Salvation And Living In Christ After That-An Abundant Life
David Candel
Do you desire or want an intimate relationship and fellowship with your Heavenly Father God? Do you know God loves you? God is love and did you know God loves you which is no less than stupendous and fabulous and with compassion and joy that it is beautiful and that THIS LIFE ABUNDANT is in His Son, Jesus Christ? Did you know the Bible tells of our Living God and Savior, Jesus Christ Risen as our Exalted Head, and Lord? He the Bible says, is the only Prophet, Priest, and King available for men to get to God: and we raised with Christ to newness of life in heavenly places by His Finished Work and Perfect Atonement for sin, the God-man Expression of His Love for us, a relational great good right standing with God? The Gospel is Good News. It's great good good news! Do you think of it getting right with God aright? Do you know having it right with God is forgiveness of sins and the experience of knowing God? God loves you as an exclamation is in order! You don't need a guilty feeling to make it. Did you know God promises to all a newness of life, with renewed faith to you through His Son by coming in faith through grace? This happens through the Holy Spirit's initiative and our participating. It's not where you've been but where are you now. The Spirit and the Bride are calling and do you have the guts to follow Christ of God even in hard places? What do you want from Him? Tell Him. He wants our attention and a lifelong salvation committment that becomes Holy living until we come to see Him as He is someday in confirmed righteousness in Heaven. He has a job for you to do until then in righteousness. He has blessed the little children and He has built His Church. He wants us to be in an intimate personal relationship with Him through the Son, attending Church, (Bible literal taking one,) have fellowship with others, &.. live life with faithfulness and loving for believing Him vertically. This is all a part of the characteristics of the life Our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to live.
A mystery exposed and revealed: It's an Abundant Life In Christ.
Now here's what and why I believe the veil has been lifted from our eye about and holding true, concerning right relationships and relationship especially with the one and only true Living Creator: God Who gives us richly everything to enjoy and evangelical faith (which is a gift from Him) to believe. We learn: what He's done, what He's doing, and what He's going to do in the future in you and me and can do! Do you recognize His love over you? Joyfully hilariously? With tender hilarity? That love is spelt l-o-v-e with much tenderness, blessing under His hand, & lovingkindness. He has given you common grace for your many needs and wants, food, clothing, and shelter under His hand. Do you have a certain object of faith? Is it holding you to something or SomeOne? It matters this object because this Jesus is the Incarnate God become man. God revealed Himself in a tabernacle or tent of human kindness called Christ Jesus the Only Begotten Son of God 2000 years ago. For there's no formula to get to heaven but Christ He is the way! We are sinners and you can fathom that you need God if you search inside and that you need to know God, (the way is God & in peace between you and He through Jesus) and that God loves you and wants you in His Will & in a personally kept way known by Him. For in God's Only Son Jesus, in His Fullness Resurrected Shekinah Presence there is love, peace, and joy and pleasures at His right hand forevermore and this is all in knowing Him personally more and more through Jesus Christ solely the alone Resurrected one and this starts with forgiveness of your sins. The Holy Spirit welcomes you to God's Family with enthusiasm. God is buying you through your accepting Christ as Savior momentarily - Eternal life starts at the Cross! God cares! Salvation is a word that is an offense to the world being they can't understand it. Scripture says, "if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him." What is the sin of the world? Unbelief. Unbelief specificly in Jesus as the Son of God the One Sent by God. Salvation on the other hand begins outside you, you hearing the words of scripture and Plan of Redemption from someone, or hearing it reading the Word yourself; then by belief in Him in His finished work, from Christ's words, Himself drawing you near, you hearing the still small voice of God to repent and responding to the Living Gospel as to the Living God in His eyesight are saved. Living the Christian life isn't in self-righteousness but in a Risen life in Him depending on Him. Living as a Christian isn't silver or gold in having but not neglecting such things as are what God wants, contentment. Christ is our righteousness and we boast in Him alone. We're in His Presence in a special way when saved and then we're constantly inbreathed by God (greek: theoneustos) for in Him we live and move and have our being. We literally couldn't breathe good air without Him. Jesus Christ is the beginning and the ending: Alpha and Omega, the same yesterday today and forever, and fulfilment of holy right living to all who believe, for those who believe receive His grace and don't do their works on their part for salvation righteousness because that would be unacceptable. But as you have received grace for receiving as your own Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord ie. as a childlike born of God person *you will please Him. With the help by grace infused from the Holy Spirit its possible. Walk in Jesus abiding and in dependence on Him. Receive Him moment by moment like you would a familiar trusted friend. He is able to save you and keep you personally fully and really found out like its written in our Lord's parable in Luke 15 says: 'saved.' There God writes, "He rejoices and invites others to rejoice even over one sinner who repents." You start to experience His love practically! and just by hearing it proclaimed and you responding.
If you're living by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and the Rapture occurs while you're living in Christ and honoring a disciple's relationship to God through grace to God and in fellowship (let me emphasize it's by faith through grace) you can be caught up in ("rapizo" in the orig. Bible languages, 'caught away') in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall you ever be with the Lord Jesus! Even so come Lord Jesus! Maranatha!
Doesn't this sound like something you'd like? or learn to like? love maybe? Read I Thessalonians 4:13-17 and I Corinthians 15:1-7ff for instance, and maybe John chapter three whole chapter.
In context, "God be merciful to me a sinner," was said an open appeal brokenhearted and statement made faithfully by a Tax-gatherer of whom it was said in a parable told by Jesus as to one who humbles himself before God this man having beaten upon his breast saying those words. Jesus told this parable about people who think themselves righteous and show contempt for others. This parable shows a humility before God by this publican who came home exalted and justified having humbled himself in a simple but great way before God. You can be like this person, if Jesus is your Lord and you are (acting in responsible fashion.)
I'm proposing God is love and Jesus shows it all along our way having died in our place. There is a testifying that Jesus Paid It All all in a regard to our sin debt. It's all too clear that the deliverance over sin Christ won to gain our salvation for us was complete over sin, death, hell; Christ makes us alive inside, whole, complete, & individually directed in His path. That's why it's said by us to glorify Him with all our lives as ecclesia (Greek for Church,) the called out ones, as witnesses (maryturos in Grk.,) and as testifying 'believers' uniquely it follows that...
The Word of God states as fact that by His speaking God spoke and the cosmos is on the sixth day created by His hands, even man was created in the image of God He him and her in the Garden of Eden and He rested on the seventh day. It's in the image of God Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, were created from the dust of the ground by His hand or fingers. Because of the Fall of man this image of God fell & man disobeyed in the eyes of the Lord, failing Him. God's Spirit died in man & man's spirit died in God's Presence. God would walk with man in the sunset portion or cool of the day to fellowship before this. Man started a downward spiral apart from God but God always has a remnant and was there to walk him with as usual. Adam and Eve fell to the serpent misleads and this caused a substantial crises to man. This happened as they disobeyed God's command to not eat the fruit God said no to eat, but they ate it, though man was still made in God's image and had free will moral agency, and they failed God's test and were reprimanded. And man made fig leaves to cover his/her nakedness at an attempt to reconcile with God but God made provision of a sacrificed animal without help from man, for that Miracle God did, to produce *Redemption of the likeness and image of God returned. But even today in this very moment you can be free to live for God with obedience and persevere to inherit promises because that likeness of God or image of God is returned in godly hope inclined in high anticipation that doesn't make us ashamed at all because the love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit Romans 5. In salvation through the conduit of love being saved in hope that is of Another Kind in the Spirit faith in Jesus Christ for salvation is believed. It's on my plate to believe the likeness of God aspects of design-architect provider-Father God our Creator He returns at Calvary, all BECAUSE His love restores us future tense if we go on forward with Him. His LOVE IS SHOWN US, revealed in the Son of God Jesus in His earthly visitation in His Son in His LONG-HEARTED PASSION shown Sovereignly sacred appointed attitude toward us is for us for a timing particular of punctilinear (point in time, greek tense: aorist indicative) of saving faith (continuing) based on the intellectual intelligent, emotions, moods, emotional affect, and spiritual sides of man I and others have observed in intervention from Abba Daddy God in my life and that of others given and is for eternal life 'in the now' exposed and declared fact by Him. He wants our attention! Signs along the road of life show us God is love! HE IS FOR US! We can believe He is good like: 'crazy good' in being possibly, positively, and humanely opportune in us for His will to be accomplished for His ways His Kingdom and this is well and good. Lets be real in faith to God IN THE YES OF CHRIST, for we will believe on His Name: for salvation is of the Jews.
In fact, these eternal Spiritual wooings of God's glory, literally the out-rays He's revealing to us are working for us as christians in name and for a few of us, character too, an unseen underspoken eternal weight of glorious worth of far more weight and exceeding value above every circumstance or purposefully unjust but useful suffering we endure in God no matter how we're pressed (Greek: thillipsis) re: our path and how we experience life. We thank Him in everything and acknowledge Him in all our ways, trust Him, and take the faith-trust to receive the salvation He offers with all our whole hearts like a childlike child would trust an adult. It's believed that to the undershepherd the work of salvation is done and that Finished He will show up all along our way in His Holy Spirit's Presence in us. We will then be ready to be cradled into heaven by Him or ushered in by Him while we're obeying in the present and following Him in obedience being persevering adopted regenerated sons and daughters of His belonging to the end! God says, "all creation is eagerly (waiting) hoping on hippity-hoppity tip toe anticipating with joy for the adoption of the sons of God even for the redemption of our bodies. For all creation shall be liberated in a manner similiar like to the children of God's liberty someday." (See Bible verses on the Kingdom of God in the New Millenium, in Psalms, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah, etc. and Romans 8:22-27.)
God is Love! Know you need to be Reborn and that Rebirth is by the Holy Spirit's Power and Resurrection of Christ Jesus, and that it's provided by Him for that pleasing we should receive it *to experience God if we come by His Son's Blood in faith living it out? Relationships matter to God. In the Word of God "christian" is only mentioned two times but the Bible, "disciple" is: *over 350 times. Do you know that? Therefore He doesn't come in the front door and therefore leave-to go out the back door. He came in to stay in relationships!!!!! He came in His Greatness to reveal to us His Faithfulness. We love Him because He first loved us and for that we're greatly benefited by being hidden with Christ in God forgiven much specificly ecerything before salvation if we believe Him: take part, involve your belief in God's salvation by getting 'into His boat.'
Israel believed in the future he would come. They look forward, we look back. About Our Savior Jesus Then We Read In The Bible: The Gentiles were grafted in to the one Olive Tree; The enmity was abolished through Christ: We see through a glass darkly, pictures of salvation all around us and the reality is especially (in Jesus) the Living Word:
Jesus was name called, meaning it was put upon him unjustly, "the friend of sinners," "a glutton, a winebibber," " a sinner like one of us," because He ate and drank with sinners but knew God through and through and as His all in all and He spoke knowingly with authority, did the work of God, and yet loved (infamous sinners like us) but didn't engage in their sinful acts or sin as a principle. Jesus Great Teacher And Physician, Eternal Savior (descriptions of His acts and title) pleased God perfectly. Not only did He please God but He obeyed God the Father so much so that also He was declared to be the very God Most High by men and by angels. Believed on, here on earth He could see in every man or woman there's a DEEP AND WIDE HURTING--A DESPERATELY WICKED HURT (who can know it?)--- THAT HE ONLY COULD KNOW THE REMEDY FOR AND HE ONLY COULD SAVE AND DELIVER US FROM HE BEING GOD IN THE FLESH SOVEREIGN OVER EVERY OTHER NAME OR PERSON OR INDIVIDUAL. Exactly where (God knows) the human condition has a 'need' or request personally & individually with God and men for saving, He Holily Executed It On The Cross He being sensitive to it's fruition and result. God Incarnate was in Jesus Christ crucified for the sins of mankind for our salvation. In life He vicariously lived His Holy Nature in Himself expressed He our Savior, 100% God 100% man. His proud godly prerogatives to do His own thing He gave up doing (with the Father and Holy Spirit's help) to help and liberate man living 33 1/2 years on the earth. Wherever He laid His head down & worked, & traveled there was light most precious. Where sin abounded grace did much more abound as Jesus Christ obeyed to a t a sinful humanity's Death on the Cross. He saw the goal and His point in time (importance) and magnified the Father while the Spirit did the work of signs, wonders, and miracles through Christ. He was come for this very purpose to go to the Cross. And when considering WHETHER He is Lord, liar, or lunatic if you read the Gospels as clearly as we do you begin to estimate to believe and envision that He's the genuine McCoy: the God-man by what He says, and is, and by the failure of those around Him, in other words in an anti-thetical sense: (they failed before the Cross in weakness,) but you have to decide too rather than sit on the fence. It's right to believe He is Lord! He is our Savior from sin! He even said to top it all off, "If you can't believe what I say, believe on the basis of the very works sake." And what lovely altogether fullness of God type lovely works! He never spoke out against anybody, never did harm to anybody in any writing of the Gospels. The people said of Him, "He does all things well." "He makes both the blind to see and the deaf to hear." "He raises the dead." "To the poor the Gospel is preached," Luke 4:19. He was gentle as gentle could be, but inwardly He knew all men & what was in men and judged a situation therefore quick in God's fear. He was genuinely mighty inside like Moses was and more so (Hebrews says 'as a son') but He exhausted Satan's tactics so very mightily, constantly, consistently, faithfully entrusting overcoming the world, the flesh, and the devil, and his hordes in this life, to obeying God in reliance as to a pleasing aroma (not just rote obeying,) but with Charismata Power. This wasn't self-reliance on Himself but absolute trust in the Heavenly Father to do the works in self-reliance upon God AND Himself. God works through personality. By the Spirit through grace He obeyed the Father and God filled His ways full with the Spirit, and therefore He lived in a 'VERY GODLY PLEASING WAY TO GOD,' even through every obstacle AND when it conflicted as many a time it did: as the Word of God's plan vs. man's. He had a Godly "aroma" as they say in the Greek Dialect, (a Charismata.) "He smelled of good deeds." He passed every trial every exam.
Jesus also said, "If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto Me." This He said speaking of His Atoning Death on Calvary and Risen Life after subsequently being buried three days, and ascended to the Kingdom of God Heavenly Throne where He would take away sins exalted above every other creature or name. He said, "the Kingdom of God is come near," therefore repent, change your mind and attitudes and amend your ways from the inside out. His short life, Death, and Resurrection show His power (like controlled dynamite) over creation to save us being efficacious or effectual. He could have called twelve legions of angels to save Him on that day on the cross. But He didn't. He predicted His Death and events to follow: how, why and when it would happen at Calvary 2000 years ago. Christ literally BECAME sin for us and suffered the pain of our remediation or redemption. Every sin we will transgress or commit from the past, into the future, and even the present was forgiven then in an eternity of eternities He experiencing wrath of sinful humanity hanging in pain on the Cross for you and I. His Death over sins and for sin and subsequent Resurrection from the dead is become our victory over sin and death, hell, and the grave resulting in our glorifying witnessing unto our Lord's testimony. He meekly came a Preacher of righteousness of right relationship to God as our Father above, sent Him in fullness of His Essence to save. But He came a servant the first time and we did not recognize Him. But it was to be the overthrow of the Holy Spirit in control of His heart and His life at every minute and eventuality and by exchange to our lives too if we submit. John the Baptist was a forerunner of Messiah a disciple/preacher close at His heels to introduce personal revival. Are you in control of your life and destiny to God? Jesus Christ called God His Father and accepted man's worship having made Himself equal with God, and in kenosis, His self-emptying, He thought being like God not something to be grasped but obeyed God even to an iota and an oomlat (greek grammatical character,) a Death on the Cross. His act of laying His life down willingly for us in Crucifixion Death is the demonstraton of God's love personified to each person potentially to save them from a life of wandering sin (which Jude says results in blackness of darkness in fires of hell, a warning) (for those who constantly reject God's love) of which I am explaining is the 'basis for our evangelical faith for believing.' Scripture says, "No greater love has any man, than he that lays down His life for his friends," Jesus said. Jesus calls us His own in the dramatic present, *"and no longer do I call you servants but I call you *friends." For He said, "For I tell you what I'm doing." He's not our Lord until we make Him Lord and never our buddy. And through intimacy is there. He's not our homeboy neither but has over 100 titles in the New Testament where we honor Him.
So then that His Blood spilt in fact was effectual for us as life changing truth and if even one drop of it fell to the ground it was sufficient to buy us from our sins is truth. This is in verity. The proof of Christianity is changed lives. What are we doing with His Blood? The Blood of Jesus Christ saves lives. God's Plan through His Son was for the Trinity to work in cohesive fashion and in tandem and save mankind. Christ was the Father's only Son sent as an Innocent Righteous Lamb to die for the sins of all mankind, even for the few who will accept Him, life for life to pay God the Ransom for us. He through the Spirit, exogenerated (without creation nor generation) from the Father in the power of the Spirit lived, and died once for us all.
In the Old Testament a promise of forgiveness, or really obedience rewarded (for that is how the Old Testament worked, or should I say failed to work) and Atonement for sin for another year was obtained in trust looking ahead by the shedding of blood, the blood of dead bulls, rams, and ashes of a heifer as the Spirit of God came upon people per se for the coming of Messiah. Old Testament saints were never quite sure God heard. This is because there was every year remembrance of sins and Jesus came to put away sin once for all. When Jesus by His pleasing aroma to the Father at the Mercy Seat in Heaven and through living a perfect life without sin on earth lived it out at His Death He became the Innocent Righteous Holy Lamb Of God's Sacrificial Choosing in God's Sight: re: Our New Covenant. When Christ died He led captivity captive, emptying Abraham's bosom of good souls and He gave good gifts to men including giving the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Day. God wants us now born again, and this the theme of scripture throughout therefore, that is receiving salvation by faith and trust in Him, accepting Christ as Savior and Lord and living it out and out for Him. Old T saints looked ahead to Messiah, and we look back to Him. Set Him always before you. Live for no other cause than that He is always with you and your desire is to delight in and glorify Him. And dreaming His dream for you we dream can become like God's dream for us overall in the Body of Christ always increasing us. But in this life in Him He must increase and we must decrease. We weep God's tears pray God's prayers and hope God's hope for Paradise or Heaven as we learn concerning the next life, its heavenly destination for our own, home as we call it, is from God direct. Therefore remain in His love and do everything to make your calling and election sure. Rejoice therefore your names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
We're saved by faith and repentance believing God in His Messages by evangelical faith through the Son Jesus Christ. Believing Jesus Christ is a partnership with Him to God following Christ in a Risen life and you and I and He can be engaged under a different system then than the unsaved. You can see God wants us for His own belonging children joined in Spirit to Him, belongingly, Family. He made us for His co-heirs in co-laboring, spirits that have a body, free will moral agents that are His and that decide or choose 'yes' to Him. God's ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts are higher than our thoughts; always His Bible propounds His ways and His thoughts come higher than ours. For its 'All of the Bible for all of the world,' as JHM.ORG John Hagee says. His idea is not for us to be forever joining a church nor hyper-ventilating religiously nor turning over a new leaf (to hide from God nor sorrow for being caught,) as in reforming alone but a coming to God His way in salvation through faith in Christ once for all for a dynamic Kingdom of God state TRANSFORMATION ongoing. Those unsaved or those straddling the fence my plea is that you decide by seeing that God made Jesus big before your eyes and what it is to have rightness before God and be right in a stand in forgiveness & how awesome God the Eternal Father is in providing this. I encourage you to get saved. Jesus pulled no punches in preaching a straight-forward spot right on Gospel hard showing how difficult it's made for the rich and proud to see or enter the Kingdom of God without 'eyes to see' and 'ears to hear' that are reborn then that become bondslaves of the King subssequently. If you want to be great in God's Kingdom you have to serve and be willing to serve at the lowest job, be least of all, and last. Jesus never judged at all anyone for wanting to be great. He encouraged it anong the twelve.
Jesus makes a difference in a life bound for heartache and defeat. He came to seek and to save the lost in sin, ruination, the sinful, bruised, battered, broken, and shattered people He created. Does that include yourself, at least of all, by first birth through water, and by blood, and the will of man? You bet it does. See John's Gospel ch. three. Like Paul before religious Felix, Festus, or King Agrippa the royals do you feel almost persuaded to become a "Second Birth Christian" of Hupernikao (Greek for super victory) strength? Jesus, God incarnate did His Father's business always and never moved from center which would be the case if He were to work on His own. But He ALWAYS knew from age 30 on that He was sent by the Father and was to perform signs through the initialization of the Father & through the Spirit, the Spirit also speaking of Him: He pleased God perfectly obediently making Him the PERFECT sacrificial LAMB for sin not just great moral teacher or example. If it was right on Jesus was up on it. He acted nonetheless right properly and not from His own initiative and He was good in that most highest moral sense of goodness. It was cool for Him to not obey the religion but God alone truly. "HE SPOKE IN ELOQUENCE TO MAN AND VERY WELL ARTICULATED IN PUBLIC. IN FACT HE IN PERFECTION ACTED HUMBLY & KINDLY TO PEOPLE HE TOUCHED AND HEALED, AND THEIR DISEASES HE FREELY IMMEDIATELY INSTANTLY HEALED AND MADE READY ALL THOSE WITH VARIOUS TYPES OF ILLNESSES FOR TODAY DIVINE MIRACLES NEEDED HE PERFORMED IN AND THROUGH US. HIS DIVINE ENABLEMENT WAS BY HIS FATHER DIRECTLY AND BY HIS FATHER'S FAVOR. He spoke in a different way to the Pharisees who thought themselves good enough who were not after the Spirit and who despised God's way and other people: really Pharisee, Sadducees, teachers of the law, and scribes that kept the letter of the law but not the spirit of the law. *Jesus healed many on the Sabbath on the other hand rebuked the Pharisees and Saducees and genuinely hearted man and healed all who came. He crossed a then racial lines barrier to do it. He healed several people from a few miles distance, and by spoken word alone sometimes healed, that incomparable Christ did. All who came were healed by Him of various & diverse kinds of illness or diseases. He commended calling "great" the faith of two persons outsiders to the Jewish Nation. He raised at least three people from the dead. He walked on water at least once and the storm had to be quiet when He spoke to it. He touched the sick and the hurting in the earth and the world could not contain the books that would be written concerning of all He said and did in other words what that Jesus the Mighty Prophet, Healer, the Lord, Great Physician, Savior, Prophet, Priest, and Exalted King both began to do and say and teach.
In hearing the still small voice of God and heeding then at one's conscience then to "get saved" convicted convinced is right on. It tells one so convicted convinced then to live for God redeemed leaving sin and everything behind by following Christ a disciple in the revealing and receiving of the revelation of His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ in the heart (by faith in His Risen Presence inside which is by His Resurrection from the dead.). The Word of God spoken by God's Voice inside us causes us to practice God's Presence and individually the Holy Spirit TRANSFORMS US daily because the dynamic power for being this witness is, "hearing is by faith and hearing by the Word of God (Logos.") The Word of God prevails. It reveals God's Perfect Will *His blueprint plans. Now this can turn up the heat on your own life or lifestyle (your plans,) OR bring His Victory if you're (quoting Paul,) 'in Christ.' Are you good ground for Him?
God through Paul spoke of the relationship to God within of engagement of faith in the will and in the Holy Spirit of being 'in Christ,' following our exalted Head the Holy Son of God with Whom we're called to fellowship I Cor 1:9. There is freedom and victory in serving our Creator and letting our light shine before men clearly demonstrating Christ as crucified as God's salt and light displayed clearly knowing God is by getting to know Jesus. The entrance of Thy words gives light. In Thy light shall we see light. In golden light and love of God through the Son while identifying with the statement "the cross was victorious" and walking in Christ by His belief system for you (His ways) you'll at once realize by grace and mercy that you're a sinner. It may not hit you right off the bat or it may like a ton of bricks right away to realize it. We seem to miss the revealing of God's true glory so easily. God revealed through Christ's Atonement being greatly believed reaps a great victory in the shedding of Christ's Blood having slain the enmity thereby between Jew and Gentile and between man and God for us. It bridged with grace man's lack of God's image as well and truthfully literally God turned the world upside down. For God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself not counting men's sins against them and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. This belief in God through Christ Who is the Personal Savior Who loves us everlastingly and unconditionally practically makes us godly (Holy also.) God embraces us in the Finished Work of the Cross with His own doing and work, working for His good pleasure both to will and to do within us intimate knowledge of us in Him. And through the Death and Resurection of Himself pouring out the fullness of the cup of the New Covenant or Testament for the remission of sins for the few in His Blood. It's unmerited favor from Himself toward us who believe. It's truly like God signing a will, and dotting every i and crossing every t to ensure the Kingdom arrives at its destination. He does it of Himself fear not it's His good pleasure to do it. God sows a Family to Himself one by one as individuals. Realizing from His kindness at wooing us with glory we have all sinned. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The Bible states that plain fact. In a real sense only God can help us realize we're sinners. God wants with simply devoted hearts and with complexity for us to get involved in us lovingly so that with our particular woes and wants in our particular personality to gets His hands into our lives and this through our faith co-laboring and the Holy Spirit's operation. He has shown such care over us and love over us while we were ungodly and His enemies that He has with indiscriminate and STRONG unconditional EMBRACING LOVE for us poured out His Personality in forgiveness of sins & New Nature on us. We must give Him our total attention. The Trinity: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit have each one offices and chores: and benefactors we, as beneficiaries: are the inheritors of the inheritance, and are inheriting the heritages of the Bible. God's love is unconditional. But His RIGHTEOUSNESS is conditional on you believing obediently partaking or cooperating with Him as a team in faith with He being the Head and taking the lead role. We need to know God through the Holy Spirit in the overthrow of our lives He taking the lead role of Lordship where Christ sits on the Throne of our hearts and lives. Everywhere individually and corporately by experientially having knowledge of Hin not just knowing ABOUT Him... being Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient and Immutable as unchanging invisible attributes because He is that, but to see and love Him for the Person staturely personally and with Character that He Is. He is to be known by and in the subjective reality of objectivity in the holy face of Jesus Christ with the glory of God Pre-Emminant and love for God genuine if we're born of the Spirit. He's the Spirit and is side by side with us comforting tutoring how to live for Him if we're born again. Knowing God 'in Christ' is an awesome privilege that becomes to us a sitting, a walk, and a standing as was said by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians. In being disciples we're taught all Christ said and did to observe it. For instance in our discerning: we're seated with Christ in the heavenlies. And the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus He allows us to experience in God's Presence is as one saved at peace with God because we're confidently sure of His atoning mercy at the Mercy Seat where He is in the Midst. For "He has set us free from the law of sin and death" is a holy principle and this means the taking away of sins by a law of spiritual airlift for the eternally sealed saved to enjoy spiritually at all times. Our present obedience is our present and future assurance of eternal seal and safety and our confidence is in Him, in His obedience within, and in trust in Him to abide and He to lead and direct. Vices or addictions like sins of the spirit or flesh are gone after a coming to Christ. Christ puts away sins. He is the Goal, the Gate. He is the Door, the Bread, and Wine. The objective facts or absolute truth we have because the truth is in Jesus the Bible declares Ephesians 4. But unsaved people tend to want to run the gamut of sinfulness in addictive habits in drawn up plans it for though. They getting drunk or high, sinfully are caring away their conscience's which would erroneously tell them its ok, rather than listen and hear God's spiritual answer of the indwelling Christ, the salvation of soul and spirit through which is found in Christ alone inside. It is living hope, the hope of glory of His satisfying Oneness of satisfying within saving and indwelling hope Biblically within. God's Presence inside and extroverted by believers. Then its a walk knowing you're energized by the Holy Spirit in it in a flow with God. You having done all you can, to be sure you've made the commitment to become born again and stay in Him you stand (Eph.6:12-14.) You're aware you're a crucified person to sin because at Calvary you're likening it to the gaining the mind of God having died with Christ (Paul said it was so,) suffering grief wrongfully in allowing men 2000 years ago approximately to plait a circle of thorns upon His head and identifying with it in today in every temptation you thilipsis (experience a pressing, pressure, squeezing, and narrowing.) By grace you feel and experience God's outs.
Listen you are absolutely somebody because "God don't make no junk." God's not angry with you because of the Cross. In fact He loves you. It's love from Him uncondemningly solid He has forgiven you for Jesus dying on the Cross for you is a proclamation God allows us to say to you and you believed. God's way out of this world and it's system is an escape of salvation in the Holy Spirit and it's in you following Christ in the way born again. His escape's are gentle. It's His gentle forbearing way to keep you blemishless and unreproachable and undeniably your spirit, soul, and body be presented blameless before the Father at His coming. So then that because we see we have a sinful nature that sins of tendency and fails God's glory that this nature must be forever dealt with. I'll explain this. Everybody is eternal and every soul is soberly willfully unseen eternity of spirit and will find a home in either of two places based on a destiny built by evangelical faith. Like a fish out of water will you not enjoy heaven without God's recreating you by New Birth. You need God. We do. Like putting nails in your coffin you feel strong nailing in the flesh but revulse in the Spirit at your hideous strength outside God's realm to bless you. Having been saved then it's there in escrow but you need to give up voluntarily acting out as to loving the world in an unkind way and its allure by the Power of the Spirit until you're crucified to it to the best of your knowledge and ability in Jesus. Believe Jesus Christ paid it all for you in your sin debt so you could go free because He did by your getting involved placing yourself under Himself. God will tell you what this entails. He holds the nails to your coffin of deadness to sin and atttraction to it.. "From now on you will only see dead Egyptians," Moses was told by God. You identify with Christ's crucifixion and hold on to admit to being and doing wrong, say you're sorry, and "I repent," all to God in one mouth and blessing. You get out of your prison and walk out. You nail it shut and leave old ways behind and learn what you can from them to neglect those old ways coming to Christ for help following after the Holy Spirit. You let Christ's Righteousness on you be thus for you your real new evidence of newness of life. You follow after Christ denying yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him. Christ literally becomes your Door to the Father and to every one of His opportunities in access full and free. His righteous life: your right standing. His Death: your justification, His Resurrection: your glorification Romans 8:30.
But He sees overall us in our messes but doesn't like us to harm ourselves which sin does (Greek word for sin is harm-a-tia, ie. sin harms.) Christ's Resurrection has changed everything becoming God's propitiation for sin. The word for propitiation in Greek is sounding like the word, 'hilarity,' or joy. When He sees us, He sees the perfect righteousness of Christ which He's focused on. Yes there is joy when Jesus and God are satsified and pleased.
"For it's not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, "says the Lord of Hosts. "And the violent Kingdom suffers violence and the violent take the Kingdom by force, and forceful men take hold of it." Whosoever comes to Christ a sinner admitting he/she is a sinner that sins before Him (that comes to Him once and for all through His Son,) they are declared justified as they walk it out in grace in His sight. As Savior He takes away your sins in reality & over time gives you a holy lifestyle which becomes a substantial holy right living pattern. Christ is the answer and solution to all man's problems as we come to Him by faith. At the peace table where Christ will sit at the Head imagine way before this, going through your whole life living it (Zoe, the God kind of life,) to its fullest features animated in completion by God Himself having everything and heaven in escrow and sealed by His Spirit: the confirmed righteousness in heaven. The extent is without limit in Jesus' potential in you Christ Himself inside He being the Source of your being!!! It's fullness of the Spirit and Power in the Spirit a biblically real feeling, because true grace does not lead to license to sin but truly grace is in Jesus proclaimed and it is much more in its result than the sin of the one man Adam destroyed in Eden and this is Biblical. The unseen is eternal and the more real in God's Kingdom than the seen which is temporary and subject to corruption. Topsy turvy is the expression for the things within the Kingdom of God Spirit. A parable has one main teaching and is an earthly story with a twist of heavenly meaning (or in fact one main teaching.) All things become new in God at salvation in you and in newness of life God saves you, being infused with the right kind of hope, the kind with God is your Source. You live abundantly a life IN Christ and commit more and persevere at an attempt at an endure to the end. It's by the Holy Spirit coming along side you in an overthrow (Greek Paracletos, Comforter; Mentor up close.) Again the violent take the Holy Spirit and the Kingdom Of God by force. This is war against the devil and all evil. On that condition of being on God's side born again you're qualified to interpret the Bible correctly. For after salvation you put on like a piece of clothing a New Self which is created in Righteousness & true Holiness of the truth which is Christ Himself which the Holy Spirit sanctifies you to do. And this isn't a step but for there are no steps to sanctification. It's an act of the will however. There's level ground at the cross where we're being made holy imparted Christ does alone for you within your faith we participating and by the Holy Spirit's involved intervention and infused interaction in progressive sanctification. It's one act, (this saving happens from past, present, and future sins.) But there is a past, present, and future aspect to being saved infused completely the righteousness of our King the Lord Jesus in a right standing position.
We're never spot right on there in sinless perfection in salvation because we sin even after being reborn but not consistently or as habit. In fact we like very much to withdraw away from sin and sinful practices et al. After getting saved we have no obligation to sin nor to the sinful nature. Like a corpse we don't have to respond when tempted. We can let Jesus take over and answer the door to the temptation victoriously.
Practically present your bodies at God's altar (you make the application) in your heart in prayer as spirits that have a body in view of God's mercy! Be born again. Born twice, die once. Born once you die twice. The latter wouldn't be good.
It's by the Holy Spirit's making Jesus Lord of you that you progress in the sanctification process. And in this every department or area of lifestyle the Savior CAN BE YOUR LIFE indeed, and LORD IN YOU, and you crucified in exchanged ALIVE TO GOD example not of a sanctimonious person but of one living holy for Him. Holiness is something God does and is. He changes us by transforming our lives metamorphosizing us as in a mirror in our beholding the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ in the Word as Lord as in a reflection (becoming conformed to His image) in a trial, or a tribulation, who mirror His words in a glorious word infusion in and of scripture. We get this vision reading the Bible and doing what it says. We get a likeness or new nature from God to live intently for God: focused by Jesus Himself being within us Holy and in the flow: the Standard in Holiness. He who has the Son has life! If you don't have the Spirit and the Son inside.. there is no life spiritually in you. You are dead in trespasses and sins and need a complete makeover in an eternal sense. Do you practice the Presence of God? Yes its possible and you can if you come to Him in the way of the Christ's Blood, belonging to Christ's .
Will you accept His Gift? Eternal Life? Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Him John 14:6. One is truly excersizing his gift of faith to be subsequently saved, and sins are taken away gone in being born again accepting Him! You're Forgiven! There is a sea of forgetfulness in God's sight. We draw near to God. Justified. Jesus is all we will ever know of God He showing us an exact replica image of God (see Hebrews 12; 1:3.) Don't you want to know this God more Who did so much for you in love and did so no less while you were His enemies and in umgodliness? If we let God turn it around for us, and repent, we will feel changes and we will feel His love HAPPEN in us. You experience God's love first for the first time and come into His atmosphere breathing katharticly IN, His Spirit. He breathes in you His atmosphere filling you with the Holy Spirit inside. We follow after Christ, deny yourself, & take up our cross, our own, not His nor anybody else's, and FOLLOW HIM! This is how we occupy until He comes back. Obediently we call ourselves bondslaves of His own. We seek the Fullness of God. We want to be found faithful, good stewards, feeding the servants their food and not beating the manservants but last, least, and lowest.
We are receptive recipients of His Word like ever trusting receptive children. If God said it that settles it for us now. God dealt with the sin issue on the Cross. It's like we lose our life in friendships and associations we give up down here to find it in the Kingdom of God Spirit and eternal life in the Holy Spirit. Dynamicly transformed by the Spirit in grace you stay renewed. Keep renewing your mind daily moment by moment. Your spirit will keep your needs refreshing in refreshment as you remain in the Word of God having made a sincere decision of mental assent, comittment to, and follow through in accepting Jesus Christ for yourself of salvation trusting Him. With God's help you keep your mental diet a spiritual one. And then try to not think like the unsaved nor have their problems at all Romans 12:2. "Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you might prove what is that good, perfect, and acceptable Will Of God," the verse goes. You put off the old nature like a garment with its covetous lusts and receive from the Lord your new festival garment and embrace the new nature in everything. Problems never seem to go away but you're renewed in the Lord and you change and they (the problems) they mix it up in God's timing for a solution. The way out is up to God.
We look into the face of our Father. Scripture says of the New Birth, "old things have passed away, the new has come," & Hebrews says, "I will put my laws into their hearts and on their minds I will write them." In our new born again mind from Christ (see Phil 2.) taking up residence, and spirit-formed zeal of God we're receptive for a new heart and a new spirit and by the Holy Spirit renewing daily and fed and nourished by Him to be equipped for grace-filled service to God and to man being saved now. This is by our apostles (that go into new territory,) prophets (forth-tell and fore-tell,) pastor's, teachers, and evangelists who are gifts to us. By these we know the right tool for the job. No man can love without Jesus Christ. Neither can we do anything of lasting worth unless we abide in Christ and remain. It may be love as truly meant or lust so-called to give up, or love for someone in authority or family, or be romance that is true on earth but God's love lasts eternally everlasting and for the good of other's lives according to I Corinthians 13 aspects characteristics. Jesus Christ has Finished The Work forever and you are seated with Him in the Heavenlies, Risen or raised with Him also so live in the precious light of His love risen inside to abundant life like it is so if you bravely want to take God at His Word in this venture. God created us and He claims complete ownership of our being as Lord Creator Redeemer Designer. "If we lived like this Book is real for one week, men would seem to repent in ways we don't know about," was declared by Charles Finney. Salvation is entirely by faith by grace in God's sight in the Spirit from Him. We become then God's sons Spirit-led to share unfathomable riches in Christ and living it out by us in Him. And fruition is certainly probable and possible as you're sweetly transformed in the spiritual DNA of Him of Whose new motives they are from God alone. This is from sin to a changed life. Trouble diminishes then making Jesus Lord as a part of being in the Holy Spirit's plan. But God ministers to us and raises us up to walk on mountains too and so to become who we never could be. His rod and staff comfort us. We hear the Good Shepherd's Voice and a stranger we will not follow. Everywhere a revival or riot follow and we will rise on eagle's wings.
The Certificate of debt is destroyed which was against us Col 2:13,14. Christ begins to process the fruit of a Christian life in and through us in the Spirit. Hallelujah! What a Soul Salvation Fellowship! A Soul Koinonia! Read Galations 5:22,23.
We have come in faith to Jesus for a Divine Blood Transfusion: it's a curative and corrective Gospel by the Great Physician, that's from our Savior. We let the Word of Christ divide in us and dwell within us richly Col 3:16.
Love God and let it go, to live to obey the Gospel. Let everything else go. Live life loving in a tenderheartedness sympathizing with others. Compassion is going to cost. Salvation is not of yourself by any means, not of works lest any man should boast. God's desire is that we not be religious, but we by grace and mercy follow through, to maintain a simple relationship and sometimes complex with our Lord Jesus and through Him & the Spirit obey God! Trinity is hard to comprehend. We are His Hands His Feet! Christianity is God having Bled for you at Calvary and not you bleeding in your attempt to get to God. We 'love God' as saints (greek Hagios) true, sincere, and with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and "love our neighbor" "as ourself," which is the summing up completely of the Old Covenant demand and New Covenant Life. We can't make God love us anymore than He does. He loves us strongly and with firmness.
This new life starts by faith now impregnated with the Word. Mt. 6:33 is, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." "Let God be true and every man a liar," scripture says, even about this good news, even a colorful NEWNESS OF LIFE not so much a reforming life but a colorful flavor-filled ABUNDANT LIFE in the Kingdom of God and eternal. Like a prize one gets in crossing a finish line run in a way that wins. So run that you may win your race in a way that is winning lawfully in God's grace accepting of the cost you're determining that is needed to your consciousness to living for Christ every moment to get the prize. This is not a passive thing though you don't do one thing to earn it. God's promise is to bring it to pass and you live in faith and you follow through what God is telling us so you can make it. He can make you a noble fit creature for Heaven and finish what He started in you abounding, a viral, vital part of God's Body & A New Creation. Affirm this in your mind. Let Christ say who you are and no other person or source. Come to God through Christ. Again come to Christ Phil 1:6; Gal 6:1ff. Go For Gusto With God In His Love! Forgiven! In Him You live, and move, and have your being and Are More Than A Conqueror Through His Love! Jesus said, "I am the Resurrection and the Life!" "He that believes in Me though he were dead yet shall he live though he dies! And whosoever lives and believes in Me shall never die." Max Lucado said and I agree, "Its All About Him And Not Us." Let your thinking processes and thoughts ruminate over and over how Holy a lifestyle God requires of us of godliness and holiness filled by Himself at times to filled fullness and power without which no man shall see God. Jesus was driven into the wilderness to hunt the devil down in the fullness of the Spirit as Sly Stallone Rambo. He came out in the Power of the Spirit in the style of Patton. This lifestyle can coexist in a sinful world side by side triumphant among unbelievers with whom you rub shoulders with. 11/12/2010
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( Now with podcasts of Church Services.)
Surrounded by Your glory What will my heart feel Will I dance for You Jesus Or in awe of You be still Will I stand in Your Presence Or to my knees will I fall Will I sing hallelujah Will I be able to speak at all I can only imagine I can only imagine So TRUE BLESSING BE MULTIPLIED TO YOU THROUGH THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD And through the SON, JESUS. He's the Christ. The Yeshua Homeshiak!.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Bethel Assembly of God Church Podcast: After the 70 Weeks: Daniel 10-11 (part 1)
Bethel Assembly of God Church Podcast: After the 70 Weeks: Daniel 10-11 (part 1): "This is a three-part series. Be sure you didn't miss part of it: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3."
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Revival and Renewal. Living For Jesus O What Bliss.
Revival and Renewal. Living For Jesus O What Bliss. my parish<<
When I think of what Christ has done how can I not think of believing, receiving Him! This Book, the Bible has been preserved over centuries and unlike any other work of authorship, has lasted intact. We learn better scholarship from better manuscripts being used in its translation. Josh McDowell has written a small work on how really fantastic the Bible is! "Evidence That Demands A Verdict," he wrote.
Jesus was especially humble with children. He was mighty and He healed, did well, with everyone loving there personhood for the unique individual they were. He was much more than a great moral teacher and example. He was sinless. Uniquely He, the perfect Lamb of God died for us. We nailed Him to a cross but the power of sin could not hold Him in the grave. He arose! Christ arose! Hallelujah, I'm saved! If I continue in the present receiving and obeying Him I'm on good secure ground.
You see the claims of Christ are in the four Gospels and anyone can learn how they affect one today is valid being objective facts of truth therein! I was a little child of four when I gave my heart to Christ to follow Him a disciple/learner student! I know I'm forgiven being the sinner I was. No one can be saved unless they humble there pride and come sincerely! I didn't need to learn to sin. I knew it was easy being even in childhood back then. But Christ gave me a "newness of life" and put a new man in my shoes! I don't want to do the things I used to do. I have the privelege of being God's friend. This is because Jesus finished His work on salvation and now He sits at the right of the Father. I grew up in a Pentecostal family in a godly home but I recognized I need to decide myself if the Bible is relevant and pertinent. I found it reasonable the way God reveals Himself progressively. The Bible says, "what is seen is temporal, what is unseen is eternal!" "It's one life, twill soon be past; only what's done for Christ will last," is a famous quote by someone. May you too recognize your need as a sinner for Christ and salvation by His grace (you can't earn it.) David Candel
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When I think of what Christ has done how can I not think of believing, receiving Him! This Book, the Bible has been preserved over centuries and unlike any other work of authorship, has lasted intact. We learn better scholarship from better manuscripts being used in its translation. Josh McDowell has written a small work on how really fantastic the Bible is! "Evidence That Demands A Verdict," he wrote.
Jesus was especially humble with children. He was mighty and He healed, did well, with everyone loving there personhood for the unique individual they were. He was much more than a great moral teacher and example. He was sinless. Uniquely He, the perfect Lamb of God died for us. We nailed Him to a cross but the power of sin could not hold Him in the grave. He arose! Christ arose! Hallelujah, I'm saved! If I continue in the present receiving and obeying Him I'm on good secure ground.
You see the claims of Christ are in the four Gospels and anyone can learn how they affect one today is valid being objective facts of truth therein! I was a little child of four when I gave my heart to Christ to follow Him a disciple/learner student! I know I'm forgiven being the sinner I was. No one can be saved unless they humble there pride and come sincerely! I didn't need to learn to sin. I knew it was easy being even in childhood back then. But Christ gave me a "newness of life" and put a new man in my shoes! I don't want to do the things I used to do. I have the privelege of being God's friend. This is because Jesus finished His work on salvation and now He sits at the right of the Father. I grew up in a Pentecostal family in a godly home but I recognized I need to decide myself if the Bible is relevant and pertinent. I found it reasonable the way God reveals Himself progressively. The Bible says, "what is seen is temporal, what is unseen is eternal!" "It's one life, twill soon be past; only what's done for Christ will last," is a famous quote by someone. May you too recognize your need as a sinner for Christ and salvation by His grace (you can't earn it.) David Candel
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A Gospel New Covenant Tract I Wrote

Winning With Christ In A Soul Salvation!
Hi friend! How Would You Like To Be A Personal Individual Friend Of God?! It's in an Abundant Life In Christ.
"It is the most attractive life of an intimate daily, constant, conscious feedback encounter with the Living God in Spirit and in truth and undiluted friendship with our fellow man!" - Francois Du Toit
Do you know that God loves you? Do you know the Bible tells of our Living Savior, Jesus Christ Risen as the Resurrected Exalted only Prophet, Priest, and King for men to get to God and we raised with Him to newness of life by His Atonement for sin, the God-man Expression of His Love for us, a great good right standing?! The Gospel is Good News. It's great good good news. Do you think of getting right with God? Do you know it's forgiveness of sins and the experience of knowing God? God loves you! Do you know God is love? Do you know God promises a newness of life? This happens through the Holy Spirit. It's not where you've been but where are you now. Do you have guts to follow Christ of God? What do you want from God? Tell Him. He wants our availability and our attention. He has blessed the little children and He has built His Church. He wants us in a relationship with Him and attending Church and have fellowship with others.
Now here's why I believe and hold true about *true personal relationship with the one and only true Living Creator: God gives us evangelical faith (which is a gift) to believe what He's done, what He's doing, and what He's going to do in the future! Do you recognize He loves you? Joyfully hilariously? That's love spelled l-o-v-e with much tender generosity, & lovingkindnesses. He has surely met your many needs and wants, food, clothing, and shelter by His hand. Do you have a certain object of faith? Is it holding you to something or SomeOne? It matters because this is the Incarnate God, He has revealed Himself: Christ the Son. For there's no formula to get to heaven but Christ He is the way! We are sinners and if you can fathom that you need God you need to know, the way is God in peace between you and He and that God loves you and wants you in His Will & in a personal way known by Him. For in God's Son, yes in His Fullness Resurrected Presence there is peace, joy and pleasures at His right hand evermore and this is all in knowing Him personally through Jesus Christ which starts with forgiveness of your sins. The Holy Spirit welcomes you to God's Family. God is buying you through your accepting Christ as Savior: Eternal life starts at the Cross! Salvation is an offense to the world because they can't understand it. Scripture says, "but if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him." It begins outside, you hearing the words of scripture and plan of redemption, then by belief in His finished work, from Christ's words drawing you near, hearing the still small voice of God to repent and responding to the Living Gospel. Living the Christian life isn't in self-righteousness but in Him depending on Him. Living as a Christian isn't silver or gold in having but having such things what God wants, contentment. Christ is our righteousness and we boast in Him alone. We're in His Presence constantly for in Him we live and move and have our being. Jesus Christ is the beginning and the end and fulfillment of righteousness to all who believe, for those who believe/receive His grace don't exert effort on their part for righteousness because they that do works alone to get to God aren't cutting the mustard. But as you have received Jesus Christ Savior and Lord as a child of God you will. Without help from the Holy Spirit its impossible. Walk in Him in dependence on Him. Receive Him like you would a familiar trusted friend. He is able to save and keep you personally found like in our Lord's parable in Luke 15 says. There God writes, "He rejoices and invites others to rejoice even over one sinner who repents." David Candel
Friday, July 02, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
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