Friday, August 20, 2010

Revival and Renewal. Living For Jesus O What Bliss.

Revival and Renewal. Living For Jesus O What Bliss.     my parish<<

When I think of what Christ has done how can I not think of believing, receiving Him! This Book, the Bible has been preserved over centuries and unlike any other work of authorship, has lasted intact. We learn better scholarship from better manuscripts being used in its translation. Josh McDowell has written a small work on how really fantastic the Bible is! "Evidence That Demands A Verdict," he wrote.

Jesus was especially humble with children. He was mighty and He healed, did well, with everyone loving there personhood for the unique individual they were. He was much more than a great moral teacher and example. He was sinless. Uniquely He, the perfect Lamb of God died for us. We nailed Him to a cross but the power of sin could not hold Him in the grave. He arose! Christ arose! Hallelujah, I'm saved! If I continue in the present receiving and obeying Him I'm on good secure ground.

You see the claims of Christ are in the four Gospels and anyone can learn how they affect one today is valid being objective facts of truth therein! I was a little child of four when I gave my heart to Christ to follow Him a disciple/learner student! I know I'm forgiven being the sinner I was. No one can be saved unless they humble there pride and come sincerely! I didn't need to learn to sin. I knew it was easy being even in childhood back then. But Christ gave me a "newness of life" and put a new man in my shoes! I don't want to do the things I used to do. I have the privelege of being God's friend. This is because Jesus finished His work on salvation and now He sits at the right of the Father. I grew up in a Pentecostal family in a godly home but I recognized I need to decide myself if the Bible is relevant and pertinent. I found it reasonable the way God reveals Himself progressively. The Bible says, "what is seen is temporal, what is unseen is eternal!" "It's one life, twill soon be past; only what's done for Christ will last," is a famous quote by someone. May you too recognize your need as a sinner for Christ and salvation by His grace (you can't earn it.) David Candel

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Gospel New Covenant Tract I Wrote

Winning With Christ In A Soul Salvation!
Hi friend! How Would You Like To Be A Personal Individual Friend Of God?! It's in an Abundant Life In Christ.
"It is the most attractive life of an intimate daily, constant, conscious feedback encounter with the Living God in Spirit and in truth and undiluted friendship with our fellow man!" - Francois Du Toit
Do you know that God loves you? Do you know the Bible tells of our Living Savior, Jesus Christ Risen as the Resurrected Exalted only Prophet, Priest, and King for men to get to God and we raised with Him to newness of life by His Atonement for sin, the God-man Expression of His Love for us, a great good right standing?! The Gospel is Good News. It's great good good news. Do you think of getting right with God? Do you know it's forgiveness of sins and the experience of knowing God? God loves you! Do you know God is love? Do you know God promises a newness of life? This happens through the Holy Spirit. It's not where you've been but where are you now. Do you have guts to follow Christ of God? What do you want from God? Tell Him. He wants our availability and our attention. He has blessed the little children and He has built His Church. He wants us in a relationship with Him and attending Church and have fellowship with others.
Now here's why I believe and hold true about *true personal relationship with the one and only true Living Creator: God gives us evangelical faith (which is a gift) to believe what He's done, what He's doing, and what He's going to do in the future! Do you recognize He loves you? Joyfully hilariously? That's love spelled l-o-v-e with much tender generosity, & lovingkindnesses. He has surely met your many needs and wants, food, clothing, and shelter by His hand. Do you have a certain object of faith? Is it holding you to something or SomeOne? It matters because this is the Incarnate God, He has revealed Himself: Christ the Son. For there's no formula to get to heaven but Christ He is the way! We are sinners and if you can fathom that you need God you need to know, the way is God in peace between you and He and that God loves you and wants you in His Will & in a personal way known by Him. For in God's Son, yes in His Fullness Resurrected Presence there is peace, joy and pleasures at His right hand evermore and this is all in knowing Him personally through Jesus Christ which starts with forgiveness of your sins. The Holy Spirit welcomes you to God's Family. God is buying you through your accepting Christ as Savior: Eternal life starts at the Cross! Salvation is an offense to the world because they can't understand it. Scripture says, "but if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him." It begins outside, you hearing the words of scripture and plan of redemption, then by belief in His finished work, from Christ's words drawing you near, hearing the still small voice of God to repent and responding to the Living Gospel. Living the Christian life isn't in self-righteousness but in Him depending on Him. Living as a Christian isn't silver or gold in having but having such things what God wants, contentment. Christ is our righteousness and we boast in Him alone. We're in His Presence constantly for in Him we live and move and have our being. Jesus Christ is the beginning and the end and fulfillment of righteousness to all who believe, for those who believe/receive His grace don't exert effort on their part for righteousness because they that do works alone to get to God aren't cutting the mustard. But as you have received Jesus Christ Savior and Lord as a child of God you will. Without help from the Holy Spirit its impossible. Walk in Him in dependence on Him. Receive Him like you would a familiar trusted friend. He is able to save and keep you personally found like in our Lord's parable in Luke 15 says. There God writes, "He rejoices and invites others to rejoice even over one sinner who repents." David Candel