditionally. We, overcoming evil with good, knowing His Will, doing His Will, & in a personal spiritual adventure and experience of Him follow Him to be known by Him in fellowship moment by moment for you two interacting. For in God's Only Son Jesus, in His Fullness of Resurrected Shekinah Presence there is love, joy, peace and pleasures at His right hand forevermore and this is all in knowing Him personally and then corporately in the Body of Christ more and more through Jesus Christ once and for all on His terms, saved by the God-man Jesus, the mediator between God and man.
He Who was Resurrected as God's Representative of Love Sent from God for a lifetime journey of joy (of our own) brings through Him He working through you and on you so you can change (Metanoia metamorphoo, greek repentance and transformation) a new life, and we must have Him inside and this starts with forgiveness of your sins. The Holy Spirit welcomes you to become transformed, called, Chosen to be in God's Family with enthusiasm, en Theos, in God (in greek: to be excited to be in God.) You get a new heart and a new mind, and a new spirit from Him. You are transformed in the renewing of your mind. It's a life of significance because your life influences then on what happens for all eternity in a positive fashion for those you lead and influence. Jesus rules your life as Lord in salvation by the Spirit. It's still in a relationship of walk of faith, faith being a verb as believing is our stance.
God is Holy is the primary characteristic of God. And He's buying you a Ransom He paid yes He's even started before you were born into this world by a relationship He's paying in justice satisfied by the penal substitution at the Cross for you minute by minute to be His and wooing you if you're accepting Christ as Savior one moment by moment at a time (& on that basis.) And in the next moment of Eternal Timetable if you continue belief and automatically obtain therefore a forever inheritance knowing this all starts at the Cross enduring to the end, you will be saved! This is a Gift to know the incomprehensible God. God cares for you! Indeed He does. He knows every sparrow that falls, and He watches you.
Salvation by faith is a word expression that is an offense to the world being that they can't understand it. Scripture says, "if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him." What is the sin of the world? Unbelief. Unbelief particularly in Jesus as the Son of God the Only Begotten Son Sent by God. Unbelief in the corruption of within if you will a sinful nature that loves to lie, cheat, or steal, and unbelief in your being a sinner as a result of the sinful nature re: a wretched, poor, blind, and naked self before God. Unbelief leads to worse: unbelief. Like the law of entropy or disorder it (law of sin and death) takes over. Inasmuch as one doesn't love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, and their neighbor as oneself, there's sin in it. The pride of life, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes are all of the worldly sins as well.
(Obedience within God's Salvation) to God through Christ on the other hand begins (God knows when) outside you, you hearing the Voice of God and the words of scripture particularly reading/dedicating your body to the Plan of Redemption from the Bible or believing it and committing to it, discipled, walk a separated life. God draws you near. You hear the still small voice of God to repent and get separated unto God and seek Christ and His righteousness is how it starts; God responding too in the Living Gospel, to you, He gives you a gift to stir up. You witness it outside yourself sealed by the Holy Spirit. You're supplied with a Gift, the Holy Spirit, to be Baptized into by Christ, as a Second Work of Grace as you ask for it. What you do with it makes all the difference in your life and your Eternal Life in the world but not of the world or as we believe: the life to come. God is Holy in character and nature and separate from a sinner. Christ's Blood is the bridge to span the distance between a Holy God and yourself.
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You're saved by the Living God in repentance from your old way of life and saved to a newness of life: to your new Eternal Life made practical at anytime for you indeed prepared by God that you should lay down your rights in this earthly life of yours for that Spiritual Life. Living the Christian life isn't in self-righteousness but in a Risen life crucified over-abundant in mercy and grace on Him to help in time of need. Living as a Christian isn't silver or gold in having but not neglecting thanksgiving and other such things as are what Christ wants, contentment and a committment. It's not about accumulating stuff. He will fill your needs like a filling station because He's a good and don't presume upon that but you must rely on Him not like you feel you need them but as He sees you need them for Psalm 23 says, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." God is the only good being absolutely. He meets needs like a good Father. He must go from Creator to good Father in thoughts. This is opportunity and to know Him as Savior and Lord.
Wisdom cries aloud in the streets! Come in to God's House!
Christ is our foundation bedrock righteousness and the Source of all things we need and every blessing to which we boast 'in Him' alone. We're in His Presence in a special way when saved and interceded for by Him (Throne room) and known by Him rooted and grounded by love and built up in Him with passion for then we're inbreathed (greek: theoneustos, by God,) translated into His Kingdom of God. But supernaturally in Him we live and move and have our being. For you have to get saved for this to happen for eternity. Then you can seek God within the Body of Christ to maintain your responsibility for unity. Salvation first.
Gal. 5:16 says, "If we walk by the Spirit we will not fulfill the desires of the flesh." (& of the mind.) Jesus left earth when He ascended and sent the Spirit in His place. Jesus Christ is the beginning and the ending, Alpha and Omega, & the same yesterday today and forever for our faith it says in scripture, "As Commander In Chief of the Lord's Armies, Yeshua Hommiashiach," "He is here," (Joshua 5: a Theophany of the Old Testament.) IN the New Testament we're within actually the Temple of the Naos (Greek: Holy of Holies, of God and containing the Holy Spirit) and useful conduits of the Holy Spirit, & we're having the Shekinah glory of the Presence of God on our faces!
For those who believe Christ's Message then receive His grace for their salvation then don't do works of righteousness on their part for 'brownie points' before God, as they would be appreciably acceptable (ceasing from their own works as Christ did from His Hebrews four,) is a hypothetical. For salvation is by faith alone through grace alone.
But as you have received grace for grace, receiving imperative from Jesus as your own koinonia responsibility: gold, silver, and precious stones to lay at (Jesus's) feet in quality of serving and set apart things you abiding in Him do in God cooperating and you will do the in obedience of faith (Romans 1 phrase) in quantity also: you will continue in being gratefully saved ministering to God being a messenger of God's good news by grace, a disciple. It's a picture within a relationship with God. We create masterpieces of art painting God approves of in the law of the Spirit by obedience. Education alone can only go so far but surrender to God, obeying, and the Holy Spirit inside sanctifying & taking control can go a long way to take the Christian life to visible.
Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord and will be as every knee bows when his enemies become His footstool for his feet and Jesus returns. If you've come to Him, ie. as a childlike disciple 'born of God' type person *you will please Him having been sent the Spirit & indwelt. This is by faith within & the help by grace infused without from God and rekindled from the Holy Spirit inside & outside and its possible first becoming born again a Gift of salvation from God on His terms. The seed of God becomes imparted to you or implanted in you. All things are possible to God on a next level a higher plane by walking in Jesus abiding in Him and in dependence on Him. The Lord can lift your feet on higher ground.
Receive Him in your heart moment by moment like you would a familiar trusted friend or in a childlike trusting way by the way you live from then on bearing fruit. He is able to help you do this trusting, to save you (from sin) and keep you personally fully and really ministered to, obediently found out transparent (naked) like its written in our Lord's parable in Luke 15 says: a sinner 'saved,' coming home to Him and in Psalm 139 inviting God to search you. But you have to come. There God writes, "He rejoices and invites others to rejoice even over one sinner who repents." You start to experience His love practically! and then just by hearing it from the Spirit proclaimed (through a person's intervention) and you taking it in and responding with 'a word therapuo (greek meaning healing: yes, to Him) and of perseverance,' HOPE.
And if you're saved, living by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and the Rapture occurs while you're living in Christ and honoring a disciple's relationship to God through grace in God and in fellowship (let me emphasize it's by faith and grace or faith working by love,) you can be caught up in ("rapizo" in the orig. Bible languages, 'caught away' 'snatched away') in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall you ever be with the Lord Jesus and be at that special Marriage Supper! Even so come Lord Jesus! Maranatha! Doesn't this sound like something you'd like? or learn to like? Read I Thessalonians 4:13-17 and I Corinthians 15:1-7ff for instance, and maybe St. John's Gospel chapter three verse three to about sixteen about being born again. Gaining rescue by Rapture you miss The Great Tribulation to come on the whole earth.
In this context, "God be merciful to me a sinner," was said in an open appeal by a brokenhearted (and statement faithfully made by a) Tax-gatherer of whom it was said in a parable told by Jesus as one who humbles himself before God this man having beaten upon his breast saying words like that. Jesus told this parable about people who think themselves righteous and show contempt for others. The other man in the parable, the Pharisee said, "I thank Thee God that I'm not like other men, I fast twice in the week, etc. and I'm not like this publican." Certainly this man has no clue for his saying this. This parable shows a humility Jesus taught before God by the publican instead being in the right who came home exalted and justified having humbled himself in a single simple but great way before God. You can be like this person.
If Jesus is your Lord and you are His child, remember mercy triumphs over judgment when humbling yourself before God under His Mighty Hand and God will love you to hell and back in the whole process of getting to Heaven. Don't test Him but believe Him. For God wants you to think of Eternity in the attitude you live your life with now. I'm proposing God is love and Jesus shows it (all along our way) Jesus having died in our place on the Cross so He could show you how and what to do today specificly & particularly!
There is a testifying in every believer a witness unto Jesus of His Resurrected Body that first by Death Jesus Paid It All then sealed the deal by His Resurrection all in a regard to our sin debt. It's all too clear that the deliverance over sin Christ won to gain our salvation for us was complete and full over sin, death, and hell; His Death and Resurrection did this. It's clear in His hupernikao (super victory, greek )Resurrection triumph we have, the love we show others by the way we've been forgiven and then on, how we live over sin in victory. It's all in the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus inside you working itself out. It's in Christ's law of love.
Christ became our sin on the Cross and it's punishment II Cor. 5:21. After He died, being buried (we were too,) that's when He rose from the dead; He made us alive whole, complete, & individually directed in His path in salvation in New Wine. He satisfied the Living Requirement of The Old Testament Law demands. That's why it's said and by us lived out to on purpose and with determination, glorify Him, and with admonishment all our lives as (ecclesia, Greek for Church,) the called out ones, as witnesses (maryturos in Grk.,) and as testifying 'believers' individually in our Temple bodies of an undivided Faithful God and His Word: to proclaim Him.
And we shine for God and live shining our lights bright for we'll be martyrs also in part because our Ransom paid for us was costly and we treat it costly no matter how we're treated. All therefore who desire to live godly (subject and suboordinate to God) in Christ Jesus are to communicate the Gospel in a hostile world intensely and will suffer persecution, some to torture and being persecuted by men and, and some even to death and eventual Everlasting life. If we endure and/or suffer with Him He will confess us and we will reign with Him in Eternal Life in a special sense for that. John wrote, "Don't marvel that the world hates you for it hated Jesus." Jesus was hated because His works were right and there's were not.
How you may ask did mankind fall and get into this malaise? The Word of God states "IN BEGINNING" (No article "the" inbetween those two words in the Genesis 1:1 account in Hebrew,) given as plain fact that by His speaking into existence God creating the cosmos on the sixth day creating by His fingers or hands, then every man He created in the image or likeness of God.
God created him or her in the Garden of Eden and He rested on the seventh day. That's rest He rested meaning the work is over in having Finished it He having been slain from before the foundation of the world. It's time to be on His side in a fallen world. It's in the image of God Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, were created from the dust of the ground by His hand or fingers and Breath (an Anthropomorphism,) which shows God's intricate care for us, and love. Because of the Fall of man in the eyes of the Lord, Failing Him God's Spirit died in man & man's spirit died.
God would walk with man in the sunset portion or cool of the day as He did to fellowship/walk intimately as He did before this. Adam and Eve were seduced to the serpent Satan's schemes & misdeeds and this caused a substantial crises to God's man. God had made the command to not eat the fruit in the center of the Garden of one tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Every other tree was good to go. God said not to eat of it, the tree, for you will die, in the day you eat of it. It was bad fruit. From it all who were born from Adam die. But they did eat, and though man was still made in God's image and had free agency, he didn't die physically right away but he did die spiritually. And though he and she loved to fellowship in the Garden with God and he and she in lieu of a walk with God that twilight dusk to grow, they instead failed God's test. They failed to believe in God's final authority while they went after the lie that they were in charge. Adam had abdecated his responsibility being the head over his household.
And man made fig leaves to cover his and her nakedness at an attempt to reconcile their blunt disobedience before God but that was a flop and so God made provision of a clothing covering from sacrificed animals without help from man that time. That Miracle God did, to produce the Redemption of the likeness and image of God returned happened though God was blameless and Holy (without taint from any failure of man.) That was mercy, not getting what we should deserve. Redemption for a worthless slave to buy (who long had law and grace defied,) is available.
Even today in a born again spiritual way, getting saved as the Word says to, based on the events of two thousand years ago on the cross, you can be free to live in Him a love slave to God with this covering coverage from God of forgiveness 'in the Eternal Timetable' the down payment of Jesus's sacrifice for us to obtain a sinless body someday in Heaven by first getting saved. Salvation is in various aspects of fruitbearing having been implanted or imparted with Christ's seed, the sperm of the words of God, the Word of God, rhema, and Logos, living an abundant life in Him. It's a holy moral life we live but more especially a very close walk with 'what would Jesus do' only you're chasing the Spirit and not letting Him behind but struggling to obey the Lord's voice up close near in surrender. It's spontaneous not static.
With obedience and perseverance for Him on your part in life in Him and living in His Timing and His Faithfulness you can truly expect God to move in you and on you for you in your behalf as you INHERIT THE PROMISES OF GOD. God is indeed a Rewarder of them that dilligently seek Him. Not for cadillacs or merchandise we seek. Hebrews eleven goes on to say, "Some died (believing) not having obtained the promise." It goes on to say, "Of whom the world was not worthy (Hebrews 11.") The problem with America is we have digressed to exaggerate the Gospel to include money and health and happiness in claiming the promises of God at a cost to the core imperitives of Jesus Christ and this has made us lukewarm and non-compliant too in praying, pursuing, and obeying Him. Personal Revival and True Discipleship is at a premium that is strictly for those who have Jesus and the Word to obey and no other motivation internally or externally! Religion kills. Jesus comes to make us alive!
Surely and for certain that likeness of God/image of God in relation to salvation we find returned in godly hope God inside us transforming us in certain belief anticipation that doesn't make us ashamed because the love of GOD HAS BEEN shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit we find God helps our belief Romans 5:3-5. God lives in an Eternal Now but He has in time intervened in human affairs like the universe is in the span (distance from the tip of the pinky to the tip of the thumb in an open hand,) of His hand and continues for in Him all things consist and hold together Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:2,3. This makes us glad & confident in Him that He is Sovereignly in control and we are not. We reign with Him if we endure with Him suffering wrongfully. Try not to suffer for your own faults but just suffer for doing good in Him.
So in salvation through the conduit of God's love for you and in your love for Him too in fellowship of steadfast hope of Another Kind in the Body of believers of Christ in the Holy Spirit: faith in Jesus Christ for salvation: come to believe in it unto Eternal Life and a Life In The Spirit, a walk with God solemnly.
We're just aliens and passing thru in this life. Remember Pilgrim's Progress by Paul Bunyan? JRR Tolkien & CS Lewis as Authors and Characters in God's Family? Their stories, extra Biblical fantasy novels and non-fiction writings are faithful. On the other scanty side of life, wrong desires war against the soul vexing us. "Sin is crouching at the door but you must master it. If you do well won't your face show it?," Genesis says.
Eternity is a very long time and our lives are but a vapor. It's on my theological plate to believe that the desire for God and desire for the likeness of God Himself, the aspects of the image of God in man in a body with a created soul clothed in a spirit in other words His image is unique in this existence on earth and *that it was no accident. If God said, "abstain from pre-marital sex," I believe Him. We can put on clothes of Christ's making with Christ to enjoy a life in the Holy Spirit. As Jesus is Lord indeed overtaking us after coming to be saved to God the Holy Spirit clothes Himself with us. This is from Samuel Chadwick. This is truly God's spiritual unassuming privilege for empowerment to live a holy life of intimacy with Him. Intimacy is where the power is.
Father God returned at Calvary, all we lost by Adam and we gained it back BECAUSE His love reconciles us and restores us IF we go on forward with Him. He IS SHOWING US LOVE, revealed in the Son of God Jesus.. in His Incarnation.. in His Sacrificial Love.. in His Birth/Nativity, Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, Exaltation and Glorification and Seating.. for our Redemption of the purchased possession.. who we are, we who "privileged in benefit.." choose to be His bondslaves.. and chosen!
In His LONG-HEARTED EXCITEMENT TYPIFIED AT THE LAST SUPPER BY HIS PASSION-shown Sovereignly appointed timing at the Cross God proved the plan He put in place in the fullness of times will work for you by faith in its longevity in history re: hospitals, universities, and orphanages built, even every changed life coming to God through Christ by worship we lift up holy hands to God by in the Gospel.
If we enter at some point and believe with a persevering belief in Jesus as
Savior that acts on grace alone to be saved we won't build our kingdom here but His, to build on that foundation gold, silver, and precious stones to present to Him and we will hear a voice behind us saying when we turn to the right, or to the left, "This Is The Way, Walk You, In It." We take one step at a time in His Footsteps. Then we stride along until it's His marathon in salvation. Read the Parables of Jesus and you'll encounter the topsy turvy aspect of Christ's Kingdom (Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven) over and opposite to this world's thinking. But you need a saved mind to continue continually a relationship and not just religious jargon or only 'fig leaf' religious behavior to do that in the attempt. It's a New Covenant or God's Agreement that being all things new, this salvation becomes new when applied to you in you II Cor. 5:17. It's a new life filled with new works preordained for you, to accomplish.
God's attitude toward us is one of Favor that is for us for a God-sized timing particular that is of punctilinear (point in time, greek tense: aorist active indicative) saving faith belief starting at a point in time (continuing) established where we confess our sins and agree with God and based on the merciful observation that God was in Christ on the Cross reconciling man to Himself! And He has comitted to us a word, even reconciliation! I pray you in Christ's Place, Be ye reconciled to God! God is love!
The Bible says, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." If as you or someone else may claim, "I have no sin," then I ask, "where is the glory of God in your life?" "For all have come short," it says in Isaiah 59:1,2. If we call upon the Lord we will be saved individually. God loves you.
A Wise man will hear and increase learning! Grace Grace To It (God says in Zechariah!)
For Him who has ears to hear. We walk by faith, not by sight. Listen to Jesus. Hear HIM.
Bethel Assembly Of God Church

Thursday, March 17, 2011


When you have a born again experience it is the most incredible thing you can experience. You from being void of God to being filled with the Holy Spirit. It is amazing. It is something you actually feel. You know when have an encounter with Jesus.

The unsaved person cannot understand God until he has born again experience
"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1st Corinthians 2:14).

The reason why you need to be "spiritually" born is because you have never been spiritually born to begin with. So when the Bible speaks of being "born again," it actually means "born for the second time." You were born physically into this world, but you were born without the Spirit of God in your soul (spiritually dead). Yes, God created you, but He gave you a freewill to decide for yourself where you will spend eternity.

God never forces anyone to accept Jesus as their Savior. He simply offers a warm invitation to anyone who wants to have their sins forgiven and go to Heaven. Salvation is a free gift (Romans 5:15), paid for by the precious blood of Jesus Christ (1st Peter 1:18,19). We must accept God's gift of eternal life or it WILL be forever forfeited when we leave this world (die).

God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 2:17, "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Notice, God said they would die "the day that thou eatest thereof." Adam and Eve DIDN'T die physically the day they ate the fruit and disobeyed God's command instead they died SPIRITUALLY. Sin had entered the human race. The Bible teaches that from Adam until present time, mankind has been born spiritually dead, inherited down from Adam's sin. This is why humanity MUST be born-again. This is only possible through the Holy Spirit of God, which makes us alive again (quickeneth the Bible says) by faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior.

To be "spiritually" born means that God's Holy Spirit "quickens" (or makes alive) our dead spirit. When a sinner believes on the Lord Jesus as the Christ, trusting Him alone to forgive all sins-then God the Father and God the Son come into one's heart in the form of God the Holy Spirit (John 14:23). The "Holy Spirit" is "God within us."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

We Are Saved By Jesus Christ Through His Words, Work, Experience, And Our Faith.

I and others have observed in intervention from Abba Daddy God that in life given it's per 'adventure for eternal life someday consummated' if I accept Christ and be saved, because my life is exposed and "laid bare before Him with Whom we have to do," Hebrews says in ch. 3. He wants our attention! Signs along the road of life show us God is love! HE IS FOR US! He has another side to Himself which is goodness. We can believe He is good like in: 'crazy good' in being possibly, positively, and humanely opportune in us for His Holy Will to be accomplished and for His ways & His Kingdom to prosper and this is well and good. He wants us saved and aware He is Holy and on a Highway of Holiness, His Gift of Holy and a destiny in heaven. Man's plan will end in destruction at least for now for in corruption we're birthed. For death is sin's wages. All around, that fact can be added as evidence. And the Bible says in Proverbs, "there is a way that may seem right to a man but the end of it is death." We all die but spend Eternity. - Where? There is a time for death once and then judgment scripture says, but you can have the knowledge (of Christ's Holy Blood applied to you) of His sacrifice that your sins are and have been judged at the Calvary's cross and you can have pardon now if you open the door of your heart to Christ and invite Him in. You can pray without ceasing in continual prayer continuously and faint not by a life in prayer in the will of God with the Holy Spirit's help in Christ more and more. Or if not and you "do it your way" after you're dead have them (your sins) judged fail to enter Heaven do not pass go nor go on to play Monopoly. See the grace to be saved? If in this life your sins are judged at Calvary by getting salvation this side of eternity you will have an eternal inheritance undefiled that fades not away in a better place, heaven as well. No 'O.K. Corral' or 'Jesus face,' on please, nor any poker face for this is truth 'without wax,' (without makeup.) The big trick of the Satan is make you think he doesn't exist. He doesn't want to party with you. He wants victims. He wants life lived up in party atmosphere but in reality he was judged, but just as his sentence has not been carried out yet he's a dog on a leash. Christ takes away sin. He came as our offering and scapegoat like the Old Testament laid out. We're accountable for light. In fact, these eternal glimpses, Spiritual wooings of God's glory if you will, and the Dating God does of us, literally the out-rays of His love for us He's revealing for and to us are working for us as Christians (in name and for a few, far more of our minds as disciples: character too.) It's working an unseen underspoken eternal weight of glory worth far more in features and exceeding value than in every circumstance outwardly dissapointing or purposefully leading though unjust (but useful) suffering outstanding we endure in God and is true no matter how we're pressed (Greek: thillipsis) our squeezing in path and in just how we experience life. We rejoice in the glory of God however. We glory in the glory. We let this mind which was in Christ Jesus be in us! We joy in that mindset! Rejoicing in tribulations, however, too, we give thanks to Him in everything, and acknowledge Him in all our ways, trust Him, and take the faith-trust to receive the salvation He offers with all our whole hearts like a childlike child weaned would trust an adult parent. Jesus last words were, "It is finished." It's justified from the Cross works, (greek Tetelestai: to finished completion) that to the undershepherd the work of salvation is Done and that the parishioners (that's us) yell, "Finished Works He accomplished will show up," all along our way IN us in His Work Miraculous of the Holy Spirit's Shekinah Presence within our hearts and minds and on our countenances. We say, "the Lord is my helper," and, "our conduit to the Holy Spirit is open all the way," and after considering the matter, "we've let it go from a one inch pipe to a five incher." We will then be ready to be cradled into heaven by Him someday at death or the Rapture whichever comes first or in other words ushered in by Him while we're obeying in the present. And following Him in surrendered obedience too to the end at death to enter Heaven welcomed abundantly or at the Rapture ready, whichever comes first we strive for the Mastery like St. Paul, "Absent from the body is present with the Lord," Scripture says. In accepting Jesus and a radical salvation, He, by spiritual transferance gives you NEWNESS OF LIFE brand new abundant, variety in living, forgiveness, new heart, and a new spirit. He grafts us Gentile sinners into an olive branch that gets regular sap or juice, from the root of David or lineage David came from, Jesus Christ. Hearing the word of perseverance to the end, adopted, and regenerated sons and daughters of His you belong to Him and are showing you're possessed of a hope IN HIM more and more steadfast! God says, "all creation is eagerly (waiting) hoping on hippity-hoppity tip toe anticipating with inexpressable joy the adoption of the sons of God to happen even for the redemption of our bodies. For all the universe in natural creation shall be liberated in a manner similiar to like the children of God's special revelation liberty someday:" (See Bible verses on the Kingdom of God in the New Millenium, in Psalms, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hoseah, Zechariah, etc. and Romans 8:17-27.) But you need salvation to be a part. You need to become a butterfly. You, born in sin, a sinner, need to become a pupae, chrysalis or cocoon first. By this, its meant you need a Savior and that you can't save yourself. You get your feet wet and ask God to reveal Himself to YOU seeking His face. God loves you. John 3:17 says, God didn't send His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved."
Christ is the LAMB of God for sin not just great moral teacher or example. If it was right on Jesus was up on it. He chose to be obedient Son, to love with supreme intelligent decision-making while making alive others spiritually. He enacted righteousness and acted nonetheless right properly and not from His own initiative but the Father and the Spirit with Him through God, the Trinity also. And He was good in that most highest innate moral sense of excellence. It was cooler for Jesus to speak His mind than to obey the religious, those in religion in other words. But instead He pleased God alone truly rather than man. The early Church grew and profulgated because people of God gossiped the Gospel, (leuo in Greek.,) have hands and with fingers of God to touch the world. Thousands were saved on a regular basis as the Book of Acts unfolds. This is after Christ's Resurrection. People realized the Mission of Christ was to bring God's forgiveness in His Death and Resurrection. Christ spoke in a different way to the Pharisees who thought themselves good enough who were not after the Spirit and who despised God's way especially the healing of people on the Sabbath, and hated other people: really Pharisee, Sadducees, teachers of the law, and scribes that kept the letter of the law and not the spirit of the law. *Jesus spoke and acted condemning of their caustic-like hate for others. He healed many on the Sabbath which angered them and on the other hand He rebuked the Pharisees and Saducees for their hypocrisy and genuinely heard man instead in need and He healed all who came to God. Boy was He a Healer and empathetic listener!! Can I hear an Amen? He crossed a then racial lines barrier to do it. He healed several people from a few miles distance, and by spoken word alone sometimes healed also, that incomparable Christ did. All who came were healed by Him of various & diverse kinds of illness or diseases. He commended calling "great" the faith of two persons outsiders to the Jewish Nation. He raised at least three people from the dead. He walked on water at least once and the storm had to be quiet when He spoke to it. This One Solitary Life has affected humanity like no other and touched to such a degree the sick and the hurting in the earth that the world could not contain the books that would be written concerning of all He said and did in other words what that Jesus the Mighty Prophet, Healer, the Lord, Great Physician, Exalted Savior, Prophet, Priest, Master & King: both began to say and do and teach. In hearing the still small voice of God and heeding that Voice then at one's conscience then to "get saved" convicted convinced with compunction about being a sinner is right on. It tells one so convicted convinced to also live a holy life as a Gift from God leaving sin and everything behind by following Christ abandoned a disciple in the revealing and receiving of the revelation of His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ in the heart. The Word of God by way of remembrance spoken by God's Voice inside us causes us to practice God's Presence and individually live Holy as the Spirit TRANSFORMS US daily. The dynamic power for being this witness is, "hearing is by faith and hearing by the Word of God (Logos.") The Word of God prevails. It transforms. It performs that mission to which God sends His words ably so. Now this can turn up the heat on your own life or lifestyle (your plans, and better them) AND/OR bring His Victory if you're (quoting Paul,) 'in Christ.' Are you GOOD ground for Him? God through Paul in his writing spoke of the relationship to God within of engagement of faith in the will and in the Holy Spirit and of faith 'in Christ,' following our exalted Head the Holy Son of God with Whom we're called to fellowship I Cor 1:9. There is freedom and victory to lay our rights down in serving our God clearly knowing God is by getting to know Jesus. Jesus said, "If you've seen Me, you've seen the Father." You'll at once realize by careful study in His Presence of the Word of God an over-abundance of grace and mercy if you can buy the time yourself that you're a sinner if God has chosen you to show mercy on, an object of mercy. We seem to miss the revelation of God's true glory so easily. God turned the world upside down by it's joyful sound however. For God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself not counting men's sins against them and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. And through the Death and Resurection of Himself He's poured out the fullness of the cup of the New Covenant for the remission of sins for the many in His Blood. It's unmerited favor from Himself toward us who believe. It's truly like God signed a will, and dotted every i and crossed every t ensured that it, the Kingdom talked about in the Bible, arrives at its destination and then He died (in Jesus) to execute God's last will and Testament to make us sons in sonship and an heir of God, co-heirs of Christ. He does it of Himself. Fear not then as it's His good pleasure to do it. God sows a seed to bring us to a salvation experience: a pressing, pressure, squeezing, and narrowing that puts us on our back. There we can look up to God and be saved. By grace you can be saved and KNOW Christ is your victory! God causes you to feel, maybe for the first time and experience God's outs: standing up for Jesus inside and on your faces in persecutions even. God gives grace for such times and promises never to leave, nor forsake. He is Holy. Sometimes God wants to skim off the dross from the molten metal of our lives as we rejoice always, exult in tribulation and give thanks in everything and glory in God and in that which happens to us Acts 14:22; Colossians 4:2; Romans 5:3,11. Jude says, "Remember according to the words (gr. Rema) spoken by the Apostles beforehand given us," and "be building yourselves (up) on your most holy faith" ie. on a firm foundation (of Christ's:) as an edifice. Listen you are absolutely somebody because "God wants us to rejoice. God don't make no junk." God's not angry with you because of the Cross. In fact He loves you. It's love from Him uncondemning solid: He's forgiven you for: His gentleness makes one great. It's His gentle reminding of His forbearing of us to keep you blemishless and unreproveable, spotless, unreproachable, no defect, and undeniably so with your spirit, soul, and body being preserved blameless and presented Holy before the Father at His Resurrection by Jesus. Keep yourselves in His love. Hold onto Jesus's feet and believe Jesus Christ paid it all. God will tell you what this entails. He holds the nails to your coffin of deadness to sin, and sin's enticing, and atttraction to it. "From now on you will only see dead Egyptians," Moses was told by God. You only identify with Christ's crucifixion and for yourself identify and a Christian's profession of hope cling to. You get out of your prison and walk out. You flee sin and/or resist it. You nail it shut (the door to temptation) and leave old ways behind and learn what you can from them to neglect those old ways coming to Christ for help now, following after the Holy Spirit. You tell Satan you hear him laugh and you're angry, and you're not going to take it anymore but submit to God & say to God you will fight, and resist or flee being aware of satan's schemes. We tremble not for his. "Cleanse yourselves," Timothy writes, "from the filthy old ways (latter); (Cleanse in Greek is Katharizo meaning to cauterize.) If you do, God's Promise is, "God will prune you," and, "You'll, be used for God's Higher or even Highest Purposes." You let Christ's Righteousness on you be thus for you your real evidence of newness of life. Wait anxiously for the mercy of God to Eternal Life. Humble yourselves under God. You follow after Christ denying yourself, taking up your cross, and follow Him daily minute by minute moment by moment. The unseen is eternal and the more real in God's Kingdom than the seen which is temporal and subject to corruption and thieves breaking in to steal. Don't sell yourself for a mess of pottage which are trinkets of illusion, false real, deceiving deceptions, and the things the Bible writers makes 'lists' of. Topsy turvy is the expression for the things or parables of Christ concerning our planet under the superficial under the surface that twist upside down to this world's thinking within God's will for the believers in the Kingdom of God Spirit. A parable has one main teaching and is an earthly story with a twist of heavenly meaning under it for it's upside down to this world, (or in fact has Jesus's one main teaching per parable.) All things become new in God at salvation.
II Corinthians 5:17-21.
"Christianity is not a list of do's and don'ts. You put up a sign, "keep out," and the surest way to not keep people out is say, "don't." You put up a sign, "wet paint," and people will touch it. The most the laws of the Old Covenant did was to rule and strengthen us for sinning. It doesn't empower you to obey the law. It doesn't strengthen you to obey the law. 613 laws and all kinds of human traditions wrapped around it: 613 ways to fail God laid out in intimate detail and we blew it. Even the one rule in the beginning in Genesis we blew it. Letters of the law and rules can never ever create a life that is God's. Yeah. Because its only based on fear. Its only based on failure. You want to run your life on what it shouldn't do and you will fail. Try running a marriage on what you should and should not do on a contract. Won't work very long. Written: It's a relationship. And if you haven't figured it out yet what works one day with your spouse won't work the next: Because we always want something new. So does God by the way. How about that!"Learn to keep room for God's Voice and spontaneity. This paragraph is from my Pastor.
A concerted effort is here to bring to the forefront a great church<--click (Now with the podcasts of Church Services.) (The "abide in Christ" test.) God is Love! God wants you! We love Him because He first loved us and for that we're greatly benefited by being hidden with Christ in God forgiven much specificly forgiven everything before salvation if we believe Him: take the faith in Him to be a part, involve your belief in God's salvation by getting 'into His boat.' Israel believed in the future he, Messiah would come. They look forward, we look back. About Our Savior Jesus Then We Read In The Bible: The Gentiles were grafted in to the one Olive Tree; The enmity was abolished through Christ: Now we see through a glass darkly, pictures of salvation all around us and the reality is (in Jesus) the Living Word: Jesus was name called, meaning it was put upon him unjustly, to be named, "the friend of sinners," "a glutton, a winebibber," " a likeable fellow," because He ate and drank with sinners but knew God through and through and as His all in all and as He spoke knowingly WITH AUTHORITY, did the work (ergon in Greek) of God, and yet loved (infamous, sinners like us) but didn't engage in their/our sinful acts or sin as principle. Jesus knowing He came from the Father and was returning to Him did as He always had lived, "He took a towel and girded Himself to serve." He is the Great Teacher And Physician, Eternal Savior (descriptions of His acts and title) and He pleased God perfectly. Not only did He please God but He obeyed God the Father so much so that He in addition was declared to be the very God by men and by angels. Greatest man in History, Jesus, had no servants, yet they called him Master, had no degree, yet they called him Teacher, had no medicines, yet they called him Healer, had no army, yet kings feared him, won no military battles, yet he conquered the world, committed no crime, yet they crucified Him...He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today................He is the Reason For The Season !!!. Jesus Christ who was crucified for the sin of mankind who became sin at the Cross to pay to God the Ransom for our own sin in particular has won the victory. He was without sin and human and lived a high priest in things pertaining to God in everything with perfect judgment and Life: His Holy Nature expressed He, our Savior, 100% God 100% man. His godly prerogatives to do His own thing He gave up from doing (with the Father and Holy Spirit's help) to with significant help and sustenance liberate man from the oppression of sin, living 33 1/2 years on the planet. Wherever He laid His head down as home & traveled there was light and that light was most precious light. Where sin abounded grace did much more, and abounded as Jesus Christ obeyed to a t a sinful humanity's Death on the Cross and determined beforehand to explain to His twelve that was His purpose. His Message is, "Come unot Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me for I am meek and lowly of heart and you will find rest for your souls." He saw the goal and His point in time (importance of action in significance) and did it. The Father working alongside while the Spirit did the work also of signs, wonders, and miracles was through God. And when considering WHETHER He is Lord, liar, or lunatic to be established and certain if you read the Gospels as clearly as we do you begin to estimate in a decision to be open about it that He's real. For God to reveal Himself in a firm judgment of His character revealed to believe Him and envision that He's the genuine McCoy, the real deal: by His words and works: the God-man by what He says, and is, and by the failure of those around Him, in other words in an anti-inflammatory sense: those to fail in their mission from Jesus: (they failed before the Cross in weakness, by frustration through their flesh tiring) but, succeeded after the Resurrection of Christ. For it was by fifty days after He Arose that the Holy Spirit fell enabling them to greatly boldly proclaim results and produce (faith) evidence of things hoped for. They were Baptized in the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues as the Spirit gave utterance proclaiming the deeds of God. "These then that have turned the world upside down have come here." By word of mouth the Gospel is spoken. Then you have to decide too rather than sit on the fence unbroken. Isn't it right to believe He is Lord and Master over sin and its effects!? YES. He is our Savior from sin! By Him the fullness of grace is come! He even said to top it all off, "If you can't believe, believe on the basis of the works alone." And what lovely altogether beneficial Godly works, "I do!!" Jesus says. He never spoke out against anyone in an untrue way but He is faithful and righteous. The people said of Him, "He does all things well." "He makes both the blind to see and the deaf to hear." "He raises the dead." "To the poor the Gospel, preached," Luke 4:19. He was as gentle as gentle mice, but inwardly He knew all men & what was in men and lived a situation at all times therefore quick in God's fear around Him, to redeem out every situation never trusting what was in man, turning it for good. He is a True Witness and also He is Faithful. He was genuinely mighty inside like Moses was and more so in overall honor (Hebrews says, "as a builder of a house has more honor than the house" and "as a son," rather than the servant Moses was, a servant.) But He exhausted Satan's tactics all the time following him rigidly and so very mightily, constantly, consistently, faithfully, dynamically entrusting slamming the Adversary overcoming the world, the flesh, and the devil, and his hordes in this life in deliverance, and to obeying God in reliance as a savory aroma (not just rote obeying,) but with Charismata Dunamus (charisma and dynamite,) He was pleasing. He wasn't self-reliant on Himself but had absolute trust in the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit to do the Works of God (Grk. Ergon, Works, Energies) & God works through personality so often. By the Spirit indeed through grace He obeyed the Father God and God filled His life and ways high up in reputation and was followed by great multititudes for greatly in miracles and small miracles too also from God Most High full of and with the Spirit, and Power. He was therefore declared VERY GOD AND SAVORY PLEASING TOO, (even through every obstacle AND through when it got tough and rough.) His word planted in men's hearts as it does perform that for which it is sent, conflicts as many a time the Word of God's plan (the Logos) does vs. man's agenda Isaiah 55:11. He burst forward toward the Cross. He had a Godly "Aroma" as they say in the Greek Dialect, (a Charismata.) "He FRAGRANCED: smelled of good deeds." He passed every trial every critical test with an A and staggering well. Jesus, being a servant in all aspects to us in everything also He said, "If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto Me." This He said speaking of His Atoning Death on Calvary and Risen Exalted Life, His glorification and ascension to the Kingdom of God Heavenly Throne up above where He sat at the right hand of the Father that it resulted in sins taken away. He said, "the Kingdom of God is come near," therefore repent, change your mind and heart, your attitude as well and amend your conducts from the inside out. It's from the inside out our heart cries out loud cries and tears therefore God must use other people to build our edifice from the outside by the way. His life, Death, and Resurrection show His Divine power (like controlled dynamite) over the Universe in creative acts of Creation and Re-creation in saving us being efficacious or effectual. He could have called twelve legions of angels to take Him down from that Cross and save Him on that day appointed put there by men: He hung up on the cross. He didn't flinch from the doing of God's will. He rarely mentioned His Death without adding also He would Rise from Death which is a proof of His DIVINE Existence before His Death with the works He performed and words He chose to say. Christ literally BECAME sin for us on the cross and suffered the pain it cost of our remediation or redemption on the Calvary Cross. Every sin we will ever commit from the past, present, future, and even the present carte blanche was forgiven when in an eternity of eternities He experiencing the wrath of God by sinful humanity hanging Him in pain on the Cross for you and I and come out the other side is Risen. His Death couldn't hold Him down and victory over sin and for sin in reconciling us back to God by His Resurrection is being our justification: OUR victory over sin, death, and hell, and the grave (and peace with God now,) and at the Rapture later, resulting in our purposing to be glorifying HIM now in joy. We're witnessing unto our Jesus to rule: Lord and King of God's saving grace. It was a great tremendous victory of the cross and the empty tomb though from an outward perspective as well. He meekly came to earth a Preacher of righteousness of right relationship to God in zeal, was sent by God our Father to come faithful by grace and truth and of His fullness we all partake of grace. But He came a fervent servant the first time and we didn't recognize Him. But it was to be the overthrow of the Holy Spirit over His Life in control of His heart and His life at every minute and turn Him to minister, and by exchange to our lives too if we submit in submission to Him once for all at salvation and cast our body to be in dedication to God for the rest of our life. John the Baptist was a forerunner of Messiah a disciple/preacher close at His heels to introduce personal and cooporate revival in Christ. Jesus Christ called God His Father and accepted man's worship having made Himself equal with God, and in kenosis: His self-emptying He thought being like God not something to be grasped but obeyed God humbly giving out vehement cries and tears while He lived in communing with the Father reverently in the flesh. Even a release to an eventual release of spirit up to God of Himself, a Death on the Cross, He forgave (we knew it not (Jesus.)) This was His testimony of His inner perfection with God found vindicated with God. His act of laying His life down willingly for us in Crucifixion Death is the demonstraton of God's love personally personified to each person potentially effectual to save each of them from a life of wandering sin (which Jude says results in blackness of darkness of fires of hell, a warning) (for those who constantly reject God's love to finally obtain salvation) of which I am pleading and explaining is some impetus to be saved the 'basis for our evangelical choice for getting saved & believing.' Scripture says, "No greater love has any man, than he that lays down His life for his friends," Jesus said. Jesus calls us His own in the vivid dramatic present, *"and no longer do I call you servants but I call you *friends." This is in the New American Standard Version. He said, "For I tell you what I'm doing." He's not our Lord until we make Him Lord and never our buddy. And through intimacy He's there inside. He's not our homeboy neither but has over 100 titles in the New Covenant where we honor Him pro bono freely. He said, "I have power to take it up (my life) and power to lay it down," from above, (The Father being from above and Christ speaking of His life and Death and "became alive.") So then that His Blood spilt in fact was effectual for us as life changing truth and if even one drop of it fell to the ground it was sufficient to buy us from our sins and keep us on the road of hope and joy is truth. This is in verity. The proof of Christianity is changed lives, overcoming lives, not pristine perfect ones. What are we doing? and with His Blood? Are we swimming in victory from the cross? The Blood of Jesus Christ saves us from sin. God's Plan through His Son was for the Trinity to work in cohesive fashion and in tandem and save mankind each part of God doing an office. God's Holiness called for justice and God sent His Son to show us mercy we could relate to consummating in God's Righteous Lamb Slain. The Father planned, the Son bled and died, and the Spirit carried it out through to God. Christ was the Father's only Begotten Son sent and shown as an Innocent Righteous Holy Lamb to die for the sins of all mankind, even for the many who will accept Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Ransom or bridge to God for them. But the gate is small and the way, narrow, the Bible says. The Christ, through the Spirit, exogenerated (without creation nor generation) and so came forth from the Father from beyond our realm and He did so in the power of the Spirit lived, and died once for us all. All sin we'll ever commit then has a punishment, penalty, or consequence and permanent death consequence because we are helpless in it is a fact unless it is forgiven by God. On Jesus was laid your's and my sin and its punishment. Can you value important, relevant, the need to appropiate His love and salvation? The Cross carries a lot of weight and our estimation of costliness to God for Christians we are. Old Covenant saints were never quite sure God heard. This is because there was every year as the High Priest went in to the Holy of Holies, remembrance of sins all the time (Yom Kippur,) and Jesus came to put away sin once for all by the offering of Himself up to God as a penal substitution of our sin before a Just God who was propitiated. When Jesus by His pleasing aroma offering to the Father at the Mercy Seat in Heaven above the cherebim offered His Gifts and offerings His perfection He perfected forever those who are being sanctified. He became the Innocent Righteous Holy Lamb Of God's Sacrificial Choosing in God's Sight: re: Our New Covenant. Also when Christ died He led captivity captive, emptying Abraham's bosom of good souls and He gave good gifts to men including giving poured out the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Day. We can now speak in tongues as the initial physical evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit being filled with the Holy Spirit. All through Acts this was so (chapters 8, 10, 11, 12, & 19.) By faith and trust in Him, having accepted Christ as Savior and Lord and continuing in Him we're living it out loud and out and out for Him building ourselves up on our most holy faith with an open pardon from Him. Old Covenant saints looked ahead to Messiah, and we look back to Him. God can only show you this is the truth because man will fail you. Beware when all men speak well of you. Keep and believe His love. Take Him into your lifestyle and heart as Savior from your sin and sins, and repent. Tell Him you're sorry today. Ask for His forgiveness and to be saved. Then set Him always before you. Make Him your certain square Covenant agreement and try to please only Him. Live like there are no other causes or apps to qualify you or qualify you for His Technical work (Done at Calvary,) but HIS Graceful Presence before you and within you. He is always with you (never does He leave,) and your desire is to be delighting in Him and to glorify Him. He and in His Presence alone can hound you like a dog to get saved by His Spirit alone or affirm and confirm it that it took place at the point in time you did it in the past. Remember He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. And then He speaks to you saint of God. And dreaming His dream for you we dream can become like God's dream for us overall in particular in the Body of Christ in the New Man always increasing us. But if in this life only we have hope in Him only we are of all men most miserable but if we're in Him we have over-abundant spiritual life riches and sight & HE must increase and we must DECREASE. We weep God's tears pray God's prayers and hope God's hope for God's Will to be done here and Paradise or Heaven as we learn it as it is There to pray to be enacted on earth concerning this life & then the next, its heavenly destination for our own home, hope as we call Christ the object of all hope, to be from God direct, and He is our destination/goal in assurance (in Heaven.) 'The Second Chapter Of Acts' that great Christian Rock Music Band has said it good, "I've Got A Mansion Builder Who Ain't Through With Me." We have assurance of salvation from the Holy Spirit then He bearing witness with our spirit that we are God's children. Remain in His love living after the Spirit in a personal fashion and do everything to make your calling and election sure (that's in Jude and Peter.) Rejoice therefore your names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. God is intended that in our character we grow and that over our comfort much of the time. "He wants to clothe us with Himself, with His Power" Sam Chadwick says. God is able to keep you from stumbling and to stand you up held blameless before Him at His Kingdom Coming and His Glory someday. This is the potential. Believing Jesus Christ is a partnership with Him with outrageous retirement benefits. Following Jesus Christ in a Risen life you and I and God can agree on our this road together in Kingdom seeds falling on good ground, resulting in love, joy and peace, and be engaged under a different system then than the unsaved (under His Power, not satan's.) Applying the Word to all of life we learn by experience what God wants us for of His own belonging children joined in Spirit to Him, belonging, to a Family of God. He made us partakers of His Divine Nature for His own, co-heirs with Him in co-laboring bodies, spirits that have a body, free will agents that are His, that can decide or choose 'yes' to Him throwing ourselves on the mercy of the Court. God's ways are always higher than our ways, His thoughts higher than our thoughts. In salvation through faith in Christ once for all WE HAVE a dynamic Kingdom of God state of TRANSFORMATION ongoing being already born again and we seek first His Kingdom. Jesus pulled no punches in preaching a straight-forward spot right on Gospel hard showing how difficult it's made for the rich and proud to see or enter the Kingdom of God without 'eyes to see' and 'ears to hear' that are reborn now when from then on they become bondslaves of the Master/King. Because without the born again relationship they're in pride and unable to be benefited or see their need. If while following Christ you want to know the deep things of God and being a disciple then following: how great are the promises of God and the desire be great in God's Sight to be welcomed, for you have to serve and learn how to be willing to serve at the lowest level, be least of all, and last, a slave, to be great. Jesus never judged at all anyone for wanting to be great. He encouraged it among the twelve. It's the method that grabs us. Jesus makes a difference in a life bound for heartache and defeat. He came to seek and to save that which was lost in sin, ruination, the sinful, bruised, (battered, broken, and shattered people He created.) The Church is not for perfect people but: perfecting persons. We make no excuses. We hold to the highest standard. Jesus holds us in an embrace in putting us back together from this world's sin effects. We fall on the Rock which is Christ: (for this to happen subjectively. Bethel A/G Church Link.